function bb2_mediawiki_entry() { global $bb2_timer_total; $bb2_mtime = explode(" ", microtime()); $bb2_timer_start = $bb2_mtime[1] + $bb2_mtime[0]; if (php_sapi_name() != 'cli') { require_once BB2_CWD . "/bad-behavior/"; bb2_install(); // FIXME: see above $settings = bb2_read_settings(); bb2_start($settings); } $bb2_mtime = explode(" ", microtime()); $bb2_timer_stop = $bb2_mtime[1] + $bb2_mtime[0]; $bb2_timer_total = $bb2_timer_stop - $bb2_timer_start; }
// if you don't use it. function bb2_insert_head() { global $bb2_javascript; echo $bb2_javascript; } // Display stats? This is optional. function bb2_insert_stats($force = false) { $settings = bb2_read_settings(); if ($force || $settings['display_stats']) { $blocked = bb2_db_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " . $settings['log_table'] . " WHERE `key` NOT LIKE '00000000'"); if ($blocked !== FALSE) { echo sprintf('<p><a href="">%1$s</a> %2$s <strong>%3$s</strong> %4$s</p>', __('Bad Behavior'), __('has blocked'), $blocked[0]["COUNT(*)"], __('access attempts in the last 7 days.')); } } } // Return the top-level relative path of wherever we are (for cookies) // You should provide in $url the top-level URL for your site. function bb2_relative_path() { //$url = parse_url(get_bloginfo('url')); //return $url['path'] . '/'; return '/'; } // Calls inward to Bad Behavor itself. require_once BB2_CWD . "/bad-behavior/"; require_once BB2_CWD . "/bad-behavior/"; bb2_install(); // FIXME: see above bb2_start(bb2_read_settings());
function bb2_mediawiki_entry() { global $bb2_timer_total; $bb2_mtime = explode(" ", microtime()); $bb2_timer_start = $bb2_mtime[1] + $bb2_mtime[0]; if (php_sapi_name() != 'cli') { bb2_install(); // FIXME: see above $settings = bb2_read_settings(); // FIXME: Need to make this multi-DB compatible eventually $dbr = wfGetDB(DB_SLAVE); if (get_class($dbr) != "DatabaseMysql") { $settings['logging'] = false; } bb2_start($settings); } $bb2_mtime = explode(" ", microtime()); $bb2_timer_stop = $bb2_mtime[1] + $bb2_mtime[0]; $bb2_timer_total = $bb2_timer_stop - $bb2_timer_start; }