Ejemplo n.º 1
function html_tree_dropdown_draw($graph_tree_id, $field_name, $field_value) {
	require_once(CACTI_BASE_PATH . "/include/graph_tree/graph_tree_constants.php");
	require_once(CACTI_BASE_PATH . "/lib/graph_tree/graph_tree_utility.php");
	require_once(CACTI_BASE_PATH . "/lib/graph_tree/graph_tree_info.php");

	$tree_items = api_graph_tree_item_list($graph_tree_id, array("item_type" => TREE_ITEM_TYPE_HEADER));

	echo "<select name='$field_name'>\n<option value='0'>[root]</option>\n";

	if ((is_array($tree_items)) && (sizeof($tree_items) > 0)) {
		foreach ($tree_items as $tree_item) {
			$current_depth = api_graph_tree_item_depth_get($tree_item["order_key"]);
			$indent = str_repeat("---", ($current_depth));

			if ($field_value == $tree_item["id"]) {
				$html_selected = " selected";
				$html_selected = "";

			echo "<option value='" . $tree_item["id"] . "'$html_selected>$indent " . $tree_item["item_value"] . "</option>\n";

	echo "</select>\n";
Ejemplo n.º 2
function api_graph_tree_item_remove($graph_tree_item_id) {
	require_once(CACTI_BASE_PATH . "/include/graph_tree/graph_tree_constants.php");
	require_once(CACTI_BASE_PATH . "/lib/graph_tree/graph_tree_info.php");
	require_once(CACTI_BASE_PATH . "/lib/graph_tree/graph_tree_utility.php");

	/* sanity checks */
	validate_id_die($graph_tree_item_id, "graph_tree_item_id");

	/* obtain a copy of the current graph tree item */
	$graph_tree_item = api_graph_tree_item_get($graph_tree_item_id);

	/* find the id of the parent */
	$parent_graph_tree_item_id = api_graph_tree_item_parent_get($graph_tree_item_id);

	/* because deleting a parent branch deletes all of its children, it is very possible that
	 * the branch we are trying to delete has already been removed. */
	if (!isset($graph_tree_item["id"])) {
		return true;

	/* if this item is a graph or host, it will have NO children, so we can just delete the
	 * item and exit. */
	if (($graph_tree_item["item_type"] == TREE_ITEM_TYPE_GRAPH) || ($graph_tree_item["item_type"] == TREE_ITEM_TYPE_HOST)) {
		return db_delete("graph_tree_items",
				"id" => array("type" => DB_TYPE_INTEGER, "value" => $graph_tree_item_id)

	/* make sure nothing bad happens */
	if (!api_graph_tree_item_order_key_validate($graph_tree_item["order_key"])) {
		return false;

	$graph_tree_items = api_graph_tree_item_list($graph_tree_item["graph_tree_id"], "", $graph_tree_item_id, true, true);

	if (is_array($graph_tree_items) > 0) {
		/* remove all child items */
		foreach ($graph_tree_items as $_graph_tree_item) {
					"id" => array("type" => DB_TYPE_INTEGER, "value" => $_graph_tree_item["id"])

	/* CLEANUP - reorder the tier that this branch lies in */
	$base_order_key = substr($graph_tree_item["order_key"], 0, (CHARS_PER_TIER * (api_graph_tree_item_depth_get($graph_tree_item["order_key"]) - 1)));

	/* refetch the graph tree item list now that the selected item has been removed */
	$graph_tree_items = api_graph_tree_item_list($graph_tree_item["graph_tree_id"], "", $parent_graph_tree_item_id, true, true);

	if ((is_array($graph_tree_items)) && (sizeof($graph_tree_items) > 0)) {
		$old_key_part = substr($graph_tree_items[0]["order_key"], strlen($base_order_key), CHARS_PER_TIER);

		/* we key tier==0 off of '1' and tier>0 off of '0' */
		if (api_graph_tree_item_depth_get($base_order_key) == 0) {
			$i = 1;
			$i = 0;

		foreach ($graph_tree_items as $_graph_tree_item) {
			/* this is the key column we are going to 'rekey' */
			$new_key_part = substr($_graph_tree_item["order_key"], strlen($base_order_key), CHARS_PER_TIER);

			/* incriment a counter for the new key column */
			if ($old_key_part != $new_key_part) {

			/* build the new order key string */
			$key = $base_order_key . str_pad(strval($i), CHARS_PER_TIER, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT) . substr($_graph_tree_item["order_key"], (strlen($base_order_key) + CHARS_PER_TIER));

					"order_key" => array("type" => DB_TYPE_STRING, "value" => $key),
					"id" => array("type" => DB_TYPE_INTEGER, "value" => $_graph_tree_item["id"])

			$old_key_part = $new_key_part;
Ejemplo n.º 3
function tree_edit()
    $menu_items = array("remove" => "Remove");
    $_graph_tree_id = get_get_var_number("id");
    if (empty($_graph_tree_id)) {
        $header_label = "[new]";
    } else {
        $graph_tree = api_graph_tree_get($_graph_tree_id);
        $header_label = "[edit: " . $graph_tree["name"] . "]";
    form_start("graph_trees.php", "form_graph_tree");
    html_start_box("<strong>" . _("Graph Trees") . "</strong> {$header_label}", "");
    _graph_tree_field__name("name", isset($graph_tree["name"]) ? $graph_tree["name"] : "", empty($_graph_tree_id) ? 0 : $_graph_tree_id);
    _graph_tree_field__sort_type("sort_type", isset($graph_tree["sort_type"]) ? $graph_tree["sort_type"] : "", empty($_graph_tree_id) ? 0 : $_graph_tree_id);
    form_hidden_box("id", $_graph_tree_id);
    form_hidden_box("action_post", "graph_tree_edit");
    if (!empty($_graph_tree_id)) {
        echo "<br />\n";
        form_start("graph_trees_items.php", "form_graph_tree_item");
        $box_id = "1";
        html_start_box("<strong>" . _("Tree Items") . "</strong>", "graph_trees_items.php?action=edit&tree_id=" . $_graph_tree_id . "&parent_id=0");
        html_header_checkbox(array(_("Item"), _("Type"), ""), $box_id, "1");
        /* get a sorted list of all graph items inside of this tree */
        $tree_items = api_graph_tree_item_list($_graph_tree_id);
        /* get a list of available types (header, host, graph, etc) */
        $tree_item_types = api_graph_tree_item_type_list();
        if (is_array($tree_items) > 0 && sizeof($tree_items) > 0) {
            foreach ($tree_items as $tree_item) {
                $current_depth = api_graph_tree_item_depth_get($tree_item["order_key"]);
                /* keep track of the current item's sort type so we know whether to display sort
                 * arrays for items children or not */
                $sort_cache[$current_depth] = $tree_item["sort_children_type"];
                $transparent_indent = "";
                if ($tree_item["item_type"] == TREE_ITEM_TYPE_GRAPH) {
                    $item_text = $tree_item["graph_title"];
                } else {
                    if ($tree_item["item_type"] == TREE_ITEM_TYPE_HEADER) {
                        $item_text = "<strong>" . $tree_item["item_value"] . "</strong></a> (<a href='graph_trees_items.php?action=edit&tree_id=" . $_graph_tree_id . "&parent_id=" . $tree_item["id"] . "'>Add</a>)";
                    } else {
                        if ($tree_item["item_type"] == TREE_ITEM_TYPE_HOST) {
                            $item_text = "<strong>Device:</strong> " . $tree_item["host_hostname"];
				<tr class="item" id="box-<?php 
                echo $box_id;
                echo $tree_item["id"];
" onClick="display_row_select('<?php 
                echo $box_id;
                echo $box_id;
                echo $tree_item["id"];
', 'box-<?php 
                echo $box_id;
                echo $tree_item["id"];
')" onMouseOver="display_row_hover('box-<?php 
                echo $box_id;
                echo $tree_item["id"];
')" onMouseOut="display_row_clear('box-<?php 
                echo $box_id;
                echo $tree_item["id"];
					<td class="title">
						<img width="<?php 
                echo ($current_depth - 1) * 20;
" height="1" align="middle" alt="">&nbsp;<a onClick="display_row_block('box-<?php 
                echo $box_id;
                echo $tree_item["id"];
')" href="graph_trees_items.php?action=edit&tree_id=<?php 
                echo $_graph_tree_id;
                echo $tree_item["id"];
"><span id="box-<?php 
                echo $box_id;
                echo $tree_item["id"];
                echo html_highlight_words(get_get_var("search_filter"), $item_text);
                echo $tree_item_types[$tree_item["item_type"]];
                if (isset($sort_cache[$current_depth - 1]) && $sort_cache[$current_depth - 1] != TREE_ORDERING_NONE || $graph_tree["sort_type"] != TREE_ORDERING_NONE) {
					<td width="80">
                } else {
					<td width="80" align="center">
						<a href="graph_trees_items.php?action=movedown&id=<?php 
                    echo $tree_item["id"];
                    echo $_graph_tree_id;
"><img src="<?php 
                    echo html_get_theme_images_path("move_down.gif");
" border="0" alt="Move Down"></a>
						<a href="graph_trees_items.php?action=moveup&id=<?php 
                    echo $tree_item["id"];
                    echo $_graph_tree_id;
"><img src="<?php 
                    echo html_get_theme_images_path("move_up.gif");
" border="0" alt="Move Up"></a>

					<td class="checkbox" align="center">
						<input type='checkbox' name='box-<?php 
                echo $box_id;
                echo $tree_item["id"];
' id='box-<?php 
                echo $box_id;
                echo $tree_item["id"];
' title="<?php 
                echo strip_tags($item_text);
        } else {
			<tr class="empty">
				<td colspan="6">
					No graph tree items found.
        html_box_toolbar_draw($box_id, "1", "3", HTML_BOX_SEARCH_NONE);
        html_box_actions_menu_draw($box_id, "1", $menu_items);
        form_hidden_box("graph_tree_id", $_graph_tree_id);
        form_hidden_box("action", "save");
        form_hidden_box("action_post", "graph_tree_item_list");
		<script language="JavaScript">
		function action_area_handle_type(box_id, type, parent_div, parent_form) {
			if (type == 'remove') {
				parent_div.appendChild(document.createTextNode('Are you sure you want to remove these graph tree items?'));

				action_area_update_header_caption(box_id, 'Remove Graph Tree Item');
				action_area_update_submit_caption(box_id, 'Remove');
				action_area_update_selected_rows(box_id, parent_form);