Ejemplo n.º 1
 * Assign default styles to $styles object.
 * Nothing is returned, because the $styles parameter is passed by reference.
 * Meaning that whatever object is passed will be updated without having to
 * reassign the variable that was passed back to the same value. This saves
 * memory.
 * Adding default styles is not the only task, it also assigns the base_url
 * property, the default version, and text direction for the object.
 * @since 2.6.0
 * @param object $styles
function asc_default_styles(&$styles)
    include ABSPATH . ASC_CORE . '/version.php';
    // include an unmodified $asc_version
    if (!defined('SCRIPT_DEBUG')) {
        define('SCRIPT_DEBUG', false !== strpos($asc_version, '-src'));
    if (!($guessurl = admin_storefront_url())) {
        $guessed_url = true;
        $guessurl = site_url();
    $styles->base_url = $guessurl;
    $styles->content_url = defined('ASC_CONTENT_URL') ? ASC_CONTENT_URL : '';
    $styles->default_version = PRODUCT_VERSION_NUMBER;
    // get_bloginfo( 'version' );
    $styles->text_direction = function_exists('is_rtl') && is_rtl() ? 'rtl' : 'ltr';
    $styles->default_dirs = array('/wp-admin/', '/wp-includes/css/');
    $open_sans_font_url = '';
    /* translators: If there are characters in your language that are not supported
     * by Open Sans, translate this to 'off'. Do not translate into your own language.
    /*	if ( 'off' !== _x( 'on', 'Open Sans font: on or off' ) ) { */
    $subsets = 'latin,latin-ext';
    /* translators: To add an additional Open Sans character subset specific to your language,
     * translate this to 'greek', 'cyrillic' or 'vietnamese'. Do not translate into your own language.
    //$subset = _x( 'no-subset', 'Open Sans font: add new subset (greek, cyrillic, vietnamese)' );
    if ('cyrillic' == $subset) {
        $subsets .= ',cyrillic,cyrillic-ext';
    } elseif ('greek' == $subset) {
        $subsets .= ',greek,greek-ext';
    } elseif ('vietnamese' == $subset) {
        $subsets .= ',vietnamese';
    // Hotlink Open Sans, for now
    $open_sans_font_url = "//fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Open+Sans:300italic,400italic,600italic,300,400,600&subset={$subsets}";
    // Register a stylesheet for the selected admin color scheme.
    $styles->add('colors', true, array('wp-admin', 'buttons', 'open-sans', 'dashicons'));
    $suffix = SCRIPT_DEBUG ? '' : '.min';
    $styles->add_data('ie', 'conditional', 'lte IE 7');
    //Avactis additional css
    $styles->add('bootstrap', "includes/bootstrap/css/bootstrap.min.css", array(), '3.2.0');
    $styles->add('gfont-open-sans', "//fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Open+Sans:400,300,600,700&subset=all");
    $styles->add('font-awesome', "includes/font-awesome/css/font-awesome.min.css");
    $styles->add('simple-line-icons', "includes/simple-line-icons/simple-line-icons.min.css");
    $styles->add('jquery-uniform', "includes/uniform/css/uniform.default.min.css");
    $styles->add('bootstrap-switch', "includes/bootstrap-switch/css/bootstrap-switch.min.css");
    $styles->add('select2', "includes/select2/select2.css");
    $styles->add('components', "includes/components.css");
    $styles->add('plugins', "includes/plugins.css");
    $styles->add('fullcalendar', "includes/fullcalendar/fullcalendar.css");
    $styles->add('bootstrap-daterangepicker', "includes/bootstrap-daterangepicker/daterangepicker-bs3.css");
    $styles->add('bootstrap-datepicker', "includes/bootstrap-datepicker/css/datepicker.css");
    $styles->add('bootstrap-dataTables', "includes/datatables/plugins/bootstrap/dataTables.bootstrap.css");
    $styles->add('bootstrap-toastr', "includes/bootstrap-toastr/toastr.min.css");
    $styles->add('jquery.gritter', "includes/gritter/css/jquery.gritter.css");
    $styles->add('jquery-colorbox', "includes/colorbox/colorbox.css");
    $styles->add('admin-login-soft', "avactis-system/admin/styles/login-soft.css");
    $styles->add('admin-tasks', "avactis-system/admin/styles/tasks.css");
    $styles->add('admin-default', "avactis-system/admin/styles/default.css");
    $styles->add('admin-custom', "avactis-system/admin/styles/custom.css");
    $styles->add('admin-layout', "avactis-system/admin/styles/layout.css");
    //$styles->add( 'admin-buttons',"avactis-system/admin/styles/button_styles.css" );
    $styles->add('admin-tree-component', "avactis-system/admin/jstree/tree_component.css");
    $styles->add('admin-tree-css', "avactis-system/admin/jstree/themes/default/style.css");
    foreach ($rtl_styles as $rtl_style) {
        $styles->add_data($rtl_style, 'rtl', 'replace');
        if ($suffix) {
            $styles->add_data($rtl_style, 'suffix', $suffix);
Ejemplo n.º 2

require_once dirname(dirname(dirname(dirname(dirname(__FILE__))))) . '/admin.php';
/** Full path to the folder that images will be used as library and upload. Include trailing slash */
define('FOLDER_PATH', ABSPATH . image_manager_path());
/** Full URL to the folder that images will be used as library and upload. Include trailing slash and protocol (i.e. http://) */
define('FOLDER_URL', admin_storefront_url() . image_manager_path());
/** The extensions for to use in validation */
define('ALLOWED_IMG_EXTENSIONS', 'gif,jpg,jpeg,png,jpe,pdf');
/** Should the files be renamed to a random name when uploading */
define('RENAME_UPLOADED_FILES', true);
/** Number of folders/images to display per page */
define('ROWS_PER_PAGE', 12);
/** Should Images be resized on upload. You will then need to set at least one of the dimensions sizes below */
define('RESIZE_ON_UPLOAD', false);
/** If resizing, width */
define('RESIZE_WIDTH', 300);
/** If resizing, height */
define('RESIZE_HEIGHT', 300);
/** Should a thumbnail be created? */
define('THUMBNAIL_ON_UPLOAD', false);
/** If thumbnailing, thumbnail postfix */
define('THUMBNAIL_POSTFIX', '_thumb');
/** If thumbnailing, maximum width */
define('THUMBNAIL_WIDTH', 100);
/** If thumbnailing, maximum height */
define('THUMBNAIL_HEIGHT', 100);
/** If thumbnailing, hide thumbnails in listings */
define('THUMBNAIL_HIDE', true);
/**  Use these 9 functions to check cookies and sessions for permission.