Ejemplo n.º 1
$stmt = $dbh->prepare("SELECT collections.id,owner,gameinstance,collectors.name,collectors.id as coid from collections inner join collectors on collectors.id = owner where gameinstance = ?");
$stmt->bindParam(1, $_GET['gameid']);
while ($row = $stmt->fetch()) {
    if ($row['coid'] == $FCN_SUPERUSER) {
    // Specify the name of the user collection table and create it.  In retrospect, I'm skeptical that this
    // is the best way to keep track of who owns what.  It made sense (maybe) when we thought we'd be having
    // multiple game instances running simultaneously, but I'd prefer just having an owner field in the
    // main works table now.
    $userTable = $row['coid'] . "_" . $_GET['gameid'] . "_coll";
    $substat = $dbh->prepare("CREATE TABLE " . $userTable . " ( work INT )");
    // Give each player 200 points
    adjustPoints($row['coid'], 200);
    // Select n random works into the user table
    echo "<h3>" . $row['name'] . "</h3>";
    $subs = $dbh->prepare("SELECT * FROM " . $tempTableName . " WHERE id > -1 ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT " . $initialSize);
    while ($subrow = $subs->fetch()) {
        // Show game admin who got what, and then delete the selected works from this temporary table.
        echo "<img src=\"../img.php?img=" . $subrow['id'] . "\" style=\"width:100px;\"/>\n";
        $deletion = $dbh->prepare("DELETE FROM " . $tempTableName . " WHERE id = ?");
        $deletion->bindParam(1, $subrow['id']);
        // For purposes of provenance, record this as a "trade" from origin -1
        $insertion = $dbh->prepare("INSERT INTO trades(origin, destination, gameinstance, work_from_origin, work_from_destination, accepted) VALUES(?,?,?,?,?,?)");
        $insertion->bindValue(1, -1);
        $insertion->bindValue(2, $row['owner']);
        $insertion->bindValue(3, $_GET['gameid']);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        $substmt->bindParam(2, $origin);
        $substmt->bindParam(3, $gameinstance);
        $substmt->bindParam(4, $tradeMessage);
        $substmt->bindValue(5, 0);
        $mailNotification = "<a href=\"" . $FCN_ROOT . "mail.php\">" . getUsername($uuid) . " sent you a message about your recent trade.</a>";
        createNotification($origin, $E_MESSAGE_RECEIVED, $mailNotification);
    // If money was included, adjust points accordingly...
    if ($offered > 0) {
        adjustPoints($origin, -$offered);
        adjustPoints($uuid, $offered);
    if ($requested > 0) {
        adjustPoints($origin, $requested);
        adjustPoints($uuid, -$requested);
// FIXME this is nuts -- verbatim repetition of above
if ($approved == "0") {
    $headline = getUsername($destination) . " rejected " . getUsername($origin) . "'s trade proposal";
    $stmt = $dbh->prepare("UPDATE events SET type = ?, headline = ? WHERE xref = ? AND type = ?");
    $stmt->bindValue(1, $E_TRADE_REJECTED);
    $stmt->bindValue(2, $headline);
    $stmt->bindValue(3, $tid);
    $stmt->bindValue(4, $E_TRADE_PROPOSED);
    createNotification($origin, $E_TRADE_REJECTED, getUsername($destination) . " rejected your trade proposal.");
    if ($tradeMessage != "") {
        $substmt = $dbh->prepare("INSERT INTO msgs(uidf,uidt,gid,string,rr) VALUES( ?, ?, ?, ?, ? )");
        $substmt->bindParam(1, $uuid);
Ejemplo n.º 3
 * endAuctionBIN: end an auction that resulted in a buy it now purchase.   
 * @param auctionId The auction id (primary key of auctions table)
 * @param user User ID of the player placing this bid
 * @param bidAmt The amount of the BIN purchase
 * @param gameinstance deprecated, but here so that other moving parts move correctly.
function endAuctionBIN($auctionId, $user, $bidAmt, $gameinstance)
    global $dbh;
    // Place a bid using the normal bidding function, but then...
    placeBidFixedEnd($auctionId, $user, $bidAmt, $gameinstance);
    // ... drop the scheduled events created by that function, since the auction is
    // ending now.
    $query = $dbh->prepare("DROP EVENT IF EXISTS auctionEnd" . $auctionId);
    $query = $dbh->prepare("DROP EVENT IF EXISTS notifyWinner" . $auctionId);
    $query = $dbh->prepare("DROP EVENT IF EXISTS notifySeller" . $auctionId);
    // Set the auction end time to NOW().
    $query = $dbh->prepare("UPDATE auctions SET end = NOW() WHERE id = ?");
    $query->bindParam(1, $auctionId);
    // Find the work ID associated with this auction...
    $query = $dbh->prepare("SELECT wid FROM auctions WHERE id = ? LIMIT 1");
    $query->bindParam(1, $auctionId);
    $workid = -1;
    while ($row = $query->fetch()) {
        $workid = $row['wid'];
    // Give the high bidder the work...
    $subq = $dbh->prepare("INSERT INTO " . $user . "_" . $gameinstance . "_coll VALUES(?)");
    $subq->bindValue(1, $workid);
    // ...and take it from the seller.
    $subs = $dbh->prepare("DELETE FROM " . getSellerIdForAuction($auctionId) . "_" . $gameinstance . "_coll WHERE work=?");
    $subs->bindValue(1, $workid);
    // Remove the work from any other pending transactions.
    // Assess a final value fee of 10% (roughly) the sale price and transfer bidder's FCGs to
    // seller.
    $finalVal = floor($bidAmt * 0.1);
    adjustPoints(getSellerIdForAuction($auctionId), $bidAmt);
    adjustPoints(getSellerIdForAuction($auctionId), -$finalVal);
    adjustPoints($user, -$bidAmt);
Ejemplo n.º 4
Archivo: ca.php Proyecto: Guang-yi/fcn
    $stmt = $dbh->prepare("UPDATE tombstones SET approved = ? WHERE id = ?");
    $stmt->bindParam(1, $approvalAction);
    $stmt->bindParam(2, $challengeId);
    if ($action === "approve") {
        adjustPoints($player, 10);
        createNotification($player, $E_ACHIEVEMENT, "Your tombstone for " . getTombstone($work, true) . " was approved by the game administrator!  You receive " . $CURRENCY_SYMBOL . "10.");
    } else {
        createNotification($player, $E_ACHIEVEMENT, "Your tombstone for " . getTombstone($work, true) . " was rejected by the game administrator!  You can create a new tombstone to try again.");
        $stmt = $dbh->prepare("DELETE FROM tombstones WHERE id = ?");
        $stmt->bindParam(1, $challengeId);
} else {
    if ($mode === "d") {
        $approvalAction = $action === "approve" ? 1 : 0;
        $stmt = $dbh->prepare("UPDATE work_descriptions SET approved = ? WHERE id = ?");
        $stmt->bindParam(1, $approvalAction);
        $stmt->bindParam(2, $challengeId);
        if ($action === "approve") {
            adjustPoints($player, 10);
            createNotification($player, $E_ACHIEVEMENT, "Your description for " . (workHasTombstone($work) ? getTombstone($work, true) : "a work") . " was approved!  You receive " . $CURRENCY_SYMBOL . "10.");
        } else {
            createNotification($player, $E_ACHIEVEMENT, "Your description for " . (workHasTombstone($work) ? getTombstone($work, true) : "a work") . " was rejected!  You can modify the description and try again.");

Ejemplo n.º 5
Archivo: ca.php Proyecto: Guang-yi/fcn
$approver = $_GET['uuid'];
$action = $_GET['action'];
$player = $_GET['player'];
$work = $_GET['work'];
// APPROVED column in these tables: 0 = rejected; 1 = accepted; 2 = pending.
// These values really need to be global variables.  Magic numbers abound.  FIXME
$approvalAction = $action === "approve" ? 1 : 0;
$stmt = $dbh->prepare("UPDATE tombstones SET approved = ? WHERE id = ?");
$stmt->bindParam(1, $approvalAction);
$stmt->bindParam(2, $challengeId);
if ($action === "approve") {
    // Award the player who submitted the tombstone 10 FCGs and notify them.
    adjustPoints($player, 10);
    createNotification($player, $E_ACHIEVEMENT, "Your tombstone for " . getTombstone($work, true) . " was approved by " . getUserName($approver) . "!  You receive " . $CURRENCY_SYMBOL . "10.");
} else {
    // ...or tell them they got it wrong.
    createNotification($player, $E_ACHIEVEMENT, "Your tombstone for " . getTombstone($work, true) . " was rejected by " . getUserName($approver) . "!  You can create a new tombstone to try again.");
    // Delete the tombstone attempt.  There's a mismatch here between the way we use
    // approval flags (0/1) and the fact that we just drop rejected attempts from the
    // table altogether, but fixing the problem will require rewriting some utility
    // functions in functions.php.
    $stmt = $dbh->prepare("DELETE FROM tombstones WHERE id = ?");
    $stmt->bindParam(1, $challengeId);
// Finally, award the approver 10 points.
adjustPoints($approver, 10);

Ejemplo n.º 6

 * award.php: do the work that allows the game admin to arbitrarily award (or penalize) players by
 * adjusting their points.
require '../functions.php';
require '../db.php';
$player = $_GET['collector'];
$message = $_GET['desc'];
$points = $_GET['points'];
createNotification($player, $E_HAZARD, $message);
adjustPoints($player, $points);
echo "Divine intervention complete.";