echo "\n"; if (anonymousMode()) { echo "\n\t"; echoGetFiles($hash, '', 'css', 'anonymous.xml', ''); echo "\n\t"; echoGetFiles($hash, $locale, 'js', 'anonymous.xml', ''); echo "\n"; } ?> </head> <body class="body-images"> <?php // Homepage? if (!anonymousMode()) { ?> <!-- BEGIN HOMEPAGE --> <div id="home"> <div class="home-images plane"></div> <div class="main"> <div class="left"> <div class="home-images logo"></div> <p class="upper"><?php _e("Communicate with the entire world!"); ?> </p> <p class="secondary"><?php _e("Jappix is a great social platform, that you can access wherever you are, whenever you want and communicate with whovever you want."); ?>
hideErrors(); compressThis(); // Include the good language file $locale = checkLanguage(); includeTranslation($locale, 'main'); // Get the Jappix version & its hash $version = getVersion(); $hash = genHash($version); // Include the good application file $include_app = 'desktop'; // App to include? if (!isInstalled()) { // Not yet installed $include_app = 'install'; } else { if (anonymousMode()) { // Anonymous $include_app = 'desktop'; } else { if (isset($_GET['m']) && !empty($_GET['m'])) { // Not anonymous, any forced mode? $force_mode = $_GET['m']; // Switch between two Jappix apps if ($force_mode == 'desktop' || $force_mode == 'mobile') { // Write the cookie setcookie('jappix_mode', $force_mode, time() + 31536000); // Define the app to include $include_app = $force_mode; } else { if ($force_mode == 'manager' || $force_mode == 'download') { $include_app = $force_mode;
} if (httpAuthEnabled()) { echo "\n\t"; echoGetFiles($hash, '', 'js', 'httpauth.xml', ''); echo "\n\t"; httpAuthentication(); echo "\n"; } ?> </head> <body class="body-images"> <?php // Homepage? if (!anonymousMode() && !httpAuthEnabled()) { ?> <!-- BEGIN HOMEPAGE --> <div id="home"> <div class="home-images plane"></div> <div class="main"> <div class="mainview"> <div class="left"> <div class="home-images logo"></div> <p class="upper"><?php _e("Communicate with the entire world!"); ?> </p> <p class="secondary"><?php _e("Jappix is an open social platform, that let's you easily get or keep in touch with everyone.");