Ejemplo n.º 1
function smarty_function_resizeImg($params, &$smarty)
    $size = getimagesize($params["src"]);
    if ($size[0] / $params["parent_width"] > $size[1] / $params["parent_height"]) {
        $width = $params["parent_width"] - $params["pad"] * 2;
        $ratio = $width / $size[0];
        $height = $size[1] * $ratio;
    } else {
        $height = $params["parent_height"] - $params["pad"] * 2;
        $ratio = $height / $size[1];
        $width = $size[0] * $ratio;
    $par_dim = array("width" => $params["parent_width"], "height" => $params["parent_height"]);
    $dim = array("width" => $width, "height" => $height);
    $css = align($par_dim, $dim, $params["align"]);
    return '<img style = "position:absolute; left:' . $css['left'] . 'px; top:' . $css['top'] . 'px;" src = ' . $params["src"] . ' width = ' . $width . ' height = ' . $height . '>';
Ejemplo n.º 2
    function printit($payrollid = 0)
        $tmpl = array('table_open' => '<table class="printing" border="0" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="1" width="100%" style="background:#333;font-size:12px;font-family:tahoma">', 'heading_cell_start' => '<th style="background:#CCC;color:#000">', 'heading_cell_end' => '</th style="background:#CCC;color:#000">', 'row_start' => '<tr style="background:#FFF">', 'row_alt_start' => '<tr style="background:#FFF">');
        $sql = "SELECT * FROM settings";
        $setting = array();
        $settings = $this->db->query($sql);
        foreach ($settings->result() as $r) {
            $setting[$r->name] = $r->value;
        $sql = "SELECT * FROM payroll WHERE payrollid={$payrollid};";
        $payroll = $this->db->query($sql)->row();
        $datefrom = explode("-", $payroll->payperiod_from);
        $dateto = explode("-", $payroll->payperiod_to);
        $tag['datefrom'] = date('M d, Y', mktime(0, 0, 0, $datefrom[1], $datefrom[2], $datefrom[0]));
        $tag['dateto'] = date('M d, Y', mktime(0, 0, 0, $dateto[1], $dateto[2], $dateto[0]));
        $tag['payrollid'] = $payrollid;
        $sql = "SELECT e.idnumber, pd.empid, e.firstname, e.lastname, e.middlename, e.taxcode,\n\t\t\t\t\tb.amount, b.allowance, b.maxhours, b.maxbreakhours, b.maxworkdays, b.nightdiffin, b.nightdiffout, b.halfday,\n\t\t\t\t\tb.sss, b.pagibig, b.philhealth\n\t\t\t\t\tFROM payroll_detail pd \n\t\t\t\t\tINNER JOIN employee e ON e.empid=pd.empid\n\t\t\t\t\tINNER JOIN basic b ON b.empid=pd.empid\n\t\t\t\t\tINNER JOIN schedule s ON s.empid=pd.empid \n\t\t\t\t\tWHERE payrollid={$payrollid} \n\t\t\t\t\tGROUP BY pd.empid;";
        $currentemp = $this->db->query($sql);
        $this->table->set_heading('ID', 'Name', 'Rate', 'Rate/Hour', 'Reg Hr', '# Late', 'Nigth Diff Hrs', 'OT Hours', 'Holiday Hrs OT', 'Hrs UT', 'Basic Pay', 'Reg OT Pay', 'Holiday OT Pay', 'Night Diff Pay', 'Other Income', 'Undertime', 'Absences', 'Late Amount', 'Other Deductions', 'Gross Pay', 'WTax', 'SSS', 'Philhealth', 'Pagibig', 'Loan', 'Allowances', 'Net Pay');
        $net_total = 0;
        foreach ($currentemp->result() as $row) {
            $tpay = $this->compute($payrollid, $row->empid);
            $this->table->add_row(align($tpay['idnumber'], 'c'), $tpay['name'], align(number_format($tpay['rate_per_day'], 2), 'r'), align(number_format($tpay['rate_per_hour'], 2), 'r'), align($tpay['reghours'], 'c'), align($tpay['late_hour'], 'c'), align(number_format($tpay['nitediff_hours'], 2), 'c'), align(number_format($tpay['ot_hours'], 2), 'r'), align(number_format($tpay['ot_hours_holiday'], 2), 'c'), align(number_format($tpay['undertime'], 2), 'c'), align(number_format($tpay['basic'], 2), 'r'), align(number_format($tpay['reg_ot_pay'], 2), 'r'), align(number_format($tpay['holiday_ot_pay'], 2), 'r'), align(number_format($tpay['nitediff_pay'], 2), 'r'), align(number_format($tpay['other_income'], 2), 'r'), align(number_format($tpay['undertime_amount'], 2), 'r'), align(number_format($tpay['absent'], 2), 'r'), align(number_format($tpay['late'], 2), 'r'), align(number_format($tpay['other_deduction'], 2), 'r'), align(number_format($tpay['gross_pay'], 2), 'r'), align(number_format($tpay['withholding'], 2), 'r'), align(number_format($tpay['sss'], 2), 'r'), align(number_format($tpay['philhealth'], 2), 'r'), align(number_format($tpay['pagibig'], 2), 'r'), align(number_format($tpay['loans'], 2), 'r'), align(number_format($tpay['allowance'], 2), 'r'), align(number_format($tpay['netpay'], 2), 'r'));
            $net_total += $tpay['netpay'];
        $this->table->add_row('&nbsp;', '&nbsp;', '&nbsp;', '&nbsp;', '&nbsp;', '&nbsp;', '&nbsp;', '&nbsp;', '&nbsp;', '&nbsp;', '&nbsp;', '&nbsp;', '&nbsp;', '&nbsp;', '&nbsp;', '&nbsp;', '&nbsp;', '&nbsp;', '&nbsp;', '&nbsp;', '&nbsp;', '&nbsp;', '&nbsp;', '&nbsp;', '&nbsp;', '<strong>Total</strong>', align(number_format($net_total, 2), 'r'));
        //$tag['payroll_calculator'] = '<div style="width:745px;overflow:auto">'.$this->table->generate().'</div>';
        $tag['content'] = '<div>Payroll Period: <span style="text-decoration:underline">' . $tag['datefrom'] . ' - ' . $tag['dateto'] . '</span></div>';
        $tag['content'] .= '<div style="padding-bottom:50px">' . $this->table->generate() . '</div>';
        $tag['content'] .= '<table cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0" width="100%" border="0" style="font-size:12px">
				<td width="35%" align="center"><span style="font-weight:bold">Sarah S. Enopia</span><br/>Prepared by</td>
				<td align="center"><span style="font-weight:bold">Arlyn Siarot</span><br/>Checked by</td>
				<td width="35%" align="center"><span style="font-weight:bold">Deo Dumaraos</span><br/>Approved by</td>
        echo $tag['content'];
        echo "<script>window.print();</script>";
Ejemplo n.º 3
 private function buildHTMLForSubform($CRLF, $TAB, $fieldName, $fieldTitle, $blankRows, $objectID)
     if (!$this->displayThisObject) {
         return '';
     } else {
         $this->parentForm->subformNames[] = $this->objectProperty['sob_all_name'];
         $this->parentForm->subformTabs[] = $this->parentForm->formTabNames[$this->objectProperty['sob_all_tab_title']];
     $format = textFormatsArray();
     if ($this->objectProperty['sob_all_on_change'] != '') {
         $OnChange = 'onchange="' . $this->objectProperty["sob_all_on_change"] . '" ';
     $this->CRLF = $CRLF;
     $this->TAB = $TAB;
     $hGap = 3;
     //gap between fields
     $vHeight = 23;
     //row height
     $vTitleHeight = $this->objectProperty['sob_subform_title_height'] * 16;
     //row height
     $vTop = 10;
     //row height
     $sfDimensions = array();
     $fldDimensions = array();
     $t = nuRunQuery("SELECT * FROM zzsys_object WHERE sob_zzsys_form_id = '" . $this->objectProperty['zzsys_object_id'] . "' ORDER BY sob_all_column_number, sob_all_order_number");
     while ($r = db_fetch_array($t)) {
         $objectLength = $r['sob_' . $r['sob_all_type'] . '_length'];
         // eg. text objects are 'sob_text_length'
         if ($r['sob_all_type'] == 'lookup') {
             $objectLength = $r['sob_lookup_code_length'];
             // code length
             if ($r['sob_lookup_no_description'] != '1') {
                 $objectLength = $objectLength + 0.5 + $r['sob_lookup_description_length'];
                 // description length
         if ($r['sob_all_type'] == 'text') {
             if ($format[$r['sob_text_format']]->type == 'date') {
                 $objectLength = $objectLength + 1.5;
                 // date button length
         $fldDimensions[$r['sob_all_name']]->type = $r['sob_all_type'];
         $fldDimensions[$r['sob_all_name']]->columnAlign = 'left';
         if ($r['sob_all_type'] == 'text') {
             $fldDimensions[$r['sob_all_name']]->columnAlign = $r['sob_text_align'];
         if ($r['sob_all_type'] == 'display') {
             $fldDimensions[$r['sob_all_name']]->columnAlign = $r['sob_display_align'];
         $fldDimensions[$r['sob_all_name']]->columnTitle = $r['sob_all_title'];
         $fldDimensions[$r['sob_all_name']]->column = $r['sob_all_column_number'];
         $fldDimensions[$r['sob_all_name']]->leftCoordinate = round($sfDimensions[$r['sob_all_column_number']]->columnWidth);
         $fldDimensions[$r['sob_all_name']]->columnWidth = $objectLength * 16 + $hGap;
         $sfDimensions[$r['sob_all_column_number']]->columnWidth = round($sfDimensions[$r['sob_all_column_number']]->columnWidth) + $fldDimensions[$r['sob_all_name']]->columnWidth;
         $colHeight = round($sfDimensions[$r['sob_all_column_number']]->columnHeight);
         if ($colHeight == 0) {
             $sfDimensions[$r['sob_all_column_number']]->columnHeight = $vHeight;
             $colHeight = $sfDimensions[$r['sob_all_column_number']]->columnHeight;
         if ($r['sob_all_type'] == 'textarea' and $colHeight < $r['sob_textarea_height'] * 16) {
             $sfDimensions[$r['sob_all_column_number']]->columnHeight = $r['sob_textarea_height'] * 16;
     $longest = '';
     foreach ($sfDimensions as $key => $value) {
         // get longest row
         if ($value->columnWidth > $longest) {
             $longest = $value->columnWidth;
         $rowHeight = $rowHeight + $value->columnHeight;
     $prntCheckBox = $this->objectProperty['sob_subform_delete_box'] == '1' and $this->objectProperty['sob_subform_read_only'] != '1';
     if ($prntCheckBox) {
         //add room for the delete tick box
         $longest = $longest + $vHeight;
     } else {
         $longest = $longest + 20;
     //add scroll bar
     $sfWidth = $longest + 20;
     $sfLeft = $this->objectProperty['sob_subform_left'];
     //add height of subform title + column title(s) to overall height
     $sfHeight = $this->objectProperty['sob_subform_height'] * 16 - $this->objectProperty['sob_subform_title_height'] * 16 - 100;
     $sfTop = $this->objectProperty['sob_subform_top'];
     if ($this->objectProperty['sob_subform_width'] == 0) {
         $scsfWidth = $sfWidth + 10;
     } else {
         $scsfWidth = $this->objectProperty['sob_subform_width'];
     $scsfHeight = $sfHeight - 20;
     $scsfHeight = $sfHeight - 16;
     //changed from -10 to -16
     $s = "<div name='sf_title{$fieldName}' id='sf_title{$fieldName}' class='selected' style='text-align:left;position:absolute;height:20;top:{$sfTop};left:{$sfLeft};width:{$sfWidth};'>{$fieldTitle}</div>{$CRLF}";
     $sfTop = $sfTop + 20;
     $s = $s . "{$TAB}<div name='{$fieldName}' id='{$fieldName}' class='selected' style='position:absolute;overflow:auto;width:{$scsfWidth};height:{$scsfHeight};top:{$sfTop};left:{$sfLeft};'>{$CRLF}";
     $s = $s . "{$TAB}   <div name='title{$fieldName}' id='title{$fieldName}' style='position:absolute;top:0;left:0;background:#6D7B8D'>{$CRLF}";
     // build subform column titles
     $columnTop = 0;
     $columnNumber = '';
     foreach ($fldDimensions as $key => $value) {
         if ($columnNumber != $value->column) {
             if ($columnNumber == '') {
                 $columnNumber = $value->column;
         if ($columnTop == 0) {
             // only print headings for the first row (sob_subform_column_order)
             if ($columnNumber == $value->column) {
                 $width = $value->columnWidth;
                 $dbc = '';
                 if ($this->parentForm->zzsys_user_id == 'globeadmin' and $this->form->sys_setup != '1') {
                     $dbc = " ondblclick=\"openBrowse('object', '{$objectID}', '', '" . $this->parentForm->session . "', '')\"";
                 $s = $s . "{$TAB}      <div {$dbc} class='unselected' style='vertical-align:top;font-size:x-small;font-family:tahoma;font-weight:bold;top:0;left:{$value->leftCoordinate};width:{$width};height:{$vTitleHeight};overflow:hidden;position:absolute;text-align:" . align($value->columnAlign) . ";'>{$CRLF}";
                 $s = $s . "{$TAB}         {$value->columnTitle}{$CRLF}";
                 $s = $s . "{$TAB}      </div>{$CRLF}";
                 $nextLeft = $value->leftCoordinate + $value->columnWidth;
     $sfHeight = $sfHeight - $columnTop - $vHeight;
     //  adjusting for scrollng div
     $this->objectName = $this->objectProperty['sob_all_name'];
     //  set subform name
     //add room for the delete tick box
     if ($this->objectProperty['sob_subform_read_only'] != '1') {
         $s = $s . "{$TAB}      <div class='unselected' style='top:0;left:{$nextLeft};width:50;height:{$vTitleHeight};overflow:hidden;position:absolute;align:left;'>{$CRLF}";
         //align:left removed
         if ($prntCheckBox) {
             $s = $s . "{$TAB}         <font style='vertical-align:top;font-size:xx-small;font-family:tahoma;font-weight:bold;'>&nbsp;Delete&nbsp;</font>{$CRLF}";
         $s = $s . "{$TAB}      </div>{$CRLF}";
     //end of subform column titles
     //start scrolling div
     $sfHeight = $sfHeight - $vTitleHeight;
     // adjust a bit to see all of scroll bar
     $columnTop = $columnTop + $vTitleHeight;
     //added by nick 10-06-09 $grey needs to be defined before it can be used
     $grey = iif($grey == $this->objectProperty['sob_subform_odd_background_color'], $this->objectProperty['sob_subform_even_background_color'], $this->objectProperty['sob_subform_odd_background_color']);
     $subformClass = str_replace('.', '', $this->objectProperty['sob_all_class']);
     $s = $s . "{$TAB}         <div name='scroller{$fieldName}' class='{$subformClass}' id='scroller{$fieldName}' style='border-style:solid;border-width:2;border-color:white;position:absolute;overflow:scroll;width:{$sfWidth};height:{$sfHeight};top:{$columnTop};left:0;background:{$grey};'>{$CRLF}";
     //put subform objects in an array
     $subformObjects = array();
     $t = nuRunQuery("SELECT * FROM zzsys_object WHERE sob_zzsys_form_id = '" . $this->objectProperty['zzsys_object_id'] . "' ORDER BY sob_all_column_number, sob_all_order_number");
     while ($r = db_fetch_object($t)) {
         $subformObjects[] = $r;
     //get SQL for subform
     //		$subformSQL               = replaceVariablesInString($this->TT,$this->objectProperty['sob_subform_sql'], $this->recordID);
     //get SQL for subform //-- added by sc 4-feb-2009
     if (is_array($this->parentForm->recordValues)) {
         $hVariables = arrayToHashArray($this->parentForm->recordValues);
         //--session values (access level and user etc. )
     $subformSQL = replaceVariablesInString($this->TT, $this->objectProperty['sob_subform_sql'], $this->recordID);
     if (is_array($this->parentForm->recordValues)) {
         $subformSQL = replaceHashVariablesWithValues($hVariables, $subformSQL);
     $subformTable = nuRunQuery($subformSQL);
     $columnTop = $vHeight * -1 + 5;
     $nextTop = 0;
     $columnNumber = '';
     //loop through subform records
     if ($this->parentForm->cloning == '1') {
         $primaryKey = '';
     } else {
         $primaryKey = $this->objectProperty['sob_subform_primary_key'];
     while ($subformRecord = mysql_fetch_array($subformTable)) {
         $this->recordID = $subformRecord[$this->objectProperty['sob_subform_primary_key']];
         //loop through each object for this subform record
         $newRow = true;
         $grey = iif($grey == $this->objectProperty['sob_subform_odd_background_color'], $this->objectProperty['sob_subform_even_background_color'], $this->objectProperty['sob_subform_odd_background_color']);
         $dq = '"';
         $s = $s . "{$TAB}               <div id='rowdiv_{$this->subformPrefix}' onfocus='SFrowColor(this, {$dq}{$fieldName}{$dq})' style='background:{$grey};height:{$rowHeight}'>{$CRLF}";
         $checkBoxDone = false;
         for ($i = 0; $i < count($subformObjects); $i++) {
             $subformFieldDiv = $fldDimensions[$subformObjects[$i]->sob_all_name];
             if ($columnNumber != $subformFieldDiv->column or $i == 0) {
                 $columnNumber = $subformFieldDiv->column;
                 $columnTop = $nextTop;
                 $nextTop = $columnTop + $sfDimensions[$columnNumber]->columnHeight;
             //add room for the delete tick box
             if ($prntCheckBox and !$checkBoxDone) {
                 $checkBoxDone = true;
                 $s = $s . "{$TAB}               <div style='position:absolute;top:{$columnTop};left:{$nextLeft}'>{$CRLF}";
                 $s = $s . "{$TAB}                  <input name='row{$this->subformPrefix}' id='row{$this->subformPrefix}' type='checkbox' {$OnChange} tabindex='-1'/>{$CRLF}";
                 $s = $s . "{$TAB}               </div>{$CRLF}";
             $s = $s . "{$TAB}               <div name='row{$this->subformPrefix}' id='row{$this->subformPrefix}' style='background:lightgray;position:absolute;top:{$columnTop};left:{$subformFieldDiv->leftCoordinate}'>{$CRLF}";
             $fieldWidth = $subformFieldDiv->columnWidth - $hGap;
             if ($newRow) {
                 $s = $s . "{$TAB}                  <input name='{$this->subformPrefix}{$primaryKey}' id='{$this->subformPrefix}{$primaryKey}' value='{$this->recordID}' type='hidden'/>{$CRLF}";
                 $newRow = false;
             $s = $s . "{$TAB}                  " . $this->buildObject($subformObjects[$i], $subformRecord) . "{$CRLF}";
             $s = $s . "{$TAB}               </div>{$CRLF}";
         $rowNumber = $rowNumber + 1;
         $newRow = true;
         $s = $s . "{$TAB}               </div>{$CRLF}";
     $sfRowTotal = $rowNumber + $blankRows;
     $columnNumber = '';
     //loop through blank subform records
     for ($blankRecord = 0; $blankRecord < $blankRows; $blankRecord++) {
         $this->recordID = '-1';
         //loop through each object for this subform record
         $grey = iif($grey == $this->objectProperty['sob_subform_odd_background_color'], $this->objectProperty['sob_subform_even_background_color'], $this->objectProperty['sob_subform_odd_background_color']);
         //			$grey                 = iif($grey=='#E0E0E0 ','#F0F0F0','#E0E0E0 ');
         $s = $s . "{$TAB}               <div style='background:{$grey};height:{$rowHeight}'>{$CRLF}";
         $checkBoxDone = false;
         for ($i = 0; $i < count($subformObjects); $i++) {
             $subformFieldDiv = $fldDimensions[$subformObjects[$i]->sob_all_name];
             if ($columnNumber != $subformFieldDiv->column) {
                 $columnNumber = $subformFieldDiv->column;
                 $columnTop = $nextTop;
                 $nextTop = $columnTop + $sfDimensions[$columnNumber]->columnHeight;
             //add room for the delete tick box
             if ($prntCheckBox and !$checkBoxDone) {
                 $checkBoxDone = true;
                 $s = $s . "{$TAB}               <div style='position:absolute;top:{$columnTop};left:{$nextLeft}'>{$CRLF}";
                 $s = $s . "{$TAB}                  <input name='row{$this->subformPrefix}' id='row{$this->subformPrefix}' type='checkbox' {$OnChange} tabindex='-1' checked='checked'/>{$CRLF}";
                 $s = $s . "{$TAB}               </div>{$CRLF}";
             $s = $s . "{$TAB}               <div name='{$this->subformPrefix}' id='{$this->subformPrefix}' style='position:absolute;top:{$columnTop};left:{$subformFieldDiv->leftCoordinate}'>{$CRLF}";
             $fieldWidth = $subformFieldDiv->columnWidth - $hGap;
             $s = $s . "{$TAB}                  " . $this->buildObject($subformObjects[$i], $subformRecord) . "{$CRLF}";
             $s = $s . "{$TAB}               </div>{$CRLF}";
         $rowNumber = $rowNumber + 1;
         $columnNumber = '';
         $s = $s . "{$TAB}               </div>{$CRLF}";
     $s = $s . "{$TAB}         </div>{$CRLF}";
     $s = $s . "{$TAB}      </div>{$CRLF}";
     $s = $s . "{$TAB}   </div>{$CRLF}";
     $s = $s . "{$TAB}   <div style='position:absolute;overflow:hidden;width:0;height:0;top:0;left:10;background:blue;'>{$CRLF}";
     $sfColumns = count($fldDimensions);
     $s = $s . "{$TAB}      <input name='subformid{$fieldName}' id='subformid{$fieldName}' value='" . $this->objectProperty['zzsys_object_id'] . "' type='hidden' />{$CRLF}";
     $s = $s . "{$TAB}      <input name='rows{$fieldName}' id='rows{$fieldName}' value='{$sfRowTotal}' type='hidden' />{$CRLF}";
     $s = $s . "{$TAB}      <input name='columns{$fieldName}' id='columns{$fieldName}' value='{$sfColumns}' type='hidden' />{$CRLF}";
     $s = $s . "{$TAB}      <input name='table{$fieldName}' id='table{$fieldName}' value='" . $this->objectProperty['sob_subform_table'] . "' type='hidden' />{$CRLF}";
     $s = $s . "{$TAB}      <input name='foreignkey{$fieldName}' id='foreignkey{$fieldName}' value='" . $this->objectProperty['sob_subform_foreign_key'] . "' type='hidden' />{$CRLF}";
     $s = $s . "{$TAB}      <input name='primarykey{$fieldName}' id='primarykey{$fieldName}' value='" . $this->objectProperty['sob_subform_primary_key'] . "' type='hidden' />{$CRLF}";
     $s = $s . "{$TAB}      <input name='readonly{$fieldName}' id='readonly{$fieldName}' value='" . $this->objectProperty['sob_subform_read_only'] . "' type='hidden' />{$CRLF}";
     $s = $s . "{$TAB}      <input name='deletebox{$fieldName}' id='deletebox{$fieldName}' value='" . $this->objectProperty['sob_subform_delete_box'] . "' type='hidden' />{$CRLF}";
     $s = $s . "{$TAB}      <input name='rowColor_{$fieldName}' id='rowColor_{$fieldName}' value='" . $this->objectProperty['sob_subform_selected_row_color'] . "' type='hidden' />{$CRLF}";
     $s = $s . "{$TAB}      <input name='lastRow_{$fieldName}' id='lastRow_{$fieldName}' value='' type='hidden' />{$CRLF}";
     $s = $s . "{$TAB}      <input name='lastColor_{$fieldName}' id='lastColor_{$fieldName}' value='' type='hidden' />{$CRLF}";
     $cNo = 0;
     foreach ($fldDimensions as $key => $value) {
         $s = $s . "{$TAB}      <input name='{$fieldName}{$cNo}' id='{$fieldName}{$cNo}' value='{$key}' type='hidden' />{$CRLF}";
         $cNo = $cNo + 1;
     $s = $s . "{$TAB}</div>{$CRLF}";
     return $s;
Ejemplo n.º 4
 private function buildHTMLForDisplay($CRLF, $TAB, $fieldName, $fieldTitle, $fieldValue)
     if ($this->displayThisObject) {
         $inputType = 'text';
     } else {
         $inputType = 'hidden';
         $fieldTitle = '';
     if ($this->parentType == 'form') {
         //--not a subform
         $titleTableDetail = "{$TAB}  <td class='selected' bgcolor='{$this->bgcolor}' style='text-align:right'>{$fieldTitle}</td>{$CRLF}";
         $tr1 = "{$TAB}<tr class='selected'>{$CRLF}";
         $tr2 = "{$TAB}</tr>{$CRLF}";
         $td1 = "{$TAB}  <td class='selected' style='text-align:left'>{$CRLF}{$TAB}    ";
         $td2 = "{$TAB}  </td>{$CRLF}";
     $style = $this->addStyle('width', $this->objectProperty['sob_display_length'] * 16);
     $style = $style . $this->addStyle('text-align', align($this->objectProperty['sob_display_align']));
     $s = $titleTableDetail . $td1;
     $s = $s . "<input ";
     $s = $s . $this->addProperty('type', $inputType);
     $s = $s . $this->addProperty('name', $fieldName);
     $s = $s . $this->addProperty('id', $fieldName);
     $s = $s . $this->addProperty('value', $fieldValue);
     $s = $s . $this->addProperty('accesskey', $this->objectProperty['sob_all_access_key']);
     if ($inputType == 'text') {
         if ($this->objectProperty['sob_all_class'] == '') {
             $s = $s . $this->addProperty('class', 'objects');
         } else {
             $s = $s . $this->addProperty('class', $this->objectProperty['sob_all_class']);
         $s = $s . $this->addProperty('style', $style);
     $s = $s . " readonly='readonly'  tabindex='-1'/>{$CRLF}";
     $s = $s . $td2;
     return $tr1 . $s . $tr2;
Ejemplo n.º 5
 public function buildBody()
     $percentAmount = 1;
     $select = '';
     $dq = '"';
     $s = "<table >{$this->CRLF}";
     $s = $s . "<tr >{$this->CRLF}";
     for ($i = 0; $i < count($this->Column); $i++) {
         $a = align($this->Column[$i]->sbr_align);
         $s = $s . "{$this->TAB}<th align='{$a}' bgcolor='lightgrey'>{$this->CRLF}";
         $desc = iif($i == $this->orderBy and $this->isDescending == '', '1', '');
         $s = $s . "{$this->TAB}{$this->TAB}<a href='#' onclick='newOrder({$dq}{$i}{$dq}, {$dq}{$desc}{$dq})'>" . $this->Column[$i]->sbr_title . "</a>{$this->CRLF}";
         $s = $s . "{$this->TAB}</th>{$this->CRLF}";
     $s = $s . "</tr>{$this->CRLF}";
     $page = ($this->PageNo - 1) * $this->pageLength;
     tofile("{$page}              = ({$this->PageNo} -1) * {$this->pageLength}");
     $primaryKeyNumber = count($this->SQL->fields) - 1;
     $t = nuRunQuery($this->SQL->SQL . " LIMIT {$page}, 9");
     $top = -15;
     $row = 0;
     while ($r = db_fetch_row($t)) {
         $theID = $r[$primaryKeyNumber];
         $rowname = 'rw' . substr('0' . $row, -2);
         $param = '"' . $rowname . '"';
         $left = 0;
         $top = $top + $this->rowHeight;
         $s = $s . "<tr id='browse'>{$this->CRLF}";
         $color = iif($color == 'Gainsboro', 'white', 'Gainsboro');
         for ($i = 0; $i < count($this->Column); $i++) {
             $w = $this->Column[$i]->sbr_width * $percentAmount;
             $a = align($this->Column[$i]->sbr_align);
             $s = $s . "{$this->TAB}<td bgcolor='{$color}' align='{$a}'>{$this->CRLF}";
             if ($i == 0) {
                 if ($this->isLookup) {
                     $theObject = $this->objectID;
                     $s = $s . "{$this->TAB}{$this->TAB}&nbsp;<a href='formlookupsmall.php?x=1&f={$this->theFormID}&ob={$theObject}&r={$theID}&fr=" . $_GET['fr'] . "&dir=" . $_GET['dir'] . "&ses=" . $_GET['ses'] . "'>" . formatTextValue($r[$i], $this->Column[$i]->sbr_format) . "</a>&nbsp;{$this->CRLF}";
                 } else {
                     $s = $s . "{$this->TAB}{$this->TAB}&nbsp;<a href='formsmall.php?x=1&f={$this->theFormID}&fr={$theID}&dir=" . $_GET['dir'] . "&ses=" . $_GET['ses'] . "'>" . formatTextValue($r[$i], $this->Column[$i]->sbr_format) . "</a>&nbsp;{$this->CRLF}";
             } else {
                 $s = $s . "{$this->TAB}{$this->TAB}&nbsp;" . formatTextValue($r[$i], $this->Column[$i]->sbr_format) . "&nbsp;{$this->CRLF}";
             $s = $s . "{$this->TAB}</td>{$this->CRLF}";
         $s = $s . "{$this->TAB}</tr>{$this->CRLF}";
         $row = $row + 1;
     $s = $s . '</table>';
     return $s;
Ejemplo n.º 6
 public function buildBody()
     $left = 0;
     $pageWidth = 968;
     $percentAmount = 1;
     $select = '';
     $s = "<div id='BorderDiv'  class='nuborder' class='unselected' style='overflow:hidden;position:absolute;top:80; left:10;  width:972;    height:600' ></div>{$CRLF}";
     $s = $s . "<div id='browse' class='unselected' style='vertical-align:text-bottom;visibility:visible;overflow:hidden;position:absolute;top:85; left:12;  width:{$pageWidth};  height:30'  >{$this->CRLF}";
     for ($i = 0; $i < count($this->Column); $i++) {
         $w = $this->Column[$i]->sbr_width * $percentAmount;
         $a = align($this->Column[$i]->sbr_align);
         $s = $s . "{$this->TAB}<div class='unselected' style='overflow:hidden;position:absolute;text-align:{$a};top:0;left:{$left};width:{$w};height:20'>{$this->CRLF}";
         $desc = iif($i == $this->orderBy and $this->isDescending == '', '1', '');
         $s = $s . "{$this->TAB}{$this->TAB}<span style='cursor:hand;font-size:x-small;font-family:tahoma;font-weight:bold;height:50' id='title{$i}' onmouseout='TOUT(this)' onmouseover='TIN(this)' onclick='runOrder({$i}, \"{$desc}\")'>&nbsp;" . $this->Column[$i]->sbr_title . "&nbsp;</span>{$this->CRLF}";
         $s = $s . "{$this->TAB}</div>{$this->CRLF}";
         $left = $left + $w;
     $s = $s . "</div>{$this->CRLF}";
     $s = $s . "<div id='browse' class='browse' style='visibility:visible;overflow:hidden;position:absolute;top:105; left:12;  width:{$pageWidth};  height:556'  >{$this->CRLF}";
     $page = ($this->PageNo - 1) * $this->pageLength;
     $primaryKeyNumber = count($this->SQL->fields) - 1;
     //tofile('browse sql:'.$this->SQL->SQL);
     $t = nuRunQuery($this->SQL->SQL . " LIMIT {$page}, 27");
     $top = -10;
     $row = 0;
     while ($r = db_fetch_row($t)) {
         $theID = '"' . $r[$primaryKeyNumber] . '"';
         $rowname = 'rw' . substr('0' . $row, -2);
         $param = '"' . $rowname . '"';
         $left = 0;
         $top = $top + $this->rowHeight;
         for ($i = 0; $i < count($this->Column); $i++) {
             $w = $this->Column[$i]->sbr_width * $percentAmount;
             $a = align($this->Column[$i]->sbr_align);
             $s = $s . "{$this->TAB}<div onmouseover='MIN({$param})' onmouseout='MOUT({$param})' onclick='doIt({$theID})' class='browse' id='{$rowname}{$i}' style='cursor:hand;text-align:{$a};top:{$top};left:{$left};width:{$w};height:{$this->rowHeight}'>{$this->CRLF}";
             $s = $s . "{$this->TAB}{$this->TAB}&nbsp;" . formatTextValue($r[$i], $this->Column[$i]->sbr_format) . "&nbsp;{$this->CRLF}";
             $s = $s . "{$this->TAB}</div>{$this->CRLF}";
             $left = $left + $w;
         $w = iif($left < $pageWidth, $pageWidth - $left, 0);
         $s = $s . "{$this->TAB}<div onmouseover='MIN({$param})' onmouseout='MOUT({$param})' onclick='doIt({$theID})' class='browse' id='{$rowname}{$i}' style='cursor:hand;top:{$top};left:{$left};width:{$w};height:{$this->rowHeight}'>{$this->CRLF}";
         $s = $s . "{$this->TAB}</div>{$this->CRLF}";
         // allow keyboad movement
         $s = $s . "{$this->TAB}<div onmouseover='MIN({$param})' onmouseout='MOUT({$param})' class='browse' id='hidden{$rowname}{$i}' style='top:{$top};left:{$left};width:0;height:{$this->rowHeight}'>{$this->CRLF}";
         $s = $s . "{$this->TAB}<input onfocus='MIN({$param})' onblur='MOUT({$param})' >{$this->CRLF}";
         $s = $s . "{$this->TAB}</div>{$this->CRLF}";
         $row = $row + 1;
     $s = $s . '</div>';
     //------print login name
     $slogin = "******";
     $t = nuRunQuery("SELECT * FROM zzsys_user WHERE zzsys_user_id = '{$this->zzsys_user_id}'");
     $r = db_fetch_object($t);
     if ($this->form->sfo_help != '') {
         $help = "title='help' onclick='openHelp(" . '"' . $this->form->zzsys_form_id . '")' . "'";
     } else {
         $help = "";
     if ($r->sus_login_name == '') {
         $r->sus_login_name = 'globeadmin';
     $slogin = $slogin . "<span id='nuuser' class='unselected' style='font-size:10;font-weight:normal' {$help} >{$r->sus_login_name}&nbsp;</span></div>{$CRLF}";
     $slogin = $slogin . "<div id='BorderDiv3'   class='nuborder' style='overflow:hidden;position:absolute;top:664;left:12;width:200;height:15;text-align:left' >{$CRLF}";
     $slogin = $slogin . "<span id='powered' class='unselected' style='font-size:10;font-weight:normal'>Powered by nuBuilder</span></div>{$CRLF}";
     return $s . $slogin;
Ejemplo n.º 7
            $alpha7 = (~(int) $_bg_color_val[3] & 0xff) >> 1;
            $_bg_color = imagecolorallocatealpha($image, $_bg_color_val[2], $_bg_color_val[1], $_bg_color_val[0], $alpha7);
    if ($_GET["bg_color"] == "transparent") {
        $_bg_color = imagecolorallocatealpha($image, 255, 255, 255, 127);
//Make the background black
ImageFill($image, 0, 0, $_bg_color);
$loop_count = $_str_has_auth == true ? count($exploded_string) - 1 : count($exploded_string);
for ($i = 0; $i < $loop_count; $i++) {
    ImageString($image, $_font, align($exploded_string[$i], $_align), $i * imagefontheight($_font), $exploded_string[$i], $_color);
if ($_str_has_auth) {
    ImageString($image, $_font, align("-- " . $exploded_string[$loop_count], opp_align($_align)), $loop_count * imagefontheight($_font), "-- " . $exploded_string[$loop_count], $_color);
//Tell the browser what kind of file is come in
header("Content-Type: image/" . $_type);
//$_type_s = array("jpeg", "gif", "png", "webp");
switch ($_type) {
    case "gif":
    case "png":
    case "webp":
        $img_create_ret = imagewebp($image);
        if ($img_create_ret == false) {