Ejemplo n.º 1
 * Return an array of startDate and completionDate
 * in ISO8601 format from input date or date interval
function getDatesFromInterval($interval)
     * Nothing in input, set an array of
     * two null values
    if (!isset($interval)) {
        return array('startDate' => null, 'completionDate' => null);
     * Three cases are possible
     *   - YYYY-MM-DD or YYYY-MM-DD/ => only startDate is set
     *   - YYYY-MM-DD/YYYY-MM-DD => startDate and completionDate are set
     *   - /YYYY-MM-DD => only completionDate is set
    $dates = preg_split('/\\//', $interval);
    return array('startDate' => isset($dates[0]) && $dates[0] !== "" ? addTimeToDate(urldecode($dates[0])) : null, 'completionDate' => isset($dates[1]) && $dates[1] !== "" ? addTimeToDate(urldecode($dates[1])) : null);
Ejemplo n.º 2
    $req = 'selat=' . $bbox[1];
    $req .= '&nwlon=' . $bbox[0];
    $req .= '&nwlat=' . $bbox[3];
    $req .= '&selon=' . $bbox[2];
} else {
    $req = 'selat=-90';
    $req .= '&nwlon=-180';
    $req .= '&nwlat=90';
    $req .= '&selon=180';
$dates = getDatesFromInterval(isset($_REQUEST["sd"]) ? $_REQUEST["sd"] : null);
 * If completionDate is set it replaces $dates['completionDate']
if (isset($_REQUEST["ed"])) {
    $dates['completionDate'] = addTimeToDate(urldecode($_REQUEST["ed"]));
$req .= '&ed=' . ($dates['completionDate'] ? $dates['completionDate'] : "");
$req .= '&sd=' . ($dates['startDate'] ? $dates['startDate'] : "");
 * Satellites
if (isset($_REQUEST["q"])) {
    $req .= '&sn=' . $_REQUEST["q"];
 * SPOT Dali Rest Server information
 * Server : engine.mapshup.info
 * IP     :
 * API KEY: 2KYfZcCsisLrlToDWn5_uQ::
Ejemplo n.º 3
$nbOfFilters = 0;
$useGeo = 0;
// bbox is optional (Structure is lllon,lllat,urlon,urlat)
if (isset($_REQUEST['bbox']) && $_REQUEST['bbox'] != "") {
    $bbox = preg_split('/,/', $_REQUEST['bbox']);
    $latmin = $bbox[1];
    $lonmin = $bbox[0];
    $latmax = $bbox[3];
    $lonmax = $bbox[2];
    $useGeo = 1;
// $dates is an array of two dates (startDate and completionDate) that are retrieved from startDate interval
$dates = getDatesFromInterval(isset($_REQUEST["startDate"]) ? $_REQUEST["startDate"] : null);
// Archiving date
$archivingDate = isset($_REQUEST["archivingDate"]) ? addTimeToDate($_REQUEST["archivingDate"]) : null;
// Datastrip ID
$DSID = isset($_REQUEST["DSID"]) ? $_REQUEST["DSID"] : null;
// PHR operateur name
$operateur = isset($_REQUEST["operateur"]) ? $_REQUEST["operateur"] : null;
// If DatastripID is set, do not use geographical coordinates
if ($DSID) {
    $useGeo = 0;
// Compute number of filters (used to determine if a <ogc:And> property is needed)
if ($dates["startDate"]) {
if ($dates["completionDate"]) {