//Get the array without previous records $arrDiff = array_diff_assoc($_SESSION["arrUpdateEmails"], $_SESSION["arrCurrentRecords"]); } else { $arrDiff = $_SESSION["arrUpdateEmails"]; } /* echo "<br>Diff Array array is <pre>"; print_r($arrDiff); echo "</pre><br>"; echo "<br>Post Array array is <pre>"; print_r($_POST["to"]); echo "</pre><br>";*/ if ($_POST["to"]) { //Merge the session array with post array if ($letterInfo->Title == "Paper Acceptance" || $letterInfo->Title == "Paper Rejection") { $_SESSION["arrUpdateEmails"] = array_merge_assoc($arrDiff, $_POST["to"]); } else { $_SESSION["arrUpdateEmails"] = array_merge($arrDiff, $_POST["to"]); } } else { $_SESSION["arrUpdateEmails"] = $arrDiff; } /* echo "<br>Merge Array now is <pre>"; print_r($_SESSION["arrUpdateEmails"]); echo "</pre><br>";*/ } else { //echo "<br>Very first time.<br>"; $arrUpdateEmails = get_Unsended_EmailList($letterID, $recipientGroupName); if (count($arrUpdateEmails) > 0) { $_SESSION["arrUpdateEmails"] = $arrUpdateEmails;
/** * fix it! */ protected function setDetailLinks() { if ($this->mode == REPORT_DASHBOARD) { return; } // set detail links foreach ($this->allDetailsTablesArr as $detailTableData) { // get perm for det tables $this->permis[$detailTableData['dDataSourceTable']] = $this->getPermissions($detailTableData['dDataSourceTable']); // field names of detail keys of passed detail table, when current is master $this->detailKeysByD[] = $this->pSet->getDetailKeysByDetailTable($detailTableData['dDataSourceTable']); } $this->controlsMap['gridRows'] = array(); $arrReportList = array(); foreach ($this->arrReport['list'] as $key => $data) { if (!isset($data['row_data'])) { continue; } $record = array(); $this->genId(); $gridRowInd = count($this->controlsMap['gridRows']); $this->controlsMap['gridRows'][$gridRowInd] = array(); $this->controlsMap['gridRows'][$gridRowInd]['id'] = $this->recId; $this->controlsMap['gridRows'][$gridRowInd]['rowInd'] = $gridRowInd; //Add the connection with containing row. It's important for vertical layout's multiple records per row mode $this->controlsMap['gridRows'][$gridRowInd]['keyFields'] = array(); $this->controlsMap['gridRows'][$gridRowInd]['keys'] = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < count($tKeys); $i++) { $this->controlsMap['gridRows'][$gridRowInd]['keyFields'][$i] = $tKeys[$i]; $this->controlsMap['gridRows'][$gridRowInd]['keys'][$i] = $data[$tKeys[$i] . '_value']; } $this->proccessDetailGridInfo($record, $data, $gridRowInd); $record["recordattrs"] = "data-record-id=\"" . $this->recId . "\""; $record["rowattrs"] = " id=\"gridRow" . $this->recId . "\""; $arrReportList[$key] = array_merge_assoc($data, $record); $this->recIds[] = $this->recId; } foreach ($arrReportList as $key => $data) { $this->arrReport['list'][$key] = $data; } // end set detail links }