function html_3002936b70d02a85d3d71dc952115155($Cache, $Pile, $doublons = array(), $Numrows = array(), $SP = 0)
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/* roue ajax */
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    return analyse_resultat_skel('html_3002936b70d02a85d3d71dc952115155', $Cache, $page, 'plugins-dist/porte_plume/barre_outils_icones.css.html');
function html_78503d8cb0bd66f2d97f4b9c0f7d329a($Cache, $Pile, $doublons = array(), $Numrows = array(), $SP = 0)
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function html_9d96364ed1d79895affe5b2e3d246085($Cache, $Pile, $doublons = array(), $Numrows = array(), $SP = 0)
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				' . (($t2 = strval(interdire_scripts(table_valeur(table_valeur(@$Pile[0], (string) 'erreurs', null), 'sujet_message_auteur')))) !== '' ? '<span class="erreur_message">' . $t2 . '</span>' : '') . '
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') : '') . '
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function html_37587e4ddf37785b2595f8678b45c843($Cache, $Pile, $doublons = array(), $Numrows = array(), $SP = 0)
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function html_bc3326b3fba39516fdcfa67a49c7ff7f($Cache, $Pile, $doublons = array(), $Numrows = array(), $SP = 0)
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' . BOUCLE_auteurshtml_bc3326b3fba39516fdcfa67a49c7ff7f($Cache, $Pile, $doublons, $Numrows, $SP);
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function html_b8a8020987dd01f8087ad24f961857eb($Cache, $Pile, $doublons = array(), $Numrows = array(), $SP = 0)
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function html_dcb8b97aa896cefc9cc619dd8c652c1f($Cache, $Pile, $doublons = array(), $Numrows = array(), $SP = 0)
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function html_e3cac34669117ef67c3fe7b2fef7351d($Cache, $Pile, $doublons = array(), $Numrows = array(), $SP = 0)
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function html_541d8d0e325a80d1e837a45e506f5e26($Cache, $Pile, $doublons = array(), $Numrows = array(), $SP = 0)
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function html_9491858aea5af6033788aa1936ebca8d($Cache, $Pile, $doublons = array(), $Numrows = array(), $SP = 0)
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' . $t1 . '
' : '') . '

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function html_65c161fa3974dab7ff9b5b08fa07491e($Cache, $Pile, $doublons = array(), $Numrows = array(), $SP = 0)
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' . boite_ouvrir(interdire_scripts(wrap(concat(filtre_balise_img_dist(chemin_image('image-24.png'), '', 'cadre-icone'), _T('info_images_auto')), '<h3>')), 'simple', 'titrem') . '<div id="placehoder_taille_cache_images"><p>&nbsp;<br />&nbsp;<br />&nbsp;<br /></p></div>
	<script type="text/javascript">
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' . boite_pied() . '
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' . boite_fermer() . '
') : '';
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function html_0caead67327defaf94febb642f511490($Cache, $Pile, $doublons = array(), $Numrows = array(), $SP = 0)
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' . '<' . '?php echo recuperer_fond( ' . argumenter_squelette('404') . ', array(\'id_rubrique\' => ' . argumenter_squelette(@$Pile[0]['id_rubrique']) . ',
	\'lang\' => ' . argumenter_squelette($GLOBALS["spip_lang"]) . '), array("compil"=>array(\'squelettes/rubrique.html\',\'html_0caead67327defaf94febb642f511490\',\'\',98,$GLOBALS[\'spip_lang\'])), _request("connect"));
?' . '>
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function html_811e306b565ea1c1f639bf89bba154a7($Cache, $Pile, $doublons = array(), $Numrows = array(), $SP = 0)
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    ' . BOUCLE_articles_exclushtml_811e306b565ea1c1f639bf89bba154a7($Cache, $Pile, $doublons, $Numrows, $SP) . '
    ' . (($t1 = BOUCLE_article_languehtml_811e306b565ea1c1f639bf89bba154a7($Cache, $Pile, $doublons, $Numrows, $SP)) !== '' ? '
    ' . filtre_pagination_dist($Numrows["_article_langue"]["grand_total"], '_article_langue', isset($Pile[0]['debut_article_langue']) ? $Pile[0]['debut_article_langue'] : intval(_request('debut_article_langue')), 10, false, '', '', array()) . '
    ' . $t1 . ('

    ' . (($t3 = strval(filtre_pagination_dist($Numrows["_article_langue"]["grand_total"], '_article_langue', isset($Pile[0]['debut_article_langue']) ? $Pile[0]['debut_article_langue'] : intval(_request('debut_article_langue')), 10, true, 'page_precedent_suivant', '', array()))) !== '' ? '<div class="pagination">
      <div class="ligne1">
        <div dir="' . lang_dir(@$Pile[0]['lang'], 'ltr', 'rtl') . '">' . $Numrows['_article_langue']['total'] . '/' . (isset($Numrows['_article_langue']['grand_total']) ? $Numrows['_article_langue']['grand_total'] : $Numrows['_article_langue']['total']) . ' ' . _T('public|spip|ecrire:articles') . '</div>
      <div class="ligne2">
        ' . $t3 . '
    </div>' : '') . '

    ') : '
    return analyse_resultat_skel('html_811e306b565ea1c1f639bf89bba154a7', $Cache, $page, 'squelettes/inc/inc-sommaire-articles.html');
function html_c2cbabc8b031f3f664389c1fc81ba96b($Cache, $Pile, $doublons = array(), $Numrows = array(), $SP = 0)
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    $page = '<' . '?php header("X-Spip-Cache: 604800"); ?' . '>' . '<' . '?php header("' . ('Content-Type: text/javascript; charset=' . interdire_scripts($GLOBALS['meta']['charset'])) . '"); ?' . '>
' . porte_plume_creer_json_markitup('') . '


// 2 fonctions pour appeler le porte plume reutilisables pour d\'autres plugins
// on envoie dedans la selection jquery qui doit etre effectuee
// ce qui evite des appels direct a markitup, aucazou on change de lib un jour
$.fn.barre_outils = function(nom, settings) {
	options = {
		lang:\'' . interdire_scripts(entites_html(table_valeur(@$Pile[0], (string) 'lang', null), true)) . '\'
	$.extend(options, settings);

	return $(this)
		.not(\'.markItUpEditor, .no_barre\')
		.markItUp(eval(\'barre_outils_\' + nom), {lang:options.lang})
		.parent().find(\'.markItUpButton a\').attr(\'tabindex\', -1) // ne pas tabuler les boutons

$.fn.barre_previsualisation = function(settings) {
	options = {
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		textEditer:"' . _T('barreoutils:editer') . '",
		textVoir:"' . _T('barreoutils:voir') . '"
	$.extend(options, settings);

	return $(this)
		.not(\'.pp_previsualisation, .no_previsualisation\')
		.parent().find(\'.markItUpTabs a\').attr(\'tabindex\', -1) // ne pas tabuler les onglets

	// ajoute les barres d\'outils markitup
	function barrebouilles(){
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		// inserer_barre_forum, inserer_barre_edition, inserer_previsualisation
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		$(\'.formulaire_spip textarea.inserer_previsualisation\').barre_previsualisation();
		// fonction specifique aux formulaires de SPIP :
		// barre de forum
		' . (($t1 = strval(interdire_scripts((include_spip('inc/config') ? lire_config('forums_afficher_barre', null, false) : '') == 'non' ? '' : ' '))) !== '' ? $t1 . ('
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function html_0167a54ed63f4fd0ee2bbef24b5ac307($Cache, $Pile, $doublons = array(), $Numrows = array(), $SP = 0)
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' . (($t1 = BOUCLE_rubriques_editohtml_0167a54ed63f4fd0ee2bbef24b5ac307($Cache, $Pile, $doublons, $Numrows, $SP)) !== '' ? '
' . $t1 . ('

	' . (($t3 = BOUCLE_articles_editohtml_0167a54ed63f4fd0ee2bbef24b5ac307($Cache, $Pile, $doublons, $Numrows, $SP)) !== '' ? '
	' . $t3 . '
	' : '') . '

') : '

	' . (($t2 = BOUCLE_rub_firsthtml_0167a54ed63f4fd0ee2bbef24b5ac307($Cache, $Pile, $doublons, $Numrows, $SP)) !== '' ? '
	' . $t2 . ('

	' . (($t4 = BOUCLE_articles_edito2html_0167a54ed63f4fd0ee2bbef24b5ac307($Cache, $Pile, $doublons, $Numrows, $SP)) !== '' ? '
	' . $t4 . '
	' : '') . '

	') : '
	' . '<' . '?php echo recuperer_fond( ' . argumenter_squelette('inc/inc-install') . ', array(\'lang\' => ' . argumenter_squelette($GLOBALS["spip_lang"]) . '), array("compil"=>array(\'squelettes/inc/inc-sommaire-edito.html\',\'html_0167a54ed63f4fd0ee2bbef24b5ac307\',\'\',83,$GLOBALS[\'spip_lang\'])), _request("connect"));
?' . '>
	') . '
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    return analyse_resultat_skel('html_0167a54ed63f4fd0ee2bbef24b5ac307', $Cache, $page, 'squelettes/inc/inc-sommaire-edito.html');
function html_11157eacea3e766769d2031f1e2eed04($Cache, $Pile, $doublons = array(), $Numrows = array(), $SP = 0)
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    ' . (($t1 = BOUCLE_breves_rubriqueshtml_11157eacea3e766769d2031f1e2eed04($Cache, $Pile, $doublons, $Numrows, $SP)) !== '' ? '
    <div class="menu">
    <h2 class="structure">' . _T('public|spip|ecrire:dernieres_breves') . '</h2>
        <li><b>' . _T('public|spip|ecrire:nouvelles_breves') . '</b>
            ' . $t1 . '
    </div><!-- menu -->
    ' : '
    ' . (($t2 = BOUCLE_breves_sommairehtml_11157eacea3e766769d2031f1e2eed04($Cache, $Pile, $doublons, $Numrows, $SP)) !== '' ? '
    <div class="menu">
    <h2 class="structure">' . _T('public|spip|ecrire:dernieres_breves') . '</h2>
        <li><b>' . _T('public|spip|ecrire:nouvelles_breves') . '</b>
            ' . $t2 . '
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    ' : '') . '
    return analyse_resultat_skel('html_11157eacea3e766769d2031f1e2eed04', $Cache, $page, 'squelettes/inc/inc-breves.html');
function html_d7ab7eee0b09f43b71ae8cf8a6406a91($Cache, $Pile, $doublons = array(), $Numrows = array(), $SP = 0)
    if (isset($Pile[0]["doublons"]) and is_array($Pile[0]["doublons"])) {
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    $connect = '';
    $page = '    ' . (($t1 = BOUCLE_annonces_sitehtml_d7ab7eee0b09f43b71ae8cf8a6406a91($Cache, $Pile, $doublons, $Numrows, $SP)) !== '' ? '
    <!-- Annonces Logo du site ou Nom du site-->
    <div class="menu">
    <h2 class="structure">' . _T('public|spip|ecrire:info_annonces_generales') . '</h2>
          <ul>' . $t1 . '
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    ' : '') . '

    ' . (($t1 = BOUCLE_annonces_art_imghtml_d7ab7eee0b09f43b71ae8cf8a6406a91($Cache, $Pile, $doublons, $Numrows, $SP)) !== '' ? '
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    <h2 class="structure">' . _T('public|spip|ecrire:info_annonces_generales') . '</h2>
          <ul>' . $t1 . ('
            ' . BOUCLE_annonces_rub_imghtml_d7ab7eee0b09f43b71ae8cf8a6406a91($Cache, $Pile, $doublons, $Numrows, $SP) . '            
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    ') : '') . '

    ' . (($t1 = BOUCLE_annonces_rubhtml_d7ab7eee0b09f43b71ae8cf8a6406a91($Cache, $Pile, $doublons, $Numrows, $SP)) !== '' ? '
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    <div class="menu">
    <h2 class="structure">' . _T('public|spip|ecrire:info_annonces_generales') . '</h2>
          <ul>' . $t1 . '
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    ' : '') . '

    ' . (($t1 = BOUCLE_annonces_arthtml_d7ab7eee0b09f43b71ae8cf8a6406a91($Cache, $Pile, $doublons, $Numrows, $SP)) !== '' ? '
    <!-- Annonces Logo de l\'article ou Titres -->
    <div class="menu">
    <h2 class="structure">' . _T('public|spip|ecrire:info_annonces_generales') . '</h2>
          <ul>' . $t1 . '
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    ' : '') . '

    return analyse_resultat_skel('html_d7ab7eee0b09f43b71ae8cf8a6406a91', $Cache, $page, 'squelettes/inc/inc-annonces.html');
function html_20bad19474852c2c1a99d7289d969071($Cache, $Pile, $doublons = array(), $Numrows = array(), $SP = 0)
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	' . '<' . '?php echo recuperer_fond( ' . argumenter_squelette('inc/inc-meta') . ', array(\'lang\' => ' . argumenter_squelette($GLOBALS["spip_lang"]) . '), array("compil"=>array(\'squelettes/sommaire.html\',\'html_20bad19474852c2c1a99d7289d969071\',\'\',6,$GLOBALS[\'spip_lang\'])), _request("connect"));
?' . '>
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?' . '>
<body dir="' . lang_dir(@$Pile[0]['lang'], 'ltr', 'rtl') . '" class="' . spip_htmlentities(@$Pile[0]['lang'] ? @$Pile[0]['lang'] : $GLOBALS['spip_lang']) . ' sommaire">
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<!-- *****************************************************************
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	Header and main menu (top and right) 
    ************************************************************* -->

  ' . '<' . '?php echo recuperer_fond( ' . argumenter_squelette('inc/inc-bandeau') . ', array(\'lang\' => ' . argumenter_squelette($GLOBALS["spip_lang"]) . '), array("compil"=>array(\'squelettes/sommaire.html\',\'html_20bad19474852c2c1a99d7289d969071\',\'\',17,$GLOBALS[\'spip_lang\'])), _request("connect"));
?' . '>

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?' . '>
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    ' . '<' . '?php echo recuperer_fond( ' . argumenter_squelette('inc/inc-sommaire-articles') . ', array_merge(' . var_export($Pile[0], 1) . ',array(\'self\' => ' . argumenter_squelette(self()) . ',
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?' . '>
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<!-- *****************************************************************
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	Contextual menus (right) 
    ************************************************************* -->
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' . '<' . '?php echo recuperer_fond( ' . argumenter_squelette('inc/inc-trad') . ', array(\'lang\' => ' . argumenter_squelette($GLOBALS["spip_lang"]) . '), array("compil"=>array(\'squelettes/sommaire.html\',\'html_20bad19474852c2c1a99d7289d969071\',\'\',40,$GLOBALS[\'spip_lang\'])), _request("connect"));
?' . '>

' . '<' . '?php echo recuperer_fond( ' . argumenter_squelette('inc/inc-annonces') . ', array(\'lang\' => ' . argumenter_squelette($GLOBALS["spip_lang"]) . '), array("compil"=>array(\'squelettes/sommaire.html\',\'html_20bad19474852c2c1a99d7289d969071\',\'\',42,$GLOBALS[\'spip_lang\'])), _request("connect"));
?' . '>

' . '<' . '?php echo recuperer_fond( ' . argumenter_squelette('inc/inc-breves') . ', array(\'lang\' => ' . argumenter_squelette($GLOBALS["spip_lang"]) . '), array("compil"=>array(\'squelettes/sommaire.html\',\'html_20bad19474852c2c1a99d7289d969071\',\'\',44,$GLOBALS[\'spip_lang\'])), _request("connect"));
?' . '>

' . '<' . '?php echo recuperer_fond( ' . argumenter_squelette('inc/inc-syndic') . ', array(\'lang\' => ' . argumenter_squelette($GLOBALS["spip_lang"]) . '), array("compil"=>array(\'squelettes/sommaire.html\',\'html_20bad19474852c2c1a99d7289d969071\',\'\',46,$GLOBALS[\'spip_lang\'])), _request("connect"));
?' . '>

    <!-- Inscription au site -->
    ' . (($t1 = strval(executer_balise_dynamique('FORMULAIRE_INSCRIPTION', array(), array('squelettes/sommaire.html', 'html_20bad19474852c2c1a99d7289d969071', '', 45, $GLOBALS['spip_lang'])))) !== '' ? '<div class="menu" id="inscription">
          <li><b>' . _T('public|spip|ecrire:pass_vousinscrire') . '</b>            
                ' . $t1 . '
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' . '<' . '?php echo recuperer_fond( ' . argumenter_squelette('inc/inc-menu') . ', array(\'lang\' => ' . argumenter_squelette($GLOBALS["spip_lang"]) . '), array("compil"=>array(\'squelettes/sommaire.html\',\'html_20bad19474852c2c1a99d7289d969071\',\'\',53,$GLOBALS[\'spip_lang\'])), _request("connect"));
?' . '>
' . '<' . '?php echo recuperer_fond( ' . argumenter_squelette('inc/inc-bas') . ', array(\'lang\' => ' . argumenter_squelette($GLOBALS["spip_lang"]) . '), array("compil"=>array(\'squelettes/sommaire.html\',\'html_20bad19474852c2c1a99d7289d969071\',\'\',54,$GLOBALS[\'spip_lang\'])), _request("connect"));
?' . '>

</div><!-- page-->
    return analyse_resultat_skel('html_20bad19474852c2c1a99d7289d969071', $Cache, $page, 'squelettes/sommaire.html');
function html_6df0ecfade86092ec8be1bb468d967e1($Cache, $Pile, $doublons = array(), $Numrows = array(), $SP = 0)
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' . '<' . '?php header("X-Spip-Filtre: insert_head_css_conditionnel"); ?' . '>' . pipeline('insert_head', '<!-- insert_head -->') . '
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' . BOUCLE_polices_webfontshtml_6df0ecfade86092ec8be1bb468d967e1($Cache, $Pile, $doublons, $Numrows, $SP);
    return analyse_resultat_skel('html_6df0ecfade86092ec8be1bb468d967e1', $Cache, $page, 'squelettes/styles.html');
function html_7e58ec237019eff13c867a6e81765d14($Cache, $Pile, $doublons = array(), $Numrows = array(), $SP = 0)
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			' . BOUCLE_articlehtml_7e58ec237019eff13c867a6e81765d14($Cache, $Pile, $doublons, $Numrows, $SP) . '
			' . BOUCLE_rubriquehtml_7e58ec237019eff13c867a6e81765d14($Cache, $Pile, $doublons, $Numrows, $SP) . '

			<li id="menu-principal-contact"><a href="' . vider_url(urlencode_1738(generer_url_entite('1', 'auteur', '', '', true))) . '" title="' . _T('public|spip|ecrire:info_contact') . '"  accesskey="7">' . _T('public|spip|ecrire:info_contact') . '</a></li>
			' . BOUCLE_art_agendahtml_7e58ec237019eff13c867a6e81765d14($Cache, $Pile, $doublons, $Numrows, $SP) . '			

			<li id="menu-principal-plan"><a href="' . interdire_scripts(generer_url_public('plan', '')) . '" title="' . _T('public|spip|ecrire:plan_site') . '" accesskey="3">' . _T('public|spip|ecrire:plan_site') . '</a></li>

			' . BOUCLE_sitehtml_7e58ec237019eff13c867a6e81765d14($Cache, $Pile, $doublons, $Numrows, $SP) . '

			<li id="menu-principal-resume"><a href="' . interdire_scripts(generer_url_public('resume', '')) . '" title="' . _T('public|spip|ecrire:en_resume') . '" accesskey="5">' . _T('public|spip|ecrire:en_resume') . '</a></li>
			' . (($t1 = strval(executer_balise_dynamique('FORMULAIRE_RECHERCHE', array(), array('squelettes/inc/inc-menu-principal.html', 'html_7e58ec237019eff13c867a6e81765d14', '', 0, $GLOBALS['spip_lang'])))) !== '' ? '<li id="menu-principal-recherche">
			<div class="menu" id="menu-recherche">
				<h3 class="structure">' . _T('public|spip|ecrire:info_rechercher') . '</h3>
					' . $t1 . '			
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function html_2ac554317f8f8f8aa21871c007ab234d($Cache, $Pile, $doublons = array(), $Numrows = array(), $SP = 0)
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?' . '></span>

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' . BOUCLE_rubriques_cheminhtml_2ac554317f8f8f8aa21871c007ab234d($Cache, $Pile, $doublons, $Numrows, $SP) . '

' . BOUCLE_syndic_rubhtml_2ac554317f8f8f8aa21871c007ab234d($Cache, $Pile, $doublons, $Numrows, $SP) . '
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' . '<' . '?php echo recuperer_fond( ' . argumenter_squelette('inc/inc-bas_cc') . ', array(\'lang\' => ' . argumenter_squelette($GLOBALS["spip_lang"]) . '), array("compil"=>array(\'squelettes/inc/inc-bas.html\',\'html_2ac554317f8f8f8aa21871c007ab234d\',\'\',44,$GLOBALS[\'spip_lang\'])), _request("connect"));
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?' . '>' : '') . '
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?' . '>' : '') . ' 

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' . '<' . '?php echo recuperer_fond( ' . argumenter_squelette('inc/inc-bas_menu-lang') . ', array(\'lang\' => ' . argumenter_squelette($GLOBALS["spip_lang"]) . '), array("compil"=>array(\'squelettes/inc/inc-bas.html\',\'html_2ac554317f8f8f8aa21871c007ab234d\',\'\',53,$GLOBALS[\'spip_lang\'])), _request("connect"));
?' . '>

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' . '<' . '?php echo recuperer_fond( ' . argumenter_squelette('inc/inc-menu-principal') . ', array(\'lang\' => ' . argumenter_squelette($GLOBALS["spip_lang"]) . '), array("compil"=>array(\'squelettes/inc/inc-menu.html\',\'html_45166f6eb7325e525d28cc393d05e614\',\'\',4,$GLOBALS[\'spip_lang\'])), _request("connect"));
?' . '>

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') . '

' . '<' . '?php echo recuperer_fond( ' . argumenter_squelette('inc/inc-menu-agenda') . ', array(\'lang\' => ' . argumenter_squelette($GLOBALS["spip_lang"]) . '), array("compil"=>array(\'squelettes/inc/inc-menu.html\',\'html_45166f6eb7325e525d28cc393d05e614\',\'\',101,$GLOBALS[\'spip_lang\'])), _request("connect"));
?' . '>


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' . '<' . '?php echo recuperer_fond( ' . argumenter_squelette('404') . ', array(\'id_auteur\' => ' . argumenter_squelette(@$Pile[0]['id_auteur']) . ',
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?' . '>
') . '
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	' . '<' . '?php echo recuperer_fond( ' . argumenter_squelette('inc/inc-meta') . ', array(\'lang\' => ' . argumenter_squelette($GLOBALS["spip_lang"]) . '), array("compil"=>array(\'squelettes/agenda.html\',\'html_76ddbc2b5f1671bea60186a8fa5bb500\',\'\',6,$GLOBALS[\'spip_lang\'])), _request("connect"));
?' . '>
	' . '<' . '?php echo recuperer_fond( ' . argumenter_squelette('styles') . ', array(\'lang\' => ' . argumenter_squelette($GLOBALS["spip_lang"]) . '), array("compil"=>array(\'squelettes/agenda.html\',\'html_76ddbc2b5f1671bea60186a8fa5bb500\',\'\',7,$GLOBALS[\'spip_lang\'])), _request("connect"));
?' . '>
<body dir="' . lang_dir(@$Pile[0]['lang'], 'ltr', 'rtl') . '" class="' . spip_htmlentities(@$Pile[0]['lang'] ? @$Pile[0]['lang'] : $GLOBALS['spip_lang']) . ' plan">
<div id="page">

<!-- *****************************************************************
	Bandeau, titre du site et menu langue
	Header and main menu (top and right) 
    ************************************************************* -->
' . '<' . '?php echo recuperer_fond( ' . argumenter_squelette('inc/inc-bandeau') . ', array(\'lang\' => ' . argumenter_squelette($GLOBALS["spip_lang"]) . '), array("compil"=>array(\'squelettes/agenda.html\',\'html_76ddbc2b5f1671bea60186a8fa5bb500\',\'\',17,$GLOBALS[\'spip_lang\'])), _request("connect"));
?' . '>

<!-- *****************************************************************
	Contenu principal (centre)
	Main content (center) 
    ************************************************************* -->

	<div id="bloc-contenu">
		' . BOUCLE_langue_contexte_exclushtml_76ddbc2b5f1671bea60186a8fa5bb500($Cache, $Pile, $doublons, $Numrows, $SP) . '
		' . (($t1 = BOUCLE_langueshtml_76ddbc2b5f1671bea60186a8fa5bb500($Cache, $Pile, $doublons, $Numrows, $SP)) !== '' ? '
		<div id="sommaire">
			<h4>' . _T('public|spip|ecrire:info_langues') . '</h4>
			' . $t1 . '
		' : '') . '

		<h2>' . _T('public|spip|ecrire:icone_agenda') . '</h2>

    ' . (($t1 = BOUCLE_article_languehtml_76ddbc2b5f1671bea60186a8fa5bb500($Cache, $Pile, $doublons, $Numrows, $SP)) !== '' ? '
    ' . $t1 . '
    ' : '
    ') . '

    <hr />
		<h3>' . _T('public|spip|ecrire:info_visites_par_mois') . '</h3>
	' . (($t1 = BOUCLE_archivehtml_76ddbc2b5f1671bea60186a8fa5bb500($Cache, $Pile, $doublons, $Numrows, $SP)) !== '' ? $t1 . '
			</div><!-- plan -->
	' : '') . '
	</div><!-- bloc-contenu -->


<!-- *****************************************************************
	Menus contextuels (droite)
	Contextual menus (right) 
    ************************************************************* -->
	<div id="encart">
    ' . '<' . '?php echo recuperer_fond( ' . argumenter_squelette('inc/inc-annonces') . ', array(\'lang\' => ' . argumenter_squelette($GLOBALS["spip_lang"]) . '), array("compil"=>array(\'squelettes/agenda.html\',\'html_76ddbc2b5f1671bea60186a8fa5bb500\',\'\',107,$GLOBALS[\'spip_lang\'])), _request("connect"));
?' . '>
    ' . '<' . '?php echo recuperer_fond( ' . argumenter_squelette('inc/inc-breves') . ', array(\'lang\' => ' . argumenter_squelette($GLOBALS["spip_lang"]) . '), array("compil"=>array(\'squelettes/agenda.html\',\'html_76ddbc2b5f1671bea60186a8fa5bb500\',\'\',108,$GLOBALS[\'spip_lang\'])), _request("connect"));
?' . '>
    ' . '<' . '?php echo recuperer_fond( ' . argumenter_squelette('inc/inc-syndic') . ', array(\'lang\' => ' . argumenter_squelette($GLOBALS["spip_lang"]) . '), array("compil"=>array(\'squelettes/agenda.html\',\'html_76ddbc2b5f1671bea60186a8fa5bb500\',\'\',109,$GLOBALS[\'spip_lang\'])), _request("connect"));
?' . '>

	</div><!-- encart -->
' . '<' . '?php echo recuperer_fond( ' . argumenter_squelette('inc/inc-menu') . ', array(\'lang\' => ' . argumenter_squelette($GLOBALS["spip_lang"]) . '), array("compil"=>array(\'squelettes/agenda.html\',\'html_76ddbc2b5f1671bea60186a8fa5bb500\',\'\',112,$GLOBALS[\'spip_lang\'])), _request("connect"));
?' . '>
' . '<' . '?php echo recuperer_fond( ' . argumenter_squelette('inc/inc-bas') . ', array(\'lang\' => ' . argumenter_squelette($GLOBALS["spip_lang"]) . '), array("compil"=>array(\'squelettes/agenda.html\',\'html_76ddbc2b5f1671bea60186a8fa5bb500\',\'\',113,$GLOBALS[\'spip_lang\'])), _request("connect"));
?' . '>
</div><!-- page -->


    return analyse_resultat_skel('html_76ddbc2b5f1671bea60186a8fa5bb500', $Cache, $page, 'squelettes/agenda.html');
function html_4dc0f36e18dd7a26ebc382429cbc9835($Cache, $Pile, $doublons = array(), $Numrows = array(), $SP = 0)
    if (isset($Pile[0]["doublons"]) and is_array($Pile[0]["doublons"])) {
        $doublons = nettoyer_env_doublons($Pile[0]["doublons"]);
    $connect = '';
    $page = '
' . (($t1 = BOUCLE_documents_portfoliohtml_4dc0f36e18dd7a26ebc382429cbc9835($Cache, $Pile, $doublons, $Numrows, $SP)) !== '' ? '
		<div id="documents_portfolio">
			<h2>' . _T('medias:info_portfolio') . '</h2>
	' . $t1 . '
' : '') . '

	' . BOUCLE_afficher_documenthtml_4dc0f36e18dd7a26ebc382429cbc9835($Cache, $Pile, $doublons, $Numrows, $SP) . '

' . BOUCLE_documents_decomptehtml_4dc0f36e18dd7a26ebc382429cbc9835($Cache, $Pile, $doublons, $Numrows, $SP) . '

	' . (($t1 = BOUCLE_documents_jointshtml_4dc0f36e18dd7a26ebc382429cbc9835($Cache, $Pile, $doublons, $Numrows, $SP)) !== '' ? '
	<h2>' . _T('ecrire:titre_documents_joints') . '</h2>
	<div class="chapo" id="documents" style="line-height:1;"> 
		' . $t1 . '
		<br class="nettoyeur" />
	</div><!-- chapo -->
	' : '') . '
    return analyse_resultat_skel('html_4dc0f36e18dd7a26ebc382429cbc9835', $Cache, $page, 'squelettes/inc/inc-rub-documents.html');