Ejemplo n.º 1
function au_template_global_error_box()
    // Our template needs the big $aulis
    global $aulis;
    // This will output an errorbox in hannover style
    au_out("<div class='notice bg5 c5'>" . au_icon('warning', 16, 'red') . " " . $aulis['error_box_contents'] . "</div>", true, $aulis['error_box_output']);
Ejemplo n.º 2
function au_sidebar_block($title, $icon, $content)
    return '<div class="block">
		<span class="title">' . au_icon($icon, 12) . ' ' . $title . '</span><br />
		' . $content . '
Ejemplo n.º 3
function au_template_blog_preview()
    // Our template needs the big $aulis
    global $aulis;
    // Let's make this thing shorter
    $e = $aulis['blog_entry'];
    // If our blog has no seperate intro text, it is the same as the whole blog
    if ($e->blog_intro == '' and $e->blog_content != '') {
        $e->blog_intro = $e->blog_content;
    } else {
        if ($e->blog_intro == '' and $e->blog_content == '') {
            return au_error_box(BLOG_EMPTY);
    // We might have to highlight stuff
    if (isset($_GET['search'])) {
        // Explode the search string, so that we can highlight every word seperatly
        $exploded_search = explode(' ', $aulis['blog_search']);
        // Each word needs to be highlighted in blog_name and blog_intro
        foreach ($exploded_search as $keyword) {
            $e->blog_name = au_highlight($keyword, $e->blog_name, "<span class='highlight'>", "</span>");
            $e->blog_intro = au_highlight($keyword, $e->blog_intro, "<span class='highlight'>", "</span>");
    // The href to the blog entry page
    $href = au_blog_url($aulis['blog_url_input']);
    // The heading
    au_out("<h1><a href='" . $href . "'>" . $e->blog_name . "</a></h1>", true, 'blog_entries');
    // The sub heading with time and catergory
    au_out("<span class='sub'>" . au_icon('category', 12) . ' ' . sprintf(BLOG_POSTED_IN, "<a href='" . au_blog_url(array('app' => 'blogindex', 'category' => $e->blog_category, 'category_name' => $e->category_name)) . "'>" . $e->category_name . "</a>") . "\n\t\t " . au_icon('clock', 12) . ' ' . au_date($e->blog_date) . "</span>", true, 'blog_entries');
    // The content
    au_out("<p>" . au_parse_blog($e->blog_intro, $e->blog_parse_mode) . "</p>", true, 'blog_entries');
    // Comments bar!
    au_out('<div class="comments_bar"><a href="' . $href . '#comments">' . au_icon('comment', 12) . ' ' . ($aulis['blog_comment_count'] == 0 ? BLOG_NO_COMMENTS : $aulis['blog_comment_count'] . ' ' . ($aulis['blog_comment_count'] > 1 ? BLOG_COMMENTS : BLOG_COMMENT)) . '</a> | <a href="' . $href . '">' . au_icon('lamp', 12) . ' ' . BLOG_READMORE . '</a></div>', $e->blog_can_comment == 1, 'blog_entries');
    // We need this for the output
    $blog_preview = '';
    // Finish the output into $aulis['page']['blog_preview']
    foreach ($aulis['page']['blog_entries'] as $entry) {
        $blog_preview .= $entry;
    // Transfer the output
    au_out($blog_preview, true, 'blog_preview');
    // Ready for the next one
    unset($aulis['blog']['entry'], $aulis['page']['blog_entries']);
Ejemplo n.º 4
function au_template_blog_index()
    // Our template needs the big $aulis
    global $aulis;
    // What error do we need to show if no entries are found?
    $no_entries = BLOG_NO_ENTRIES_FOUND;
    // The sidebar, needs to be on top
    // If we are searching, we need to have a title and such
    if (isset($_GET['search']) && !isset($_GET['category'], $_GET['tag']) && ($no_entries = sprintf(BLOG_SEARCH_NO_ENTRIES, $aulis['blog_search']))) {
        au_out('<div class="blog_preview_page_title"><span class="float-right lowercase">' . sprintf(BLOG_SEARCH_FOUND_HITS, au_format_number($aulis['blog_count'], 0), $aulis['blog_count'] > 1 || $aulis['blog_count'] == 0 ? BLOG_SEARCH_FOUND_HITS_PLURAL : BLOG_SEARCH_FOUND_HITS_SINGULAR) . '</span>
			<h1>' . sprintf(BLOG_SEARCH_TITLE, '\'' . $aulis['blog_search'] . '\'') . '</h1></div>
			<div class="blog_preview_page_title_sub"><a class="button" href="' . au_blog_url() . '">' . au_icon('arrow_left', 8) . 'Back to blog</a><br /><br /></div>');
    // If we are in category, the title needs to show that
    if (isset($_GET['category']) && is_numeric($_GET['category']) && !isset($_GET['search'], $_GET['tag']) and $no_entries = BLOG_CATEGORY_NO_ENTRIES) {
        au_out('<div class="blog_preview_page_title"><span class="float-right lowercase">' . sprintf(BLOG_FOUND_HITS, au_format_number($aulis['blog_count'], 0), $aulis['blog_count'] > 1 || $aulis['blog_count'] == 0 ? BLOG_FOUND_HITS_PLURAL : BLOG_FOUND_HITS_SINGULAR) . '</span>
			<h1>' . sprintf(BLOG_CATEGORY_TITLE, '\'' . au_get_blog_category_name($aulis['blog_category']) . '\'') . '</h1></div>
			<div class="blog_preview_page_title_sub"><a class="button" href="' . au_blog_url() . '">' . au_icon('arrow_left', 8) . 'Back to blog</a><br /><br /></div>');
    // If there are no entries parsed, we need to show that
    if (!isset($aulis['page']['blog_preview']) || empty($aulis['page']['blog_preview'])) {
        au_error_box($no_entries, 'blog_preview');
    // Let's output the page links we want into $aulis['blog_preview'], so that it gets parsed in a nice wrapper
    au_out('<br /><div class="maxwidth">' . au_blog_index_timeline_links() . '</div>', $aulis['blog_count'] != 0 and $aulis['blog_max_offset'] != 0, 'blog_preview');
    // Finalize the output; rendering it into nice wrappers.
    $output = '';
    foreach ($aulis['page']['blog_preview'] as $number => $entry) {
        $output .= '<div class="blog_preview_wrapper w-' . $number . '">' . $entry . '</div>';
    // Wrap it again, for easy jQuery selection of all preview elements
    au_out('<div class="blog_previews">' . $output . '</div>');
    // We want a clean page
    au_out('<br class="clear" />');
Ejemplo n.º 5
function au_template_register($data = array(), $iscomplete = false)
    global $setting;
    // Show a thanks-page if we need to
    if ($iscomplete == true) {
				<div class="reglogin">
					<div class="sectiontitle">
						' . au_icon('user_add', 16) . ' ' . REGISTER_DONE . '
					<div class="sectioncontent">
						' . REGISTER_DONE_DESC . '
    // Now let's just echo the header
			<div class="reglogin">
				' . (!empty($data['error_message']) ? '<div class="notice bg5 c5"><span class="float-right">' . au_icon('warning', 24, 'red') . '</span> ' . implode('<br />', $data['error_message']) . '</div>' : '') . '
				<div class="sectiontitle">
					' . au_icon('user_add', 16) . ' ' . REGISTER . '
				<div class="sectioncontent">
					<hr />
					<form action="' . au_url('?app=register') . '" method="post">
						<input type="hidden" name="aulis_register" value="1" />
						<table class="user" width="100%">
								<td><span>' . REGISTER_USERNAME . '</span><br />' . REGISTER_USERNAME_DESCRIPTION . '</td>
								<td><input type="text" name="aulis_username"' . (!empty($data['username']) ? ' value="' . $data['username'] . '"' : '') . ' /></td>
								<td><span>' . REGISTER_PASSWORD . '</span><br />' . REGISTER_PASSWORD_DESCRIPTION . '</td>
								<td><input type="password" name="aulis_password" /></td>
								<td><span>' . REGISTER_PASSWORD2 . '</span><br />' . REGISTER_PASSWORD2_DESCRIPTION . '</td>
								<td><input type="password" name="aulis_password2" /></td>
								<td><span>' . REGISTER_EMAIL . '</span><br />' . REGISTER_EMAIL_DESCRIPTION . '</td>
								<td><input type="text" name="aulis_email"' . (!empty($data['email']) ? ' value="' . $data['email'] . '"' : '') . ' /></td>
								<td><span>' . REGISTER_BIRTHDATE . '</span><br />' . REGISTER_BIRTHDATE_DESCRIPTION . '</td>
									<select name="aulis_month" id="aulis_month">');
    // Display the months
    for ($month = 1; $month <= 12; $month++) {
										<option value="' . $month . '"' . (!empty($data['birthdate_month']) && $month == $data['birthdate_month'] ? ' selected="selected"' : '') . '>' . constant('DATE_MONTH_' . $month) . '</option>');
									<select name="aulis_day" id="aulis_day">');
    // And the days
    for ($day = 1; $day <= 31; $day++) {
										<option value="' . $day . '"' . (!empty($data['birthdate_day']) && $month == $data['birthdate_day'] ? ' selected="selected"' : '') . '>' . $day . '</option>');
									<select name="aulis_year" id="aulis_year">');
    // Now continue with the years
    foreach (range(date('Y'), date('Y') - 100) as $year) {
										<option value="' . $year . '"' . (!empty($data['birthdate_year']) && $month == $data['birthdate_year'] ? ' selected="selected"' : '') . '>' . $year . '</option>');
								<td colspan="2" id="agreement">
									<strong>' . REGISTER_SIGN_AGREEMENT . '</strong><br />
									' . REGISTER_AGREEMENT . '
    // Do we have registration questions to display?
    if (!empty($data['questions'])) {
        foreach ($data['questions'] as $question) {
								<td><span>' . $question['question_title'] . '</span><br />' . $question['question_description'] . '</td>
								<td><input type="text" name="aulis_squestion_' . $question['question_id'] . '" /></td>
								<td><input type="submit" value="' . REGISTER_SUBMIT . '" /></td>
Ejemplo n.º 6
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="' . $aulis['absolute_path'] . '/themes/hannover/css/admin.css">
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="' . $aulis['absolute_path'] . '/library/css-assets/icons.css">
  <link rel="shortcut icon" type="image/png" href="' . $aulis['absolute_path'] . 'library/static/favicon.png" />
  <script src="' . $aulis['absolute_path'] . 'library/js-assets/jquery-1.11.3.min.js"></script>
  <body class="admin">
  	<div class="topbar">
          <a class="button" href="index.php">' . au_icon('arrow_left', 12) . ' ' . ADMIN_BACK_TO_SITE . '</a> 
          <h1>' . au_icon('gear', 24) . ' Administration Dashboard</h1>
          <img class="logo" alt="[au]lis" src="' . $aulis['absolute_path'] . 'themes/hannover/images/logo.svg" />  
       <br class="clear" /> 
  <div class="icon-menu">
      <div class="icon-stack">
        <a href="#">' . au_icon('house_full', 32, 'white') . '</a>
      <br class="clear" />
  <div class="side-menu">
      <br class="clear" />
	<div class="canvas">
		<div class="logo-container">

    <br class="clear" />  	

Ejemplo n.º 7
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="' . $aulis['absolute_path'] . '/themes/hannover/css/main.css">
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="' . $aulis['absolute_path'] . '/library/css-assets/icons.css">
 	<link rel="shortcut icon" type="image/png" href="' . $aulis['absolute_path'] . 'library/static/favicon.png" />
 	<script src="' . $aulis['absolute_path'] . 'library/js-assets/jquery-1.11.3.min.js"></script>
  <body class="bg4">
  		<div class="top-stripe bg1"></div>
  		<div class="logobar bg2">
  			<div class="userstack float-right">
  				<a href=""><img src="' . $aulis['absolute_path'] . '/uploads/avatars/80183_1.png" /></a>
  				<span class="username"><a href="">Charlie ' . au_icon('small_arrow_down', 8, 'black') . '</a></span>
	  		<div class="iconstack float-left">
	  			<a href="javascript:void();">' . au_icon('menu', 24, 'black') . '</a>
	  			<a href="javascript:void();">' . au_icon('house', 24, 'black') . '</a>
	  		<a href="' . au_url() . '"><img src="' . $aulis['absolute_path'] . 'themes/hannover/images/logo.svg" /></a>
  		<div class="navbar bg3">
	  		<div class="menustack float-left">';
// Load the main menu
$menu_tabs = au_menu();
// Show the tabs
foreach ($menu_tabs as $tab) {
    if ($tab['visible'] == true) {
        echo '
					<a href="' . $tab['link'] . '"' . ($tab['active'] == 1 || $tab['type'] != 1 ? ' class="' . ($tab['active'] == 1 ? 'active' : '') . ($tab['type'] != 1 ? ($tab['active'] == 1 ? ' ' : '') . $tab['type'] : '') . '"' : '') . ' target="' . $tab['target'] . '">' . $tab['text'] . '</a>';
echo '