Ejemplo n.º 1
 * This function returns the value of a parameter from the configuration file
 * WARNING - this function relies heavily on global variables $updateFromConfigFile
 * and $configFile, and also changes these globals. This can be rewritten.
 * @param   string  $param  the parameter of which the value is returned
 * @param   string  If we want to give the path rather than take it from POST
 * @return  string  the value of the parameter
 * @author Olivier Brouckaert
 * @author Reworked by Ivan Tcholakov, 2010
function get_config_param($param, $updatePath = '')
    global $configFile, $updateFromConfigFile;
    // Look if we already have the queried parameter.
    if (is_array($configFile) && isset($configFile[$param])) {
        return $configFile[$param];
    if (empty($updatePath) && !empty($_POST['updatePath'])) {
        $updatePath = $_POST['updatePath'];
    if (empty($updatePath)) {
        $updatePath = api_get_path(SYS_PATH);
    $updatePath = api_add_trailing_slash(str_replace('\\', '/', realpath($updatePath)));
    $updateFromInstalledVersionFile = '';
    if (empty($updateFromConfigFile)) {
        // If update from previous install was requested,
        // try to recover config file from Chamilo 1.9.x
        if (file_exists($updatePath . 'main/inc/conf/configuration.php')) {
            $updateFromConfigFile = 'main/inc/conf/configuration.php';
        } else {
            // Give up recovering.
            //error_log('Chamilo Notice: Could not find previous config file at '.$updatePath.'main/inc/conf/configuration.php nor at '.$updatePath.'claroline/inc/conf/claro_main.conf.php in get_config_param(). Will start new config (in '.__FILE__.', line '.__LINE__.')', 0);
            return null;
    if (file_exists($updatePath . $updateFromConfigFile) && !is_dir($updatePath . $updateFromConfigFile)) {
        require $updatePath . $updateFromConfigFile;
        $config = new Zend\Config\Config($_configuration);
        return $config->get($param);
    error_log('Config array could not be found in get_config_param()', 0);
    return null;
    /*if (file_exists($updatePath.$updateFromConfigFile)) {
          return $val;
      } else {
          error_log('Config array could not be found in get_config_param()', 0);
          return null;
Ejemplo n.º 2
 * Returns a path to a certain resource within the Chamilo area, specifyed through a parameter.
 * Also, this function provides conversion between path types, in this case the input path points inside the Chamilo area too.
 * See $_configuration['course_folder'] in the configuration.php to alter the WEB_COURSE_PATH and SYS_COURSE_PATH parameters.
 * @param string $type              The requested path type (a defined constant), see the examples.
 * @param string $path (optional)   A path which type is to be converted. Also, it may be a defined constant for a path.
 * This parameter has meaning when $type parameter has one of the following values: TO_WEB, TO_SYS, TO_REL. Otherwise it is ignored.
 * @return string                   The requested path or the converted path.
 * A terminology note:
 * The defined constants used by this function contain the abbreviations WEB, REL, SYS with the following meaning for types:
 * WEB - an absolute URL (we often call it web-path),
 * example: http://www.mychamilo.org/chamilo/courses/COURSE01/document/lesson01.html;
 * REL - represents a semi-absolute URL - a web-path, which is relative to the root web-path of the server, without server's base,
 * example: /chamilo/courses/COURSE01/document/lesson01.html;
 * SYS - represents an absolute path inside the scope of server's file system,
 * /var/www/chamilo/courses/COURSE01/document/lesson01.html or
 * C:/Inetpub/wwwroot/chamilo/courses/COURSE01/document/lesson01.html.
 * In some abstract sense we can consider these three path types as absolute.
 * Notes about the current behaviour model:
 * 1. Windows back-slashes are converted to slashes in the result.
 * 2. A semi-absolute web-path is detected by its leading slash. On Linux systems, absolute system paths start with
 * a slash too, so an additional check about presence of leading system server base is implemented. For example, the function is
 * able to distinguish type difference between /var/www/chamilo/courses/ (SYS) and /chamilo/courses/ (REL).
 * 3. The function api_get_path() returns only these three types of paths, which in some sense are absolute. The function has
 * no a mechanism for processing relative web/system paths, such as: lesson01.html, ./lesson01.html, ../css/my_styles.css.
 * It has not been identified as needed yet.
 * 4. Also, resolving the meta-symbols "." and ".." within paths has not been implemented, it is to be identified as needed.
 * Example:
 * Assume that your server root is /var/www/ ,
 * Chamilo is installed in a sub folder chamilo/ and the URL of your campus is http://www.mychamilo.org
 * The other configuration parameters have not been changed.
 * This is how we can get most used paths, for common purpose:
 * api_get_path(REL_PATH)                       /chamilo/
 * api_get_path(REL_COURSE_PATH)                /chamilo/courses/
 * api_get_path(REL_CODE_PATH)                  /chamilo/main/
 * api_get_path(REL_UPLOAD_PATH)                /chamilo/app/upload/
 * api_get_path(SYS_SERVER_ROOT_PATH)           /var/www/ - This is the physical folder where the system Chamilo has been placed. It is not always equal to $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].
 * api_get_path(SYS_PATH)                       /var/www/chamilo/
 * api_get_path(SYS_APP_PATH)                   /var/www/chamilo/app/
 * api_get_path(SYS_UPLOAD_PATH)                /var/www/chamilo/app/upload/
 * api_get_path(SYS_ARCHIVE_PATH)               /var/www/chamilo/app/cache
 * api_get_path(SYS_COURSE_PATH)                /var/www/chamilo/app/courses/
 * api_get_path(SYS_CSS_PATH)                   /var/www/chamilo/app/Resources/public/css
 * api_get_path(SYS_CODE_PATH)                  /var/www/chamilo/main/
 * api_get_path(INCLUDE_PATH)                   /var/www/chamilo/main/inc/
 * api_get_path(LIBRARY_PATH)                   /var/www/chamilo/main/inc/lib/
 * api_get_path(CONFIGURATION_PATH)             /var/www/chamilo/main/inc/conf/
 * api_get_path(SYS_LANG_PATH)                  /var/www/chamilo/main/lang/
 * api_get_path(SYS_PLUGIN_PATH)                /var/www/chamilo/plugin/
 * api_get_path(SYS_TEST_PATH)                  /var/www/chamilo/tests/
 * api_get_path(SYS_TEMPLATE_PATH)              /var/www/chamilo/main/template/
 * api_get_path(SYS_PUBLIC_PATH)                /var/www/chamilo/web/
 * api_get_path(WEB_SERVER_ROOT_PATH)           http://www.mychamilo.org/
 * api_get_path(WEB_PATH)                       http://www.mychamilo.org/chamilo/
 * api_get_path(WEB_COURSE_PATH)                http://www.mychamilo.org/chamilo/courses/
 * api_get_path(WEB_CODE_PATH)                  http://www.mychamilo.org/chamilo/main/
 * api_get_path(WEB_PLUGIN_PATH)                http://www.mychamilo.org/chamilo/plugin/
 * api_get_path(WEB_ARCHIVE_PATH)               http://www.mychamilo.org/chamilo/app/cache/
 * api_get_path(WEB_IMG_PATH)                   http://www.mychamilo.org/chamilo/web/bundles/chamilocore/img/
 * api_get_path(SYS_IMG_PATH)                   /var/www/chamilo/web/bundles/chamilocore/img/
 * api_get_path(WEB_CSS_PATH)                   http://www.mychamilo.org/chamilo/web/css/
 * api_get_path(WEB_LIBRARY_PATH)               http://www.mychamilo.org/chamilo/main/inc/lib/
 * api_get_path(WEB_LIBRARY_JS_PATH)            http://www.mychamilo.org/chamilo/web/bundles/chamilocore/js
 * api_get_path(WEB_TEMPLATE_PATH)              http://www.mychamilo.org/chamilo/main/template/
 * api_get_path(WEB_UPLOAD_PATH)                http://www.mychamilo.org/chamilo/app/upload/
 * api_get_path(WEB_PUBLIC_PATH)                http://www.mychamilo.org/chamilo/web/
 * This is how we retrieve paths of "registered" resource files (scripts, players, etc.):
 * api_get_path(TO_WEB, FLASH_PLAYER_AUDIO)     http://www.mychamilo.org/chamilo/main/inc/lib/mediaplayer/player.swf
 * api_get_path(TO_WEB, FLASH_PLAYER_VIDEO)     http://www.mychamilo.org/chamilo/main/inc/lib/mediaplayer/player.swf
 * api_get_path(TO_SYS, SCRIPT_SWFOBJECT)       /var/www/chamilo/main/inc/lib/swfobject/swfobject.js
 * api_get_path(TO_REL, SCRIPT_ASCIIMATHML)     /chamilo/main/inc/lib/asciimath/ASCIIMathML.js
 * ...
 * We can convert arbitrary paths, that are not registered (no defined constant).
 * For guaranteed result, these paths should point inside the system Chamilo.
 * Some random examples:
 * api_get_path(TO_WEB, $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])
 * api_get_path(TO_SYS, $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'])
 * api_get_path(TO_REL, __FILE__)
 * ...
function api_get_path($path_type, $path = null)
    static $paths = array(WEB_PATH => '', SYS_PATH => '', REL_PATH => '', WEB_SERVER_ROOT_PATH => '', SYS_SERVER_ROOT_PATH => '', WEB_COURSE_PATH => '', SYS_COURSE_PATH => '', REL_COURSE_PATH => '', REL_CODE_PATH => '', WEB_CODE_PATH => '', SYS_CODE_PATH => '', SYS_LANG_PATH => 'lang/', WEB_IMG_PATH => 'web/bundles/chamilocore/img/', SYS_IMG_PATH => 'web/bundles/chamilocore/img/', WEB_CSS_PATH => 'web/css/', SYS_CSS_PATH => 'app/Resources/public/css/', SYS_PLUGIN_PATH => 'plugin/', WEB_PLUGIN_PATH => 'plugin/', SYS_ARCHIVE_PATH => 'app/cache/', WEB_ARCHIVE_PATH => 'app/cache/', SYS_APP_PATH => 'app/', WEB_APP_PATH => 'app/', SYS_UPLOAD_PATH => 'app/upload/', REL_UPLOAD_PATH => 'app/upload/', INCLUDE_PATH => 'inc/', LIBRARY_PATH => 'inc/lib/', CONFIGURATION_PATH => 'app/config/', WEB_LIBRARY_PATH => 'inc/lib/', WEB_LIBRARY_JS_PATH => 'web/bundles/chamilocore/js/', WEB_AJAX_PATH => 'inc/ajax/', SYS_TEST_PATH => 'tests/', WEB_TEMPLATE_PATH => 'template/', WEB_UPLOAD_PATH => 'app/upload/', WEB_PUBLIC_PATH => 'web/', SYS_TEMPLATE_PATH => 'template/', SYS_PUBLIC_PATH => 'web/', WEB_FONTS_PATH => 'fonts/', SYS_FONTS_PATH => 'fonts/');
    static $resource_paths = array(FLASH_PLAYER_AUDIO => 'inc/lib/mediaplayer/player.swf', FLASH_PLAYER_VIDEO => 'inc/lib/mediaplayer/player.swf', SCRIPT_SWFOBJECT => 'inc/lib/swfobject/swfobject.js', SCRIPT_ASCIIMATHML => 'inc/lib/javascript/asciimath/ASCIIMathML.js', DRAWING_ASCIISVG => 'inc/lib/javascript/asciimath/d.svg');
    static $is_this_function_initialized;
    static $server_base_web;
    // No trailing slash.
    static $server_base_sys;
    // No trailing slash.
    static $root_rel;
    $root_web = Container::getUrlGenerator()->generate('home', [], \Symfony\Component\Routing\Generator\UrlGeneratorInterface::ABSOLUTE_URL);
    $rootDir = Container::getRootDir();
    // Configuration data for already installed system.
    $root_sys = $rootDir;
    $code_folder = 'main/';
    $course_folder = 'courses/';
    // Configuration data for already installed system.
    $load_new_config = false;
    // To avoid that the api_get_access_url() function fails since global.inc.php also calls the main_api.lib.php
    if ($path_type == WEB_PATH) {
        if (isset($_configuration['access_url']) && $_configuration['access_url'] != 1) {
            //we look into the DB the function api_get_access_url
            $url_info = api_get_access_url($_configuration['access_url']);
            $root_web = $url_info['active'] == 1 ? $url_info['url'] : $_configuration['root_web'];
            $load_new_config = true;
    if (!$is_this_function_initialized) {
        $root_rel = Container::getUrlAppend();
        // Dealing with trailing slashes.
        $root_web = api_add_trailing_slash($root_web);
        $root_sys = api_add_trailing_slash($root_sys);
        $root_rel = api_add_trailing_slash($root_rel);
        $code_folder = api_add_trailing_slash($code_folder);
        $course_folder = api_add_trailing_slash($course_folder);
        // Web server base and system server base.
        $server_base_web = preg_replace('@' . $root_rel . '$@', '', $root_web);
        // No trailing slash.
        $server_base_sys = preg_replace('@' . $root_rel . '$@', '', $root_sys);
        // No trailing slash.
        // Initialization of a table that contains common-purpose paths.
        $paths[WEB_PATH] = $root_web;
        $paths[SYS_PATH] = $root_sys;
        $paths[REL_PATH] = $root_rel;
        $paths[WEB_SERVER_ROOT_PATH] = $server_base_web . '/';
        $paths[SYS_SERVER_ROOT_PATH] = $server_base_sys . '/';
        $paths[WEB_COURSE_PATH] = $root_web . $course_folder;
        $paths[REL_COURSE_PATH] = $root_rel . $course_folder;
        $paths[REL_CODE_PATH] = $root_rel . $code_folder;
        $paths[WEB_CODE_PATH] = $root_web . $code_folder;
        $paths[SYS_CODE_PATH] = $root_sys . $code_folder;
        $paths[REL_UPLOAD_PATH] = $root_rel . $paths[SYS_UPLOAD_PATH];
        $paths[WEB_DEFAULT_COURSE_DOCUMENT_PATH] = $paths[WEB_CODE_PATH] . 'default_course_document/';
        $paths[REL_DEFAULT_COURSE_DOCUMENT_PATH] = $paths[REL_PATH] . 'main/default_course_document/';
        // Now we can switch into api_get_path() "terminology".
        $paths[SYS_LANG_PATH] = $paths[SYS_CODE_PATH] . $paths[SYS_LANG_PATH];
        $paths[SYS_APP_PATH] = $paths[SYS_PATH] . $paths[SYS_APP_PATH];
        $paths[WEB_APP_PATH] = $paths[WEB_PATH] . $paths[WEB_APP_PATH];
        $paths[SYS_UPLOAD_PATH] = $paths[SYS_PATH] . $paths[SYS_UPLOAD_PATH];
        $paths[SYS_PLUGIN_PATH] = $paths[SYS_PATH] . $paths[SYS_PLUGIN_PATH];
        $paths[SYS_ARCHIVE_PATH] = Container::getTempDir();
        $paths[SYS_TEST_PATH] = $paths[SYS_PATH] . $paths[SYS_TEST_PATH];
        $paths[SYS_TEMPLATE_PATH] = $paths[SYS_CODE_PATH] . $paths[SYS_TEMPLATE_PATH];
        $paths[SYS_PUBLIC_PATH] = $paths[SYS_PATH] . $paths[SYS_PUBLIC_PATH];
        $paths[SYS_CSS_PATH] = $paths[SYS_PATH] . $paths[SYS_CSS_PATH];
        $paths[SYS_FONTS_PATH] = $paths[SYS_CODE_PATH] . $paths[SYS_FONTS_PATH];
        $paths[WEB_CSS_PATH] = $paths[WEB_PATH] . $paths[WEB_CSS_PATH];
        $bundleWebPath = Container::getAsset()->getUrl('bundles/chamilocore/');
        $paths[WEB_IMG_PATH] = $bundleWebPath . 'img/';
        $paths[SYS_IMG_PATH] = $paths[SYS_PATH] . $paths[SYS_IMG_PATH];
        $paths[WEB_LIBRARY_PATH] = $paths[WEB_CODE_PATH] . $paths[WEB_LIBRARY_PATH];
        $paths[WEB_LIBRARY_JS_PATH] = $bundleWebPath . 'js/';
        $paths[WEB_AJAX_PATH] = $paths[WEB_CODE_PATH] . $paths[WEB_AJAX_PATH];
        $paths[WEB_FONTS_PATH] = $paths[WEB_CODE_PATH] . $paths[WEB_FONTS_PATH];
        $paths[WEB_PLUGIN_PATH] = $paths[WEB_PATH] . $paths[WEB_PLUGIN_PATH];
        $paths[WEB_ARCHIVE_PATH] = $paths[WEB_PATH] . $paths[WEB_ARCHIVE_PATH];
        $paths[WEB_TEMPLATE_PATH] = $paths[WEB_CODE_PATH] . $paths[WEB_TEMPLATE_PATH];
        $paths[WEB_UPLOAD_PATH] = $paths[WEB_PATH] . $paths[WEB_UPLOAD_PATH];
        $paths[WEB_PUBLIC_PATH] = $paths[WEB_PATH] . $paths[WEB_PUBLIC_PATH];
        $paths[INCLUDE_PATH] = $paths[SYS_CODE_PATH] . $paths[INCLUDE_PATH];
        $paths[LIBRARY_PATH] = $paths[SYS_CODE_PATH] . $paths[LIBRARY_PATH];
        $paths[CONFIGURATION_PATH] = $paths[SYS_PATH] . $paths[CONFIGURATION_PATH];
        $paths[SYS_COURSE_PATH] = Container::getCourseDir();
        $is_this_function_initialized = true;
    } else {
        if ($load_new_config) {
            //  Redefining variables to work well with the "multiple url" feature
            // All web paths need to be here
            $web_paths = array(WEB_PATH => '', WEB_SERVER_ROOT_PATH => '', WEB_COURSE_PATH => '', WEB_CODE_PATH => '', WEB_IMG_PATH => 'img/', WEB_CSS_PATH => 'web/css/', WEB_PLUGIN_PATH => 'plugin/', WEB_ARCHIVE_PATH => 'archive/', WEB_LIBRARY_PATH => 'inc/lib/', WEB_AJAX_PATH => 'inc/ajax/');
            $root_web = api_add_trailing_slash($root_web);
            // Web server base and system server base.
            $server_base_web = preg_replace('@' . $root_rel . '$@', '', $root_web);
            // No trailing slash.
            // Redefine root webs
            $paths[WEB_PATH] = $root_web;
            $paths[WEB_SERVER_ROOT_PATH] = $server_base_web . '/';
            $paths[WEB_COURSE_PATH] = $root_web . $course_folder;
            $paths[WEB_CODE_PATH] = $root_web . $code_folder;
            $paths[WEB_IMG_PATH] = $paths[WEB_CODE_PATH] . $web_paths[WEB_IMG_PATH];
            $paths[WEB_CSS_PATH] = $paths[WEB_PATH] . $web_paths[WEB_CSS_PATH];
            $paths[WEB_PLUGIN_PATH] = $paths[WEB_PATH] . $web_paths[WEB_PLUGIN_PATH];
            $paths[WEB_ARCHIVE_PATH] = $paths[WEB_PATH] . $web_paths[WEB_ARCHIVE_PATH];
            $paths[WEB_LIBRARY_PATH] = $paths[WEB_CODE_PATH] . $web_paths[WEB_LIBRARY_PATH];
            $paths[WEB_AJAX_PATH] = $paths[WEB_CODE_PATH] . $web_paths[WEB_AJAX_PATH];
            $paths[WEB_FONTS_PATH] = $paths[WEB_CODE_PATH] . $paths[WEB_FONTS_PATH];
    // Shallow purification and validation of input parameters.
    $path_type = trim($path_type);
    $path = trim($path);
    if (empty($path_type)) {
        return null;
    // Retrieving a common-purpose path.
    if (isset($paths[$path_type])) {
        return $paths[$path_type];
    // Retrieving a specific resource path.
    if (isset($resource_paths[$path])) {
        switch ($path_type) {
            case TO_WEB:
                return $paths[WEB_CODE_PATH] . $resource_paths[$path];
            case TO_SYS:
                return $paths[SYS_CODE_PATH] . $resource_paths[$path];
            case TO_REL:
                return $paths[REL_CODE_PATH] . $resource_paths[$path];
                return null;
    // Common-purpose paths as a second parameter - recognition.
    if (isset($paths[$path])) {
        $path = $paths[$path];
    // Second purification.
    // Replacing Windows back slashes.
    $path = str_replace('\\', '/', $path);
    // Query strings sometimes mighth wrongly appear in non-URLs.
    // Let us check remove them from all types of paths.
    if (($pos = strpos($path, '?')) !== false) {
        $path = substr($path, 0, $pos);
    // Detection of the input path type. Conversion to semi-absolute type ( /chamilo/main/inc/.... ).
    $courseCode = api_get_course_id();
    if (preg_match(VALID_WEB_PATH, $path)) {
        // A special case: When a URL points to the document download script directly, without
        // mod-rewrite translation, we have to translate it into an "ordinary" web path.
        // For example:
        // http://localhost/chamilo/main/document/download.php?doc_url=/image.png&cDir=/
        // becomes
        // http://localhost/chamilo/courses/TEST/document/image.png
        // TEST is a course directory name, so called "system course code".
        if (strpos($path, 'download.php') !== false) {
            // Fast detection first.
            $path = urldecode($path);
            if (preg_match('/(.*)main\\/document\\/download.php\\?doc_url=\\/(.*)&cDir=\\/(.*)?/', $path, $matches)) {
                $sys_course_code = isset($courseCode) ? $courseCode : '{SYS_COURSE_CODE}';
                // No, then use a fake code, it may be processed later.
                $path = $matches[1] . 'courses/' . $sys_course_code . '/document/' . str_replace('//', '/', $matches[3] . '/' . $matches[2]);
        // Replacement of the present web server base with a slash '/'.
        $path = preg_replace(VALID_WEB_SERVER_BASE, '/', $path);
    } elseif (strpos($path, $server_base_sys) === 0) {
        $path = preg_replace('@^' . $server_base_sys . '@', '', $path);
    } elseif (strpos($path, '/') === 0) {
        // Leading slash - we assume that this path is semi-absolute (REL),
        // then path is left without furthes modifications.
    } else {
        return null;
        // Probably implementation of this case won't be needed.
    // Path now is semi-absolute. It is convenient at this moment repeated slashes to be removed.
    $path = preg_replace(REPEATED_SLASHES_PURIFIER, '/', $path);
    // Path conversion to the requested type.
    switch ($path_type) {
        case TO_WEB:
            return $server_base_web . $path;
        case TO_SYS:
            return $server_base_sys . $path;
        case TO_REL:
            return $path;
    return null;
Ejemplo n.º 3
 * Write the main system config file
 * @param string $path Path to the config file
function write_system_config_file($path)
    global $dbHostForm;
    global $dbUsernameForm;
    global $dbPassForm;
    global $singleDbForm;
    global $dbPrefixForm;
    global $dbNameForm;
    global $urlForm;
    global $pathForm;
    global $urlAppendPath;
    global $languageForm;
    global $encryptPassForm;
    global $installType;
    global $updatePath;
    global $session_lifetime;
    global $new_version;
    global $new_version_stable;
    $root_sys = api_add_trailing_slash(str_replace('\\', '/', realpath($pathForm)));
    $content = file_get_contents(dirname(__FILE__) . '/' . SYSTEM_CONFIG_FILENAME);
    $config['{DATE_GENERATED}'] = date('r');
    $config['{DATABASE_HOST}'] = $dbHostForm;
    $config['{DATABASE_USER}'] = $dbUsernameForm;
    $config['{DATABASE_PASSWORD}'] = $dbPassForm;
    $config['SINGLE_DATABASE'] = true_false($singleDbForm);
    $config['{COURSE_TABLE_PREFIX}'] = $singleDbForm ? 'crs_' : '';
    $config['{DATABASE_GLUE}'] = $singleDbForm ? '_' : '`.`';
    $config['{DATABASE_PREFIX}'] = '';
    $config['{DATABASE_MAIN}'] = $dbNameForm;
    $config['{ROOT_WEB}'] = $urlForm;
    $config['{ROOT_SYS}'] = $root_sys;
    $config['{URL_APPEND_PATH}'] = $urlAppendPath;
    $config['{PLATFORM_LANGUAGE}'] = $languageForm;
    $config['{SECURITY_KEY}'] = md5(uniqid(rand() . time()));
    $config['{ENCRYPT_PASSWORD}'] = $encryptPassForm;
    $config['SESSION_LIFETIME'] = $session_lifetime;
    $config['{NEW_VERSION}'] = $new_version;
    $config['NEW_VERSION_STABLE'] = true_false($new_version_stable);
    foreach ($config as $key => $value) {
        $content = str_replace($key, $value, $content);
    $fp = @fopen($path, 'w');
    if (!$fp) {
        echo '<strong>
        <font color="red">Your script doesn\'t have write access to the config directory</font></strong>
        <br />
        <em>(' . str_replace('\\', '/', realpath($path)) . ')</em><br /><br />
        You probably do not have write access on Chamilo root directory,
        i.e. you should <em>CHMOD 777</em> or <em>755</em> or <em>775</em>.<br /><br />
        Your problems can be related on two possible causes:<br />
          <li>Permission problems.<br />Try initially with <em>chmod -R 777</em> and increase restrictions gradually.</li>
          <li>PHP is running in <a href="http://www.php.net/manual/en/features.safe-mode.php" target="_blank">Safe-Mode</a>. If possible, try to switch it off.</li>
        <a href="http://forum.chamilo.org/" target="_blank">Read about this problem in Support Forum</a><br /><br />
        Please go back to step 5.
        <p><input type="submit" name="step5" value="&lt; Back" /></p>
    fwrite($fp, $content);
Ejemplo n.º 4
$badUpdatePath = false;
$emptyUpdatePath = true;
$proposedUpdatePath = '';
if (!empty($_POST['updatePath'])) {
    $proposedUpdatePath = $_POST['updatePath'];
if (@$_POST['step2_install'] || @$_POST['step2_update_8'] || @$_POST['step2_update_6']) {
    if (@$_POST['step2_install']) {
        $installType = 'new';
        $_POST['step2'] = 1;
    } else {
        $installType = 'update';
        if (@$_POST['step2_update_8']) {
            $emptyUpdatePath = false;
            $proposedUpdatePath = api_add_trailing_slash(empty($_POST['updatePath']) ? api_get_path(SYS_PATH) : $_POST['updatePath']);
            if (file_exists($proposedUpdatePath)) {
                if (in_array($my_old_version, $update_from_version_8)) {
                    $_POST['step2'] = 1;
                } else {
                    $badUpdatePath = true;
            } else {
                $badUpdatePath = true;
} elseif (@$_POST['step1']) {
    $_POST['updatePath'] = '';
    $installType = '';
    $updateFromConfigFile = '';
Ejemplo n.º 5
 *	Notice : This script has to be included by index.php
 *	@package chamilo.install

/* This page is called only during a NEW chamilo installation */
/* This page can only be access through including from the install script.  */
 * Init checks
if (!defined('SYSTEM_INSTALLATION')) {
	echo 'You are not allowed here!';

$urlForm = api_add_trailing_slash($urlForm);

switch ($encryptPassForm) {
	case 'md5' :
		$passToStore = md5($passForm);
	case 'sha1' :
		$passToStore = sha1($passForm);
	case 'none' :
		$passToStore = $passForm;

$dbPrefixForm = preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9_\-]/', '', $dbPrefixForm);
Ejemplo n.º 6
 * Returns a path to a certain resource within the Chamilo area, specifyed through a parameter.
 * Also, this function provides conversion between path types, in this case the input path points inside the Chamilo area too.
 * See $_configuration['course_folder'] in the configuration.php to alter the WEB_COURSE_PATH and SYS_COURSE_PATH parameters.
 * @param string $type              The requested path type (a defined constant), see the examples.
 * @param string $path (optional)   A path which type is to be converted. Also, it may be a defined constant for a path.
 * This parameter has meaning when $type parameter has one of the following values: TO_WEB, TO_SYS, TO_REL. Otherwise it is ignored.
 * @return string                   The requested path or the converted path.
 * A terminology note:
 * The defined constants used by this function contain the abbreviations WEB, REL, SYS with the following meaning for types:
 * WEB - an absolute URL (we often call it web-path),
 * example: http://www.mychamilo.org/chamilo/courses/COURSE01/document/lesson01.html;
 * REL - represents a semi-absolute URL - a web-path, which is relative to the root web-path of the server, without server's base,
 * example: /chamilo/courses/COURSE01/document/lesson01.html;
 * SYS - represents an absolute path inside the scope of server's file system,
 * /var/www/chamilo/courses/COURSE01/document/lesson01.html or
 * C:/Inetpub/wwwroot/chamilo/courses/COURSE01/document/lesson01.html.
 * In some abstract sense we can consider these three path types as absolute.
 * Notes about the current behaviour model:
 * 1. Windows back-slashes are converted to slashes in the result.
 * 2. A semi-absolute web-path is detected by its leading slash. On Linux systems, absolute system paths start with
 * a slash too, so an additional check about presense of leading system server base is implemented. For example, the function is
 * able to distinguish type difference between /var/www/chamilo/courses/ (SYS) and /chamilo/courses/ (REL).
 * 3. The function api_get_path() returns only these three types of paths, which in some sense are absolute. The function has
 * no a mechanism for processing relative web/system paths, such as: lesson01.html, ./lesson01.html, ../css/my_styles.css.
 * It has not been identified as needed yet.
 * 4. Also, resolving the meta-symbols "." and ".." withiin paths has not been implemented, it is to be identified as needed.
 * Example:
 * Assume that your server root is /var/www/ , Chamilo is installed in a subfolder chamilo/ and the URL of your campus is http://www.mychamilo.org
 * The other configuration paramaters have not been changed.
 * This is how we can retireve mosth used paths, for common purpose:
 * api_get_path(REL_PATH)                       /chamilo/
 * api_get_path(REL_COURSE_PATH)                /chamilo/courses/
 * api_get_path(REL_CODE_PATH)                  /chamilo/main/
 * api_get_path(SYS_SERVER_ROOT_PATH)           /var/www/ - This is the physical folder where the system Chamilo has been placed. It is not always equal to $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].
 * api_get_path(SYS_PATH)                       /var/www/chamilo/
 * api_get_path(SYS_ARCHIVE_PATH)               /var/www/chamilo/temp/
 * api_get_path(SYS_LOG_PATH)                   /var/www/chamilo/logs/
 * api_get_path(SYS_DATA_PATH)                  /var/www/chamilo/data/
 * api_get_path(SYS_CONFIG_PATH)                /var/www/chamilo/config/
 * api_get_path(SYS_WEB_PATH)                   /var/www/chamilo/web/
 * api_get_path(SYS_COURSE_PATH)                /var/www/chamilo/data/courses/
 * api_get_path(SYS_CODE_PATH)                  /var/www/chamilo/main/
 * api_get_path(SYS_CSS_PATH)                   /var/www/chamilo/main/css
 * api_get_path(INCLUDE_PATH)                   /var/www/chamilo/main/inc/
 * api_get_path(LIBRARY_PATH)                   /var/www/chamilo/main/inc/lib/
 * api_get_path(SYS_LIBRARY_JS_PATH)            /var/www/chamilo/web/Chamilo/js
 * api_get_path(CONFIGURATION_PATH)             /var/www/chamilo/main/inc/conf/
 * api_get_path(SYS_LANG_PATH)                  /var/www/chamilo/main/lang/
 * api_get_path(SYS_PLUGIN_PATH)                /var/www/chamilo/plugin/
 * api_get_path(SYS_TEST_PATH)                  /var/www/chamilo/tests/
 * api_get_path(SYS_TEMPLATE_PATH)              /var/www/chamilo/main/template/
 * api_get_path(WEB_SERVER_ROOT_PATH)           http://www.mychamilo.org/
 * api_get_path(WEB_PUBLIC_PATH)                http://www.mychamilo.org/chamilo/web/
 * api_get_path(WEB_PATH)                       http://www.mychamilo.org/chamilo/
 * api_get_path(WEB_COURSE_PATH)                http://www.mychamilo.org/chamilo/courses/
 * api_get_path(WEB_CODE_PATH)                  http://www.mychamilo.org/chamilo/main/
 * api_get_path(WEB_PLUGIN_PATH)                http://www.mychamilo.org/chamilo/plugin/
 * api_get_path(WEB_ARCHIVE_PATH)               http://www.mychamilo.org/chamilo/archive/
 * api_get_path(WEB_IMG_PATH)                   http://www.mychamilo.org/chamilo/web/chamilo/img/
 * api_get_path(SYS_IMG_PATH)                   /var/www/chamilo/web/bundles/chamilocore/img/
 * api_get_path(WEB_CSS_PATH)                   http://www.mychamilo.org/chamilo/main/css/
 * api_get_path(WEB_LIBRARY_PATH)               http://www.mychamilo.org/chamilo/main/inc/lib/
 * api_get_path(WEB_LIBRARY_JS_PATH)            http://www.mychamilo.org/chamilo/web/Chamilo/javascript
 * api_get_path(WEB_TEMPLATE_PATH)              http://www.mychamilo.org/chamilo/main/template/
 * We can convert arbitrary paths, that are not registered (no defined constant).
 * For guaranteed result, these paths should point inside the system Chamilo.
 * Some random examples:
 * api_get_path(TO_WEB, $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])
 * api_get_path(TO_SYS, $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'])
 * api_get_path(TO_REL, __FILE__)
 * ...
function api_get_path($path_type, $path = null)
    $paths = array(SYS_DATA_PATH => 'data/', SYS_WEB_PATH => 'web/', SYS_CONFIG_PATH => 'config/', SYS_LOG_PATH => 'logs/', WEB_DATA_COURSE_PATH => 'courses/', WEB_DATA_PATH => '/', SYS_COURSE_PATH => 'data/', SYS_CSS_PATH => 'bundles/chamilocore/css/', SYS_LANG_PATH => 'lang/', WEB_IMG_PATH => 'bundles/chamilocore/img/', SYS_IMG_PATH => 'web/bundles/chamilocore/img/', WEB_CSS_PATH => 'bundles/chamilocore/css/', SYS_PLUGIN_PATH => 'plugin/', WEB_PLUGIN_PATH => 'plugin/', WEB_ARCHIVE_PATH => 'temp/', INCLUDE_PATH => 'inc/', LIBRARY_PATH => 'inc/lib/', SYS_LIBRARY_JS_PATH => 'bundles/chamilocore/js/', CONFIGURATION_PATH => 'inc/conf/', WEB_LIBRARY_PATH => 'inc/lib/', WEB_LIBRARY_JS_PATH => 'bundles/chamilocore/js/', WEB_AJAX_PATH => 'inc/ajax/', SYS_TEST_PATH => 'tests/', WEB_TEMPLATE_PATH => 'template/', SYS_TEMPLATE_PATH => 'template/');
    $root_web = Container::getUrlGenerator()->generate('home');
    $rootDir = Container::getRootDir();
    // Configuration data for already installed system.
    $root_sys = $rootDir;
    $code_folder = 'main/';
    //$course_folder  = isset($_configuration['course_folder']) ? $_configuration['course_folder'] : null;
    $course_folder = "courses/";
    // Dealing with trailing slashes.
    $root_web = api_add_trailing_slash($root_web);
    $root_sys = api_add_trailing_slash($root_sys);
    //$root_rel       = api_add_trailing_slash($root_rel);
    $code_folder = api_add_trailing_slash($code_folder);
    $course_folder = api_add_trailing_slash($course_folder);
    $root_rel = null;
    // Initialization of a table that contains common-purpose paths.
    $paths[WEB_PATH] = $root_web;
    $webPathNoDev = str_replace('app_dev.php/', '', $paths[WEB_PATH]);
    $paths[WEB_PUBLIC_PATH] = $root_web;
    $paths[SYS_PATH] = $root_sys;
    // Update data path to get it from config file if defined
    $paths[SYS_DATA_PATH] = Container::getDataDir();
    $paths[SYS_LOG_PATH] = Container::getLogDir();
    $paths[SYS_CONFIG_PATH] = Container::getConfigDir();
    $paths[SYS_COURSE_PATH] = Container::getCourseDir();
    $paths[SYS_DEFAULT_COURSE_DOCUMENT_PATH] = $paths[SYS_DATA_PATH] . 'default_course_document/';
    $paths[SYS_WEB_PATH] = $root_sys . 'web/';
    $paths[REL_PATH] = $root_rel;
    $paths[WEB_DATA_PATH] = $paths[WEB_PUBLIC_PATH] . 'data/';
    $paths[WEB_COURSE_PATH] = $root_web . $course_folder;
    $paths[WEB_DATA_COURSE_PATH] = $paths[WEB_DATA_PATH] . $course_folder;
    $paths[REL_COURSE_PATH] = $root_rel . $course_folder;
    $paths[REL_CODE_PATH] = $root_rel . $code_folder;
    $paths[WEB_CODE_PATH] = $root_web . $code_folder;
    $paths[REL_DATA_PATH] = $root_rel . 'data/';
    $paths[WEB_DEFAULT_COURSE_DOCUMENT_PATH] = $paths[WEB_DATA_PATH] . 'default_course_document/';
    $paths[REL_DEFAULT_COURSE_DOCUMENT_PATH] = $paths[REL_DATA_PATH] . 'default_course_document/';
    $paths[SYS_CODE_PATH] = $root_sys . $code_folder;
    // Now we can switch into api_get_path() "terminology".
    $paths[SYS_LANG_PATH] = $paths[SYS_CODE_PATH] . $paths[SYS_LANG_PATH];
    $paths[SYS_PLUGIN_PATH] = $paths[SYS_PATH] . $paths[SYS_PLUGIN_PATH];
    $paths[SYS_ARCHIVE_PATH] = Container::getTempDir();
    $paths[SYS_TEST_PATH] = $paths[SYS_PATH] . $paths[SYS_TEST_PATH];
    $paths[SYS_TEMPLATE_PATH] = $paths[SYS_CODE_PATH] . $paths[SYS_TEMPLATE_PATH];
    $paths[SYS_CSS_PATH] = $paths[SYS_PATH] . $paths[SYS_CSS_PATH];
    $paths[WEB_CSS_PATH] = $paths[WEB_PATH] . $paths[WEB_CSS_PATH];
    $paths[WEB_IMG_PATH] = $paths[WEB_PATH] . $paths[WEB_IMG_PATH];
    $paths[SYS_IMG_PATH] = $paths[SYS_PATH] . $paths[SYS_IMG_PATH];
    $paths[WEB_LIBRARY_PATH] = $paths[WEB_CODE_PATH] . $paths[WEB_LIBRARY_PATH];
    $paths[WEB_LIBRARY_JS_PATH] = $webPathNoDev . $paths[WEB_LIBRARY_JS_PATH];
    $paths[WEB_AJAX_PATH] = $paths[WEB_PUBLIC_PATH] . 'main/' . $paths[WEB_AJAX_PATH];
    $paths[WEB_PLUGIN_PATH] = $paths[WEB_PATH] . $paths[WEB_PLUGIN_PATH];
    $paths[WEB_ARCHIVE_PATH] = $paths[WEB_PATH] . $paths[WEB_ARCHIVE_PATH];
    $paths[WEB_TEMPLATE_PATH] = $paths[WEB_CODE_PATH] . $paths[WEB_TEMPLATE_PATH];
    $paths[INCLUDE_PATH] = $paths[SYS_CODE_PATH] . $paths[INCLUDE_PATH];
    $paths[LIBRARY_PATH] = $paths[SYS_CODE_PATH] . $paths[LIBRARY_PATH];
    $paths[SYS_LIBRARY_JS_PATH] = $paths[SYS_PATH] . $paths[SYS_LIBRARY_JS_PATH];
    // Path conversion to the requested type.
    if (empty($path_type)) {
        return null;
    if (isset($paths[$path_type])) {
        return $paths[$path_type];
    return null;
Ejemplo n.º 7
 * This function returns the value of a parameter from the configuration file
 * WARNING - this function relies heavily on global variables $updateFromConfigFile
 * and $configFile, and also changes these globals. This can be rewritten.
 * @param   string  $param  the parameter of which the value is returned
 * @param   string  If we want to give the path rather than take it from POST
 * @return  string  the value of the parameter
 * @author Olivier Brouckaert
 * @author Reworked by Ivan Tcholakov, 2010
function get_config_param($param, $updatePath = '') {
    global $configFile, $updateFromConfigFile;

    // Look if we already have the queried parameter.
    if (is_array($configFile) && isset($configFile[$param])) {
        return $configFile[$param];
    if (empty($updatePath) && !empty($_POST['updatePath'])) {
        $updatePath = $_POST['updatePath'];
    if (empty($updatePath)) {
        $updatePath = api_get_path(SYS_PATH);
    $updatePath = api_add_trailing_slash(str_replace('\\', '/', realpath($updatePath)));
    $updateFromInstalledVersionFile = '';

    if (empty($updateFromConfigFile)) {
        // If update from previous install was requested,
        // try to recover old config file from dokeos 1.8.x.
        if (file_exists($updatePath.'main/inc/conf/configuration.php')) {
            $updateFromConfigFile = 'main/inc/conf/configuration.php';
        } elseif (file_exists($updatePath.'claroline/inc/conf/claro_main.conf.php')) {
            $updateFromConfigFile = 'claroline/inc/conf/claro_main.conf.php';
        } else {
            // Give up recovering.
            //error_log('Chamilo Notice: Could not find previous config file at '.$updatePath.'main/inc/conf/configuration.php nor at '.$updatePath.'claroline/inc/conf/claro_main.conf.php in get_config_param(). Will start new config (in '.__FILE__.', line '.__LINE__.')', 0);
            return null;

    if (file_exists($updatePath.$updateFromConfigFile) && !is_dir($updatePath.$updateFromConfigFile)) {

        // The parameter was not found among the global variables, so look into the old configuration file.

        // Make sure the installedVersion file is read first so it is overwritten
        // by the config file if the config file contains the version (from 1.8.4).
        $config_data_2 = array();
        if (file_exists($updatePath.$updateFromInstalledVersionFile)) {
            $config_data_2 = file_to_array($updatePath.$updateFromInstalledVersionFile);
        $configFile = array();
        $config_data = file_to_array($updatePath.$updateFromConfigFile);
        $config_data = array_merge($config_data, $config_data_2);
        $val = '';

        // Parse the configuration file, statement by statement (line by line, actually).
        foreach ($config_data as $php_statement) {

            if (strpos($php_statement, '=') !== false) {
                // Variable assignment statement have been detected (probably).
                // It is expected to be as follows:
                // $variable = 'some_value'; // A comment that is not mandatory.

                // Split the statement into its left and right sides.
                $php_statement = explode('=', $php_statement);
                $variable = trim($php_statement[0]);
                $value = $php_statement[1];

                if (substr($variable, 0, 1) == '$') {
                    // We have for sure a php variable assignment detected.

                    // On the left side: Retrieve the pure variable's name
                    $variable = trim(str_replace('$', '', $variable));

                    // On the right side: Remove the comment, if it exists.
                    list($value) = explode(' //', $value);
                    // Remove extra whitespace, if any. Remove the trailing semicolon (;).
                    $value = substr(trim($value), 0, -1);
                    // Remove surroundig quotes, restore escaped quotes.
                    $value = str_replace('\"', '"', preg_replace('/^"|"$/', '', $value));
                    $value = str_replace('\'', '"', preg_replace('/^\'|\'$/', '', $value));

                    if (strtolower($value) == 'true') {

                        // A boolean true value have been recognized.
                        $value = 1;

                    } elseif (strtolower($value) == 'false') {

                        // A boolean false value have been recognized.
                        $value = 0;

                    } else {

                        // Probably we have a string value, but also we have to check
                        // possible string concatenations that may include string values
                        // and other configuration variables. I this case we have to
                        // get the calculated result of the concatenation.
                        $implode_string = ' ';
                        if (!strstr($value, '." ".') && strstr($value, '.$')) {
                            // Yes, there is concatenation, insert a special separator string.
                            $value = str_replace('.$', '." ".$', $value);
                            $implode_string = '';

                        // Split the concatenated values, if they are more than one.
                        $sub_strings = explode('." ".', $value);

                        // Seek for variables and retrieve their values.
                        foreach ($sub_strings as $key => & $sub_string) {
                            if (preg_match('/^\$[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*$/', $sub_string)) {
                                // A variable has been detected, read it by recursive call.
                                $sub_string = get_config_param(str_replace('$', '', $sub_string));

                        // Concatenate everything into the final, the calculated string value.
                        $value = implode($implode_string, $sub_strings);

                    // Cache the result value.
                    $configFile[$variable] = $value;

                    $a = explode("'", $variable);
                    $key_tmp = isset($a[1]) ? $a[1] : null;
                    if ($key_tmp == $param) {
                        $val = $value;

    if($param == 'dbGlu' && empty($val)){
        return '`.`';
    //Special treatment for dokeos_version parameter due to Dokeos 1.8.3 have the dokeos_version in the main/inc/installedVersion.inc.php file
    if ($param == 'dokeos_version') {
        //dokeos_version from configuration.php if empty
        $dokeos_version = $val;

        if (empty($dokeos_version)) {
            //checking the dokeos_version value exists in main/inc/installedVersion.inc.php
            if (file_exists($updatePath.'main/inc/installedVersion.inc.php')) {
                $updateFromInstalledVersionFile = $updatePath.'main/inc/installedVersion.inc.php';
                require ($updateFromInstalledVersionFile); //there are only 2 variables here: $stable & $dokeos_version
                $stable = false;
        return $dokeos_version;
    } else {
        if (file_exists($updatePath.$updateFromConfigFile)) {
            return  $val;
        } else {
            error_log('Config array could not be found in get_config_param()', 0);
            return null;
Ejemplo n.º 8
			$proposedUpdatePath = api_add_trailing_slash(empty($_POST['updatePath']) ? api_get_path(SYS_PATH) : $_POST['updatePath']);
			if (file_exists($proposedUpdatePath)) {
				if (in_array($my_old_version, $update_from_version_8)) {
					$_POST['step2'] = 1;
				} else {
					$badUpdatePath = true;
			} else {
				$badUpdatePath = true;
		} else { //step2_update_6, presumably
			if (empty($_POST['updatePath'])) {
				$_POST['step1'] = 1;
			} else {
				$emptyUpdatePath = false;
				$_POST['updatePath'] = api_add_trailing_slash($_POST['updatePath']);
				if (file_exists($_POST['updatePath'])) {
					$my_old_version = get_config_param('clarolineVersion', $_POST['updatePath']);
					if (in_array($my_old_version, $update_from_version_6)) {
						$_POST['step2'] = 1;
						$proposedUpdatePath = $_POST['updatePath'];
					} else {
						$badUpdatePath = true;
				} else {
					$badUpdatePath = true;
Ejemplo n.º 9
  * This method returns detected configuration data about editor's MimeTeX plugin.
  * @return array
 private function &get_mimetex_plugin_configuration()
     static $config;
     if (!isset($config)) {
         $config = array();
         if (is_array($this->Config['LoadPlugin']) && in_array('mimetex', $this->Config['LoadPlugin'])) {
             $server_base = api_get_path(WEB_SERVER_ROOT_PATH);
             $server_base_parts = explode('/', $server_base);
             $url_relative = 'cgi-bin/mimetex' . (IS_WINDOWS_OS ? '.exe' : '.cgi');
             if (!isset($this->Config['MimetexExecutableInstalled'])) {
                 $this->Config['MimetexExecutableDetectionMethod'] = 'detect';
             if ($this->Config['MimetexExecutableInstalled'] == 'detect') {
                 $detection_method = isset($this->Config['MimetexExecutableDetectionMethod']) ? $this->Config['MimetexExecutableDetectionMethod'] : 'bootstrap_ip';
                 $detection_timeout = isset($this->Config['MimetexExecutableDetectionTimeout']) ? $this->Config['MimetexExecutableDetectionTimeout'] : 0.05;
                 switch ($detection_method) {
                     case 'bootstrap_ip':
                         $detection_url = $server_base_parts[0] . '//';
                     case 'localhost':
                         $detection_url = $server_base_parts[0] . '//localhost/';
                     case 'ip':
                         $detection_url = $server_base_parts[0] . '//' . $_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR'] . '/';
                         $detection_url = $server_base_parts[0] . '//' . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . '/';
                 $detection_url .= $url_relative . '?' . rand();
                 $config['IsMimetexInstalled'] = self::url_exists($detection_url, $detection_timeout);
             } else {
                 $config['IsMimetexInstalled'] = $this->Config['MimetexExecutableInstalled'];
             $config['MimetexUrl'] = api_add_trailing_slash($server_base) . $url_relative;
         // Cleaning detection related settings, we don't need them anymore.
     return $config;
Ejemplo n.º 10
 * Returns a path to a certain resource within the Chamilo area, specifyed through a parameter.
 * Also, this function provides conversion between path types, in this case the input path points inside the Chamilo area too.
 * See $_configuration['course_folder'] in the configuration.php to alter the WEB_COURSE_PATH and SYS_COURSE_PATH parameters.
 * @param string $type              The requested path type (a defined constant), see the examples.
 * @param string $path (optional)   A path which type is to be converted. Also, it may be a defined constant for a path.
 * This parameter has meaning when $type parameter has one of the following values: TO_WEB, TO_SYS, TO_REL. Otherwise it is ignored.
 * @return string                   The requested path or the converted path.
 * A terminology note:
 * The defined constants used by this function contain the abbreviations WEB, REL, SYS with the following meaning for types:
 * WEB - an absolute URL (we often call it web-path),
 * example: http://www.mychamilo.org/chamilo/courses/COURSE01/document/lesson01.html;
 * REL - represents a semi-absolute URL - a web-path, which is relative to the root web-path of the server, without server's base,
 * example: /chamilo/courses/COURSE01/document/lesson01.html;
 * SYS - represents an absolute path inside the scope of server's file system,
 * /var/www/chamilo/courses/COURSE01/document/lesson01.html or
 * C:/Inetpub/wwwroot/chamilo/courses/COURSE01/document/lesson01.html.
 * In some abstract sense we can consider these three path types as absolute.
 * Notes about the current behaviour model:
 * 1. Windows back-slashes are converted to slashes in the result.
 * 2. A semi-absolute web-path is detected by its leading slash. On Linux systems, absolute system paths start with
 * a slash too, so an additional check about presence of leading system server base is implemented. For example, the function is
 * able to distinguish type difference between /var/www/chamilo/courses/ (SYS) and /chamilo/courses/ (REL).
 * 3. The function api_get_path() returns only these three types of paths, which in some sense are absolute. The function has
 * no a mechanism for processing relative web/system paths, such as: lesson01.html, ./lesson01.html, ../css/my_styles.css.
 * It has not been identified as needed yet.
 * 4. Also, resolving the meta-symbols "." and ".." within paths has not been implemented, it is to be identified as needed.
 * Example:
 * Assume that your server root is /var/www/ ,
 * Chamilo is installed in a sub folder chamilo/ and the URL of your campus is http://www.mychamilo.org
 * The other configuration parameters have not been changed.
 * This is how we can get most used paths, for common purpose:
 * api_get_path(REL_PATH)                       /chamilo/
 * api_get_path(REL_COURSE_PATH)                /chamilo/courses/
 * api_get_path(REL_CODE_PATH)                  /chamilo/main/
 * api_get_path(REL_UPLOAD_PATH)                /chamilo/app/upload/
 * api_get_path(SYS_SERVER_ROOT_PATH)           /var/www/ - This is the physical folder where the system Chamilo has been placed. It is not always equal to $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].
 * api_get_path(SYS_PATH)                       /var/www/chamilo/
 * api_get_path(SYS_APP_PATH)                   /var/www/chamilo/app/
 * api_get_path(SYS_UPLOAD_PATH)                /var/www/chamilo/app/upload/
 * api_get_path(SYS_ARCHIVE_PATH)               /var/www/chamilo/app/cache
 * api_get_path(SYS_COURSE_PATH)                /var/www/chamilo/app/courses/
 * api_get_path(SYS_CSS_PATH)                   /var/www/chamilo/app/Resources/public/css
 * api_get_path(SYS_CODE_PATH)                  /var/www/chamilo/main/
 * api_get_path(INCLUDE_PATH)                   /var/www/chamilo/main/inc/
 * api_get_path(LIBRARY_PATH)                   /var/www/chamilo/main/inc/lib/
 * api_get_path(CONFIGURATION_PATH)             /var/www/chamilo/main/inc/conf/
 * api_get_path(SYS_LANG_PATH)                  /var/www/chamilo/main/lang/
 * api_get_path(SYS_PLUGIN_PATH)                /var/www/chamilo/plugin/
 * api_get_path(SYS_TEST_PATH)                  /var/www/chamilo/tests/
 * api_get_path(SYS_TEMPLATE_PATH)              /var/www/chamilo/main/template/
 * api_get_path(SYS_PUBLIC_PATH)                /var/www/chamilo/web/
 * api_get_path(WEB_SERVER_ROOT_PATH)           http://www.mychamilo.org/
 * api_get_path(WEB_PATH)                       http://www.mychamilo.org/chamilo/
 * api_get_path(WEB_COURSE_PATH)                http://www.mychamilo.org/chamilo/courses/
 * api_get_path(WEB_CODE_PATH)                  http://www.mychamilo.org/chamilo/main/
 * api_get_path(WEB_PLUGIN_PATH)                http://www.mychamilo.org/chamilo/plugin/
 * api_get_path(WEB_ARCHIVE_PATH)               http://www.mychamilo.org/chamilo/app/cache/
 * api_get_path(WEB_IMG_PATH)                   http://www.mychamilo.org/chamilo/main/img/
 * api_get_path(WEB_CSS_PATH)                   http://www.mychamilo.org/chamilo/web/css/
 * api_get_path(WEB_LIBRARY_PATH)               http://www.mychamilo.org/chamilo/main/inc/lib/
 * api_get_path(WEB_LIBRARY_JS_PATH)            http://www.mychamilo.org/chamilo/web/Chamilo/javascript
 * api_get_path(WEB_TEMPLATE_PATH)              http://www.mychamilo.org/chamilo/main/template/
 * api_get_path(WEB_UPLOAD_PATH)                http://www.mychamilo.org/chamilo/app/upload/
 * api_get_path(WEB_PUBLIC_PATH)                http://www.mychamilo.org/chamilo/web/
 * This is how we retrieve paths of "registered" resource files (scripts, players, etc.):
 * api_get_path(TO_WEB, FLASH_PLAYER_AUDIO)     http://www.mychamilo.org/chamilo/main/inc/lib/mediaplayer/player.swf
 * api_get_path(TO_WEB, FLASH_PLAYER_VIDEO)     http://www.mychamilo.org/chamilo/main/inc/lib/mediaplayer/player.swf
 * api_get_path(TO_SYS, SCRIPT_SWFOBJECT)       /var/www/chamilo/main/inc/lib/swfobject/swfobject.js
 * api_get_path(TO_REL, SCRIPT_ASCIIMATHML)     /chamilo/main/inc/lib/asciimath/ASCIIMathML.js
 * ...
 * We can convert arbitrary paths, that are not registered (no defined constant).
 * For guaranteed result, these paths should point inside the system Chamilo.
 * Some random examples:
 * api_get_path(TO_WEB, $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])
 * api_get_path(TO_SYS, $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'])
 * api_get_path(TO_REL, __FILE__)
 * ...
function api_get_path($path_type, $path = null)
    static $paths = array(WEB_PATH => '', SYS_PATH => '', REL_PATH => '', WEB_SERVER_ROOT_PATH => '', SYS_SERVER_ROOT_PATH => '', WEB_COURSE_PATH => '', SYS_COURSE_PATH => '', REL_COURSE_PATH => '', REL_CODE_PATH => '', WEB_CODE_PATH => '', SYS_CODE_PATH => '', SYS_LANG_PATH => 'lang/', WEB_IMG_PATH => 'img/', WEB_CSS_PATH => 'web/css/', SYS_CSS_PATH => 'app/Resources/public/css/', SYS_PLUGIN_PATH => 'plugin/', WEB_PLUGIN_PATH => 'plugin/', SYS_ARCHIVE_PATH => 'app/cache/', WEB_ARCHIVE_PATH => 'app/cache/', SYS_APP_PATH => 'app/', WEB_APP_PATH => 'app/', SYS_UPLOAD_PATH => 'app/upload/', REL_UPLOAD_PATH => 'app/upload/', INCLUDE_PATH => 'inc/', LIBRARY_PATH => 'inc/lib/', CONFIGURATION_PATH => 'app/config/', WEB_LIBRARY_PATH => 'inc/lib/', WEB_LIBRARY_JS_PATH => 'inc/lib/javascript/', WEB_AJAX_PATH => 'inc/ajax/', SYS_TEST_PATH => 'tests/', WEB_TEMPLATE_PATH => 'template/', WEB_UPLOAD_PATH => 'app/upload/', WEB_PUBLIC_PATH => 'web/', SYS_TEMPLATE_PATH => 'template/', SYS_PUBLIC_PATH => 'web/', WEB_FONTS_PATH => 'fonts/', SYS_FONTS_PATH => 'fonts/');
    static $resource_paths = array(FLASH_PLAYER_AUDIO => 'inc/lib/mediaplayer/player.swf', FLASH_PLAYER_VIDEO => 'inc/lib/mediaplayer/player.swf', SCRIPT_SWFOBJECT => 'inc/lib/swfobject/swfobject.js', SCRIPT_ASCIIMATHML => 'inc/lib/javascript/asciimath/ASCIIMathML.js', DRAWING_ASCIISVG => 'inc/lib/javascript/asciimath/d.svg');
    static $is_this_function_initialized;
    static $server_base_web;
    // No trailing slash.
    static $server_base_sys;
    // No trailing slash.
    static $root_web;
    static $root_sys;
    static $root_rel;
    // Always load root_web modifications for multiple url features
    global $_configuration;
    //default $_configuration['root_web'] configuration
    $root_web = $_configuration['root_web'];
    $code_folder = 'main/';
    $course_folder = 'courses/';
    // Configuration data for already installed system.
    $root_sys = $_configuration['root_sys'];
    $load_new_config = false;
    // To avoid that the api_get_access_url() function fails since global.inc.php also calls the main_api.lib.php
    if ($path_type == WEB_PATH) {
        if (isset($_configuration['access_url']) && $_configuration['access_url'] != 1) {
            //we look into the DB the function api_get_access_url
            $url_info = api_get_access_url($_configuration['access_url']);
            $root_web = $url_info['active'] == 1 ? $url_info['url'] : $_configuration['root_web'];
            $load_new_config = true;
    if (!$is_this_function_initialized) {
        global $_configuration;
        $root_rel = $_configuration['url_append'];
        // Support for the installation process.
        // Developers might use the function api_get_path() directly or indirectly (this is difficult to be traced), at the moment when
        // configuration has not been created yet. This is why this function should be upgraded to return correct results in this case.
            if (($pos = strpos($requested_page_rel = api_get_self(), 'main/install')) !== false) {
                $root_rel = substr($requested_page_rel, 0, $pos);
                // See http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:$wgServer
                $server_protocol = isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && $_SERVER['HTTPS'] == 'on' ? 'https' : 'http';
                $server_name = isset($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']) ? $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] : (isset($_SERVER['HOSTNAME']) ? $_SERVER['HOSTNAME'] : (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] : (isset($_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR']) ? $_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR'] : 'localhost')));
                if (isset($_SERVER['SERVER_PORT']) && !strpos($server_name, ':') && ($server_protocol == 'http' && $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] != 80 || $server_protocol == 'https' && $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] != 443)) {
                    $server_name .= ":" . $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'];
                $root_web = $server_protocol . '://' . $server_name . $root_rel;
                $root_sys = str_replace('\\', '/', realpath(__DIR__ . '/../../../')) . '/';
                $code_folder = 'main/';
            // Here we give up, so we don't touch anything.
        // Dealing with trailing slashes.
        $root_web = api_add_trailing_slash($root_web);
        $root_sys = api_add_trailing_slash($root_sys);
        $root_rel = api_add_trailing_slash($root_rel);
        $code_folder = api_add_trailing_slash($code_folder);
        $course_folder = api_add_trailing_slash($course_folder);
        // Web server base and system server base.
        $server_base_web = preg_replace('@' . $root_rel . '$@', '', $root_web);
        // No trailing slash.
        $server_base_sys = preg_replace('@' . $root_rel . '$@', '', $root_sys);
        // No trailing slash.
        // Initialization of a table that contains common-purpose paths.
        $paths[WEB_PATH] = $root_web;
        $paths[SYS_PATH] = $root_sys;
        $paths[REL_PATH] = $root_rel;
        $paths[WEB_SERVER_ROOT_PATH] = $server_base_web . '/';
        $paths[SYS_SERVER_ROOT_PATH] = $server_base_sys . '/';
        $paths[WEB_COURSE_PATH] = $root_web . $course_folder;
        $paths[REL_COURSE_PATH] = $root_rel . $course_folder;
        $paths[REL_CODE_PATH] = $root_rel . $code_folder;
        $paths[WEB_CODE_PATH] = $root_web . $code_folder;
        $paths[SYS_CODE_PATH] = $root_sys . $code_folder;
        $paths[REL_UPLOAD_PATH] = $root_rel . $paths[SYS_UPLOAD_PATH];
        $paths[WEB_DEFAULT_COURSE_DOCUMENT_PATH] = $paths[WEB_CODE_PATH] . 'default_course_document/';
        $paths[REL_DEFAULT_COURSE_DOCUMENT_PATH] = $paths[REL_PATH] . 'main/default_course_document/';
        // Now we can switch into api_get_path() "terminology".
        $paths[SYS_LANG_PATH] = $paths[SYS_CODE_PATH] . $paths[SYS_LANG_PATH];
        $paths[SYS_APP_PATH] = $paths[SYS_PATH] . $paths[SYS_APP_PATH];
        $paths[WEB_APP_PATH] = $paths[WEB_PATH] . $paths[WEB_APP_PATH];
        $paths[SYS_UPLOAD_PATH] = $paths[SYS_PATH] . $paths[SYS_UPLOAD_PATH];
        $paths[SYS_PLUGIN_PATH] = $paths[SYS_PATH] . $paths[SYS_PLUGIN_PATH];
        $paths[SYS_ARCHIVE_PATH] = $paths[SYS_PATH] . $paths[SYS_ARCHIVE_PATH];
        $paths[SYS_TEST_PATH] = $paths[SYS_PATH] . $paths[SYS_TEST_PATH];
        $paths[SYS_TEMPLATE_PATH] = $paths[SYS_CODE_PATH] . $paths[SYS_TEMPLATE_PATH];
        $paths[SYS_PUBLIC_PATH] = $paths[SYS_PATH] . $paths[SYS_PUBLIC_PATH];
        $paths[SYS_CSS_PATH] = $paths[SYS_PATH] . $paths[SYS_CSS_PATH];
        $paths[SYS_FONTS_PATH] = $paths[SYS_CODE_PATH] . $paths[SYS_FONTS_PATH];
        $paths[WEB_CSS_PATH] = $paths[WEB_PATH] . $paths[WEB_CSS_PATH];
        $paths[WEB_IMG_PATH] = $paths[WEB_CODE_PATH] . $paths[WEB_IMG_PATH];
        $paths[WEB_LIBRARY_PATH] = $paths[WEB_CODE_PATH] . $paths[WEB_LIBRARY_PATH];
        $paths[WEB_LIBRARY_JS_PATH] = $paths[WEB_CODE_PATH] . $paths[WEB_LIBRARY_JS_PATH];
        $paths[WEB_AJAX_PATH] = $paths[WEB_CODE_PATH] . $paths[WEB_AJAX_PATH];
        $paths[WEB_FONTS_PATH] = $paths[WEB_CODE_PATH] . $paths[WEB_FONTS_PATH];
        $paths[WEB_PLUGIN_PATH] = $paths[WEB_PATH] . $paths[WEB_PLUGIN_PATH];
        $paths[WEB_ARCHIVE_PATH] = $paths[WEB_PATH] . $paths[WEB_ARCHIVE_PATH];
        $paths[WEB_TEMPLATE_PATH] = $paths[WEB_CODE_PATH] . $paths[WEB_TEMPLATE_PATH];
        $paths[WEB_UPLOAD_PATH] = $paths[WEB_PATH] . $paths[WEB_UPLOAD_PATH];
        $paths[WEB_PUBLIC_PATH] = $paths[WEB_PATH] . $paths[WEB_PUBLIC_PATH];
        $paths[INCLUDE_PATH] = $paths[SYS_CODE_PATH] . $paths[INCLUDE_PATH];
        $paths[LIBRARY_PATH] = $paths[SYS_CODE_PATH] . $paths[LIBRARY_PATH];
        $paths[CONFIGURATION_PATH] = $paths[SYS_PATH] . $paths[CONFIGURATION_PATH];
        $paths[SYS_COURSE_PATH] = $paths[SYS_APP_PATH] . $course_folder;
        $is_this_function_initialized = true;
    } else {
        if ($load_new_config) {
            //  Redefining variables to work well with the "multiple url" feature
            // All web paths need to be here
            $web_paths = array(WEB_PATH => '', WEB_SERVER_ROOT_PATH => '', WEB_COURSE_PATH => '', WEB_CODE_PATH => '', WEB_IMG_PATH => 'img/', WEB_CSS_PATH => 'css/', WEB_PLUGIN_PATH => 'plugin/', WEB_ARCHIVE_PATH => 'archive/', WEB_LIBRARY_PATH => 'inc/lib/', WEB_AJAX_PATH => 'inc/ajax/');
            $root_web = api_add_trailing_slash($root_web);
            // Web server base and system server base.
            $server_base_web = preg_replace('@' . $root_rel . '$@', '', $root_web);
            // No trailing slash.
            // Redefine root webs
            $paths[WEB_PATH] = $root_web;
            $paths[WEB_SERVER_ROOT_PATH] = $server_base_web . '/';
            $paths[WEB_COURSE_PATH] = $root_web . $course_folder;
            $paths[WEB_CODE_PATH] = $root_web . $code_folder;
            $paths[WEB_IMG_PATH] = $paths[WEB_CODE_PATH] . $web_paths[WEB_IMG_PATH];
            $paths[WEB_CSS_PATH] = $paths[WEB_CODE_PATH] . $web_paths[WEB_CSS_PATH];
            $paths[WEB_PLUGIN_PATH] = $paths[WEB_PATH] . $web_paths[WEB_PLUGIN_PATH];
            $paths[WEB_ARCHIVE_PATH] = $paths[WEB_PATH] . $web_paths[WEB_ARCHIVE_PATH];
            $paths[WEB_LIBRARY_PATH] = $paths[WEB_CODE_PATH] . $web_paths[WEB_LIBRARY_PATH];
            $paths[WEB_AJAX_PATH] = $paths[WEB_CODE_PATH] . $web_paths[WEB_AJAX_PATH];
            $paths[WEB_FONTS_PATH] = $paths[WEB_CODE_PATH] . $paths[WEB_FONTS_PATH];
    // Shallow purification and validation of input parameters.
    $path_type = trim($path_type);
    $path = trim($path);
    if (empty($path_type)) {
        return null;
    // Retrieving a common-purpose path.
    if (isset($paths[$path_type])) {
        return $paths[$path_type];
    // Retrieving a specific resource path.
    if (isset($resource_paths[$path])) {
        switch ($path_type) {
            case TO_WEB:
                return $paths[WEB_CODE_PATH] . $resource_paths[$path];
            case TO_SYS:
                return $paths[SYS_CODE_PATH] . $resource_paths[$path];
            case TO_REL:
                return $paths[REL_CODE_PATH] . $resource_paths[$path];
                return null;
    // Common-purpose paths as a second parameter - recognition.
    if (isset($paths[$path])) {
        $path = $paths[$path];
    // Second purification.
    // Replacing Windows back slashes.
    $path = str_replace('\\', '/', $path);
    // Query strings sometimes mighth wrongly appear in non-URLs.
    // Let us check remove them from all types of paths.
    if (($pos = strpos($path, '?')) !== false) {
        $path = substr($path, 0, $pos);
    // Detection of the input path type. Conversion to semi-absolute type ( /chamilo/main/inc/.... ).
    if (preg_match(VALID_WEB_PATH, $path)) {
        // A special case: When a URL points to the document download script directly, without
        // mod-rewrite translation, we have to translate it into an "ordinary" web path.
        // For example:
        // http://localhost/chamilo/main/document/download.php?doc_url=/image.png&cDir=/
        // becomes
        // http://localhost/chamilo/courses/TEST/document/image.png
        // TEST is a course directory name, so called "system course code".
        if (strpos($path, 'download.php') !== false) {
            // Fast detection first.
            $path = urldecode($path);
            if (preg_match('/(.*)main\\/document\\/download.php\\?doc_url=\\/(.*)&cDir=\\/(.*)?/', $path, $matches)) {
                $sys_course_code = isset($_SESSION['_course']['sysCode']) ? $_SESSION['_course']['sysCode'] : '{SYS_COURSE_CODE}';
                // No, then use a fake code, it may be processed later.
                $path = $matches[1] . 'courses/' . $sys_course_code . '/document/' . str_replace('//', '/', $matches[3] . '/' . $matches[2]);
        // Replacement of the present web server base with a slash '/'.
        $path = preg_replace(VALID_WEB_SERVER_BASE, '/', $path);
    } elseif (strpos($path, $server_base_sys) === 0) {
        $path = preg_replace('@^' . $server_base_sys . '@', '', $path);
    } elseif (strpos($path, '/') === 0) {
        // Leading slash - we assume that this path is semi-absolute (REL),
        // then path is left without furthes modifications.
    } else {
        return null;
        // Probably implementation of this case won't be needed.
    // Path now is semi-absolute. It is convenient at this moment repeated slashes to be removed.
    $path = preg_replace(REPEATED_SLASHES_PURIFIER, '/', $path);
    // Path conversion to the requested type.
    switch ($path_type) {
        case TO_WEB:
            return $server_base_web . $path;
        case TO_SYS:
            return $server_base_sys . $path;
        case TO_REL:
            return $path;
    return null;