Ejemplo n.º 1
function backwpup_jobedit_metabox_backupfile($jobvalue)
    _e('File Prefix:', 'backwpup');
</b><br />
  <input name="fileprefix" type="text" value="<?php 
    echo $jobvalue['fileprefix'];
" class="large-text" /><br />
    _e('File Formart:', 'backwpup');
</b><br />
    if (function_exists('gzopen') or class_exists('ZipArchive')) {
        echo '<input class="radio" type="radio"' . checked('.zip', $jobvalue['fileformart'], false) . ' name="fileformart" value=".zip" />' . __('Zip', 'backwpup') . '<br />';
    } else {
        echo '<input class="radio" type="radio"' . checked('.zip', $jobvalue['fileformart'], false) . ' name="fileformart" value=".zip" disabled="disabled" />' . __('Zip', 'backwpup') . '<br />';
    echo '<input class="radio" type="radio"' . checked('.tar', $jobvalue['fileformart'], false) . ' name="fileformart" value=".tar" />' . __('Tar', 'backwpup') . '<br />';
    if (function_exists('gzopen')) {
        echo '<input class="radio" type="radio"' . checked('.tar.gz', $jobvalue['fileformart'], false) . ' name="fileformart" value=".tar.gz" />' . __('Tar GZip', 'backwpup') . '<br />';
    } else {
        echo '<input class="radio" type="radio"' . checked('.tar.gz', $jobvalue['fileformart'], false) . ' name="fileformart" value=".tar.gz" disabled="disabled" />' . __('Tar GZip', 'backwpup') . '<br />';
    if (function_exists('bzopen')) {
        echo '<input class="radio" type="radio"' . checked('.tar.bz2', $jobvalue['fileformart'], false) . ' name="fileformart" value=".tar.bz2" />' . __('Tar BZip2', 'backwpup') . '<br />';
    } else {
        echo '<input class="radio" type="radio"' . checked('.tar.bz2', $jobvalue['fileformart'], false) . ' name="fileformart" value=".tar.bz2" disabled="disabled" />' . __('Tar BZip2', 'backwpup') . '<br />';
    _e('Preview:', 'backwpup');
    echo '<br /><i><span id="backupfileprefix">' . $jobvalue['fileprefix'] . '</span>' . backwpup_date_i18n('Y-m-d_H-i-s') . '<span id="backupfileformart">' . $jobvalue['fileformart'] . '</span></i>';
 function single_row($logfile, $logdata, $style = '')
     list($columns, $hidden, $sortable) = $this->get_column_info();
     $r = "<tr id='" . basename($logfile) . "'{$style}>";
     foreach ($columns as $column_name => $column_display_name) {
         $class = "class=\"{$column_name} column-{$column_name}\"";
         $style = '';
         if (in_array($column_name, $hidden)) {
             $style = ' style="display:none;"';
         $attributes = "{$class}{$style}";
         switch ($column_name) {
             case 'cb':
                 $r .= '<th scope="row" class="check-column"><input type="checkbox" name="logfiles[]" value="' . esc_attr(basename($logfile)) . '" /></th>';
             case 'id':
                 $r .= "<td {$attributes}>" . $logdata['jobid'] . "</td>";
             case 'type':
                 $r .= "<td {$attributes}>";
                 $r .= backwpup_backup_types($logdata['type'], false);
                 $r .= "</td>";
             case 'log':
                 $r .= "<td {$attributes}><strong><a href=\"" . wp_nonce_url(backwpup_admin_url('admin.php') . '?page=backwpupworking&logfile=' . $logfile, 'view-log_' . basename($logfile)) . "\" title=\"" . __('View log', 'backwpup') . "\">" . backwpup_date_i18n(get_option('date_format') . " @ " . get_option('time_format'), $logdata['logtime']) . ": <i>" . $logdata['name'] . "</i></a></strong>";
                 $actions = array();
                 $actions['view'] = "<a href=\"" . wp_nonce_url(backwpup_admin_url('admin.php') . '?page=backwpupworking&logfile=' . $logfile, 'view-log_' . basename($logfile)) . "\">" . __('View', 'backwpup') . "</a>";
                 $actions['delete'] = "<a class=\"submitdelete\" href=\"" . wp_nonce_url(backwpup_admin_url('admin.php') . '?page=backwpuplogs&action=delete&paged=' . $this->get_pagenum() . '&logfiles[]=' . basename($logfile), 'bulk-logs') . "\" onclick=\"return showNotice.warn();\">" . __('Delete') . "</a>";
                 $actions['download'] = "<a href=\"" . wp_nonce_url(backwpup_admin_url('admin.php') . '?page=backwpuplogs&action=download&file=' . $logfile, 'download-backup_' . basename($logfile)) . "\">" . __('Download', 'backwpup') . "</a>";
                 $r .= $this->row_actions($actions);
                 $r .= "</td>";
             case 'status':
                 $r .= "<td {$attributes}>";
                 if ($logdata['errors'] > 0) {
                     $r .= str_replace('%d', $logdata['errors'], '<span style="color:red;font-weight:bold;">' . _n("%d ERROR", "%d ERRORS", $logdata['errors'], 'backwpup') . '</span><br />');
                 if ($logdata['warnings'] > 0) {
                     $r .= str_replace('%d', $logdata['warnings'], '<span style="color:#e66f00;font-weight:bold;">' . _n("%d WARNING", "%d WARNINGS", $logdata['warnings'], 'backwpup') . '</span><br />');
                 if ($logdata['errors'] == 0 and $logdata['warnings'] == 0) {
                     $r .= '<span style="color:green;font-weight:bold;">' . __('O.K.', 'backwpup') . '</span>';
                 $r .= "</td>";
             case 'size':
                 $r .= "<td {$attributes}>";
                 if (!empty($logdata['backupfilesize'])) {
                     $r .= backwpup_formatBytes($logdata['backupfilesize']);
                 } else {
                     $r .= __('only Log', 'backwpup');
                 $r .= "</td>";
             case 'runtime':
                 $r .= "<td {$attributes}>";
                 $r .= $logdata['runtime'] . ' ' . __('sec.', 'backwpup');
                 $r .= "</td>";
     $r .= '</tr>';
     return $r;
Ejemplo n.º 3
function backwpup_jobstart($jobid = '', $cronstart = false)
    global $wpdb, $wp_version;
    $jobid = (int) trim($jobid);
    if (empty($jobid) or !is_integer($jobid)) {
        return false;
    //check if a job running
    if ($infile = backwpup_get_working_file()) {
        trigger_error(__("A job already running!", "backwpup"), E_USER_WARNING);
        return false;
    //clean var
    $backwpup_static = array();
    $backwpup_working = array();
    //get temp dir
    $backwpup_static['TEMPDIR'] = backwpup_get_temp();
    if (!is_writable($backwpup_static['TEMPDIR'])) {
        trigger_error(__("Temp dir not writeable", "backwpup"), E_USER_ERROR);
        return false;
    } else {
        //clean up old temp files
        if ($dir = opendir($backwpup_static['TEMPDIR'])) {
            while (($file = readdir($dir)) !== false) {
                if (is_readable($backwpup_static['TEMPDIR'] . $file) and is_file($backwpup_static['TEMPDIR'] . $file)) {
                    if ($file != '.' and $file != '..') {
                        unlink($backwpup_static['TEMPDIR'] . $file);
        //create .htaccess for apache and index.php for folder security
        if (!is_file($backwpup_static['TEMPDIR'] . '.htaccess')) {
            file_put_contents($backwpup_static['TEMPDIR'] . '.htaccess', "<Files \"*\">\n<IfModule mod_access.c>\nDeny from all\n</IfModule>\n<IfModule !mod_access_compat>\n<IfModule mod_authz_host.c>\nDeny from all\n</IfModule>\n</IfModule>\n<IfModule mod_access_compat>\nDeny from all\n</IfModule>\n</Files>");
        if (!is_file($backwpup_static['TEMPDIR'] . 'index.php')) {
            file_put_contents($backwpup_static['TEMPDIR'] . 'index.php', "\n");
    //Write running file to prevent dobble runnging
    file_put_contents($backwpup_static['TEMPDIR'] . '.running', serialize(array('timestamp' => time(), 'JOBID' => $jobid, 'LOGFILE' => '', 'STEPSPERSENT' => 0, 'STEPPERSENT' => 0, 'WORKING' => array('PID' => 0))));
    //Set needed WP vars
    $backwpup_static['WP']['DB_NAME'] = DB_NAME;
    $backwpup_static['WP']['DB_USER'] = DB_USER;
    $backwpup_static['WP']['DB_PASSWORD'] = DB_PASSWORD;
    $backwpup_static['WP']['DB_HOST'] = DB_HOST;
    $backwpup_static['WP']['DB_CHARSET'] = DB_CHARSET;
    $backwpup_static['WP']['DB_COLLATE'] = DB_COLLATE;
    $backwpup_static['WP']['OPTIONS_TABLE'] = $wpdb->options;
    $backwpup_static['WP']['TABLE_PREFIX'] = $wpdb->prefix;
    $backwpup_static['WP']['BLOGNAME'] = get_bloginfo('name');
    if (defined('WP_SITEURL')) {
        $backwpup_static['WP']['SITEURL'] = trailingslashit(WP_SITEURL);
    } else {
        $backwpup_static['WP']['SITEURL'] = trailingslashit(get_option('siteurl'));
    $backwpup_static['WP']['TIMEDIFF'] = get_option('gmt_offset') * 3600;
    $backwpup_static['WP']['WPLANG'] = WPLANG;
    $backwpup_static['WP']['VERSION'] = $wp_version;
    $backwpup_static['WP']['CHARSET'] = get_option('blog_charset');
    $backwpup_static['WP']['MEMORY_LIMIT'] = WP_MEMORY_LIMIT;
    if (defined('ALTERNATE_WP_CRON')) {
        $backwpup_static['WP']['ALTERNATE_CRON'] = ALTERNATE_WP_CRON;
    } else {
        $backwpup_static['WP']['ALTERNATE_CRON'] = false;
    //WP folder
    $backwpup_static['WP']['ABSPATH'] = rtrim(str_replace('\\', '/', ABSPATH), '/') . '/';
    $backwpup_static['WP']['WP_CONTENT_DIR'] = rtrim(str_replace('\\', '/', WP_CONTENT_DIR), '/') . '/';
    $backwpup_static['WP']['WP_PLUGIN_DIR'] = rtrim(str_replace('\\', '/', WP_PLUGIN_DIR), '/') . '/';
    $backwpup_static['WP']['WP_THEMES_DIR'] = rtrim(str_replace('\\', '/', trailingslashit(WP_CONTENT_DIR) . 'themes/'), '/') . '/';
    $backwpup_static['WP']['WP_UPLOAD_DIR'] = backwpup_get_upload_dir();
    $backwpup_static['WP']['WPINC'] = WPINC;
    $backwpup_static['WP']['MULTISITE'] = is_multisite();
    $backwpup_static['WP']['ADMINURL'] = backwpup_admin_url('admin.php');
    //Set plugin data
    $backwpup_static['BACKWPUP']['VERSION'] = BACKWPUP_VERSION;
    $backwpup_static['BACKWPUP']['BACKWPUP_DESTS'] = BACKWPUP_DESTS;
    //Set config data
    $backwpup_static['CFG'] = get_option('backwpup');
    //check exists gzip functions
    if (!function_exists('gzopen')) {
        $backwpup_static['CFG']['gzlogs'] = false;
    if (!class_exists('ZipArchive')) {
        $backwpup_static['CFG']['phpzip'] = false;
    //Check working times
    if (empty($backwpup_static['CFG']['jobstepretry']) or !is_int($backwpup_static['CFG']['jobstepretry']) or $backwpup_static['CFG']['jobstepretry'] > 100) {
        $backwpup_static['CFG']['jobstepretry'] = 3;
    if (empty($backwpup_static['CFG']['jobscriptretry']) or !is_int($backwpup_static['CFG']['jobscriptretry']) or $backwpup_static['CFG']['jobscriptretry'] > 100) {
        $backwpup_static['CFG']['jobscriptretry'] = 5;
    if (empty($backwpup_static['CFG']['jobscriptruntime']) or !is_int($backwpup_static['CFG']['jobscriptruntime']) or $backwpup_static['CFG']['jobscriptruntime'] > 100) {
        $backwpup_static['CFG']['jobscriptruntime'] = ini_get('max_execution_time');
    if (empty($backwpup_static['CFG']['jobscriptruntimelong']) or !is_int($backwpup_static['CFG']['jobscriptruntimelong']) or $backwpup_static['CFG']['jobscriptruntimelong'] > 1000) {
        $backwpup_static['CFG']['jobscriptruntimelong'] = 300;
    //Set job data
    $backwpup_static['JOB'] = backwpup_get_job_vars($jobid);
    //STATIC data
    $backwpup_static['JOBRUNURL'] = BACKWPUP_PLUGIN_BASEURL . '/job/job_run.php';
    //Setup Logs dir
    $backwpup_static['CFG']['dirlogs'] = rtrim(str_replace('\\', '/', $backwpup_static['CFG']['dirlogs']), '/') . '/';
    if (!is_dir($backwpup_static['CFG']['dirlogs'])) {
        if (!mkdir(rtrim($backwpup_static['CFG']['dirlogs'], '/'), 0777, true)) {
            trigger_error(printf(__('Can not create folder for log files: %s', 'backwpup'), $backwpup_static['CFG']['dirlogs']), E_USER_ERROR);
            return false;
    //create .htaccess for apache and index.php for folder security
    if (!is_file($backwpup_static['CFG']['dirlogs'] . '.htaccess')) {
        file_put_contents($backwpup_static['CFG']['dirlogs'] . '.htaccess', "<Files \"*\">\n<IfModule mod_access.c>\nDeny from all\n</IfModule>\n<IfModule !mod_access_compat>\n<IfModule mod_authz_host.c>\nDeny from all\n</IfModule>\n</IfModule>\n<IfModule mod_access_compat>\nDeny from all\n</IfModule>\n</Files>");
    if (!is_file($backwpup_static['CFG']['dirlogs'] . 'index.php')) {
        file_put_contents($backwpup_static['CFG']['dirlogs'] . 'index.php', "\n");
    if (!is_writable($backwpup_static['CFG']['dirlogs'])) {
        trigger_error(__("Log folder not writeable!", "backwpup"), E_USER_ERROR);
        return false;
    //set Logfile
    $backwpup_static['LOGFILE'] = $backwpup_static['CFG']['dirlogs'] . 'backwpup_log_' . backwpup_date_i18n('Y-m-d_H-i-s') . '.html';
    //create log file
    $fd = fopen($backwpup_static['LOGFILE'], 'w');
    //Create log file header
    fwrite($fd, "<html>\n<head>\n");
    fwrite($fd, "<meta name=\"robots\" content=\"noindex, nofollow\" />\n");
    fwrite($fd, "<meta name=\"backwpup_version\" content=\"" . BACKWPUP_VERSION . "\" />\n");
    fwrite($fd, "<meta name=\"backwpup_logtime\" content=\"" . time() . "\" />\n");
    fwrite($fd, str_pad("<meta name=\"backwpup_errors\" content=\"0\" />", 100) . "\n");
    fwrite($fd, str_pad("<meta name=\"backwpup_warnings\" content=\"0\" />", 100) . "\n");
    fwrite($fd, "<meta name=\"backwpup_jobid\" content=\"" . $backwpup_static['JOB']['jobid'] . "\" />\n");
    fwrite($fd, "<meta name=\"backwpup_jobname\" content=\"" . $backwpup_static['JOB']['name'] . "\" />\n");
    fwrite($fd, "<meta name=\"backwpup_jobtype\" content=\"" . $backwpup_static['JOB']['type'] . "\" />\n");
    fwrite($fd, str_pad("<meta name=\"backwpup_backupfilesize\" content=\"0\" />", 100) . "\n");
    fwrite($fd, str_pad("<meta name=\"backwpup_jobruntime\" content=\"0\" />", 100) . "\n");
    fwrite($fd, "<style type=\"text/css\">\n");
    fwrite($fd, ".timestamp {background-color:grey;}\n");
    fwrite($fd, ".warning {background-color:yellow;}\n");
    fwrite($fd, ".error {background-color:red;}\n");
    fwrite($fd, "#body {font-family:monospace;font-size:12px;white-space:nowrap;}\n");
    fwrite($fd, "</style>\n");
    fwrite($fd, "<title>" . sprintf(__('BackWPup log for %1$s from %2$s at %3$s', 'backwpup'), $backwpup_static['JOB']['name'], backwpup_date_i18n(get_option('date_format')), backwpup_date_i18n(get_option('time_format'))) . "</title>\n</head>\n<body id=\"body\">\n");
    //Set job start settings
    $jobs = get_option('backwpup_jobs');
    $jobs[$backwpup_static['JOB']['jobid']]['starttime'] = time();
    //set start time for job
    $backwpup_static['JOB']['starttime'] = $jobs[$backwpup_static['JOB']['jobid']]['starttime'];
    $jobs[$backwpup_static['JOB']['jobid']]['logfile'] = $backwpup_static['LOGFILE'];
    //Set current logfile
    $jobs[$backwpup_static['JOB']['jobid']]['cronnextrun'] = backwpup_cron_next($jobs[$backwpup_static['JOB']['jobid']]['cron']);
    //set next run
    $backwpup_static['JOB']['cronnextrun'] = $jobs[$backwpup_static['JOB']['jobid']]['cronnextrun'];
    $jobs[$backwpup_static['JOB']['jobid']]['lastbackupdownloadurl'] = '';
    $backwpup_static['JOB']['lastbackupdownloadurl'] = '';
    update_option('backwpup_jobs', $jobs);
    //Save job Settings
    //Set todo
    $backwpup_static['TODO'] = explode('+', $backwpup_static['JOB']['type']);
    //only for jos that makes backups
    if (in_array('FILE', $backwpup_static['TODO']) or in_array('DB', $backwpup_static['TODO']) or in_array('WPEXP', $backwpup_static['TODO'])) {
        //make emty file list
        $backwpup_working['FILELIST'] = array();
        $backwpup_working['ALLFILESIZE'] = 0;
        //set Backup Dir if not set
        if (empty($backwpup_static['JOB']['backupdir'])) {
            $backwpup_static['JOB']['backupdir'] = $backwpup_static['TEMPDIR'];
        } else {
            //clear path
            $backwpup_static['JOB']['backupdir'] = rtrim(str_replace('\\', '/', $backwpup_static['JOB']['backupdir']), '/') . '/';
            //create backup dir if it not exists
            if (!is_dir($backwpup_static['JOB']['backupdir'])) {
                if (!mkdir(rtrim($backwpup_static['JOB']['backupdir'], '/'), 0777, true)) {
                    trigger_error(sprintf(__('Can not create folder for backups: %1$s', 'backwpup'), $backwpup_static['JOB']['backupdir']), E_USER_ERROR);
                    return false;
            //create .htaccess and index.php for folder security
            if (!is_file($backwpup_static['JOB']['backupdir'] . '.htaccess')) {
                file_put_contents($backwpup_static['JOB']['backupdir'] . '.htaccess', "<Files \"*\">\n<IfModule mod_access.c>\nDeny from all\n</IfModule>\n<IfModule !mod_access_compat>\n<IfModule mod_authz_host.c>\nDeny from all\n</IfModule>\n</IfModule>\n<IfModule mod_access_compat>\nDeny from all\n</IfModule>\n</Files>");
            if (!is_file($backwpup_static['JOB']['backupdir'] . 'index.php')) {
                file_put_contents($backwpup_static['JOB']['backupdir'] . 'index.php', "\n");
        //check backup dir
        if (!is_writable($backwpup_static['JOB']['backupdir'])) {
            trigger_error(__("Backup folder not writeable!", "backwpup"), E_USER_ERROR);
            return false;
        //set Backup file Name
        $backwpup_static['backupfile'] = $backwpup_static['JOB']['fileprefix'] . backwpup_date_i18n('Y-m-d_H-i-s') . $backwpup_static['JOB']['fileformart'];
    $backwpup_static['CRONSTART'] = $cronstart;
    $backwpup_working['NONCE'] = wp_create_nonce('BackWPupJob');
    $backwpup_working['PID'] = 0;
    $backwpup_working['WARNING'] = 0;
    $backwpup_working['ERROR'] = 0;
    $backwpup_working['RESTART'] = 0;
    $backwpup_working['STEPSDONE'] = array();
    $backwpup_working['STEPTODO'] = 0;
    $backwpup_working['STEPDONE'] = 0;
    //build working steps
    $backwpup_working['STEPS'] = array();
    //setup job steps
    if (in_array('DB', $backwpup_static['TODO'])) {
        $backwpup_working['STEPS'][] = 'DB_DUMP';
    if (in_array('WPEXP', $backwpup_static['TODO'])) {
        $backwpup_working['STEPS'][] = 'WP_EXPORT';
    if (in_array('FILE', $backwpup_static['TODO'])) {
        $backwpup_working['STEPS'][] = 'FILE_LIST';
    if (in_array('DB', $backwpup_static['TODO']) or in_array('WPEXP', $backwpup_static['TODO']) or in_array('FILE', $backwpup_static['TODO'])) {
        $backwpup_working['STEPS'][] = 'BACKUP_CREATE';
        //ADD Destinations
        if (!empty($backwpup_static['JOB']['backupdir']) and $backwpup_static['JOB']['backupdir'] != '/' and $backwpup_static['JOB']['backupdir'] != $backwpup_static['TEMPDIR']) {
            $backwpup_working['STEPS'][] = 'DEST_FOLDER';
        if (!empty($backwpup_static['JOB']['mailaddress'])) {
            $backwpup_working['STEPS'][] = 'DEST_MAIL';
        if (!empty($backwpup_static['JOB']['ftphost']) and !empty($backwpup_static['JOB']['ftpuser']) and !empty($backwpup_static['JOB']['ftppass']) and in_array('FTP', explode(',', strtoupper(BACKWPUP_DESTS)))) {
            $backwpup_working['STEPS'][] = 'DEST_FTP';
        if (!empty($backwpup_static['JOB']['dropetoken']) and !empty($backwpup_static['JOB']['dropesecret']) and in_array('DROPBOX', explode(',', strtoupper(BACKWPUP_DESTS)))) {
            $backwpup_working['STEPS'][] = 'DEST_DROPBOX';
        if (!empty($backwpup_static['JOB']['sugarrefreshtoken']) and !empty($backwpup_static['JOB']['sugarroot']) and in_array('SUGARSYNC', explode(',', strtoupper(BACKWPUP_DESTS)))) {
            $backwpup_working['STEPS'][] = 'DEST_SUGARSYNC';
        if (!empty($backwpup_static['JOB']['awsAccessKey']) and !empty($backwpup_static['JOB']['awsSecretKey']) and !empty($backwpup_static['JOB']['awsBucket']) and in_array('S3', explode(',', strtoupper(BACKWPUP_DESTS)))) {
            $backwpup_working['STEPS'][] = 'DEST_S3';
        if (!empty($backwpup_static['JOB']['GStorageAccessKey']) and !empty($backwpup_static['JOB']['GStorageSecret']) and !empty($backwpup_static['JOB']['GStorageBucket']) and in_array('GSTORAGE', explode(',', strtoupper(BACKWPUP_DESTS)))) {
            $backwpup_working['STEPS'][] = 'DEST_GSTORAGE';
        if (!empty($backwpup_static['JOB']['rscUsername']) and !empty($backwpup_static['JOB']['rscAPIKey']) and !empty($backwpup_static['JOB']['rscContainer']) and in_array('RSC', explode(',', strtoupper(BACKWPUP_DESTS)))) {
            $backwpup_working['STEPS'][] = 'DEST_RSC';
        if (!empty($backwpup_static['JOB']['msazureHost']) and !empty($backwpup_static['JOB']['msazureAccName']) and !empty($backwpup_static['JOB']['msazureKey']) and !empty($backwpup_static['JOB']['msazureContainer']) and in_array('MSAZURE', explode(',', strtoupper(BACKWPUP_DESTS)))) {
            $backwpup_working['STEPS'][] = 'DEST_MSAZURE';
    if (in_array('CHECK', $backwpup_static['TODO'])) {
        $backwpup_working['STEPS'][] = 'DB_CHECK';
    if (in_array('OPTIMIZE', $backwpup_static['TODO'])) {
        $backwpup_working['STEPS'][] = 'DB_OPTIMIZE';
    $backwpup_working['STEPS'][] = 'JOB_END';
    //mark all as not done
    foreach ($backwpup_working['STEPS'] as $step) {
        $backwpup_working[$step]['DONE'] = false;
    //write working file
    file_put_contents($backwpup_static['TEMPDIR'] . '.running', serialize(array('timestamp' => time(), 'JOBID' => $backwpup_static['JOB']['jobid'], 'LOGFILE' => $backwpup_static['LOGFILE'], 'STEPSPERSENT' => 0, 'STEPPERSENT' => 0, 'WORKING' => $backwpup_working)));
    //write static file
    file_put_contents($backwpup_static['TEMPDIR'] . '.static', serialize($backwpup_static));
    //Run job
    $httpauthheader = '';
    if (!empty($backwpup_static['CFG']['httpauthuser']) and !empty($backwpup_static['CFG']['httpauthpassword'])) {
        $httpauthheader = array('Authorization' => 'Basic ' . base64_encode($backwpup_static['CFG']['httpauthuser'] . ':' . backwpup_base64($backwpup_static['CFG']['httpauthpassword'])));
    if (!$backwpup_static['WP']['ALTERNATE_CRON']) {
        wp_remote_post($backwpup_static['JOBRUNURL'], array('timeout' => 3, 'blocking' => false, 'sslverify' => false, 'headers' => $httpauthheader, 'body' => array('nonce' => $backwpup_working['NONCE'], 'type' => 'start'), 'user-agent' => 'BackWPup'));
    return $backwpup_static['LOGFILE'];
Ejemplo n.º 4
 function single_row($jobvalue, $runningfile, $style = '')
     global $mode;
     list($columns, $hidden, $sortable) = $this->get_column_info();
     $r = "<tr id=\"jodid-" . $jobvalue["jobid"] . "\"" . $style . ">";
     foreach ($columns as $column_name => $column_display_name) {
         $class = "class=\"{$column_name} column-{$column_name}\"";
         $style = '';
         if (in_array($column_name, $hidden)) {
             $style = ' style="display:none;"';
         $attributes = "{$class}{$style}";
         switch ($column_name) {
             case 'cb':
                 $r .= '<th scope="row" class="check-column"><input type="checkbox" name="jobs[]" value="' . esc_attr($jobvalue["jobid"]) . '" /></th>';
             case 'id':
                 $r .= "<td {$attributes}>" . $jobvalue["jobid"] . "</td>";
             case 'jobname':
                 $r .= "<td {$attributes}><strong><a href=\"" . wp_nonce_url(backwpup_admin_url('admin.php') . '?page=backwpupeditjob&jobid=' . $jobvalue["jobid"], 'edit-job') . "\" title=\"" . __('Edit:', 'backwpup') . esc_html($jobvalue['name']) . "\">" . esc_html($jobvalue['name']) . "</a></strong>";
                 $actions = array();
                 if ($runningfile == false) {
                     $actions['edit'] = "<a href=\"" . wp_nonce_url(backwpup_admin_url('admin.php') . '?page=backwpupeditjob&jobid=' . $jobvalue["jobid"], 'edit-job') . "\">" . __('Edit', 'backwpup') . "</a>";
                     $actions['copy'] = "<a href=\"" . wp_nonce_url(backwpup_admin_url('admin.php') . '?page=backwpup&action=copy&jobid=' . $jobvalue["jobid"], 'copy-job_' . $jobvalue["jobid"]) . "\">" . __('Copy', 'backwpup') . "</a>";
                     $actions['export'] = "<a href=\"" . wp_nonce_url(backwpup_admin_url('admin.php') . '?page=backwpup&action=export&jobs[]=' . $jobvalue["jobid"], 'bulk-jobs') . "\">" . __('Export', 'backwpup') . "</a>";
                     $actions['delete'] = "<a class=\"submitdelete\" href=\"" . wp_nonce_url(backwpup_admin_url('admin.php') . '?page=backwpup&action=delete&jobs[]=' . $jobvalue["jobid"], 'bulk-jobs') . "\" onclick=\"return showNotice.warn();\">" . __('Delete', 'backwpup') . "</a>";
                     $actions['runnow'] = "<a href=\"" . wp_nonce_url(backwpup_admin_url('admin.php') . '?page=backwpupworking&action=runnow&jobid=' . $jobvalue["jobid"], 'runnow-job_' . $jobvalue["jobid"]) . "\">" . __('Run Now', 'backwpup') . "</a>";
                 } else {
                     if ($runningfile['JOBID'] == $jobvalue["jobid"]) {
                         $actions['working'] = "<a href=\"" . wp_nonce_url(backwpup_admin_url('admin.php') . '?page=backwpupworking', '') . "\">" . __('View!', 'backwpup') . "</a>";
                         $actions['abort'] = "<a class=\"submitdelete\" href=\"" . wp_nonce_url(backwpup_admin_url('admin.php') . '?page=backwpup&action=abort', 'abort-job') . "\">" . __('Abort!', 'backwpup') . "</a>";
                 $r .= $this->row_actions($actions);
                 $r .= '</td>';
             case 'type':
                 $r .= "<td {$attributes}>";
                 $r .= backwpup_backup_types($jobvalue['type'], false);
                 $r .= "</td>";
             case 'info':
                 $r .= "<td {$attributes}>";
                 $r .= "<img class=\"waiting\" src=\"" . esc_url(backwpup_admin_url('images/wpspin_light.gif')) . "\" id=\"image-wait-" . $jobvalue["jobid"] . "\" />";
                 $r .= "</td>";
             case 'next':
                 $r .= "<td {$attributes}>";
                 if ($runningfile['JOBID'] == $jobvalue["jobid"] and $runningfile != false) {
                     $runtime = time() - $jobvalue['starttime'];
                     $r .= __('Running since:', 'backwpup') . ' ' . $runtime . ' ' . __('sec.', 'backwpup');
                 } elseif ($jobvalue['activated']) {
                     $r .= date_i18n(get_option('date_format') . ' @ ' . get_option('time_format'), $jobvalue['cronnextrun']);
                 } else {
                     $r .= __('Inactive', 'backwpup');
                 if ('excerpt' == $mode) {
                     $r .= '<br />' . __('<a href="http://wikipedia.org/wiki/Cron" target="_blank">Cron</a>:', 'backwpup') . ' ' . $jobvalue['cron'];
                 $r .= "</td>";
             case 'last':
                 $r .= "<td {$attributes}>";
                 if (isset($jobvalue['lastrun']) && $jobvalue['lastrun']) {
                     $r .= backwpup_date_i18n(get_option('date_format') . ' @ ' . get_option('time_format'), $jobvalue['lastrun']);
                     if (isset($jobvalue['lastruntime'])) {
                         $r .= '<br />' . __('Runtime:', 'backwpup') . ' ' . $jobvalue['lastruntime'] . ' ' . __('sec.', 'backwpup') . '<br />';
                 } else {
                     $r .= __('None', 'backwpup');
                 if (!empty($jobvalue['lastbackupdownloadurl'])) {
                     $r .= "<a href=\"" . wp_nonce_url($jobvalue['lastbackupdownloadurl'], 'download-backup') . "\" title=\"" . __('Download last Backup', 'backwpup') . "\">" . __('Download', 'backwpup') . "</a> | ";
                 if (!empty($jobvalue['logfile'])) {
                     $r .= "<a href=\"" . wp_nonce_url(backwpup_admin_url('admin.php') . '?page=backwpupworking&logfile=' . $jobvalue['logfile'], 'view-log_' . basename($jobvalue['logfile'])) . "\" title=\"" . __('View last Log', 'backwpup') . "\">" . __('Log', 'backwpup') . "</a><br />";
                 $r .= "</td>";
     $r .= '</tr>';
     return $r;
function backwpup_dashboard_logs()
    $cfg = get_option('backwpup');
    $widgets = get_option('dashboard_widget_options');
    if (!isset($widgets['backwpup_dashboard_logs']) or $widgets['backwpup_dashboard_logs'] < 1 or $widgets['backwpup_dashboard_logs'] > 20) {
        $widgets['backwpup_dashboard_logs'] = 5;
    //get log files
    $logfiles = array();
    if ($dir = @opendir($cfg['dirlogs'])) {
        while (($file = readdir($dir)) !== false) {
            if (is_file($cfg['dirlogs'] . '/' . $file) and 'backwpup_log_' == substr($file, 0, strlen('backwpup_log_')) and ('.html' == substr($file, -5) or '.html.gz' == substr($file, -8))) {
                $logfiles[] = $file;
    echo '<ul>';
    if (count($logfiles) > 0) {
        $count = 0;
        foreach ($logfiles as $logfile) {
            $logdata = backwpup_read_logheader($cfg['dirlogs'] . '/' . $logfile);
            echo '<li>';
            echo '<span>' . backwpup_date_i18n(get_option('date_format') . ' @ ' . get_option('time_format'), $logdata['logtime']) . '</span> ';
            echo '<a href="' . wp_nonce_url(backwpup_admin_url('admin.php') . '?page=backwpupworking&logfile=' . $cfg['dirlogs'] . '/' . $logfile, 'view-log_' . $logfile) . '" title="' . __('View Log:', 'backwpup') . ' ' . basename($logfile) . '">' . $logdata['name'] . '</i></a>';
            if ($logdata['errors'] > 0) {
                printf(' <span style="color:red;font-weight:bold;">' . _n("%d ERROR", "%d ERRORS", $logdata['errors'], 'backwpup') . '</span>', $logdata['errors']);
            if ($logdata['warnings'] > 0) {
                printf(' <span style="color:#e66f00;font-weight:bold;">' . _n("%d WARNING", "%d WARNINGS", $logdata['warnings'], 'backwpup') . '</span>', $logdata['warnings']);
            if ($logdata['errors'] == 0 and $logdata['warnings'] == 0) {
                echo ' <span style="color:green;font-weight:bold;">' . __('O.K.', 'backwpup') . '</span>';
            echo '</li>';
            if ($count >= $widgets['backwpup_dashboard_logs']) {
        echo '</ul>';
    } else {
        echo '<i>' . __('none', 'backwpup') . '</i>';
Ejemplo n.º 6
 function single_row($backup, $jobvalue, $style = '')
     list($columns, $hidden, $sortable) = $this->get_column_info();
     $r = "<tr {$style}>";
     foreach ($columns as $column_name => $column_display_name) {
         $class = "class=\"{$column_name} column-{$column_name}\"";
         $style = '';
         if (in_array($column_name, $hidden)) {
             $style = ' style="display:none;"';
         $attributes = "{$class}{$style}";
         switch ($column_name) {
             case 'cb':
                 $r .= '<th scope="row" class="check-column"><input type="checkbox" name="backupfiles[]" value="' . esc_attr($backup['file']) . '" /></th>';
             case 'file':
                 $r .= "<td {$attributes}><strong>" . $backup['filename'] . "</strong>";
                 $actions = array();
                 $actions['delete'] = "<a class=\"submitdelete\" href=\"" . wp_nonce_url(backwpup_admin_url('admin.php') . '?page=backwpupbackups&action=delete&jobdest=' . $this->jobid . ',' . $this->dest . '&paged=' . $this->get_pagenum() . '&backupfiles[]=' . esc_attr($backup['file']), 'bulk-backups') . "\" onclick=\"if ( confirm('" . esc_js(__("You are about to delete this Backup Archive. \n  'Cancel' to stop, 'OK' to delete.", "backwpup")) . "') ) { return true;}return false;\">" . __('Delete', 'backwpup') . "</a>";
                 $actions['download'] = "<a href=\"" . wp_nonce_url($backup['downloadurl'], 'download-backup') . "\">" . __('Download', 'backwpup') . "</a>";
                 $r .= $this->row_actions($actions);
                 $r .= "</td>";
             case 'folder':
                 $r .= "<td {$attributes}>";
                 $r .= $backup['folder'];
                 $r .= "</td>";
             case 'size':
                 $r .= "<td {$attributes}>";
                 if (!empty($backup['filesize']) and $backup['filesize'] != -1) {
                     $r .= backwpup_formatBytes($backup['filesize']);
                 } else {
                     $r .= __('?', 'backwpup');
                 $r .= "</td>";
             case 'time':
                 $r .= "<td {$attributes}>";
                 $r .= backwpup_date_i18n(get_option('date_format'), $backup['time']) . '<br />' . backwpup_date_i18n(get_option('time_format'), $backup['time']);
                 $r .= "</td>";
     $r .= '</tr>';
     return $r;
Ejemplo n.º 7
 //clean up temp
 if (is_dir($tempdir)) {
     if ($dir = opendir($tempdir)) {
         while (($file = readdir($dir)) !== false) {
             if (is_readable($tempdir . $file) and is_file($tempdir . $file)) {
                 if ($file != '.' and $file != '..') {
                     unlink($tempdir . $file);
 if (!empty($runningfile['LOGFILE'])) {
     file_put_contents($runningfile['LOGFILE'], "<span class=\"timestamp\">" . backwpup_date_i18n('Y/m/d H:i.s') . ":</span> <span class=\"error\">[ERROR]" . __('Aborted by user!!!', 'backwpup') . "</span><br />\n", FILE_APPEND);
     //write new log header
     $fd = fopen($runningfile['LOGFILE'], 'r+');
     while (!feof($fd)) {
         $line = fgets($fd);
         if (stripos($line, "<meta name=\"backwpup_errors\"") !== false) {
             fseek($fd, $filepos);
             fwrite($fd, str_pad("<meta name=\"backwpup_errors\" content=\"" . $runningfile['WORKING']['ERROR'] . "\" />", 100) . "\n");
         $filepos = ftell($fd);
 $backwpup_message = __('Job will be terminated.', 'backwpup') . '<br />';