Ejemplo n.º 1
 * Renders default/core config form.
 * The page is rendered in wp-admin / Classifieds / Options / Core 
 * @since 0.1
 * @return void
function adext_core_page_options()
    $page_title = __("Core Options", "adverts");
    $button_text = __("Update Options", "adverts");
    $flash = Adverts_Flash::instance();
    $error = array();
    $scheme = Adverts::instance()->get("form_core_config");
    $form = new Adverts_Form($scheme);
    if (isset($_POST) && !empty($_POST)) {
        $valid = $form->validate();
        if ($valid) {
            $data = $form->get_values();
            $data["module"] = adverts_config('config.module');
            update_option("adverts_config", $data);
            $flash->add_info(__("Settings updated.", "adverts"));
        } else {
            $flash->add_error(__("There are errors in your form.", "adverts"));
    } else {
    include ADVERTS_PATH . 'addons/core/admin/options.php';
Ejemplo n.º 2
 * wp-admin / Classifieds / Options panel logic.
 * This functions is being executed when wp-admin / Classifieds / Options panel 
 * is being loaded. It either generates list of available modules or loads module,
 * depending on $_REQUEST 'disabled', 'enabled' and 'module' params.
 * @global $_REQUEST
 * @uses adverts_config()
 * @uses adverts_config_set()
 * @uses adverts_config_save()
 * @uses adverts_request()
 * @since 0.1
 * @return void
function adverts_admin_page_extensions()
    // We are on one of Adverts admin pages, load default Adverts admin styles.
    // Load modules config
    $module = adverts_config('module');
    $module_groups = array(array("title" => __("Modules", "adverts"), "modules" => array("core" => array("title" => __("Core", "adverts"), "text" => __("Here you can configure most basic Adverts options, applicable on any site.", "adverts"), "type" => "static", "plugin" => null), "payments" => array("title" => __("Payments", "adverts"), "text" => __("Charge users for posting classified ads on your site.", "adverts"), "type" => "", "plugin" => null), "wc-payments" => array("title" => __("WooCommerce Payments", "adverts"), "text" => __("Use WooCommerce to charge users for posting classifieds.", "adverts"), "type" => "", "plugin" => "wpadverts-wc/wpadverts-wc.php", "purchase_url" => "http://wpadverts.com/extensions/woocommerce-integration/"))), array("title" => __("Features", "adverts"), "modules" => array("featured" => array("title" => __("Featured Ads", "adverts"), "text" => __("Allow users to post Ads displayed always at the top of the list.", "adverts"), "type" => "", "plugin" => null), "wpadverts-mal" => array("title" => __("Maps And Locations", "adverts"), "text" => __("Locations Taxonomy, Google Maps integration and more.", "adverts"), "type" => "", "plugin" => "wpadverts-mal/wpadverts-mal.php", "purchase_url" => "http://wpadverts.com/extensions/maps-and-locations/"))), array("title" => __("Payment Gateways", "adverts"), "modules" => array("bank-transfer" => array("title" => __("Bank Transfer", "adverts"), "text" => __("Allow users to pay for ad posting using direct bank transfer or cash payments.", "adverts"), "type" => "", "plugin" => null), "paypal-standard" => array("title" => __("PayPal Standard", "adverts"), "text" => __("PayPal Payments Standard, allow users to pay for ads via PayPal.", "adverts"), "type" => "", "plugin" => "wpadverts-paypal-standard/wpadverts-paypal-standard.php", "purchase_url" => "http://wpadverts.com/extensions/paypal-payments-standard/"))));
    if (adverts_request('enable')) {
        // User is trying to enable module
        $enable = adverts_request('enable');
        $module[$enable] = 0.5;
        // Save config
        adverts_config_set('config.module', $module);
        wp_redirect(add_query_arg(array('enable' => false, 'noheader' => false, 'module' => $enable)));
    if (adverts_request('disable')) {
        // User is trying to disable module
        $disable = adverts_request('disable');
        if (isset($module[$disable])) {
        // Save config
        adverts_config_set('config.module', $module);
        wp_redirect(remove_query_arg(array('disable', 'noheader')));
    if (adverts_request('module')) {
        // Load module (based on $_GET[module]) panel
        $name = adverts_request('module');
        $module_current = null;
        $module_key = null;
        foreach ($module_groups as $group) {
            foreach ($group["modules"] as $key => $tmp) {
                if ($key == $name) {
                    $module_current = $tmp;
                    $module_key = $key;
                    break 2;
        if ($module_current === null) {
            esc_html_e(sprintf(__("Module [%s] does not exist.", "adverts"), $name));
        if ($module_current["plugin"]) {
            include_once dirname(ADVERTS_PATH) . '/' . dirname($module_current["plugin"]) . '/includes/admin-module-options.php';
        } else {
            include_once ADVERTS_PATH . 'addons/' . $module_key . '/includes/admin-module-options.php';
    } else {
        // Display modules list template
        include ADVERTS_PATH . 'admin/options.php';
Ejemplo n.º 3
 * Replaces taxonomy URL with custom URL.
 * Replaces URLs for taxonomies registered in alt_term_links_config(), the new
 * URL points to default page with [adverts_list] shortcode
 * @uses alt_term_links_config()
 * @since 1.0
 * @access public
 * @param string $termlink      Default link to taxonomy page
 * @param WP_Term $term         Term for which the URL is generated
 * @param string $taxonomy      Taxonomy name
 * @return string               Custom link to taxonomy page
function alt_term_links_urls($termlink, $term, $taxonomy = null)
    $apply = alt_term_links_config();
    if (!array_key_exists($taxonomy, $apply)) {
        return $termlink;
    $tax = $apply[$taxonomy];
    return add_query_arg($tax["param"], $term->slug, get_permalink(adverts_config("ads_list_id")));
Ejemplo n.º 4
 * Renders Bank Transfer Payment Form
 * If user will select Bank Transfer as a payment method, this function will render
 * payment instructions.
 * It is executed in third step in [adverts_add] shortcode.
 * @param array $data Payment data
 * @return array
function adext_bank_transfer_render($data)
    $price = $data["price"];
    $payment_id = $data["payment_id"];
    $atts = array("class" => "adverts-success");
    $repl = array("{total}" => adverts_price($price), "{order_number}" => str_pad($payment_id, 6, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT));
    $html = str_replace(array_keys($repl), array_values($repl), adverts_config("bank_transfer.custom_text"));
    $html = apply_filters("adext_bank_transfer_custom_text", $html, $data);
    return array("result" => 1, "html" => Adverts_Html::build("div", $atts, wpautop($html)), "execute" => null, "execute_id" => "");
Ejemplo n.º 5
 * Removes empty $_GET params from current URL.
 * The function checks if current URL has empty ('query or 'location') params,
 * if it has then empty params are removed from URL and user is redirected to 
 * page with this params removed.
 * @uses is_page() Checks if user is on main Ads list.
 * @uses remove_query_arg() Modifies current URL.
 * @uses wp_redirect() Redirects user to page with empty params removed.
 * @return void
function cleanup_args()
    if (!is_page(adverts_config('config.ads_list_id'))) {
    $args = array('query', 'location');
    $redirect = false;
    foreach ($args as $arg) {
        if (isset($_GET[$arg]) && empty($_GET[$arg])) {
            $redirect = remove_query_arg($arg, $redirect);
    if ($redirect) {
Ejemplo n.º 6
 * Install Modules 
 * Run module installation functions (if any) on modules that were "just" activated. 
 * This function is executed in "init" filter with low priority so all the modules 
 * are initiated before it is run.
 * @since 0.2
 * @return void
function adverts_install_modules()
    $module = adverts_config('config.module');
    $install = array();
    foreach ((array) $module as $mod => $status) {
        if (!is_file(ADVERTS_PATH . "addons/{$mod}/{$mod}.php")) {
        if ($status > 0) {
            include_once ADVERTS_PATH . "addons/{$mod}/{$mod}.php";
        if ($status == 0.5) {
            add_action("init", "adverts_install_modules");
            Adverts_Flash::instance()->add_info(__("Module activated successfully.", "adverts"));
            $module[$mod] = 1;
            adverts_config_set('config.module', $module);
Ejemplo n.º 7
 * Adds Expiry date to 'Publish' meta box
 * @see post_submitbox_misc_actions action
 * @param WP_Post $post
 * @global string $pagenow
function adverts_expiry_meta_box()
    global $post, $pagenow;
    // Do this for adverts only.
    if ($post->post_type != 'advert') {
    $datef = __('M j, Y @ G:i');
    $meta = get_post_meta($post->ID, '_expiration_date', true);
    if ($meta != '') {
        // Set expiration date based on _expiration_date meta
        $expiry = $meta;
        $date = date_i18n($datef, $expiry);
        $touch_time = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $expiry);
        $never_expires = false;
    } else {
        if ($pagenow != "post-new.php") {
            // _expiration_date meta not in DB, set expiration to 'never'
            $expiry = strtotime(current_time('mysql') . " +30 DAYS");
            $date = __("Never Expires", "adverts");
            $touch_time = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $expiry);
            $never_expires = true;
        } else {
            // User is creating a new Advert, the expiration date is set to today+30 days.
            $duration = intval(adverts_config("config.visibility"));
            $expiry = strtotime(current_time('mysql') . " +{$duration} DAYS");
            $date = date_i18n($datef, $expiry);
            $touch_time = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $expiry);
            $never_expires = false;
    // Check if date is in the past or in the future and set correct label based on this.
    if (strtotime(date_i18n("Y-m-d H:i:s")) > $expiry) {
        $stamp = __("Expired: <b>%s</b>", "adverts");
    } else {
        $stamp = __("Expires: <b>%s</b>", "adverts");
    /* @todo: in a future select who can publish */
    $can_publish = true;
    // render expiration date section
    if ($can_publish) {
    <div class="misc-pub-section curtime misc-pub-curtime">
        <span id="timestamp_expire">
        printf($stamp, $date);
        <a href="#edit_timestamp_expire" class="edit-timestamp hide-if-no-js"><span aria-hidden="true"><?php 
</span> <span class="screen-reader-text"><?php 
        _e('Edit date and time');
        <div id="timestamp-expire-div" class="hide-if-js"><?php 
        adverts_touch_time($touch_time, 2, $never_expires);
        // /misc-pub-section
Ejemplo n.º 8
 * Replaces user name with link to all user ads.
 * If user who posted an Ad is registered WP user, then the "By John Doe" text
 * on Ad details page is replaced with link to all user Ads.
 * This change is applied using adverts_tpl_single_posted_by filter.
 * @see adverts_tpl_single_posted_by filter in wpadverts/templates/single.php
 * @param string $pbase Default pagination base
 * @since 1.0
 * @return string Updated pagination base
function ads_by_author_tpl_single_posted_by($name, $post_id)
    $post = get_post($post_id);
    $person = get_post_meta($post_id, 'adverts_person', true);
    if ($post->post_author) {
        include_once ADVERTS_PATH . "/includes/class-html.php";
        $link = get_permalink(adverts_config('ads_list_id'));
        $glue = stripos($link, '?') ? '&' : '?';
        $person = new Adverts_Html("a", array("href" => $link . $glue . "posted_by=" . $post->post_author), $person);
    return sprintf(__("by <strong>%s</strong>", "adverts"), $person);
Ejemplo n.º 9
<ul class="adverts-tabs adverts-payment-data" data-page-id="<?php 
" data-listing-id="<?php 
" data-object-id="<?php 
    foreach ($gateways as $g_name => $gateway) {
    <li class="adverts-tab-link <?php 
        if ($g_name == adverts_config("payments.default_gateway")) {
" data-tab="<?php 
Ejemplo n.º 10
 * Disables Adverts archive page.
 * We do not want to disaply adverts archive page because it is not possible
 * to control displayed conent there, instead we redirect users to default ads list page
 * @access public
 * @since 1.0
 * @return void
function adverts_disable_default_archive()
    if (is_post_type_archive("advert")) {
Ejemplo n.º 11
  * AJAX License validation
  * This function is executed from /wp-admin/admin-ajax.php it handles
  * license key validation.
  * @see wp_ajax_adverts_license_validate_$slug action
  * @see self::connect()
  * @access public
  * @since 1.0
  * @return void
 public function validate_license()
     $license = trim(adverts_request("license"));
     $update = false;
     $response = new stdClass();
     $response->status = 200;
     $response->error = "";
     $response->message = "";
     if (!empty($license)) {
         $request = $this->remote("license", array("license" => $license));
         if ($request === false) {
             $response->status = 400;
             $response->message = __("Cannot connect to remote server. Please try again later.", "adverts");
         } elseif ($request->result == 1) {
             $update = true;
         } else {
             $response->status = $request->result;
             $response->message = $request->message;
     } else {
         $license = null;
         $update = true;
     if ($update) {
         $config = adverts_config('config.license');
         $config[$this->slug] = $license;
         adverts_config_set('config.license', $config);
     $transient = get_site_transient("update_plugins");
     if ($update && $license === null && isset($transient->response[$this->plugin])) {
         set_site_transient("update_plugins", $transient);
     echo json_encode($response);
Ejemplo n.º 12
 * Generates HTML for [adverts_add] shortcode
 * @param array $atts Shortcode attributes
 * @since 0.1
 * @return string Fully formatted HTML for "post ad" form.
function shortcode_adverts_add($atts)
    extract(shortcode_atts(array('name' => 'default', 'moderate' => false), $atts));
    include_once ADVERTS_PATH . 'includes/class-html.php';
    include_once ADVERTS_PATH . 'includes/class-form.php';
    $form = new Adverts_Form(Adverts::instance()->get("form"));
    $valid = null;
    $error = array();
    $info = array();
    $bind = array();
    $content = "";
    $adverts_flash = array("error" => array(), "info" => array());
    $action = apply_filters('adverts_action', adverts_request("_adverts_action", ""), __FUNCTION__);
    $post_id = adverts_request("_post_id", null);
    $post_id = $post_id > 0 ? $post_id : null;
    // $post_id hijack attempt protection here!
    if ($post_id > 0 && get_post($post_id)->post_author == get_current_user_id()) {
        // if post was already saved in DB (for example for preview) then load it.
        $post = get_post($post_id);
        // bind data by field name
        foreach ($form->get_fields() as $f) {
            $bind[$f["name"]] = get_post_meta($post_id, $f["name"], true);
        $bind["post_title"] = $post->post_title;
        $bind["post_content"] = $post->post_content;
        $bind["advert_category"] = array();
        $terms = get_the_terms($post_id, 'advert_category');
        if (is_array($terms)) {
            foreach ($terms as $term) {
                $bind["advert_category"][] = $term->term_id;
    } elseif (is_user_logged_in()) {
        $bind["adverts_person"] = wp_get_current_user()->display_name;
        $bind["adverts_email"] = wp_get_current_user()->user_email;
    if ($action == "") {
        // show post ad form page
        $bind["_post_id"] = $post_id;
        $bind["_adverts_action"] = "preview";
        // adverts/templates/add.php
        include apply_filters("adverts_template_load", ADVERTS_PATH . 'templates/add.php');
        $content = ob_get_clean();
    } elseif ($action == "preview") {
        // show preview page
        $form->bind((array) stripslashes_deep($_POST));
        $valid = $form->validate();
        $adverts_flash = array("error" => $error, "info" => $info);
        // Allow to preview only if data in the form is valid.
        if ($valid) {
            $init = array("post" => array("ID" => $post_id, "post_name" => sanitize_title($form->get_value("post_title")), "post_type" => "advert", "post_author" => get_current_user_id(), "post_date" => current_time('mysql'), "post_date_gmt" => current_time('mysql', 1), "post_status" => adverts_tmp_post_status(), "guid" => ""), "meta" => array());
            if (adverts_config("config.visibility") > 0) {
                $init["meta"]["_expiration_date"] = array("value" => strtotime(current_time('mysql') . " +" . adverts_config("config.visibility") . " DAYS"), "field" => array("type" => "adverts_field_hidden"));
            // Save post as temporary in DB
            $post_id = Adverts_Post::save($form, $post_id, $init);
            if (is_wp_error($post_id)) {
                $error[] = $post_id->get_error_message();
                $valid = false;
            $adverts_flash = array("error" => $error, "info" => $info);
            // adverts/templates/add-preview.php
            include apply_filters("adverts_template_load", ADVERTS_PATH . 'templates/add-preview.php');
            $content = ob_get_clean();
        } else {
            $error[] = __("There are errors in your form. Please correct them before proceeding.", "adverts");
            $adverts_flash = array("error" => $error, "info" => $info);
            // adverts/templates/add.php
            include apply_filters("adverts_template_load", ADVERTS_PATH . 'templates/add.php');
            $content = ob_get_clean();
        // endif $valid
    } elseif ($action == "save") {
        // Save form in the database
        $post_id = wp_update_post(array("ID" => $post_id, "post_status" => $moderate == "1" ? 'pending' : 'publish'));
        $info[] = __("Thank you for submitting your ad!", "adverts");
        $adverts_flash = array("error" => $error, "info" => $info);
        if (!is_user_logged_in() && get_post_meta($post_id, "_adverts_account", true) == 1) {
            adverts_create_user_from_post_id($post_id, true);
        // adverts/templates/add-save.php
        include apply_filters("adverts_template_load", ADVERTS_PATH . 'templates/add-save.php');
        $content = ob_get_clean();
    return apply_filters("adverts_action_{$action}", $content, $form);
Ejemplo n.º 13
 * Binds default payment_listing_type value
 * @see adext_payments_form_load() Function which adds this function to filters list
 * @uses adverts_form_bind Filter which exexutes this function
 * @since 1.0
 * @access public
 * @param Adverts_Form $form
 * @return Adverts_Form
function adext_payments_form_bind(Adverts_Form $form)
    if (!$form->get_value("payments_listing_type")) {
        $form->set_value("payments_listing_type", adverts_config('payments.default_pricing'));
    return $form;
Ejemplo n.º 14
 * @uses Adverts
 * @uses adverts_config
 * @package     Adverts
 * @copyright   Copyright (c) 2015, Grzegorz Winiarski
 * @license     http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.php GNU Public License
 * @since       0.1
// Exit if accessed directly
if (!defined('ABSPATH')) {
// Set default "Post Ad" form structure and save it in Adverts Singleton
Adverts::instance()->set("form", array("name" => "advert", "action" => "", "field" => array(array("name" => "_post_id", "type" => "adverts_field_hidden", "order" => 10, "label" => ""), array("name" => "_adverts_action", "type" => "adverts_field_hidden", "order" => 10, "label" => ""), array("name" => "_contact_information", "type" => "adverts_field_header", "order" => 10, "label" => __('Contact Information', 'adverts')), array("name" => "_adverts_account", "type" => "adverts_field_account", "order" => 10, "label" => __("Account", "adverts")), array("name" => "adverts_person", "type" => "adverts_field_text", "order" => 10, "label" => __("Contact Person", "adverts"), "is_required" => true, "validator" => array(array("name" => "is_required"))), array("name" => "adverts_email", "type" => "adverts_field_text", "order" => 10, "label" => __("Email", "adverts"), "is_required" => true, "validator" => array(array("name" => "is_required"), array("name" => "is_email"))), array("name" => "adverts_phone", "type" => "adverts_field_text", "order" => 10, "label" => __("Phone Number", "adverts"), "validator" => array(array("name" => "string_length", "params" => array("min" => 5)))), array("name" => "_item_information", "type" => "adverts_field_header", "order" => 20, "label" => __('Item Information', 'adverts')), array("name" => "post_title", "type" => "adverts_field_text", "order" => 20, "label" => __("Title", "adverts"), "validator" => array(array("name" => "is_required"))), array("name" => "advert_category", "type" => "adverts_field_select", "order" => 20, "label" => __("Category", "adverts"), "max_choices" => 10, "options" => array(), "options_callback" => "adverts_taxonomies"), array("name" => "gallery", "type" => "adverts_field_gallery", "order" => 20, "label" => __("Gallery", "adverts")), array("name" => "post_content", "type" => "adverts_field_textarea", "order" => 20, "label" => __("Description", "adverts"), "validator" => array(array("name" => "is_required")), "mode" => "tinymce-mini"), array("name" => "adverts_price", "type" => "adverts_field_text", "order" => 20, "label" => __("Price", "adverts"), "description" => "", "attr" => array("key" => "value"), "filter" => array(array("name" => "money"))), array("name" => "adverts_location", "type" => "adverts_field_text", "order" => 20, "label" => __("Location", "adverts")))));
// Set default currency and save it in Adverts Singleton
Adverts::instance()->set("currency", array('code' => adverts_config("config.currency_code"), 'sign' => adverts_currency_list(adverts_config("config.currency_code"), 'sign'), 'sign_type' => adverts_config("config.currency_sign_type"), 'decimals' => adverts_config("config.currency_decimals"), 'char_decimal' => adverts_config("config.currency_char_decimal"), 'char_thousand' => adverts_config("config.currency_char_thousand")));
// Register <span> input
/** @see adverts_field_label() */
adverts_form_add_field("adverts_field_label", array("renderer" => "adverts_field_label", "callback_save" => null, "callback_bind" => null));
// Register <input type="hidden" /> input
/** @see adverts_field_hidden() */
adverts_form_add_field("adverts_field_hidden", array("renderer" => "adverts_field_hidden", "callback_save" => "adverts_save_single", "callback_bind" => "adverts_bind_single"));
// Register <input type="text" /> input
/** @see adverts_field_text() */
adverts_form_add_field("adverts_field_text", array("renderer" => "adverts_field_text", "callback_save" => "adverts_save_single", "callback_bind" => "adverts_bind_single"));
// Register <textarea></textarea> input
/** @see adverts_field_textarea() */
adverts_form_add_field("adverts_field_textarea", array("renderer" => "adverts_field_textarea", "callback_save" => "adverts_save_single", "callback_bind" => "adverts_bind_single"));
// Register <select>...</select> input
/** @see adverts_field_select() */