<?php slot('sidebar') ?>
  <?php include_partial('registration/sidebar', array('process' => $process, 'registration' => $registration )) ?>  
<?php end_slot() ?>

<?php include_partial('registration/workflow_indicator', array( 'step' => 1 )) ?>  

<div class="alert alert-info"><?php echo bs_icon('icon-info-sign') ?>Durchsuche das Adressbuch nach Name, Email, etc.</div>

<div class="search">
  <form id="search_form_x" class="form-search" action="<?php echo url_for('registration_1_contact_search') ?>" method="get" onsubmit="return false">

    <div class="input-append">
      <input type="text" name="query" value="<?php echo $query ?>" id="search_keywords" class="span2 search-query" />
      <button type="submit" class="btn"><?php echo bs_icon('icon-search') ?></button>


<div class="form-container with_filters">

  <div id="information_placeholder" class="search_reload" style="display: none;">
    <div class="progress progress-striped active">
        <div class="bar bar-warning" style="width: 100%;">Loading ..</div>

  <div id="information" class="search_reload">
      <?php  include_partial('contact_list', 
  <dl class="dl-horizontal">

    <dt class="hidden-phone">
      <?php echo bs_icon('icon-envelope', '', 'icon-fixed-width muted') ?>
    <dd><strong><?php echo $ds_email_notification->getSubject() ?></strong></dd>

    <dt class="hidden-phone">From</dt>
    <dd><?php echo $ds_email_notification->getFrom() ?></dd>

    <dt class="hidden-phone">To
          <?php echo bs_icon('icon-user', '', 'icon-fixed-width muted') ?>
    <dd><?php echo $ds_email_notification->getTo() ?></dd>


  <dl class="dl-horizontal">

    <dt class="hidden-phone"></dt>
      <?php echo simple_format_text( $ds_email_notification->getBody() ) ?>
Ejemplo n.º 3
 * Creates an <input> button tag of the given name pointing to a routed URL
 * based on the module/action passed as argument and the routing configuration.
 * The syntax is similar to the one of link_to.
 * <b>Options:</b>
 * - 'absolute' - if set to true, the helper outputs an absolute URL
 * - 'query_string' - to append a query string (starting by ?) to the routed url
 * - 'anchor' - to append an anchor (starting by #) to the routed url
 * - 'confirm' - displays a javascript confirmation alert when the button is clicked
 * - 'popup' - if set to true, the button opens a new browser window 
 * - 'post' - if set to true, the button submits a POST request instead of GET (caution: do not use inside a form)
 * <b>Examples:</b>
 * <code>
 *  echo button_to('Delete this page', 'my_module/my_action');
 *    => <input value="Delete this page" type="button" onclick="document.location.href='/path/to/my/action';" />
 * </code>
 * @param  string $name          name of the button
 * @param  string $internal_uri  'module/action' or '@rule' of the action
 * @param  array  $options       additional HTML compliant <input> tag parameters
 * @return string XHTML compliant <input> tag
 * @see    url_for, link_to
function bs_button_to($name, $icon, $internal_uri, $options = array())
  $html_options = _parse_attributes($options);
  $content = bs_icon($icon).$name;

  if (!isset($html_options['class'])) $html_options['class'] = '';
  $html_options['class'] .= ' btn';

  if (isset($html_options['post']) && $html_options['post'])
    if (isset($html_options['popup']))
      throw new sfConfigurationException('You can\'t use "popup" and "post" together.');
    $html_options['type'] = 'submit';
    $html_options = _convert_options_to_javascript($html_options);

    return form_tag($internal_uri, array('method' => 'post', 'class' => 'button_to')).content_tag('div', tag('input', $html_options)).'</form>';

  $url = url_for($internal_uri);
  if (isset($html_options['query_string']))
    $url = $url.'?'.$html_options['query_string'];
  if (isset($html_options['anchor']))
    $url = $url.'#'.$html_options['anchor'];
  $url = "'".$url."'";
  $html_options['type'] = 'button';

  if (isset($html_options['popup']))
    $html_options = _convert_options_to_javascript($html_options, $url);
    $html_options['onclick'] = "document.location.href=".$url.";";
    $html_options = _convert_options_to_javascript($html_options);

  return content_tag('button', $content, $html_options);