empty($winduid) && Showmsg('not_login'); S::gp(array('id', 'type')); require_once R_P . 'require/functions.php'; $customdes = getLangInfo('other', 'invite_custom_des'); $tmpUrlAdd .= '&a=invite'; if ($type == 'groupactive') { $invite_url = $db_bbsurl . '/u.php?a=invite&type=groupactive&id=' . $id . '&uid=' . $winduid . '&hash=' . appkey($winduid, $type); $activeArray = $db->get_one("SELECT * FROM pw_active WHERE id=" . S::sqlEscape($id)); $objectName = $activeArray['title']; $objectDescrip = substrs($activeArray['content'], 30); $activeId = $activeArray['id']; $emailContent = getLangInfo('email', 'email_groupactive_invite_content'); } else { $id = $cyid; $type = 'group'; $invite_url = $db_bbsurl . '/u.php?a=invite&type=group&id=' . $cyid . '&uid=' . $winduid . '&hash=' . appkey($winduid, $type); $objectName = $colony['cname']; $objectDescrip = substrs($colony['descrip'], 30); $emailContent = getLangInfo('email', 'email_group_invite_content'); } if (empty($_POST['step'])) { S::gp("id", null, 2); //* @include_once pwCache::getPath(D_P.'data/bbscache/o_config.php'); pwCache::getData(D_P . 'data/bbscache/o_config.php'); $friend = getFriends($winduid) ? getFriends($winduid) : array(); foreach ($friend as $key => $value) { $frienddb[$value['ftid']][] = $value; } $query = $db->query("SELECT * FROM pw_friendtype WHERE uid=" . S::sqlEscape($winduid) . " ORDER BY ftid"); $friendtype = array(); while ($rt = $db->fetch_array($query)) {
<?php !function_exists('readover') && exit('Forbidden'); require_once R_P . 'require/functions.php'; PwNewDB(); $friendServer = L::loadClass('Friend', 'friend'); if ($hash == appkey($o_u, $app) && $winduid && $o_u !== $winduid) { $userService = L::loadClass('UserService', 'user'); /* @var $userService PW_UserService */ $ckuser = $userService->get($o_u); $iffriend = $friendServer->getFriendByUidAndFriendid($winduid, $o_u); if ($ckuser && empty($iffriend)) { $friendcheck = getstatus($ckuser['userstatus'], PW_USERSTATUS_CFGFRIEND, 3); if (!$friendcheck) { $db->query("DELETE FROM pw_attention WHERE uid=" . S::sqlEscape($winduid) . " AND friendid=" . S::sqlEscape($o_u)); addSingleFriend(true, $winduid, $o_u, $timestamp, 0); addSingleFriend(true, $o_u, $winduid, $timestamp, 0); M::sendNotice(array($ckuser['username']), array('title' => getLangInfo('writemsg', 'friend_add_title_1', array('username' => $windid)), 'content' => getLangInfo('writemsg', 'friend_add_content_1', array('uid' => $winduid, 'username' => $windid)))); } elseif ($friendcheck == 1) { $db->query("DELETE FROM pw_attention WHERE uid=" . S::sqlEscape($winduid) . " AND friendid=" . S::sqlEscape($touid)); addSingleFriend(false, $winduid, $o_u, $timestamp, 1); M::sendRequest($winduid, array($ckuser['username']), array('create_uid' => $winduid, 'create_username' => $windid, 'title' => getLangInfo('writemsg', 'friend_add_title_2', array('username' => $windid)), 'content' => getLangInfo('writemsg', 'friend_add_content_2', array('uid' => $winduid, 'username' => $windid, 'msg' => stripslashes($checkmsg)))), 'request_friend', 'request_friend'); } Cookie('o_invite', ''); } } function addSingleFriend($updatemem, $winduid, $frienduid, $timestamp, $status, $friendtype = 0, $checkmsg = '') { global $db; $pwSQL = S::sqlSingle(array('uid' => $winduid, 'friendid' => $frienduid, 'joindate' => $timestamp, 'status' => $status, 'descrip' => $checkmsg, 'ftid' => $friendtype)); $attentionService = L::loadClass('Attention', 'friend');
<?php !defined('M_P') && exit('Forbidden'); empty($o_invite) && Showmsg('mode_o_invite_close'); InitGP(array('u', 'hash', 'app')); $u = (int) $u; !$u && Showmsg('undefined_action'); $thisbase = $basename . "q=invite&"; if ($winduid) { if (getOneFriend($u)) { Showmsg('mode_o_is_friend'); } } $friend = $db->get_one("SELECT m.uid,m.username,m.icon as face,m.honor,md.f_num,md.postnum,od.diarynum,od.photonum,od.owritenum,od.sharenum,od.groupnum FROM pw_members m LEFT JOIN pw_memberdata md ON m.uid=md.uid LEFT JOIN pw_ouserdata od ON m.uid=od.uid WHERE m.uid=" . pwEscape($u)); !$friend && Showmsg('undefined_action'); if ($hash != appkey($u, $app)) { Showmsg('mode_o_invite_hash_error'); } elseif ($winduid) { $o_u = $u; if (is_numeric($o_u) && strlen($hash) == 18) { require_once R_P . 'require/o_invite.php'; } refreshto("u.php?uid={$u}", 'add_friend_success'); } else { Cookie('o_invite', "{$u}\t{$hash}\t{$app}"); } require_once R_P . 'require/showimg.php'; list($friend['face']) = showfacedesign($friend['face'], 1, 'm'); if ($friend['f_num']) { $friends = getFriends($u, 0, 6, '', 1); }
if (!is_array($value)) { $emails = explode(',', str_replace(array("\r", "\n"), array('', ','), $value)); } count($emails) > 20 && ajaxExport('mail_limit'); strlen($extranote) > 200 && ajaxExport('mode_o_extra_toolang'); if ($emails) { foreach ($emails as $key => $email) { $emails[$key] = trim($email); !isEmail($email) && ajaxExport('请输入正确的邮箱地址'); if (!$email || !isEmail($email)) { unset($emails[$key]); } } } !$emails && ajaxExport('mail_is_empty'); $hash = appkey($winduid); $invite_url = $db_bbsurl . '/u.php?a=invite&uid=' . $winduid . '&hash=' . $hash; $invite->sendInviteEmail($emails); ajaxExport('success'); } elseif ($step == 'sendinvitecode') { S::gp(array('value', 'invcodes', 'extranote'), 'GP'); if (!is_array($value)) { $emails = explode(',', str_replace(array("\r", "\n"), array('', ','), $value)); } count($emails) > 20 && ajaxExport('mail_limit'); strlen($extranote) > 200 && ajaxExport('mode_o_extra_toolang'); if ($emails) { foreach ($emails as $key => $email) { $emails[$key] = trim($email); if (!$email || !isEmail($email)) { unset($emails[$key]);
<?php !defined('R_P') && exit('Forbidden'); //empty($o_invite) && Showmsg('mode_o_invite_close'); if ($uid) { $userService = L::loadClass('UserService', 'user'); /* @var $userService PW_UserService */ if (!$userService->isExist($uid)) { Showmsg('invite_user_not_exist'); } } S::gp(array('hash', 'type', 'id')); //验证hash的合法性 $hash != appkey($uid, $type) && Showmsg('mode_o_invite_hash_error'); Cookie('o_invite', "{$uid}\t{$hash}\t{$type}"); if ($type == 'group') { ObHeader("apps.php?q=group&cyid=" . $id); } elseif ($type == 'groupactive') { require_once R_P . 'apps/groups/lib/active.class.php'; $newActive = new PW_Active(); $cyid = $newActive->getCyidById($id); ObHeader("apps.php?q=group&a=active&job=view&cyid={$cyid}&id={$id}"); } else { ObHeader(USER_URL . $uid); }