function ameta_rebuildnicenames()
    global $wpdb, $amr_nicenames;
    /*  */
    //	amr_users_message (__('Rebuilding List of possible fields.  This could take a while - I have to query evey meta record, of which there can be multiple for each main record.  Please be patient...', 'amr-users'));
    /* check if we have some options already in Database. - use their names, if not, use default, else overwrite .*/
    /* try does not always work */
    $oldnn = ausers_get_option('amr-users-nicenames');
    $nn = ameta_defaultnicenames();
    /* get the default list names required */
    /*	Add any new fields in */
    $list = amr_get_alluserkeys();
    /* maybe only do this if a refresh is required ? No only happens on admin anyway ? */
    echo '<h3>' . __('Try to make some nicer names.', 'amr-users') . '</h3>';
    /**** wp has changed - need to alllow for prefix now on fields.  Actually due to wpmu - keep the prefix, let the user remove it!  */
    foreach ($list as $i => $v) {
        if (empty($nn[$v])) {
            /* set a reasonable default nice name */
            if (!empty($oldnn[$v])) {
                $nn[$v] = $oldnn[$v];
                //echo '<br />'. sprintf(__('Use existing name %s for %s', 'amr-users'),$nn[$v],$v);
            } else {
                // take the last part of the field only - no not nice too unpredictable
                //$lastdash = strripos($v,'-');
                //$nn[$v] = substr($v, $lastdash);
                $nn[$v] = str_replace('s2member_custom_fields', 's2m', $v);
                // if it is a s2member field - reduce length of name
                $nn[$v] = str_replace('s2member', 's2m', $nn[$v]);
                $nn[$v] = str_replace('capabilities', 'Cap', $nn[$v]);
                $nn[$v] = str_replace('-', ' ', $nn[$v]);
                //		if (isset ($wpdb->prefix)) {$nn[$v] = str_replace ($wpdb->prefix, '', $nn[$v]);}
                /* Note prefix has underscore*/
                $nn[$v] = ucwords(str_replace('_', ' ', $nn[$v]));
                if (function_exists('amr_check_ym_custom_nicenames')) {
                    // look and fix ym custom fields
                    $nn[$v] = amr_check_ym_custom_nicenames($v);
                echo '<br />' . sprintf(__('Created name %s for %s', 'amr-users'), $nn[$v], $v);
    ausers_update_option('amr-users-nicenames', $nn);
    $amr_nicenames = $nn;
    return $nn;
Ejemplo n.º 2
function ausers_get_option($option)
    // allows user reports to be run either at site level and/or at blog level
    global $ausersadminurl, $amr_nicenames;
    if (amr_is_network_admin()) {
        $result = get_site_option($option);
    } else {
        $result = get_option($option);
    if (empty($result)) {
        // it's new, get defaults
        //if ($option == 'amr-users-no-lists' ) 	return ameta_default_main(); // old - leave for upgrade check
        if ($option == 'amr-users-main') {
            // and it's empty
            //if (WP_DEBUG) echo '<br />Renaming stored option "amr-users-no-lists" to "amr-users-main" ';
            $amain = get_site_option('amr-users-no-lists');
            // might return default ok, if not will have done upgrade check
            if (empty($amain)) {
                $amain = ausers_get_option('amr-users-no-lists');
                if (empty($amain)) {
                    $amain = ameta_default_main();
            $amain['version'] = AUSERS_VERSION;
            ausers_update_option('amr-users-main', $amain);
            return $amain;
        if ($option == 'amr-users') {
            return ameta_default_list_options();
        if ($option == 'amr-users-nicenames-excluded') {
            return array('attachment_count' => true, 'activation_key' => true, 'dismissed_wp_pointers' => true, 'default_password_nag' => true, 'nav_menu_item_count' => true, 'revision_count' => true, 'comment_count' => true, 'show_admin_bar_front' => true, 'show_welcome_panel' => true, 'user_activation_key' => true, 'user_status' => true, 'yim' => true, 'aim' => true, 'jabber' => true, 'reply_count' => true, 'topic_count' => true, 'forum_count' => true, 'use_ssl' => true);
        if ($option == 'amr-users-original-keys') {
            return array();
        if ($option == 'amr-users-custom-headings') {
            return array();
        if ($option == 'amr-users-prefixes-in-use') {
            return array();
        if ($option == 'amr-users-nicenames') {
            $amr_nicenames = ameta_defaultnicenames();
    return $result;