public function url($params = array(), $base = false) { $blacklist = $this->params_blacklist(); $params = array_merge($this->params, $params); $url = remove_query_arg($blacklist, $base ? $base : awpcp_current_url()); $url = add_query_arg(urlencode_deep($params), $url); return $url; }
public function render($listing, $config = array()) { $config = wp_parse_args($config, array('current-url' => awpcp_current_url(), 'hidden-params' => array())); $actions = apply_filters('awpcp-listing-actions', array(), $listing); ob_start(); include AWPCP_DIR . '/templates/components/listings-actions.tpl.php'; $content = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); return $content; }
public function dispatch() { global $awpcp, $message; $action = awpcp_request_param('action', 'confirm'); $url = awpcp_current_url(); $dirname = AWPCPUPLOADDIR; if (strcmp($action, 'uninstall') == 0) { $awpcp->installer->uninstall(); } $template = AWPCP_DIR . '/admin/templates/admin-panel-uninstall.tpl.php'; $params = compact('action', 'url', 'dirname'); echo $this->render($template, $params); }
/** * @since 3.4 */ function awpcp_display_listings($query, $context, $options) { $options = wp_parse_args($options, array('show_intro_message' => false, 'show_menu_items' => false, 'show_category_selector' => false, 'show_pagination' => false, 'before_content' => '', 'before_pagination' => '', 'before_list' => '', 'after_pagination' => '', 'after_content' => '')); if (has_action('awpcp_browse_ads_template_action') || has_filter('awpcp_browse_ads_template_filter')) { do_action('awpcp_browse_ads_template_action'); return apply_filters('awpcp_browse_ads_template_filter'); } $results_per_page = absint(awpcp_request_param('results', get_awpcp_option('adresultsperpage', 10))); $results_offset = absint(awpcp_request_param('offset', 0)); if (empty($query['limit']) && $results_per_page) { $query['limit'] = $results_per_page; } if (empty($query['offset']) && $query['limit']) { $query['offset'] = $results_offset; } $listings_collection = awpcp_listings_collection(); $listings = $listings_collection->find_enabled_listings_with_query($query); $listings_count = $listings_collection->count_enabled_listings_with_query($query); $before_content = apply_filters('awpcp-content-before-listings-page', $options['before_content'], $context); $before_pagination = array(); if ($options['show_category_selector']) { $before_pagination[15]['category-selector'] = awpcp_render_category_selector(array('required' => false)); } if (is_array($options['before_pagination'])) { $before_pagination = awpcp_array_merge_recursive($before_pagination, $options['before_pagination']); } else { $before_pagination[20]['user-content'] = $options['before_pagination']; } $before_pagination = apply_filters('awpcp-listings-before-content', $before_pagination, $context); ksort($before_pagination); $before_pagination = awpcp_flatten_array($before_pagination); $before_list = apply_filters('awpcp-display-ads-before-list', $options['before_list'], $context); if ($listings_count > 0) { $pagination_options = array('results' => $results_per_page, 'offset' => $results_offset, 'total' => $listings_count); $pagination = $options['show_pagination'] ? awpcp_pagination($pagination_options, awpcp_current_url()) : ''; $items = awpcp_render_listings_items($listings, $context); } else { $pagination = ''; $items = array(); } $after_pagination = array('user-content' => $options['after_pagination']); $after_pagination = apply_filters('awpcp-listings-after-content', $after_pagination, $context); $after_content = apply_filters('awpcp-content-after-listings-page', $options['after_content'], $context); ob_start(); include AWPCP_DIR . '/templates/frontend/listings.tpl.php'; $content = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); return $content; }
public function custom_column($value, $column, $user_id) { switch ($column) { case 'balance': $balance = awpcp_payments_api()->format_account_balance($user_id); $actions = array(); if (awpcp_current_user_is_admin()) { $url = add_query_arg('action', 'credit', awpcp_current_url()); $actions['credit'] = "<a class='credit' href='" . esc_url($url) . "'>" . __('Add Credit', 'AWPCP') . "</a>"; $url = add_query_arg('action', 'debit', awpcp_current_url()); $actions['debit'] = "<a class='debit' href='" . esc_url($url) . "'>" . __('Remove Credit', 'AWPCP') . "</a>"; } $table = $this->get_table(); $value = '<span class="balance">' . $balance . '</span>' . $table->row_actions($actions); } return $value; }
protected function _dispatch($default = null) { $action = $this->get_current_action(); if (get_awpcp_option('reply-to-ad-requires-registration') && !is_user_logged_in()) { $message = __('Only registered users can reply to Ads. If you are already registered, please login below in order to reply to the Ad.', 'AWPCP'); return $this->render('content', awpcp_login_form($message, awpcp_current_url())); } $ad = $this->get_ad(); if (is_null($ad)) { $message = __('The specified Ad does not exist.', 'AWPCP'); return $this->render('content', awpcp_print_error($message)); } switch ($action) { case 'contact': return $this->contact_step(); case 'docontact1': default: return $this->process_contact_form(); } }
private function force_secure_urls() { $force_secure_url = false; $pages = array('place-ad-page-name', 'subscriptions-page-name', 'renew-ad-page-name'); foreach ($pages as $page) { $page_id = awpcp_get_page_id_by_ref($page); if ($page_id && is_page($page_id)) { $force_secure_url = true; break; } } if (!$force_secure_url) { global $post; $shortcodes = array('AWPCPPLACEAD', 'AWPCP-BUY-SUBSCRIPTION', 'AWPCP-RENEW-AD', 'AWPCPBUYCREDITS'); $regexp = '/\\[' . join('\\]|\\[', $shortcodes) . '\\]/'; if (preg_match($regexp, $post->post_content)) { $force_secure_url = true; } } if ($force_secure_url && wp_redirect(set_url_scheme(awpcp_current_url(), 'https'))) { exit; } }
private function verify_transaction($transaction) { $errors = array(); // PayPal can redirect users using a GET request and issuing // a POST request in the background. If the transaction was // already verified during the POST request the result // should be stored in the transaction's verified attribute if (!empty($_POST)) { $response = $this->verify_received_data($_POST, $errors); $verified = strcasecmp($response, 'VERIFIED') === 0; } else { $verified = $transaction->get('verified', false); } if (!$verified) { $variables = count($_POST); $url = awpcp_current_url(); if ($variables <= 0) { $message = __("We haven't received your payment information from PayPal yet and we are unable to verify your transaction. Please reload this page or visit <a href=\"%s\">%s</a> in 30 seconds to continue placing your Ad.", 'AWPCP'); $errors[] = sprintf($message, $url, $url); } else { $message = __("PayPal returned the following status from your payment: %s. %d payment variables were posted.", 'AWPCP'); $errors[] = sprintf($message, $response, count($_POST)); $errors[] = __("If this status is not COMPLETED or VERIFIED, then you may need to wait a bit before your payment is approved, or contact PayPal directly as to the reason the payment is having a problem.", 'AWPCP'); } $errors[] = __("If you have any further questions, please contact this site administrator.", 'AWPCP'); if ($variables <= 0) { $transaction->errors['verification-get'] = $errors; } else { $transaction->errors['verification-post'] = $errors; } } else { // clean up previous errors unset($transaction->errors['verification-get']); unset($transaction->errors['verification-post']); } $transaction->set('txn-id', awpcp_post_param('txn_id')); $transaction->set('verified', $verified); return $verified; }
?> <?php include AWPCP_DIR . '/admin/templates/admin-panel-header.tpl.php'; ?> <?php awpcp_print_messages(); ?> <h2 class="nav-tab-wrapper"> <?php foreach ($groups as $g) { ?> <?php $href = add_query_arg(array('g' => $g->slug), awpcp_current_url()); ?> <?php $active = $group->slug == $g->slug ? 'nav-tab nav-tab-active' : 'nav-tab'; ?> <a href="<?php echo esc_url($href); ?> " class="<?php echo esc_attr($active); ?> "><?php echo $g->name; ?> </a> <?php
$page_id = 'awpcp-admin-debug'; ?> <?php $page_title = awpcp_admin_page_title(__('Debug', 'AWPCP')); ?> <?php include AWPCP_DIR . '/admin/templates/admin-panel-header.tpl.php'; } ?> <?php $msg = _x('This information can help AWPCP Developers to debug possible problems. If you are submitting a bug report please <strong><a href="%s">Download the Debug Information</a></strong> and attach it to your bug report or take a minute to copy the information below to <a href="" target="_blank"></a> and provide the resulting URL in your report.', 'debug page', 'AWPCP'); ?> <p><?php echo sprintf($msg, esc_url(add_query_arg('download', 'debug page', awpcp_current_url()))); ?> </p> <?php $title_pages = _x('AWPCP Pages', 'debug page', 'AWPCP'); ?> <?php $title_php_info = _x('PHP Info', 'debug page', 'AWPCP'); ?> <?php $title_settings = _x('AWPCP Settings', 'debug page', 'AWPCP'); ?> <?php $title_rules = _x('Rewrite Rules', 'debug page', 'AWPCP'); ?>
public function build_return_link() { $params = array_merge(stripslashes_deep($_REQUEST), array('a' => 'searchads')); $href = add_query_arg(urlencode_deep($params), awpcp_current_url()); $return_link = '<div class="awpcp-return-to-search-link awpcp-clearboth"><a href="<link-url>"><link-text></a></div>'; $return_link = str_replace('<link-url>', esc_url($href), $return_link); $return_link = str_replace('<link-text>', __('Return to Search', 'AWPCP'), $return_link); return $return_link; }
/** * Generates HTML to display login form when user is not registered. * @tested */ function awpcp_login_form($message = null, $redirect = null) { if (is_null($redirect)) { $redirect = awpcp_current_url(); } $registration_url = get_awpcp_option('registrationurl'); if (empty($registration_url)) { if (function_exists('wp_registration_url')) { $registration_url = wp_registration_url(); } else { $registration_url = site_url('wp-login.php?action=register', 'login'); } } $redirect_to = urlencode(add_query_arg('register', true, $redirect)); $register_url = add_query_arg(array('redirect_to' => $redirect_to), $registration_url); $redirect_to = urlencode(add_query_arg('reset', true, $redirect)); $lost_password_url = add_query_arg(array('redirect_to' => $redirect_to), wp_lostpassword_url()); ob_start(); include AWPCP_DIR . '/frontend/templates/login-form.tpl.php'; $form = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); return $form; }
public function url($params = array()) { $url = add_query_arg(urlencode_deep($params), awpcp_current_url()); return $url; }