Ejemplo n.º 1
  * Hooks the WP registered_post_type action.
  * @param string $post_type The post type which has just been registered.
  * @param object $args The arguments with which the post type was registered
  * @return void
 public function registered_post_type($post_type, $args)
     // Don't bother with non-public post_types for now
     // @FIXME: This may need to change for menus?
     if (false === $args->public) {
     // Don't shadow shadow post types, it's going to get silly
     if (in_array($post_type, $this->post_types)) {
     if ($this->no_recursion) {
     $this->no_recursion = 'registered_post_type';
     $langs = bbl_get_active_langs();
     // Lose the default language as any existing post types are in that language
     // $args is an object at this point, but register_post_type needs an array
     $args = get_object_vars($args);
     // @FIXME: Is it reckless to convert ALL object instances in $args to an array?
     foreach ($args as $key => &$arg) {
         if (is_object($arg)) {
             $arg = get_object_vars($arg);
         // Don't set any args reserved for built-in post_types
         if ('_' == substr($key, 0, 1)) {
     $features = $this->get_features_supported_by_post_type($post_type);
     $args['supports'] = array();
     foreach ($features as $feature => $true) {
         $args['supports'][] = $feature;
     // I am a little concerned that this argument may make things
     // brittle, e.g. the UI might stop showing up in the shadow
     // post type edit screens, p'raps.
     $args['show_ui'] = true;
     $slug = $args['rewrite']['slug'] ? $args['rewrite']['slug'] : $post_type;
     $archive_slug = false;
     if ($archive_slug = $args['has_archive']) {
         if (!is_string($args['has_archive'])) {
             $archive_slug = $slug;
     $current_lang_code = bbl_get_current_lang_code();
     foreach ($langs as $lang) {
         $new_args = $args;
         // @FIXME: We are in danger of a post_type name being longer than 20 chars
         // I would prefer to keep the post_type human readable, as human devs and sysadmins always
         // end up needing to read this kind of thing.
         // @FIXME: Should I be sanitising these values?
         $new_post_type = strtolower("{$post_type}_{$lang->code}");
         if (strlen($new_post_type) > 20) {
             trigger_error(sprintf(__('Warning: The translated name for the post type %s is longer than %d characters. This *will* cause problems.', 'babble'), esc_html($post_type), 20));
         if (false !== $args['rewrite']) {
             if (!is_array($new_args['rewrite'])) {
                 $new_args['rewrite'] = array();
             $new_args['query_var'] = $new_args['rewrite']['slug'] = $this->get_slug_in_lang($slug, $lang, $args);
             $new_args['has_archive'] = $this->get_slug_in_lang($archive_slug, $lang);
         $this->slugs_and_vars[$lang->code . '_' . $post_type] = array('query_var' => $new_args['query_var'], 'has_archive' => $new_args['has_archive']);
         // Don't let the translated post types show up in the search if their
         // language is not the current language.
         if ($lang->code != $current_lang_code) {
             $new_args['exclude_from_search'] = true;
             $new_args['capabilities']['create_posts'] = 'do_not_allow';
         $result = register_post_type($new_post_type, $new_args);
         if (is_wp_error($result)) {
             error_log("Error creating shadow post_type for {$new_post_type}: " . print_r($result, true));
         } else {
             $this->post_types[$new_post_type] = $post_type;
             $this->lang_map[$new_post_type] = $lang->code;
             // @TODO: Refactor the $this::lang_map array so we can use this new structure instead
             if (!isset($this->lang_map2[$lang->code]) || !is_array($this->lang_map2[$lang->code])) {
                 $this->lang_map2[$lang->code] = array();
             $this->lang_map2[$lang->code][$post_type] = $new_post_type;
             // This will not work until init has run at the early priority used
             // to register the post_translation taxonomy. However we catch all the
             // post_types registered before the hook runs, so we don't miss any
             // (take a look at where we register post_translation for more info).
             register_taxonomy_for_object_type('post_translation', $new_post_type);
     // Exclude the registered post type from search if it's language isn't
     // the current language.
     if ($current_lang_code != bbl_get_default_lang_code()) {
         $post_type_obj = get_post_type_object($post_type);
         $post_type_obj->exclude_from_search = true;
     do_action('bbl_registered_shadow_post_types', $post_type);
     $this->no_recursion = false;
  * Hooks the WP parse_request action 
  * FIXME: Should I be extending and replacing the WP class?
  * @param WP $wp The WP object, passed by reference (so no need to return)
  * @return void
 public function parse_request_early(WP $wp)
     // If this is the site root, redirect to default language homepage
     if (!$wp->request && !is_admin()) {
         remove_filter('home_url', array($this, 'home_url'), null, 2);
     // Otherwise, simply set the lang for this request
     if (!isset($this->content_lang)) {
         if (preg_match($this->lang_regex, $this->get_request_string(), $matches)) {
         } else {
     $wp->query_vars['lang'] = $this->content_lang;
     $wp->query_vars['lang_url_prefix'] = $this->url_prefix;
  * Hooks the WP registered_post_type action.
  * @param string $post_type The post type which has just been registered.
  * @param object $args The arguments with which the post type was registered
  * @return void
 public function registered_post_type($post_type, $args)
     // Don't bother with non-public post_types for now
     // @FIXME: This may need to change for menus?
     if (false === $args->public) {
     // Don't shadow shadow post types, it's going to get silly
     if (in_array($post_type, $this->post_types)) {
     if ($this->no_recursion) {
     $this->no_recursion = 'registered_post_type';
     $langs = bbl_get_active_langs();
     // Lose the default language as any existing post types are in that language
     // $args is an object at this point, but register_post_type needs an array
     $args = get_object_vars($args);
     // @FIXME: Is it reckless to convert ALL object instances in $args to an array?
     foreach ($args as $key => &$arg) {
         if (is_object($arg)) {
             $arg = get_object_vars($arg);
         // Don't set any args reserved for built-in post_types
         if ('_' == substr($key, 0, 1)) {
     $features = $this->get_features_supported_by_post_type($post_type);
     $args['supports'] = array();
     foreach ($features as $feature => $true) {
         $args['supports'][] = $feature;
     // I am a little concerned that this argument may make things
     // brittle, e.g. the UI might stop showing up in the shadow
     // post type edit screens, p'raps.
     $args['show_ui'] = true;
     $slug = $args['rewrite']['slug'] ? $args['rewrite']['slug'] : $post_type;
     $archive_slug = false;
     if ($archive_slug = $args['has_archive']) {
         if (!is_string($args['has_archive'])) {
             $archive_slug = $slug;
     $current_lang_code = bbl_get_current_lang_code();
     foreach ($langs as $lang) {
         $new_args = $args;
         $new_post_type = self::generate_shadow_post_type_name($post_type, $lang->code);
         if (false !== $args['rewrite']) {
             if (!is_array($new_args['rewrite'])) {
                 $new_args['rewrite'] = array();
             $new_args['query_var'] = $new_args['rewrite']['slug'] = $this->get_slug_in_lang($slug, $lang, $args);
             $new_args['has_archive'] = $this->get_slug_in_lang($archive_slug, $lang);
         $this->slugs_and_vars[$lang->code . '_' . $post_type] = array('query_var' => $new_args['query_var'], 'has_archive' => $new_args['has_archive']);
         // Don't let the translated post types show up in the search if their
         // language is not the current language.
         if ($lang->code != $current_lang_code) {
             $new_args['exclude_from_search'] = true;
             $new_args['capabilities']['create_posts'] = 'do_not_allow';
         $result = register_post_type($new_post_type, $new_args);
         if (is_wp_error($result)) {
             bbl_log("Error creating shadow post_type for {$new_post_type}: " . print_r($result, true), true);
         } else {
             $this->post_types[$new_post_type] = $post_type;
             $this->post_type_map[$new_post_type] = $lang->code;
             if (!isset($this->lang_map[$lang->code]) || !is_array($this->lang_map[$lang->code])) {
                 $this->lang_map[$lang->code] = array();
             $this->lang_map[$lang->code][$post_type] = $new_post_type;
             // This will not work until init has run at the early priority used
             // to register the post_translation taxonomy. However we catch all the
             // post_types registered before the hook runs, so we don't miss any
             // (take a look at where we register post_translation for more info).
             register_taxonomy_for_object_type('post_translation', $new_post_type);
     // Exclude the registered post type from search if it's language isn't
     // the current language.
     if ($current_lang_code != bbl_get_default_lang_code()) {
         $post_type_obj = get_post_type_object($post_type);
         $post_type_obj->exclude_from_search = true;
     do_action('bbl_registered_shadow_post_types', $post_type);
     $this->no_recursion = false;
Ejemplo n.º 4
  * Hooks the WP registered_taxonomy action 
  * @param string $taxonomy The name of the newly registered taxonomy 
  * @param string|array $args The object_type(s)
  * @param array $args The args passed to register the taxonomy
  * @return void
 public function registered_taxonomy($taxonomy, $object_type, $args)
     if (in_array($taxonomy, $this->ignored_taxonomies())) {
     if ($this->no_recursion) {
     $this->no_recursion = true;
     if (!is_array($object_type)) {
         $object_type = array_unique((array) $object_type);
     // Use the Babble term counting function, unless the taxonomy registrant
     // has defined their own – in which case we'll just have to hope against
     // hope that it's Babble aware :S
     // FIXME: Setting this in the following fashion seems hacky… I feel uncomfortable.
     if (empty($GLOBALS['wp_taxonomies'][$taxonomy]->update_count_callback)) {
         $GLOBALS['wp_taxonomies'][$taxonomy]->update_count_callback = array($this, 'update_post_term_count');
     // Untranslated taxonomies do not have shadow equivalents in each language,
     // but do apply to the bast post_type and all it's shadow post_types.
     if (!$this->is_taxonomy_translated($taxonomy)) {
         // Apply this taxonomy to all the shadow post types
         // of all of the base post_types it applies to.
         foreach ($object_type as $ot) {
             if (!($base_post_type = bbl_get_base_post_type($ot))) {
             $shadow_post_types = bbl_get_shadow_post_types($base_post_type);
             foreach ($shadow_post_types as $shadow_post_type) {
                 register_taxonomy_for_object_type($taxonomy, $shadow_post_type);
         $this->no_recursion = false;
     // @FIXME: Not sure this is the best way to specify languages
     $langs = bbl_get_active_langs();
     // Lose the default language as any existing taxonomies are in that language
     // @FIXME: Is it reckless to convert ALL object instances in $args to an array?
     foreach ($args as $key => &$arg) {
         if (is_object($arg)) {
             $arg = get_object_vars($arg);
         // Don't set any args reserved for built-in post_types
         if ('_' == substr($key, 0, 1)) {
     #$args[ 'rewrite' ] = false;
     $slug = $args['rewrite']['slug'] ? $args['rewrite']['slug'] : $taxonomy;
     foreach ($langs as $lang) {
         $new_args = $args;
         $new_object_type = array();
         // N.B. Here we assume that the taxonomy is on a post type
         foreach ($object_type as $ot) {
             $new_object_type[] = bbl_get_post_type_in_lang($ot, $lang->code);
         if (false !== $args['rewrite']) {
             if (!is_array($new_args['rewrite'])) {
                 $new_args['rewrite'] = array();
             // Do I not need to add this query_var into the query_vars filter? It seems not.
             $new_args['query_var'] = $new_args['rewrite']['slug'] = $this->get_slug_in_lang($slug, $lang->code);
         // @FIXME: Note currently we are in danger of a taxonomy name being longer than 32 chars
         // Perhaps we need to create some kind of map like (taxonomy) + (lang) => (shadow translated taxonomy)
         $new_taxonomy = strtolower("{$taxonomy}_{$lang->code}");
         $this->taxonomies[$new_taxonomy] = $taxonomy;
         if (!isset($this->lang_map[$lang->code]) || !is_array($this->lang_map[$lang->code])) {
             $this->lang_map[$lang->code] = array();
         $this->lang_map[$lang->code][$taxonomy] = $new_taxonomy;
         register_taxonomy($new_taxonomy, $new_object_type, $new_args);
     // bbl_stop_logging();
     $this->no_recursion = false;
Ejemplo n.º 5
  * Hooks the WP parse_request action 
  * FIXME: Should I be extending and replacing the WP class?
  * @param WP $wp The WP object, passed by reference (so no need to return)
  * @return void
 public function parse_request_early(WP $wp)
     // If this is the site root, redirect to default language homepage
     if (!$wp->request) {
         remove_filter('home_url', array($this, 'home_url'), null, 2);
     // Otherwise, simply set the lang for this request
     $wp->query_vars['lang'] = $this->content_lang;
     $wp->query_vars['lang_url_prefix'] = $this->url_prefix;