function Tags_Spider_Video_Player() { global $wpdb; require_once "tag_functions.php"; // add functions for Spider_Video_Player require_once "tag_function.html.php"; // add functions for vive Spider_Video_Player if (isset($_GET["task"])) { $task = htmlspecialchars($_GET["task"]); } else { $task = "default"; } if (isset($_GET["id"])) { $id = htmlspecialchars($_GET["id"]); } else { $id = 0; } switch ($task) { case 'tag': show_tag(); break; case 'add_tag': add_tag(); break; case 'cancel_tag': cancel_tag(); break; case 'apply_tag': if ($id == 0) { check_admin_referer('nonce_sp_vid', 'nonce_sp_vid'); $save_or_no = save_tag(); } else { check_admin_referer('nonce_sp_vid', 'nonce_sp_vid'); $save_or_no = apply_tag($id); } if ($save_or_no) { edit_tag($id); } else { show_tag(); } break; case 'save_tag': if (!$id) { check_admin_referer('nonce_sp_vid', 'nonce_sp_vid'); save_tag(); } else { check_admin_referer('nonce_sp_vid', 'nonce_sp_vid'); apply_tag($id); } show_tag(); break; case 'saveorder': check_admin_referer('nonce_sp_vid', 'nonce_sp_vid'); saveorder(); break; case 'orderup': ordertag(-1); break; case 'orderdown': ordertag(1); break; case 'edit_tag': edit_tag($id); break; case 'remove_tag': $nonce_sp_vid = $_REQUEST['_wpnonce']; if (!wp_verify_nonce($nonce_sp_vid, 'nonce_sp_vid')) { die("Are you sure you want to do this?"); } remove_tag($id); show_tag(); break; case 'publish_tag': $nonce_sp_vid = $_REQUEST['_wpnonce']; if (!wp_verify_nonce($nonce_sp_vid, 'nonce_sp_vid')) { die("Are you sure you want to do this?"); } change_tag($id); show_tag(); break; case 'unpublish_tag': $nonce_sp_vid = $_REQUEST['_wpnonce']; if (!wp_verify_nonce($nonce_sp_vid, 'nonce_sp_vid')) { die("Are you sure you want to do this?"); } change_tag($id); show_tag(); break; case 'required_tag': $nonce_sp_vid = $_REQUEST['_wpnonce']; if (!wp_verify_nonce($nonce_sp_vid, 'nonce_sp_vid')) { die("Are you sure you want to do this?"); } required_tag($id); show_tag(); break; case 'unrequired_tag': $nonce_sp_vid = $_REQUEST['_wpnonce']; if (!wp_verify_nonce($nonce_sp_vid, 'nonce_sp_vid')) { die("Are you sure you want to do this?"); } required_tag($id); show_tag(); break; default: show_tag(); break; } }
function Tags_Spider_Video_Player() { global $wpdb; require_once "tag_functions.php"; // add functions for Spider_Video_Player require_once "tag_function.html.php"; // add functions for vive Spider_Video_Player if (isset($_GET["task"])) { $task = htmlspecialchars($_GET["task"]); } else { $task = "default"; } if (isset($_GET["id"])) { $id = htmlspecialchars($_GET["id"]); } else { $id = 0; } switch ($task) { case 'tag': show_tag(); break; case 'add_tag': add_tag(); break; case 'cancel_tag': cancel_tag(); break; case 'apply_tag': if ($id == 0) { $save_or_no = save_tag(); } else { $save_or_no = apply_tag($id); } if ($save_or_no) { edit_tag($id); } else { show_tag(); } break; case 'save_tag': if (!$id) { save_tag(); } else { apply_tag($id); } show_tag(); break; case 'saveorder': saveorder(); break; case 'orderup': ordertag(-1); break; case 'orderdown': ordertag(1); break; case 'edit_tag': edit_tag($id); break; case 'remove_tag': remove_tag($id); show_tag(); break; case 'publish_tag': change_tag($id); show_tag(); break; case 'unpublish_tag': change_tag($id); show_tag(); break; case 'required_tag': required_tag($id); show_tag(); break; case 'unrequired_tag': required_tag($id); show_tag(); break; default: show_tag(); break; } }