Ejemplo n.º 1
    // Else if were not in the installation process and there's no alloc_config.php file then redirect to the installation directory
} else {
    if (!file_exists(ALLOC_MOD_DIR . "alloc_config.php") || !is_readable(ALLOC_MOD_DIR . "alloc_config.php") || filesize(ALLOC_MOD_DIR . "alloc_config.php") < 5 || !defined("ALLOC_DB_NAME")) {
        // Else include the alloc_config.php file and begin with proceedings..
    } else {
        // The timezone must be dealt with before anything else uses it or php will emit a warning
        $timezone = config::get_config_item("allocTimezone");
        // Now the timezone is set, replace the missing stuff from the template
        $TPL["current_date"] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
        $TPL["today"] = date("Y-m-d");
        // The default From: email address
        if (config::get_config_item("AllocFromEmailAddress")) {
            define("ALLOC_DEFAULT_FROM_ADDRESS", add_brackets(config::get_config_item("AllocFromEmailAddress")));
        // The default email bounce address
        define("ALLOC_DEFAULT_RETURN_PATH_ADDRESS", config::get_config_item("allocEmailAdmin"));
        // If a script has NO_AUTH enabled, then it will perform its own
        // authentication. And will be responsible for setting up any of:
        // $current_user and $sess.
        if (!defined("NO_AUTH")) {
            $current_user =& singleton("current_user", new person());
            $sess = new session();
            // If session hasn't been started re-direct to login page
            if (!$sess->Started()) {
                defined("NO_REDIRECT") && exit("Session expired. Please <a href='" . $TPL["url_alloc_login"] . "'>log in</a> again.");
                alloc_redirect($TPL["url_alloc_login"] . ($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] != '/' ? '?forward=' . urlencode($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']) : ''));
                // Else load up the current_user and continue
            } else {
Ejemplo n.º 2
     if ($percent > 97) {
         $found = true;
         #e("percent: ".$percent);
 // If not found, append the comment to the mailbox
 if (!$found) {
     e("Appending this comment: " . $row["comment"]);
     $people_cache =& get_cached_table("person");
     $name = $people_cache[$row["commentCreatedUser"]]["name"];
     $email = add_brackets($people_cache[$row["commentCreatedUser"]]["emailAddress"]);
     $eml = array();
     $eml[] = "From: " . $name . " " . $email;
     $eml[] = "Date: " . date('D M  j G:i:s Y', strtotime($row["commentCreatedTime"]));
     $e = new $entity();
     $tpl = config::get_config_item("emailSubject_" . $entity . "Comment");
     $tpl and $subject = commentTemplate::populate_string($tpl, $entity, $entityID);
     $entity != "task" and $prefix = ucwords($entity) . " Comment: ";
     $subject or $subject = $prefix . $entityID . " " . $e->get_name(DST_VARIABLE);
     $r = $db->qr("SELECT tokenHash FROM token WHERE tokenEntity = 'comment' AND tokenEntityID = %d", $row["commentID"]);
     $subject_header = "Subject: " . $subject . " {Key:" . $r["tokenHash"] . "}";
     $eml[] = $subject_header;
     $recipients = comment::get_email_recipients(array("interested"), $entity, $entityID);
     list($to_address, $bcc, $successful_recipients) = comment::get_email_recipient_headers($recipients, $people_cache[$row["commentCreatedUser"]]["emailAddress"]);
Ejemplo n.º 3
 function attach_email_to_existing_task($req = array())
     global $TPL;
     $info = inbox::get_mail_info();
     $current_user =& singleton("current_user");
     $orig_current_user =& $current_user;
     $req["taskID"] = sprintf("%d", $req["taskID"]);
     $task = new task();
     if ($task->select()) {
         $email_receive = new email_receive($info);
         $c = comment::add_comment_from_email($email_receive, $task);
         $commentID = $c->get_id();
         $commentID and $TPL["message_good_no_esc"][] = "Created comment " . $commentID . " on task " . $task->get_task_link(array("prefixTaskID" => true));
         // Possibly change the identity of current_user
         list($from_address, $from_name) = parse_email_address($email_receive->mail_headers["from"]);
         $person = new person();
         $personID = $person->find_by_email($from_address);
         $personID or $personID = $person->find_by_name($from_name);
         if ($personID) {
             $current_user = new person();
             singleton("current_user", $current_user);
         // swap back to normal user
         $current_user =& $orig_current_user;
         singleton("current_user", $current_user);
         // manually add task manager and assignee to ip list
         $extraips = array();
         if ($task->get_value("personID")) {
             $p = new person($task->get_value("personID"));
             if ($p->get_value("emailAddress")) {
                 $extraips[$p->get_value("emailAddress")]["name"] = $p->get_name();
                 $extraips[$p->get_value("emailAddress")]["role"] = "assignee";
                 $extraips[$p->get_value("emailAddress")]["personID"] = $task->get_value("personID");
                 $extraips[$p->get_value("emailAddress")]["selected"] = 1;
         if ($task->get_value("managerID")) {
             $p = new person($task->get_value("managerID"));
             if ($p->get_value("emailAddress")) {
                 $extraips[$p->get_value("emailAddress")]["name"] = $p->get_name();
                 $extraips[$p->get_value("emailAddress")]["role"] = "manager";
                 $extraips[$p->get_value("emailAddress")]["personID"] = $task->get_value("managerID");
                 $extraips[$p->get_value("emailAddress")]["selected"] = 1;
         // add all the other interested parties
         $ips = interestedParty::get_interested_parties("task", $req["taskID"], $extraips);
         foreach ((array) $ips as $k => $inf) {
             $inf["entity"] = "comment";
             $inf["entityID"] = $commentID;
             $inf["email"] and $inf["emailAddress"] = $inf["email"];
             if ($req["emailto"] == "internal" && !$inf["external"] && !$inf["clientContactID"]) {
                 $id = interestedParty::add_interested_party($inf);
                 $recipients[] = $inf["name"] . " " . add_brackets($k);
             } else {
                 if ($req["emailto"] == "default") {
                     $id = interestedParty::add_interested_party($inf);
                     $recipients[] = $inf["name"] . " " . add_brackets($k);
         $recipients and $recipients = implode(", ", (array) $recipients);
         $recipients and $TPL["message_good"][] = "Sent email to " . $recipients;
         // Re-email the comment out
         comment::send_comment($commentID, array("interested"), $email_receive);
         // File email away in the task's mail folder
         $mailbox = "INBOX/task" . $task->get_id();
         $email_receive->create_mailbox($mailbox) and $TPL["message_good"][] = "Created mailbox: " . $mailbox;
         $email_receive->move_mail($req["id"], $mailbox) and $TPL["message_good"][] = "Moved email " . $req["id"] . " to " . $mailbox;