function editAlamat($id = NULL) { if ($id == NULL) { redirect("404"); } $id_decode = base64_decode_fix($id); $id_akun = $this->session->userdata("id_akun_user"); $data['tampilprov'] = $this->alamatmodel->tampilData("mp_provinsi", NULL); $data['tampil'] = $this->alamatmodel->tampilData("mp_alamat", "*", array("ID_ALAMAT" => $id_akun)); $data['page'] = "alamat-edit"; $this->load->view($this->template, $data); }
function status($id = NULL) { if ($id == NULL) { redirect("404"); } $id = base64_decode_fix($id); $data = array('STATUS' => 0); $this->adminrajaongkir->editData($data, 'mp_setting'); $where_auth2 = array('ID_SETTING' => $id); $data2 = array('STATUS' => 1); $this->adminrajaongkir->editData($data2, 'mp_setting', $where_auth2); redirect('admin_api'); }
function resetPassword($email, $sesi_random) { $email = base64_decode_fix($email); $sesi_random = base64_decode_fix($sesi_random); if ($this->session->userdata('sesi_random') == $sesi_random) { $cek_email = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM mp_akun WHERE EMAIL='{$email}'")->row(); $id_auth = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM mp_user WHERE ID_AUTH='{$cek_email->ID_AKUN}' AND ID_LEVEL='3'")->row(); $this->session->set_userdata(array('id_pass_ses' => $id_auth->ID_USER, 'id_email_ses' => $email)); $data['page'] = 'reset-password'; $this->load->view($this->template, $data); } else { redirect('login'); } }
function updateUkm($id) { $id = base64_decode_fix($id); $nm_toko = $this->input->post('nm_toko'); $email = $this->input->post('email'); $id_penanggung_jwb = $this->input->post('id_penanggung_jwb'); $des_toko = $this->input->post('des_toko'); $key_meta = $this->input->post('key_meta'); $des_meta = $this->input->post('des_meta'); $jne = $this->input->post('jne'); $tiki = $this->input->post('tiki'); $pos = $this->input->post('pos'); $id_provinsi = $this->input->post('id_provinsi'); $id_kota = $this->input->post('id_kota'); $kecamatan = $this->input->post('kecamatan'); $kelurahan = $this->input->post('kelurahan'); $alamat = $this->input->post('alamat'); $no_hp = $this->input->post('no_hp'); $no_telp = $this->input->post('no_telp'); $s_bbm = $this->input->post('s_bbm'); $s_whatsapp = $this->input->post('s_whatsapp'); $where_auth = array('ID_TOKO' => $id); $ter = $this->adminukm->tampilData('mp_toko', '*', $where_auth, TRUE); $profil = $ter->ID_TOKO . ".jpg"; $sampul = $ter->ID_TOKO . ".jpg"; if ($_FILES['userImage']['name']) { if ($_FILES['profil']['name']) { $fnamePRO = $_FILES['profil']['name']; $sourcePathPRO = $_FILES['profil']['tmp_name']; $targetPathPRO = "./upload/profil/" . $profil; if (move_uploaded_file($sourcePathPRO, $targetPathPRO)) { $resizePRO = './upload/profil/'; $namePRO = $profil; $imgPRO = imagecreatefromjpeg($targetPathPRO); $widthPRO = imagesx($imgPRO); $heightPRO = imagesy($imgPRO); $new_widthPRO = 100; $new_heightPRO = 300; $tmp_imgPRO = imagecreatetruecolor($new_widthPRO, $new_heightPRO); imagecopyresized($tmp_imgPRO, $imgPRO, 0, 0, 0, 0, $new_widthPRO, $new_heightPRO, $widthPRO, $heightPRO); imagejpeg($tmp_imgPRO, "{$resize}{$name}"); $fname = $_FILES['userImage']['name']; $sourcePath = $_FILES['userImage']['tmp_name']; $targetPath = "./upload/sampul/" . $sampul; if (move_uploaded_file($sourcePath, $targetPath)) { $resize = './upload/sampul/'; $name = $sampul; $img = imagecreatefromjpeg($targetPath); $width = imagesx($img); $height = imagesy($img); $new_width = 500; $new_height = 300; $tmp_img = imagecreatetruecolor($new_width, $new_height); imagecopyresized($tmp_img, $img, 0, 0, 0, 0, $new_width, $new_height, $width, $height); imagejpeg($tmp_img, "{$resize}{$name}"); $data = array('NM_TOKO' => $nm_toko, 'ID_PENANGGUNG_JWB' => $id_penanggung_jwb, 'DES_TOKO' => $des_toko, 'KEY_META' => $key_meta, 'DES_META' => $des_meta, 'ID_PROVINSI' => $id_provinsi, 'ID_KOTA' => $id_kota, 'KECAMATAN' => $kecamatan, 'KELURAHAN' => $kelurahan, 'ALAMAT' => $alamat, 'NO_HP' => $no_hp, 'NO_TELP' => $no_telp, 'S_BBM' => $s_bbm, 'S_WHATSAPP' => $s_whatsapp, 'EMAIL' => $email, 'FT_PROFIL' => $profil, 'FT_SAMPUL' => $sampul); } } } else { $fname = $_FILES['userImage']['name']; $sourcePath = $_FILES['userImage']['tmp_name']; $targetPath = "./upload/sampul/" . $sampul; if (move_uploaded_file($sourcePath, $targetPath)) { $resize = './upload/sampul/'; $name = $sampul; $img = imagecreatefromjpeg($targetPath); $width = imagesx($img); $height = imagesy($img); $new_width = 500; $new_height = 300; $tmp_img = imagecreatetruecolor($new_width, $new_height); imagecopyresized($tmp_img, $img, 0, 0, 0, 0, $new_width, $new_height, $width, $height); imagejpeg($tmp_img, "{$resize}{$name}"); $data = array('NM_TOKO' => $nm_toko, 'ID_PENANGGUNG_JWB' => $id_penanggung_jwb, 'DES_TOKO' => $des_toko, 'KEY_META' => $key_meta, 'DES_META' => $des_meta, 'ID_PROVINSI' => $id_provinsi, 'ID_KOTA' => $id_kota, 'KECAMATAN' => $kecamatan, 'KELURAHAN' => $kelurahan, 'ALAMAT' => $alamat, 'NO_HP' => $no_hp, 'NO_TELP' => $no_telp, 'S_BBM' => $s_bbm, 'S_WHATSAPP' => $s_whatsapp, 'EMAIL' => $email, 'FT_SAMPUL' => $sampul); } } } elseif ($_FILES['profil']['name']) { $fname = $_FILES['profil']['name']; $sourcePath = $_FILES['profil']['tmp_name']; $targetPath = "./upload/profil/" . $profil; if (move_uploaded_file($sourcePath, $targetPath)) { $resize = './upload/profil/'; $name = $profil; $img = imagecreatefromjpeg($targetPath); $width = imagesx($img); $height = imagesy($img); $new_width = 500; $new_height = 300; $tmp_img = imagecreatetruecolor($new_width, $new_height); imagecopyresized($tmp_img, $img, 0, 0, 0, 0, $new_width, $new_height, $width, $height); imagejpeg($tmp_img, "{$resize}{$name}"); $data = array('NM_TOKO' => $nm_toko, 'ID_PENANGGUNG_JWB' => $id_penanggung_jwb, 'DES_TOKO' => $des_toko, 'KEY_META' => $key_meta, 'DES_META' => $des_meta, 'ID_PROVINSI' => $id_provinsi, 'ID_KOTA' => $id_kota, 'KECAMATAN' => $kecamatan, 'KELURAHAN' => $kelurahan, 'ALAMAT' => $alamat, 'NO_HP' => $no_hp, 'NO_TELP' => $no_telp, 'S_BBM' => $s_bbm, 'S_WHATSAPP' => $s_whatsapp, 'EMAIL' => $email, 'FT_PROFIL' => $profil); } } else { $data = array('NM_TOKO' => $nm_toko, 'ID_PENANGGUNG_JWB' => $id_penanggung_jwb, 'DES_TOKO' => $des_toko, 'KEY_META' => $key_meta, 'DES_META' => $des_meta, 'ID_PROVINSI' => $id_provinsi, 'ID_KOTA' => $id_kota, 'KECAMATAN' => $kecamatan, 'KELURAHAN' => $kelurahan, 'ALAMAT' => $alamat, 'NO_HP' => $no_hp, 'NO_TELP' => $no_telp, 'S_BBM' => $s_bbm, 'S_WHATSAPP' => $s_whatsapp, 'EMAIL' => $email); } $this->adminukm->editData('mp_toko', $data, $where_auth); if ($this->input->post('jne')) { $jne = 1; } else { $jne = 0; } if ($this->input->post('tiki')) { $tiki = 1; } else { $tiki = 0; } if ($this->input->post('pos')) { $pos = 1; } else { $pos = 0; } $where_auth2 = array('ID_TOKO' => $id); $data2 = array('JNE' => $jne, 'POS' => $pos, 'TIKI' => $tiki); $this->adminukm->editData('mp_kurir', $data2, $where_auth2); $this->session->set_flashdata('notif', 'Perbaharui informasi berhasil'); $this->session->set_flashdata('clr', 'success'); redirect('admin_ukm/editUkm/' . base64_encode_fix($id)); }
* @package * * @copyright Copyright © 2009, Middlebury College * @license GNU General Public License (GPL) */ if (!isset($_POST['group_id']) || !$_POST['group_id']) { throw new InvalidArgumentException("No group_id passed"); } $groupId = base64_decode_fix($_POST['group_id'], true); if (!$groupId) { throw new InvalidArgumentException("Invalid group_id passed"); } if (!isset($_POST['user_id']) || !$_POST['user_id']) { throw new InvalidArgumentException("No user_id passed"); } $userId = base64_decode_fix($_POST['user_id'], true); if (!$userId) { throw new InvalidArgumentException("Invalid user_id passed"); } // Verify that the current user really can manage the group. $groups = $ldap->read('(objectclass=group)', $groupId, array('managedby', 'member')); if (count($groups) != 1) { throw new Exception("Could not find the group specified"); } $group = $groups[0]; if ($group['managedby'][0] != $_SESSION['user_dn']) { throw new PermissionDeniedException("You are not authorized to manage this group."); } // Verify that the user is not already in the group if (!in_array($userId, $group['member'])) { throw new Exception("The user is not a member of this group.");
<ul id='group_tree'> <?php if (isset($_GET['current']) && $_GET['current']) { $current = base64_decode_fix($_GET['current'], true); } if (!isset($current) || !$current) { $current = $ldapConfig['BaseDN']; } $levels = ldap_explode_dn($current, 0); unset($levels['count']); $open = array(); while (count($levels) > 1) { $open[] = implode(',', $levels); array_shift($levels); } printHierarchy($ldap, $ldapConfig['BaseDN'], $open); ?> </ul>
function ft_bukti($id = NULL) { if ($id == NULL) { redirect("404"); } $id = base64_decode_fix($id); $ss = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM mp_bukti WHERE NO_TRANS='{$id}'")->row(); echo "<img src='" . site_url('assets/images/bukti/' . $ss->FT_BUKTI) . "' ></img>"; }
<?php /** * Add a new user to a group. * * @since 8/28/09 * @package * * @copyright Copyright © 2009, Middlebury College * @license GNU General Public License (GPL) */ if (!isset($_POST['group_id']) || !$_POST['group_id']) { throw new InvalidArgumentException("No group_id passed"); } $groupId = base64_decode_fix($_POST['group_id'], true); if (!$groupId) { throw new InvalidArgumentException("Invalid group_id passed"); } // Verify that the current user really can manage the group. $groups = $ldap->read('(objectclass=group)', $groupId, array('managedby', 'member')); if (count($groups) != 1) { throw new Exception("Could not find the group specified"); } $group = $groups[0]; if ($group['managedby'][0] != $_SESSION['user_dn']) { throw new PermissionDeniedException("You are not authorized to manage this group."); } // Delete the group $ldap->delete($groupId); while (ob_get_level()) { ob_end_clean();
* Change the manager of a group. * * @since 8/28/09 * @package * * @copyright Copyright © 2009, Middlebury College * @license GNU General Public License (GPL) */ if (!isset($_POST['group_id']) || !$_POST['group_id']) { throw new InvalidArgumentException("No group_id passed"); } $groupId = base64_decode_fix($_POST['group_id'], true); if (!$groupId) { throw new InvalidArgumentException("Invalid group_id passed"); } $userId = base64_decode_fix($_POST['new_manager'], true); if (!$userId) { throw new InvalidArgumentException("Invalid user_id passed"); } // Verify that the current user really can manage the group. $groups = $ldap->read('(objectclass=group)', $groupId, array('managedby', 'member')); if (count($groups) != 1) { throw new Exception("Could not find the group specified"); } $group = $groups[0]; if ($group['managedby'][0] != $_SESSION['user_dn']) { throw new PermissionDeniedException("You are not authorized to manage this group."); } // Delete the group $ldap->delAttribute($groupId, 'managedby', $_SESSION['user_dn']); $ldap->addAttribute($groupId, 'managedby', $userId);
<?php /** * Create a new group. * * @since 8/28/09 * @package * * @copyright Copyright © 2009, Middlebury College * @license GNU General Public License (GPL) */ if (!isset($_POST['container_dn']) || !$_POST['container_dn']) { throw new InvalidArgumentException("No container_dn passed"); } $containerDn = base64_decode_fix($_POST['container_dn'], true); if (!$containerDn) { throw new InvalidArgumentException("Invalid container_dn passed"); } if (!isset($_POST['new_group_name']) || !$_POST['new_group_name']) { throw new InvalidArgumentException("No new_group_name passed"); } $newGroupName = $_POST['new_group_name']; if (!preg_match('/^[a-z0-9][a-z0-9\\s.,_\'&-]+$/i', $newGroupName)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException("Invalid new_group_name passed"); } $groupId = "CN=" . $ldap->escapeDnValue($newGroupName) . "," . $containerDn; // Verify that the current user really can manage the group. try { $groups = $ldap->read('(objectclass=group)', $groupId, array('managedby', 'member')); if (count($groups)) { throw new Exception("A group with the name {$newGroupName} already exists.");