Ejemplo n.º 1
 // requires activation
 if (isset($_GET['confirm']) && isset($_GET['user_id']) && $_GET['confirm'] == 1) {
     // confirmed - change the status and notify the owner now
     if (activateCache($_GET['cacheid'])) {
         assignUserToCase($usr['userid'], $_GET['cacheid']);
         notifyOwner($_GET['cacheid'], 0);
         lib\Objects\User\AdminNote::addAdminNote($usr['userid'], $_GET['user_id'], true, lib\Objects\User\AdminNote::CACHE_PASS, $_GET['cacheid']);
         $confirm = "<p> " . tr("viewPending_09") . ".</p>";
     } else {
         $confirm = "<p> " . tr("viewPending_10") . ".</p>";
 } else {
     if (isset($_GET['confirm']) && isset($_GET['user_id']) && $_GET['confirm'] == 2) {
         // declined - change status to archived and notify the owner now
         if (declineCache($_GET['cacheid'])) {
             assignUserToCase($usr['userid'], $_GET['cacheid']);
             notifyOwner($_GET['cacheid'], 1);
             lib\Objects\User\AdminNote::addAdminNote($usr['userid'], $_GET['user_id'], true, lib\Objects\User\AdminNote::CACHE_BLOCKED, $_GET['cacheid']);
             $confirm = "<p> " . tr("viewPending_11") . ".</p>";
         } else {
             $confirm = "<p> " . tr("viewPending_12") . ".</p>";
     } else {
         if ($_GET['action'] == 1 && isset($_GET['user_id'])) {
             // require confirmation
             $confirm = "<p> " . tr("viewPending_13") . " \"<a href='viewcache.php?cacheid=" . $_GET['cacheid'] . "'>" . getCachename($_GET['cacheid']) . "</a>\" " . tr("viewPending_14") . " " . getCacheOwnername($_GET['cacheid']) . ". " . tr("viewPending_15") . ".</p>";
             $confirm .= "<p><a href='viewpendings.php?user_id=" . $_GET['user_id'] . "&amp;cacheid=" . $_GET['cacheid'] . "&amp;confirm=1'>" . tr("viewPending_16") . "</a> |\n                        <a href='viewpendings.php'>" . tr("viewPending_17") . "</a></p>";
         } else {
             if ($_GET['action'] == 2 && isset($_GET['user_id'])) {
                 // require confirmation
                 $confirm = "<p> " . tr("viewPending_18") . " \"<a href='viewcache.php?cacheid=" . $_GET['cacheid'] . "'>" . getCachename($_GET['cacheid']) . "</a>\" " . tr("viewPending_14") . " " . getCacheOwnername($_GET['cacheid']) . ". " . tr("viewPending_19") . ".</p>";
Ejemplo n.º 2
function updateCase($caseID, $buildID, $testProject, $testProjectID, $testplanID, $autoSuiteID, $execStatus, $testerID, $keywordID)
    // get necessary case parameters
    $caseInfo = getCaseInfo($caseID);
    $category = $caseInfo[0];
    $component = $caseInfo[1];
    $caseName = $caseInfo[2];
    // get case ID, if exists
    $caseID = getCaseIDfromName($caseName);
    // if no case found, must create it
    if ($caseID == "NOT_FOUND") {
        // create Category suite
        $catSuiteID = createCategorySuite($category, $autoSuiteID);
        if ($catSuiteID == "NOT_FOUND") {
            return "ERROR: Can't get suiteID for category '" . $category . "' or Cannot create it!";
        // create Component suite
        $compSuiteID = createComponentSuite($component, $catSuiteID);
        if ($compSuiteID == "NOT_FOUND") {
            return "ERROR: Can't get suiteID for component '" . $component . "' or Cannot create it!";
        // create new case entry
        $caseID = createNewCase($caseName, $compSuiteID);
        if ($caseID == "NOT_FOUND") {
            return "ERROR CASE: New Case entry for '" . $caseName . "' was NOT created in nodes_hierarchy table!";
        // create new version entry
        $versionID = createNewCaseVersion($caseID);
        if ($versionID == "NOT_FOUND") {
            return "ERROR CASE: New Case Version entry for caseID='" . $caseID . "' was NOT created in nodes_hierarchy table!";
        // create new version for case
        $versionID = createNewVersionEntry($versionID, $testerID);
        if ($versionID == "NOT_FOUND") {
            return "ERROR CASE: New Case Version entry for versionID='" . $versionID . "' was NOT created in tcversions table!";
        // create Plan to tcversion mapping
        $ID = createPlanToVersionEntry($versionID, $testplanID);
        if ($ID == "NOT_FOUND") {
            return "ERROR CASE: New Case Version to TestPlan mapping for versionID='" . $versionID . "' was NOT created in testplans_tcversions table!";
        // case found, get versionID
    } else {
        // get all versions for this caseID
        $versionIDsArr = getAllVersionIDs($caseID);
        if ($versionIDsArr == "NOT_FOUND") {
            return "ERROR CASE: No Case Versions Array found for caseID='" . $caseID . "' in nodes_hierarchy table!";
        // get versionID for the provided testplan
        $versionID = getVersionID($versionIDsArr, $testplanID);
        if ($versionID == "NOT_FOUND") {
            return "ERROR CASE: No Case VersionID found for caseID='" . $caseID . "' in testplan_tcversions table!";
        // get external caseID (featureID)
        $ID = getExternalCaseID($versionID);
        if ($ID == "NOT_FOUND") {
            return "ERROR CASE: No Case External ID found for caseID='" . $caseID . "' in testplan_tcversions table!";
    // assign case to Automate keyword
    $keywordID = assignKeyword($caseID, $keywordID);
    if ($keywordID == "NOT_FOUND") {
        return "ERROR CASE: No Keyword Assignment was made for caseID='" . $caseID . "' in testcase_keywords table!";
    // assign executor to case version
    $assignID = assignUserToCase($versionID, $ID, $testerID);
    if ($assignID == "NOT_FOUND") {
        return "ERROR CASE: No User to Case Assignment was made for VersionID='" . $versionID . "' in user_assignments table!\n" . $assignID;
    // create new execution entry
    $executionID = createNewExecution($buildID, $execStatus, $testplanID, $versionID, $testerID);
    if ($executionID == "NOT_FOUND") {
        return "ERROR CASE: No Execution Entry created for versionID='" . $versionID . "' in executions table!";
    // create execution extry in cfiled table
    $cfieldID = createCfieldExecution($executionID, $testplanID, $versionID);
    return $cfieldID == "NOT_FOUND" ? "ERROR CASE: No Case Execution Entry created for versionID='" . $versionID . "' in cfield_execution_values table!" : "Execution successfully UPDATED for case versionID='" . $versionID . "'";