set_time_limit(300); if (GET('sensor') != "") { ossim_valid(GET('sensor'), OSS_DIGIT, 'illegal:' . _("sensor")); } // Geoip include ""; $gi = geoip_open("/usr/share/geoip/GeoIP.dat", GEOIP_STANDARD); //$addr_type = ImportHTTPVar("addr_type", VAR_DIGIT); $addr_type = 1; $submit = ImportHTTPVar("submit", VAR_ALPHA | VAR_SPACE, array(gettext("Delete Selected"), gettext("Delete ALL on Screen"), _ENTIREQUERY)); $dst_ip = NULL; // Check role out and redirect if needed -- Kevin $roleneeded = 10000; $BUser = new BaseUser(); if ($BUser->hasRole($roleneeded) == 0 && $Use_Auth_System == 1) { base_header("Location: " . $BASE_urlpath . "/index.php"); } $et = new EventTiming($debug_time_mode); // The below three lines were moved from line 87 because of the odd errors some users were having /* Connect to the Alert database */ $db = NewBASEDBConnection($DBlib_path, $DBtype); $db->baseDBConnect($db_connect_method, $alert_dbname, $alert_host, $alert_port, $alert_user, $alert_password); $cs = new CriteriaState("base_stat_country.php", "&addr_type=1"); $cs->ReadState(); /* Dump some debugging information on the shared state */ if ($debug_mode > 0) { PrintCriteriaState(); } $qs = new QueryState(); $qs->AddCannedQuery("most_frequent", $freq_num_uaddr, gettext("Most Frequent IP addresses"), "occur_d"); $qs->MoveView($submit);
$_SESSION['back_list_cnt'] = 0; PushHistory(); // Check role out and redirect if needed -- Kevin $roleneeded = 10000; $BUser = new BaseUser(); //if (($Use_Auth_System == 1) && ($BUser->hasRole($roleneeded) == 0)) if ($Use_Auth_System == 1) { if ($BUser->hasRole($roleneeded) == 0) { base_header("Location: {$BASE_urlpath}/index.php"); } } // Set cookie to use the correct db. if (isset($_GET['archive'])) { "no" == $_GET['archive'] ? $value = 0 : ($value = 1); setcookie('archive', $value); base_header("Location: {$BASE_urlpath}/base_main.php"); } function DBLink() { // generate the link to select the other database.... global $archive_exists; if (isset($_COOKIE['archive']) && $_COOKIE['archive'] == 1 || isset($_GET['archive']) && $_GET['archive'] == 1) { echo '<a href="base_main.php?archive=no">' . gettext("Use Event Database") . '</a>'; } elseif ($archive_exists != 0) { echo '<a href="base_main.php?archive=1">' . gettext("Use Archive Database") . '</a>'; } } ?> <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Frameset//EN" ""> <!-- <?php echo gettext("Statistical Overview");
$form = $form . "</tr></table></form>"; $pagebody = $form; break; case "updaterole": // Updates role from above form.... $role = new BaseRole(); $rolearray = array(filterSql($_POST['role_id']), filterSql($_POST['role_name']), filterSql($_POST['desc'])); $role->updateRole($rolearray); base_header("Location: base_roleadmin.php?action=list"); break; case "deleterole": // Deletes role $roleid = filterSql($_GET['roleid']); $BRole = new BaseRole(); $BRole->deleteRole($roleid); base_header("Location: base_roleadmin.php?action=list"); break; case "list": // lists the roles // Build table to list roles and return it as $roletable $role = new BaseRole(); $roles = $role->returnRoles(); $tmpHTML = "<TABLE CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=2 BORDER=0 WIDTH='100%' BGCOLOR='#000000'><TR><TD>"; $tmpHTML = $tmpHTML . "<table CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0 BORDER=0 WIDTH='100%' BGCOLOR='#FFFFFF'>"; $tmpHTML = $tmpHTML . "<tr><td CLASS='plfieldhdr' width=25>" . _EDIT . "</td><td CLASS='plfieldhdr' width=35> " . _DELETE . "</td><td CLASS='plfieldhdr'>" . _ID . "</td><td CLASS='plfieldhdr'>" . _NAME; $tmpHTML = $tmpHTML . "</td><td CLASS='plfieldhdr'>" . _DESC . "</td></tr>"; foreach ($roles as $row) { //explode array rows and build table $tmpRow = explode("|", $row); $tmpHTML = $tmpHTML . "<tr><td align='center'><a href='base_roleadmin.php?action=editrole&roleid=" . urlencode($tmpRow[0]) . "'>"; $tmpHTML = $tmpHTML . "<img src='" . $BASE_urlpath . "/images/button_edit.png' border='0' alt='button_edit'></a></td>";
* if not redirect to the setup/index.php page */ if (!file_exists('base_conf.php') || filesize('base_conf.php') < 10) { header('Location: setup/index.php'); die; } require "base_conf.php"; include "{$BASE_path}/includes/"; include_once "{$BASE_path}/base_db_common.php"; include_once "{$BASE_path}/base_common.php"; $errorMsg = ""; $displayError = 0; $noDisplayMenu = 1; // Redirect to base_main.php if auth system is off if ($Use_Auth_System == 0) { base_header("Location: base_main.php"); } if (isset($_POST['submit'])) { $debug_mode = 0; // wont login with debug_mode $BASEUSER = new BaseUser(); $user = filterSql($_POST['login']); $pwd = filterSql($_POST['password']); if ($BASEUSER->Authenticate($user, $pwd) == 0) { header("Location: base_main.php"); exit; } } else { $displayError = 1; $errorMsg = gettext("User does not exist or your password was incorrect!<br>Please try again"); }
** Copyright (C) 2009 OSSIM/AlienVault ** Copyright (C) 2004 BASE Project Team ** Copyright (C) 2000 Carnegie Mellon University ** ** (see the file 'base_main.php' for license details) ** ** Built upon work by Roman Danyliw <*****@*****.**>, <*****@*****.**> ** Built upon work by the BASE Project Team <*****@*****.**> */ include "../base_conf.php"; include "{$BASE_path}/includes/"; include "{$BASE_path}/includes/"; include_once "{$BASE_path}/base_db_common.php"; include_once "{$BASE_path}/base_common.php"; include_once "{$BASE_path}/base_stat_common.php"; $et = new EventTiming($debug_time_mode); $cs = new CriteriaState("admin/index.php"); $cs->ReadState(); // Check role out and redirect if needed -- Kevin $roleneeded = 1; $BUser = new BaseUser(); if ($BUser->hasRole($roleneeded) == 0 && $Use_Auth_System == 1) { base_header("Location: " . $BASE_urlpath . "/base_main.php"); } $page_title = _BASEADMIN; PrintBASESubHeader($page_title, $page_title, $cs->GetBackLink(), 1); PrintBASEAdminMenuHeader(); echo _BASEADMINTEXT; PrintBASEAdminMenuFooter(); PrintBASESubFooter(); echo "</body>\r\n</html>";
$BUser->disableUser($userid); base_header("Location: base_useradmin.php?action=list"); break; case "enableuser": // enable user -- Kevin $userid = filterSql($_GET['userid']); $BUser = new BaseUser(); $BUser->enableUser($userid); base_header("Location: base_useradmin.php?action=list"); break; case "deleteuser": // Deletes user $userid = filterSql($_GET['userid']); $BUser = new BaseUser(); $BUser->deleteUser($userid); base_header("Location: base_useradmin.php?action=list"); break; case "list": // Build table to list users and return it as $usertable $user = new BaseUser(); $users = $user->returnUsers(); $tmpHTML = "<TABLE CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=2 BORDER=0 WIDTH='100%' BGCOLOR='#000000'><TR><TD>"; $tmpHTML = $tmpHTML . "<table CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0 BORDER=0 WIDTH='100%' BGCOLOR='#FFFFFF'>"; $tmpHTML = $tmpHTML . "<tr><td CLASS='plfieldhdr' width=25>" . _EDIT . "</td><td CLASS='plfieldhdr' width=35> " . _DELETE . "</td><td CLASS='plfieldhdr'>" . _ID . "</td><td CLASS='plfieldhdr'>" . _LOGIN; $tmpHTML = $tmpHTML . "</td><td CLASS='plfieldhdr'>" . _ROLEID . "</td><td CLASS='plfieldhdr'>" . _NAME; $tmpHTML = $tmpHTML . "</td><td CLASS='plfieldhdr'>" . _ENABLED . "</td></tr>"; // Verify that we have a user in the db --Kevin if ($users != "") { foreach ($users as $row) { //explode array rows and build table $tmpRow = explode("|", $row);