/** construct an output page in HTML
  * This constructs a full HTML-page, starting at the DTD
  * and ending with the html closing tag.
  * This routine returns a full HTML-page, including a navigation
  * menu and a footer with links to printer friendly version + logout.
  * If the page is called with print=1 as one of the get-parameters, the
  * background and navigation menu are suppressed by including the
  * additional print.css stylesheet (configurable).
  * This more or less allows for making a clean print of only the content.
  * This additional stylesheet is added only once, even if this routine is
  * called more than once (shouldn't happen). This stylesheet is configurable
  * just like the regular stylesheet.
  * Suppressing the background image (for printing) involves NOT generating
  * the container div with id="page", or rather: we use a different id when
  * viewed in regulare mode (id="page") or when viewed in print mode
  * (id="print"). This allows for different tricks in print.css and at the
  * very least allows for suppressing the background image.
  * @return string complete HTML-page, ready for output
 function get_html()
     global $CFG, $USER;
     static $dejavu = 0;
     if (isset($_GET['print']) && intval($_GET['print']) == 1 && $dejavu++ == 0) {
         if (isset($this->config['style_usage_static']) && $this->config['style_usage_static'] && isset($this->config['stylesheet_print'])) {
     $container = $dejavu ? "print" : "page";
     // helpers for CSS-design
     // $this->add_popup_top('Test TOP');
     // $this->add_message('Test Message');
     // $this->add_popup_bottom('Test BOTTOM');
     // 0 -- Prepare for the lastupdate and copyright message
     $current_year = intval(strftime('%Y'));
     $create_year = intval(substr($this->node_record['ctime'], 0, 4));
     $aparams = array('{UPDATE_YEAR}' => substr($this->node_record['mtime'], 0, 4), '{UPDATE_MONTH}' => substr($this->node_record['mtime'], 5, 2), '{UPDATE_DAY}' => substr($this->node_record['mtime'], 8, 2), '{SITENAME}' => $CFG->title, '{COPYRIGHT_YEAR}' => $current_year == $create_year ? strval($current_year) : strval($create_year) . '-' . strval($current_year));
     $separator = ' |';
     // 1 -- Construct the page in one go (KISS).
     $s = $this->dtd . "\n" . "<html>\n" . "<head>\n" . "  <!-- Website@School CMS licensed under GNU/AGPLv3 - http://websiteatschool.eu\n" . "       Theme name: 'axis'\n" . "       Implemented by: Peter Fokker <*****@*****.**> (April 2012)\n" . "  -->\n" . $this->get_html_head('  ') . "</head>\n" . "<body>\n" . "  <div id=\"top\">\n" . $this->get_popups($this->messages_top, '    ') . "  </div>\n" . "  <div id=\"{$container}\">\n" . "    <div id=\"header\"></div>\n" . "    <div id=\"menu\">\n" . $this->get_menu('    ', $this->tree[0]['first_child_id']) . "    </div>\n" . "    <!-- content -->\n" . "    <div id=\"content\">\n\n" . $this->get_div_messages('      ') . "      <h2 id=\"content_title\">" . htmlspecialchars($this->node_record['title']) . "</h2>\n" . $this->get_content() . "\n" . "    </div>\n" . "    <!-- end content -->\n\n" . "    <!-- start page bottom -->\n" . "    <div id=\"footer\">\n" . "      <div id=\"footer-left\">" . t('copyright', $this->domain, $aparams) . "</div>\n" . "      <div id=\"footer-right\">\n" . $this->axis_logout($separator, '        ') . $this->axis_printpage($separator, '        ') . appropriate_legal_notices(TRUE, '        ') . "\n" . "      </div>\n" . "    </div>\n" . "    <div id=\"address\">\n" . $this->get_address('      ') . "    </div>\n" . "  </div>\n" . "  <div id=\"bottom\">\n" . $this->get_popups($this->messages_bottom, '    ') . "  </div>\n" . "</body>\n" . "</html>\n";
     return $s;
 /** show footer text, maybe some quicklinks and 'powered by'
  * @param string $m left margin for increased readability
  * @return string performance report
 function get_bottomline($m = '')
     $separator = empty($this->quickbottom_separator) ? '' : ' ' . $this->quickbottom_separator;
     // readability
     $s = empty($this->config['footer_text']) ? '' : $m . $this->config['footer_text'] . $separator . "\n";
     $t = $this->get_quickbottom($m);
     $s .= empty($t) ? '' : rtrim($t) . $separator . "\n";
     $s .= appropriate_legal_notices(TRUE, $m) . "\n";
     return $s;
 /** report basic performance indicators in a single line
  * This calculates the execution time of the script and the
  * number of queries. Note a special trick: we retrieve
  * the translated string in a dummy variable before calculating
  * the number of queries because otherwise we might miss one 
  * or more query from the language/translation subsystem.
  * Note that the message containing the performance indicators
  * is only generated when debug is TRUE; the information is not
  * that interesting for ordinary users.
  * @param string $m left margin for increased readability
  * @return string performance report
 function get_bottomline($m = '')
     global $CFG;
     $bottom_line = appropriate_legal_notices($this->text_only, $m) . "\n";
     if ($CFG->debug) {
         $dummy = t('generated_in', 'admin');
         $a = array('{DATE}' => strftime("%Y-%m-%d %T"), '{QUERIES}' => performance_get_queries(), '{SECONDS}' => sprintf("%01.3f", performance_get_seconds()));
         $bottom_line .= $m . "| " . t('generated_in', 'admin', $a) . "\n";
     return $bottom_line;
Ejemplo n.º 4
/** emergency exit of program in case there is something really, really wrong
 * This routine outputs a short message and a 'cryptic' condition code
 * and exits the program. It is called when something goes horribly wrong
 * during the early stages of running the program, e.g. the database cannot
 * be opened or there is a version mismatch between the program code (the
 * .php-files) and the database. The complete condition code is the WAS
 * release number followed by a slash followed by the WAS version number
 * followed by a slash and the bare condition code. The message ends with
 * a link to about.html with 'Powered by' or 'Based on', depending on the
 * WAS original flag. Note that we try to show graphics (including logo) but
 * that we switch back to text-only if it is too early, ie. 
 * before {@link waslib.php} is included.
 * Here is an overview of meaning of the condition codes used.
 *  - 010: cannot find config.php, is W@S installed at all?
 *  - 015: cannot find program/main_XXXXX.php, is W@S installed at all?
 *  - 017: cannot calculate wasentry_script_name, are we being tricked?
 *  - 020: configuration error, invalid database type
 *  - 030: cannot connect to database, busy or configuration error?
 *  - 040: error accessing the database, is W@S installed at all?
 *  - 050: version mismatch, update to new version necessary
 *  - 060: magic_quotes_sybase is On
 *  - 070: there is no (default) node available in this (default) area
 *  - 080: there is no area available
 *  - 090: there is no valid theme available
 * The condition code is numeric because it is easier to report for
 * non-English speaking users than a complicated English sentence.
 * (The language files are not yet loaded when error_exit() is called).
 * @param string the bare condition code to report
 * @param string the title to show in the generated HTML-page
 * @return void this function never returns
 * @uses WAS_VERSION indicate internal version in 'cryptic' message
 * @uses $CFG
 * @todo do we really want to 'leak' a link to the main site?
function error_exit($bare_condition_code, $page_title = 'Fatal Error')
    global $CFG;
    $was_release = htmlspecialchars(WAS_RELEASE);
    $was_version = htmlspecialchars(WAS_VERSION);
    $anchor_self = '';
    if (isset($CFG->www) && !empty($CFG->www)) {
        $anchor_self = "\n    <p>\n    <a href=\"{$CFG->www}\">{$CFG->www}</a>";
    if (function_exists('appropriate_legal_notices')) {
        $poweredby = appropriate_legal_notices();
    } else {
        $poweredby = sprintf('%s <a href="%s/about.html" target="_blank">Website@School<a>', WAS_ORIGINAL ? 'Powered by' : 'Based on', $CFG->progwww);
    echo <<<EOT
    <b>There is a problem with this site.</b>
    Please contact the site owner mentioning the following condition code:
    <b>{$was_release} / {$was_version} / {$bare_condition_code}</b>
    Thank you for your cooperation!{$anchor_self}
 /** show 'powered by' and (maybe) report basic performance indicators
  * This calculates the execution time of the script and the
  * number of queries. Note a special trick: we retrieve
  * the translated string in a dummy variable before calculating
  * the number of queries because otherwise we might miss one 
  * or more query from the language/translation subsystem.
  * Note: for the time being the performance report commented out (2010-12-08).
  * Update: as from 2011-05-20 the performance report only displayed while debug is on,
  * @param string $m left margin for increased readability
  * @return string performance report
 function get_bottomline($m = '')
     global $CFG;
     $dummy = t('generated_in', 'admin');
     $a = array('{DATE}' => strftime("%Y-%m-%d %T"), '{QUERIES}' => performance_get_queries(), '{SECONDS}' => sprintf("%01.3f", performance_get_seconds()));
     $s = appropriate_legal_notices($this->text_only, $m) . "\n";
     if ($CFG->debug) {
         $separator = empty($this->quickbottom_separator) ? '' : $this->quickbottom_separator . ' ';
         // readability
         $s .= $m . $separator . t('generated_in', 'admin', $a) . "\n";
     return $s;