function widget($args, $instance)
     /* this is the piece that actualy does the widget display */
     global $amrW, $amr_options, $amr_limits, $amr_listtype, $amr_calendar_url, $amr_ical_am_doing, $change_view_allowed, $widget_icalno, $amr_been_here;
     /* used to detect if we are looping somehow - reset at the end of each widget or shortcode. */
     if (amr_a_nested_event_shortcode()) {
         return false;
     //someone entered an event shortcode into event content - causing a loop of events lists inside event lists
     // do we have to reload all over theplace ?  wp does not always seem to have the translations
     $change_view_allowed = false;
     $amr_ical_am_doing = 'listwidget';
     extract($args, EXTR_SKIP);
     /* this is for the before / after widget etc*/
     //nb do not delete this else mucks up the args later
     extract($instance, EXTR_SKIP);
     /* this is for the params etc*/
     if (!empty($shortcode_urls)) {
         // get any args stored in the widget settings
         $args = shortcode_parse_atts($shortcode_urls);
     if (empty($args['listtype'])) {
         $args['listtype'] = '4';
     $amr_listtype = (int) $args['listtype'];
     if (!empty($externalicalonly) and $externalicalonly) {
         $args['eventpoststoo'] = '0';
     } else {
         $args['eventpoststoo'] = '1';
     //	$args['show_month_nav'] = '0';    // comment out, otherwise cannot have at all if requetsed?
     $args['headings'] = '1';
     $args['show_views'] = '0';
     $amrW = 'w';
     /* to maintain consistency with previous version and prevent certain actions */
     $criteria = amr_get_params($args);
     /* this may update listtype, limits  etc */
     // what was this for ??
     if (isset($criteria['event'])) {
     //*** later may need to check for other custo posttypes
         echo '<hr>ical list widget:' . $amr_listtype . ' <br />' . amr_echo_parameters();
     if (isset($doeventsummarylink) and !$doeventsummarylink) {
         $amrW = 'w_no_url';
     $moreurl = trim($moreurl, " ");
     $moreurl = empty($moreurl) ? null : $moreurl;
     $amr_calendar_url = esc_url($moreurl);
         echo 'Calendar url = ' . $amr_calendar_url;
     if (isset($_REQUEST['lang'])) {
         $moreurl = add_query_arg('lang', $_REQUEST['lang'], $moreurl);
     // wp 3.3.1 doesn't like html in titles anymore - why ?
     //	if (!empty ($moreurl))
     //		$title = '<a title="'.__('Look for more','amr-ical-events-list').'" href= "'.$moreurl.'">'.__($title,'amr-ical-events-list') .'</a>';
     if (!isset($widget_icalno)) {
         $widget_icalno = 0;
     } else {
         $widget_icalno = $widget_icalno + 1;
     $content = amr_process_icalspec($criteria, $amr_limits['start'], $amr_limits['end'], $amr_limits['events'], $widget_icalno);
     echo $before_widget;
     //	if (!empty($criteria['headings']))
     echo $before_title . apply_filters('widget_title', __($title, 'amr-ical-events-list')) . $after_title;
     echo $content;
     echo $after_widget;
     /* we made it out the other end without looping ?*/
     $amr_been_here = false;
Ejemplo n.º 2
function amr_do_weekscal_shortcode($attributes, $content = null)
    global $amr_limits, $amr_listtype, $change_view_allowed, $amr_ical_am_doing, $amr_icalno, $amr_been_here;
    /* used to give each ical  table a unique id on a page or post */
    // This is the main function.  It replaces [iCal URL]'s with events. Each as a separate list   if no listtype set it to 8
    /* Allow multiple urls and only one listtype */
    /*  merge atts with this array, so we will have a default list */
    if (amr_a_nested_event_shortcode()) {
        return false;
    //someone entered an event shortcode into event content - causing a loop of events lists inside event lists
    $change_view_allowed = true;
    $amr_ical_am_doing = 'weekscalendar';
    $defaults['listtype'] = 11;
    $defaults['weeks'] = 2;
    $defaults['months'] = 0;
    $defaults['days'] = 14;
    $defaults['show_month_nav'] = 1;
    // will actually do weeks
    $defaults['show_views'] = '';
    if (empty($attributes)) {
        $atts = $defaults;
    } else {
        $atts = array_merge($defaults, $attributes);
    $criteria = amr_GET_params($atts);
    /* strip out and set any other attstributes  - they will set the limits table */
    /* criteria will be any selection */
    /* separate out the other possible variables like list type, then just have the urls */
    $id = amr_GET_id_for_shortcode();
    // need this to increment icalno
    $content = amr_process_icalspec($criteria, $amr_limits['start'], $amr_limits['end'], $amr_limits['events'], $amr_icalno);
    $html = '<div ' . $id . ' >' . $content . '</div>';
    /* we made it out the other end with out looping ?*/
    $amr_been_here = false;
    return $html;