Ejemplo n.º 1
function ali_relation($ally_from, $ally_to)
    $relation = ali_relations($ally_from, $ally_to);
    return empty($relation) ? ALLY_DIPLOMACY_NEUTRAL : $relation[$ally_to]['alliance_diplomacy_relation'];
Ejemplo n.º 2
function flt_bashing_check($user, $enemy, $planet_dst, $mission, $flight_duration, $fleet_group = 0)
    $time_now = $GLOBALS['time_now'];
    $config =& $GLOBALS['config'];
    $config_bashing_attacks = $config->fleet_bashing_attacks;
    $config_bashing_interval = $config->fleet_bashing_interval;
    if (!$config_bashing_attacks) {
        // Bashing allowed - protection disabled
        return ATTACK_ALLOWED;
    $bashing_result = ATTACK_BASHING;
    if ($user['ally_id'] && $enemy['ally_id']) {
        $relations = ali_relations($user['ally_id'], $enemy['ally_id']);
        if (!empty($relations)) {
            $relations = $relations[$enemy['ally_id']];
            switch ($relations['alliance_diplomacy_relation']) {
                case ALLY_DIPLOMACY_WAR:
                    if ($time_now - $relations['alliance_diplomacy_time'] <= $config->fleet_bashing_war_delay) {
                        $bashing_result = ATTACK_BASHING_WAR_DELAY;
                    } else {
                        return ATTACK_ALLOWED;
                    // Here goes other relations
                              return ATTACK_ALLOWED;
    $time_now += $flight_duration;
    $time_limit = $time_now - $config->fleet_bashing_scope;
    $bashing_list = array($time_now);
    // Retrieving flying fleets
    $flying_fleets = array();
    $query = doquery("SELECT fleet_group, fleet_start_time FROM {{fleets}} WHERE\r\n  fleet_end_galaxy = {$planet_dst['galaxy']} AND\r\n  fleet_end_system = {$planet_dst['system']} AND\r\n  fleet_end_planet = {$planet_dst['planet']} AND\r\n  fleet_end_type   = {$planet_dst['planet_type']} AND\r\n  fleet_owner = {$user['id']} AND fleet_mission IN (" . MT_ATTACK . "," . MT_AKS . "," . MT_DESTROY . ") AND fleet_mess = 0;");
    while ($bashing_fleets = mysql_fetch_assoc($query)) {
        // Checking for ACS - each ACS count only once
        if ($bashing_fleets['fleet_group']) {
            $bashing_list["{$user['id']}_{$bashing_fleets['fleet_group']}"] = $bashing_fleets['fleet_start_time'];
        } else {
            $bashing_list[] = $bashing_fleets['fleet_start_time'];
    // Check for joining to ACS - if there are already fleets in ACS no checks should be done
    if ($mission == MT_AKS && $bashing_list["{$user['id']}_{$fleet_group}"]) {
        return ATTACK_ALLOWED;
    $query = doquery("SELECT bashing_time FROM {{bashing}} WHERE bashing_user_id = {$user['id']} AND bashing_planet_id = {$planet_dst['id']} AND bashing_time >= {$time_limit};");
    while ($bashing_row = mysql_fetch_assoc($query)) {
        $bashing_list[] = $bashing_row['bashing_time'];
    $last_attack = 0;
    $wave = 0;
    $attack = 1;
    foreach ($bashing_list as &$bash_time) {
        if ($bash_time - $last_attack > $config_bashing_interval || $attack > $config_bashing_attacks) {
            $attack = 1;
        $last_attack = $bash_time;
    return $wave > $config->fleet_bashing_waves ? $bashing_result : ATTACK_ALLOWED;