function sql_init() { global $_auth, $_SQLUser, $_SQLCalc, $_SQLLog, $_SQLLogActivity, $_SQLDisplayActivity; // Users whose MySQL activity is logged to /_log_sql.html. $_SQLLogActivity = array(); // Users whose MySQL activity is logged to /_log_sql.html. // Admins who can view MySQL queries for the current page. $_SQLDisplayActivity = array(4, 7, 34814); // Admins who can view MySQL queries for the current page. // Should MySQL query processing time be calculated? $_SQLCalc = atLeastSModerator() || in_array($_auth["useid"], $_SQLLogActivity) || in_array($_auth["useid"], $_SQLDisplayActivity); // Should MySQL queries be gathered? $_SQLLog = in_array($_auth["useid"], $_SQLDisplayActivity) || in_array($_auth["useid"], $_SQLLogActivity); $_SQLUser = $_auth["useid"]; }
<?php // This script can be ran by a supermod. It will force updating preview // images for ALL submissions, from the first to the last. In fact, // this script should not ever be ran unless you completely lost the // /files/preview/ folder contents or something about preview images // has been changed. if (!atLeastSModerator()) { return; } if (!isset($_GET["first"]) || !isset($_GET["last"])) { redirect(url(".", array("first" => 1, "last" => 50))); } $first = intval($_GET["first"]); $last = intval($_GET["last"]); $isFinished = false; $result = sql_query("SELECT MAX(`objid`) FROM `objects`"); if ($data = mysql_fetch_row($result)) { if ($last > $data[0]) { $last = $data[0]; $isFinished = true; } } include_once INCLUDES . "files.php"; for ($objid = $first; $objid <= $last; $objid++) { $result = sql_query("SELECT * FROM `objects`, `objExtData` " . "WHERE `objid` = `objEid` AND `objid` = '{$objid}' LIMIT 1"); if (!($objData = mysql_fetch_assoc($result))) { continue; } $imageFilename = applyIdToPath("files/data/", $objData["objid"]) . "-" . preg_replace('/[^0-9]/', "", $objData["objLastEdit"]) . "." . $objData["objExtension"]; if (!file_exists($imageFilename)) {
<?php // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // This page is only accessible by a supermoderator or admin. if (!atLeastSModerator() || $_cmd[1] != "") { include INCLUDES . "p_notfound.php"; return; } updateEmoticons(); updateThemes(); $result = sql_query("SELECT `lanid` FROM `languages`"); while ($lanData = mysql_fetch_row($result)) { $lang1 = $lanData[0]; updateStrings($lang1); updateJSStrings($lang1); } echo "Strings, emoticons and themes updated successfully."; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Updates strings for the given language. Strings that are missing in the // $lang but present in the default language (English) will be taken from the // default language. function updateStrings($lang) { $filename = INCLUDES . "strings/" . $lang . ".php"; $fp = fopen($filename . "_tmp", "w"); fwrite($fp, "<?\n// DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE, IT IS AUTOMATICALLY GENERATED.\n"); $category = ""; $result1 = sql_query("SELECT * FROM `strings` " . "WHERE `strLanguage` = 'en' ORDER BY `strName`"); while ($strData = mysql_fetch_assoc($result1)) { if ($strData["strCategory"] != $category) { $category = $strData["strCategory"];
?> </div> <div class="container"><?php notice(_READONLY); ?> </div> <?php return; } $pmsid = intval($_cmd[1]); $result = sql_query("SELECT * FROM `pms`" . dbWhere(array("pmsid" => $pmsid))); if (!($comData = mysql_fetch_assoc($result))) { include INCLUDES . "p_notfound.php"; return; } if (!atLeastSModerator() && $comData["pmsCreator"] != $_auth["useid"]) { include INCLUDES . "p_notfound.php"; return; } ?> <div class="header"> <div class="header_title"> <?php echo _PM; ?> <div class="subheader"><?php echo _EDIT; ?> </div> </div> </div>
</select> (Tertiary) </div> <div class="clear"> </div> <?php $confirmed = false; if ($_cmd[0] == "edit") { $sql = "SELECT `objCollabConfirmed` FROM `objExtData`" . dbWhere(array("objEid" => intval($_cmd[1]))); $colResult = sql_query($sql); if ($colData = mysql_fetch_row($colResult)) { $confirmed = $colData[0]; } mysql_free_result($colResult); } if (!$confirmed || atLeastSModerator()) { ?> <div class="sep caption"><?php echo _SUBMIT_COLLAB; ?> :</div> <div class="f_left mar_right mar_top"> <?php echo getIMG(url() . "images/emoticons/club.png"); ?> </div> <select name="collab" class="largetext"> <option value="0">( <?php echo _NONE; ?> )</option>
$generationTime = round(($secdiff * 1000000 + $usecdiff) / 1000000, 3); $page = $_cmd[0]; if ($_isSearchBot) { $page .= " (bot)"; } sql_where(array("prfPage" => $page)); if (sql_count("profiler") > 0) { sql_query("UPDATE `profiler` SET `prfCount` = `prfCount` + 1, " . "`prfTime` = `prfTime` + '" . $generationTime . "' " . "WHERE `prfPage` = '" . addslashes($page) . "'"); } else { sql_values(array("prfPage" => $page, "prfCount" => 1, "prfTime" => $generationTime)); sql_insert("profiler"); } } // Show "Page generated in N seconds" if the user is at least // a moderator. if (atLeastSModerator() || $_auth["useid"] == 34814) { include_once "serverload.php"; $time_start = $_stats["startTime"]; $time_end = gettimeofday(); $secdiff = $time_end["sec"] - $time_start["sec"]; $usecdiff = $time_end["usec"] - $time_start["usec"]; $generationTime = round(($secdiff * 1000000 + $usecdiff) / 1000000, 3); $mysqlStat = mysql_stat(); $queriesPerSecond = round(preg_replace('/.*' . preg_quote("Queries per second avg: ") . '([0-9\\.]+).*/', "\\1", $mysqlStat), 2); //if( isset( $_stats[ "startQueries" ])) //{ // $queryCount = preg_replace( '/.*'.preg_quote( "Questions: " ). // '([0-9]+).*/', "\\1", $mysqlStat ) - $_stats[ "startQueries" ]; //} //else //{
<?php $_newsPerPage = 5; $_documentTitle = _WHATSNEW; ?> <div class="header"> <div class="header_title"> <?php $ableToPost = atLeastSModerator(); if ($ableToPost) { if (isset($_POST["subject"]) && isset($_POST["comment"])) { $noEmoticons = isset($_POST["commentNoEmoticons"]) ? 1 : 0; $noSig = isset($_POST["commentNoSig"]) ? 1 : 0; $noBBCode = isset($_POST["commentNoBBCode"]) ? 1 : 0; sql_query("INSERT INTO `news`(`newCreator`,`newSubmitDate`,`newSubject`,`newComment`,`newNoEmoticons`,`newNoSig`,`newNoBBCode`) " . "VALUES('" . $_auth["useid"] . "',NOW(),'" . addslashes($_POST["subject"]) . "','" . addslashes($_POST["comment"]) . "','{$noEmoticons}','{$noSig}','{$noBBCode}')"); redirect(url(".")); } ?> <div class="button normaltext" id="postNewsButton" onclick="<?php if ($_isIE) { echo "document.location='" . url(".", array("postNews" => "yes")) . "'"; } else { echo "make_invisible('postNewsButton'); make_visible('postNews');"; } ?> " style="float: right<?php echo $_isIE && isset($_GET["postNews"]) ? "; display: none" : ""; ?> "><?php echo _NEWS_POST;
function eraseComments($comObjType, $comObj) { if (!atLeastSModerator()) { return; } $sql = "SELECT `comid` FROM `comments`" . dbWhere(array("comObjType" => $comObjType, "comObj" => $comObj)); $comResult = sql_query($sql); while ($comData = mysql_fetch_assoc($comResult)) { $sql = "DELETE FROM `comments`" . dbWhere(array("comid" => $comData["comid"])); sql_query($sql); eraseComments("com", $comData["comid"]); } mysql_free_result($comResult); }
<?php $_documentTitle = "Frequently Asked Questions"; $allowEditMode = atLeastSModerator(); $isEditMode = $allowEditMode && isset($_GET["enableEditMode"]); if ($allowEditMode && !$isEditMode) { ?> <div style="float : right;"> <div class="button"><a href="<?php echo url(".", array("enableEditMode" => "yes")); ?> " class="smalltext">Edit Mode</a></div> </div> <?php } if ($_cmd[2] == "tag") { include INCLUDES . "p_helpdesk!faq-tag.php"; return; } if ($_cmd[3] != "") { include INCLUDES . "p_helpdesk!faq-article.php"; return; } $cats = array(); $where = array(); if (!$isEditMode) { $where["hfcIsGeneral"] = 1; } if ($_cmd[2] != "") { $where["hfcIdent"] = $_cmd[2]; }
<?php } else { ?> <div class="mar_top"> <a href="<?php echo url("edit/" . ($isExtras ? "e" : "") . $objid, array("edit" => "file")); ?> "> <?php echo ($objData["objExtension"] == "txt" ? _TEXT : _FILE) . "/" . _THUMBNAIL; ?> </a> </div> <?php } if (atLeastSModerator() || $useData["useid"] == $_auth["useid"] && $objData["objPendingUser"] != "1") { if (!$objData["objDeleted"]) { ?> <div class="mar_top"> <a onclick="return confirm('<?php echo _ARE_YOU_SURE; ?> ')" href="<?php echo url("edit/" . ($isExtras ? "e" : "") . $objid, array("edit" => "delete")); ?> "> <?php echo _DELETE; ?> </a>
<?php if (!atLeastSModerator() && $_auth["useid"] != 34814) { include INCLUDES . "p_notfound.php"; return; } if (isset($_GET["reset"])) { sql_query("UPDATE `profiler` SET `prfCount` = '0', `prfTime` = '0' WHERE 1"); redirect(url(".")); } if (isset($_GET["wmark"])) { sql_query("DELETE FROM `profiler` WHERE `prfCount` < 100"); sql_query("UPDATE `profiler` SET `prfWMCount` = `prfCount`, `prfWMTime` = `prfTime` WHERE 1"); sql_query("UPDATE `profiler` SET `prfCount` = '0', `prfTime` = '0' WHERE 1"); redirect(url(".")); } ?> <div class="container2"> <div> <a href="<?php echo url("."); ?> ">Refresh</a> · <a onclick="return confirm('<?php echo _ARE_YOU_SURE; ?> ')" href="<?php echo url(".", array("wmark" => "yes"));
<?php $cluid = intval($_cmd[1]); $extraRights = atLeastSModerator(); $result = sql_query("SELECT * FROM `clubs`,`cluExtData` WHERE `cluid` = '{$cluid}' AND `cluEid` = `cluid` LIMIT 1"); if (!($cluData = mysql_fetch_assoc($result))) { include INCLUDES . "p_notfound.php"; return; } $_documentTitle = ($cluData["cluIsProject"] ? _PROJECT : _CLUB1) . ": " . $cluData["cluName"] . ": " . _MEMBERS; ?> <div class="header"> <div class="f_right mar_left a_center normaltext"> <?php echo getClubIcon($cluData["cluid"]); ?> </div> <div class="f_left mar_right header_title"> <?php echo $cluData["cluName"]; ?> <div class="subheader"><?php echo _MEMBERS; ?> </div> </div> <?php $active = 3; include INCLUDES . "mod_clubmenu.php"; ?>
$comData["comCreator"] = $jouData["jouAnnCreator"]; $comData["comComment"] = $jouData["jouEntry"]; $comData["comSubject"] = $jouData["jouTitle"]; $comData["comSubmitDate"] = $jouData["jouSubmitDate"]; $comData["comSubmitIp"] = $jouData["jouSubmitIp"]; $comData["comLastEdit"] = $jouData["jouLastEdit"]; $comData["comEditIp"] = $jouData["jouEditIp"]; $comData["comNoEmoticons"] = $jouData["jouNoEmoticons"]; $comData["comNoSig"] = $jouData["jouNoSig"]; $comData["comNoBBCode"] = $jouData["jouNoBBCode"]; $comData["comAllowImage"] = true; showComment($comData, 0); ?> </div> <?php if ($currentEntry["jouAnnCreator"] == $_auth["useid"] || atLeastSModerator()) { $urlEdit = url(".", array("action" => "edit")); $urlDelete = url(".", array("action" => "delete")); ?> <div class="mar_bottom" style="margin-top: -8px"> <?php iefixStart(); ?> <div class="button" style="float: right" onclick="if(confirm('<?php echo _ARE_YOU_SURE; ?> ')) document.location='<?php echo $urlDelete; ?> '"> <a href="<?php
function showComment($comData, $level, $showParent = false, $markAsReadId = '', $commentCountId = '', $markAsReadId2 = '') { global $_config, $_signatureCache, $_auth, $_cmd, $_currentPageURL; // _HACKFIX - facsimilnym 2011-09-05 // Workaround for the "blank" useDateFormat that ~140,000 users have. // Setting it up here, since there's like 5 code paths. if (!isset($_auth["useDateFormat"]) || $_auth["useDateFormat"] == "") { $_auth["useDateFormat"] = "Y-m-d \\@ g:i A"; } if (isset($comData["pmsid"])) { $comData["comid"] = $comData["pmsid"]; $comData["comCreator"] = $comData["pmsCreator"]; $comData["comNoEmoticons"] = $comData["pmsNoEmoticons"]; $comData["comNoSig"] = $comData["pmsNoSig"]; $comData["comNoBBCode"] = $comData["pmsNoBBCode"]; $comData["comSubject"] = $comData["pmsTitle"]; $comData["comSubjectDateHide"] = true; $comData["comComment"] = $comData["pmsComment"]; $comData["comObj"] = $comData["pmsObj"]; $comData["comObjType"] = "pms"; $comData["comSubmitDate"] = $comData["pmsSubmitDate"]; $comData["comSubmitIp"] = $comData["pmsSubmitIp"]; $comData["comLastEdit"] = $comData["pmsLastEdit"]; $comData["comEditIp"] = $comData["pmsEditIp"]; $comData["comTotalEdits"] = $comData["pmsTotalEdits"]; $comData["comPmUser"] = $comData["pmsPmUser"]; } if (isTwit($comData["comCreator"])) { return; } if (!isLoggedIn()) { $result = sql_query("SELECT `useGuestAccess` FROM `useExtData`" . dbWhere(array("useEid" => $comData["comCreator"]))); if (!mysql_result($result, 0)) { return; } } $commentID = "yg-cmt" . $comData["comid"]; $instantReplyOuterId = $commentID . "InstantReplyOuter"; $instantReplyId = $commentID . "InstantReplyId"; if (!isset($comData["comNoEmoticons"])) { $comData["comNoEmoticons"] = false; } if (!isset($comData["comNoSig"])) { $comData["comNoSig"] = false; } if (!isset($comData["comNoBBCode"])) { $comData["comNoBBCode"] = false; } if (isset($comData["pmsid"])) { if ($comData["comCreator"] != $_auth["useid"] && $comData["comPmUser"] != $_auth["useid"]) { echo '<div class="container2">' . _PM_NO_ACCESS . '</div>'; return; } } $levellim = $level < 8 ? $level : 8; for ($i = 0; $i <= $levellim; $i++) { ?> <div class="<?php echo $i == $levellim ? "pad_top" : ""; echo $level > 0 && $i < $levellim ? "cmt_border_left" : ""; ?> "> <?php } // if($_cmd[0] != "comment") echo '<a name="comment' . $comData["comid"] . '"></a>'; // echo '<div'.($markAsReadId != "" ? ' id="'.$markAsReadId.'"' : "" ).'>'; // Comment outer // echo '<div'.($markAsReadId != "" ? ' id="'.$markAsReadId.'_"' : "" ).' class="container2">'; // Comment body echo '<div class="container2">'; // Comment body iefixStart(); // display parent comment if ($showParent && isset($comData["comObjType"]) && $comData["comObjType"] == "com") { $result = sql_query("SELECT * FROM `comments` WHERE `comid` = '" . $comData["comObj"] . "' LIMIT 1"); if ($parData = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { ?> <div class="caption reminder_cap"> <?php echo sprintf(_WROTE, getUserLink($parData["comCreator"])); ?> : </div> <div class="reminder"> <?php echo formatText($parData["comComment"], $parData["comNoEmoticons"], $parData["comNoBBCode"]); ?> </div> <?php } } elseif ($showParent && isset($comData["pmsid"])) { $result = sql_query("SELECT * FROM `pms` WHERE `pmsid` = '" . $comData["comObj"] . "' LIMIT 1"); if ($parData = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { if ($parData["pmsCreator"] == $_auth["useid"] || $parData["pmsPmUser"] == $_auth["useid"]) { ?> <div class="caption reminder_cap"> <?php echo sprintf(_WROTE, getUserLink($parData["pmsCreator"])); ?> : </div> <div class="reminder"> <?php echo formatText($parData["pmsComment"], $parData["pmsNoEmoticons"], $parData["pmsNoBBCode"]); ?> </div> <?php } } } if ($comData["comCreator"] != 0) { ?> <div class="f_right mar_left a_center" style="position: relative; top: -3px; left: 3px"> <?php echo getUserAvatar("", $comData["comCreator"], true); ?> </div> <?php } if (isset($comData["comSubject"])) { if (!isset($comData["comSubjectDateHide"])) { ?> <div class="smalltext mar_bottom"><?php // Show IPs to moderators+ (as an acronym). if (atLeastModerator() && isset($comData["comSubmitIp"]) && isset($comData["comEditIp"])) { ?> <acronym style="cursor: help" title="Submitted from <?php echo getDotDecIp($comData["comSubmitIp"]); ?> , last edited from <?php echo getDotDecIp($comData["comEditIp"]); ?> "> <?php } printf(_COMMENT_POSTED_ON, gmdate($_auth["useDateFormat"], applyTimezone(strtotime($comData["comSubmitDate"])))); // Close the acronym opened above. if (atLeastModerator() && isset($comData["comSubmitIp"]) && isset($comData["comEditIp"])) { ?> </acronym> <?php } ?> </div><?php } ?> <div class="largetext mar_bottom"><b><?php echo formatText($comData["comSubject"], false, true); ?> </b></div> <?php } ?> <div class="commentData"> <?php $allowImages = isset($comData["comAllowImages"]) && $comData["comAllowImages"]; echo formatText($comData["comComment"], $comData["comNoEmoticons"], $comData["comNoBBCode"], $allowImages); ?> </div> <?php if (!$comData["comNoSig"] && $_cmd[0] != "updates") { if (!isset($_signatureCache[$comData["comCreator"]])) { $result = sql_query("SELECT `useSignature` FROM `useExtData` WHERE `useEid` = '" . $comData["comCreator"] . "' LIMIT 1"); if (mysql_num_rows($result)) { $_signatureCache[$comData["comCreator"]] = mysql_result($result, 0); } else { $_signatureCache[$comData["comCreator"]] = ""; } } if ($_signatureCache[$comData["comCreator"]] != "") { ?> <div class="hline" style="margin-right: 60px;"> </div> <div class="smalltext"> <?php echo formatText($_signatureCache[$comData["comCreator"]]); ?> </div> <?php } } ?> <div class="clear"> </div> <?php if (isset($comData["newid"])) { // News page. $result = sql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `comments` " . "WHERE `comObjType` = 'new' AND `comObj` = '" . $comData["newid"] . "'"); $newsCount = mysql_result($result, 0); $newsURL = url("news/" . $comData["newid"]); ?> <div class="sep"> <a href="<?php echo $newsURL; ?> "> <span class="button smalltext" style="float: right" onclick="document.location='<?php echo $newsURL; ?> ';"><?php echo _COMMENTS; ?> <?php if (!$_auth["useStatsHide"]) { echo "(" . fuzzy_number($newsCount) . ")"; } ?> </span></a> </div> <?php } if ($comData["comid"]) { ?> <div class="sep commentActions"> <?php getCommentParent($comData, $parentURL, $parentType, $parentTitle, false); getCommentParent($comData, $rootURL, $rootType, $rootTitle, true); $replyURL = url("comment/" . $comData["comid"] . ($_config["checkSubmitDate"] ? "/" . preg_replace('/[^0-9]/', "", $comData["comSubmitDate"]) : '')); $replyCommentId = $commentID . "ReplyCommentId"; $replyButtonId = $commentID . "ReplyButtonId"; $replyScript = "var elin = get_by_id( '" . $instantReplyId . "' );" . "var elb = get_by_id( '" . $replyButtonId . "' );" . "if( !elb ) return false;" . "if( elb.innerHTML == '" . _CANCEL . "' ) {" . " reset_focus(); " . " collapseAnim( '{$instantReplyOuterId}', -30, 0, '' ); " . " elb.innerHTML = '" . _REPLY . "';" . " return false;" . "}" . "_IR = { " . "commentId: '" . $replyCommentId . "'," . "commentName: 'comment'," . "commentDefault: ''," . "commentWide: true," . "commentRows: 7," . "commentNoBBCode: " . (isLoggedIn() && $_auth["useNoBBCode"] ? "true" : "false") . "," . "commentNoEmoticons: " . (isLoggedIn() && $_auth["useNoEmoticons"] ? "true" : "false") . "," . "commentNoOptions: false," . "commentNoSig: " . (isLoggedIn() && $_auth["useNoSig"] ? "true" : "false") . "," . "emoticonPopupURL: '" . url("emoticons", array("popup" => "yes", "comment" => $replyCommentId)) . "'," . "previewURL: '" . url("preview", array("popup" => "yes")) . "'" . "};" . "var ht = showReplyForm( '" . $replyURL . "', '" . $_currentPageURL . "' );" . "elin.innerHTML = ht;" . "collapseAnim( '{$instantReplyOuterId}', 30, 0, 'set_focus( \\'' + _IR.commentId + '\\' );' ); " . "elb.innerHTML = '" . _CANCEL . "';" . "return false;"; if (!isset($comData["pmsid"]) && $replyURL != url(".") && $_cmd[0] != "editcomment") { ?> <span class="button smalltext" style="float: right" id="<?php echo $replyButtonId; ?> " onclick="<?php echo $replyScript; ?> "> <?php echo _REPLY; ?> </span> <?php } if ($_cmd[0] == "comment" && $rootURL != url(".") && $level == 0) { ?> <a href="<?php echo $rootURL; ?> " title="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($rootTitle); ?> "> <span class="button smalltext" style="float: right" onclick="document.location='<?php echo $rootURL; ?> ';"> <?php echo _ROOT; ?> (<?php echo $rootType; ?> ) </span></a> <?php } if ($_cmd[0] == "comment" && $parentURL != url(".") && $level == 0 && $parentURL != $rootURL) { ?> <a href="<?php echo $parentURL; ?> " title="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($parentTitle); ?> "> <span class="button smalltext" style="float: right" onclick="document.location='<?php echo $parentURL; ?> ';"> <?php echo _PARENT; ?> (<?php echo $parentType; ?> ) </span></a> <?php } if ($_cmd[0] == "updates") { $comid = $comData["comid"]; $script = "add_operation( 'm{$comid}' );\n" . "\$('{$markAsReadId}').hide(); " . ($markAsReadId2 != "" ? "if() \$('{$markAsReadId2}').hide(); " : "") . "var elb = \$( '{$replyButtonId}' );" . "if( !elb ) return false;" . "if( elb.innerHTML == '" . _CANCEL . "' ) {" . " reset_focus(); " . " collapseAnim( '{$instantReplyOuterId}', -30, 0, '' ); " . " elb.innerHTML = '" . _REPLY . "';" . " return false;" . "}" . "comment_count--; " . "\$('_updCmtCnt').innerHTML = fuzzy_number( comment_count ); " . "\$('_globCmtCnt').innerHTML = fuzzy_number( comment_count );"; ?> <div id="<?php echo $id1 = $commentID . "Updates1"; ?> " class="button smalltext" style="display: none; float: right" onclick="<?php echo $script; ?> "><?php echo _MARK_AS_READ; ?> : <span class="error"><?php echo _CLICK_TO_CONFIRM; ?> </span></div> <div id="<?php echo $id2 = $commentID . "Updates2"; ?> " class="button smalltext" style="float: right" onclick="$('<?php echo $id1; ?> ').show(); $('<?php echo $id2; ?> ').hide();"><?php echo _MARK_AS_READ; ?> </div> <?php } if ((atLeastSModerator() || $comData["comCreator"] == $_auth["useid"]) && $_cmd[0] != "editcomment" && $_cmd[0] != "updates") { $editURL = isset($comData["pmsid"]) ? url("editpm/" . $comData["pmsid"]) : url("editcomment/" . $comData["comid"]); ?> <a href="<?php echo $editURL; ?> "> <span class="button smalltext" style="float: right" onclick="document.location='<?php echo $editURL; ?> ';"> <?php echo _EDIT; ?> </span></a> <?php } ?> <div class="f_left mar_top smalltext"> <?php // Show IPs to moderators+ (as an acronym). if (atLeastModerator()) { ?> <acronym style="cursor: help" title="Submitted from <?php echo getDotDecIp($comData["comSubmitIp"]); ?> , last edited from <?php echo getDotDecIp($comData["comEditIp"]); ?> "> <?php } if (!isset($comData["pmsid"])) { ?> <a class="originalUrl" href="<?php echo $replyURL; ?> ">#</a> <?php } printf(_COMMENT_POSTED_ON, gmdate($_auth["useDateFormat"], applyTimezone(strtotime($comData["comSubmitDate"])))); if (isset($comData["comTotalEdits"]) && $comData["comTotalEdits"] > 0) { echo "<br />" . sprintf(_COMMENT_EDITED, $comData["comTotalEdits"], gmdate($_auth["useDateFormat"], applyTimezone(strtotime($comData["comLastEdit"])))); } // Close the acronym opened above. if (atLeastModerator()) { ?> </acronym> <?php } ?> </div> </div> <?php } ?> <div class="clear"> </div> <?php iefixEnd(); echo '</div>'; // Comment body //echo '</div>'; // Comment outer ?> <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%"><tr><td> <div id="<?php echo $instantReplyOuterId; ?> " style="display: none"> <div class="cmt_border_left" style="padding: 4px; padding-right: 0;" id="<?php echo $instantReplyOuterId; ?> _"> <div class="caption smalltext"><?php echo _REPLY; ?> :</div> <div style="padding: 1px; padding-bottom: 5px" id="<?php echo $instantReplyId; ?> "><br /></div> </div> </div> </td></tr></table> <?php for ($i = 0; $i <= $levellim; $i++) { echo "</div>"; } }