/** * Function openAccount : create image and store in folder * Input : $ImageSignature ( image) , $AccountNo, $Type * OutPut : path of image */ function OpenAccount($PersonalCard, $Name, $Address, $BankAccountNo, $PartnerType, $dtBirthDay, $PlaceOfBirth, $dtDateIssue, $PlaceIssue, $ZipCode, $Country, $Email, $Phone, $Fax, $CompanyAddress, $CompanyPhone, $MailingAddress, $MailingPhone) { $class_name = $this->class_name; $function_name = 'OpenAccount'; //vcb_eps/hy6GT^lj(O04h $list_args = func_get_args(); $count = count($list_args); $pass = md5('hy6GT^lj(O04h'); //echo $list_args[$count-1]; // echo ' '.$pass; if (($this->_ERROR_CODE == 0 || validateIP($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], FROMIP, TOIP) || validateIP($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], FROMIP1, TOIP1)) && $list_args[$count - 2] == 'vcb_eps' && ($list_args[$count - 1] == 'hy6GT^lj(O04h' || $list_args[$count - 1] == $pass || $list_args[$count - 1] == strtolower($pass) || $list_args[$count - 1] == strtoupper($pass))) { //authenUser(func_get_args(), $this, $function_name) > 0 ){ //echo $list_args[$count-1]; //echo ' '.$pass; $this->_ERROR_CODE = '0000'; } else { $Name = ''; $Address = ''; $Account = ''; $Status = ''; $RespString = 'Invalid user/Password'; $OldNewAccount = ''; $this->_ERROR_CODE = '8009'; $RespString = 'IP deny or wrong username/password'; write_my_log('VCB-test', $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . ' function_name ' . $function_name . ' Input PersonalCard ' . $PersonalCard . ' Name ' . $Name . ' Address ' . $Address . ' BankAccountNo ' . $BankAccountNo . ' PartnerType ' . $PartnerType . ' dtBirthDay ' . $dtBirthDay . ' PlaceOfBirth ' . $PlaceOfBirth . ' dtDateIssue ' . $dtDateIssue . ' PlaceIssue ' . $PlaceIssue . ' ZipCode ' . $ZipCode . ' Country ' . $Country . ' Email ' . $Email . ' Phone ' . $Phone . ' Fax ' . $Fax . ' CompanyAddress ' . $CompanyAddress . ' CompanyPhone ' . $CompanyPhone . ' MailingAddress ' . $MailingAddress . ' MailingPhone ' . $MailingPhone . ' ErrorCode ' . $this->_ERROR_CODE . ' ' . date('Y-m-d h:i:s')); //mailSMTP('*****@*****.**','*****@*****.**','*****@*****.**','','','Ket noi VietCombank test','Test ket noi VietComBank '.$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'].' function_name '.$function_name.' Input PersonalCard ' .$PersonalCard. ' Name '. $Name. ' Address '. $Address. ' BankAccountNo '. $BankAccountNo. ' PartnerType '. $PartnerType. ' dtBirthDay '. $dtBirthDay. ' PlaceOfBirth '. $PlaceOfBirth. ' dtDateIssue '. $dtDateIssue. ' PlaceIssue '. $PlaceIssue. ' ZipCode '. $ZipCode. ' Country '.$Country. ' Email '. $Email. ' Phone '. $Phone. ' Fax '. $Fax. ' CompanyAddress '.$CompanyAddress. ' CompanyPhone '. $CompanyPhone. ' MailingAddress '. $MailingAddress. ' MailingPhone '. $MailingPhone.' ErrorCode '.$this->_ERROR_CODE.' '.date('Y-m-d h:i:s').' ErrorCode '.$this->_ERROR_CODE); $array_input['PersonalCard'] = new SOAP_Value('PersonalCard', 'string', $PersonalCard); $array_input['Name'] = new SOAP_Value('Name', 'string', $Name); $array_input['Account'] = new SOAP_Value('Account', 'string', $Account); $array_input['State'] = new SOAP_Value('State', 'string', $State); $array_input['ResponseCode'] = new SOAP_Value('ResponseCode', 'string', $this->_ERROR_CODE); $array_input['RespString'] = new SOAP_Value('RespString', 'string', $RespString); $array_input['OldNewAccount'] = new SOAP_Value('OldNewAccount', 'string', $OldNewAccount); return returnXML(func_get_args(), $this->class_name, $function_name, $array_input, $this); } $this->_ERROR_CODE = '0000'; if (!required($Name)) { $this->_ERROR_CODE = 8013; $RespString = 'Name is null'; } if ($this->_ERROR_CODE == '0000' && !required($BankAccountNo)) { $this->_ERROR_CODE = 8016; $RespString = 'BankAccountNo is null'; } if ($this->_ERROR_CODE == '0000' && (strlen($dtBirthDay) > 0 && !dateStr($dtBirthDay))) { $this->_ERROR_CODE = 8019; $RespString = 'Invalid Birthday'; } if ($this->_ERROR_CODE == '0000' && !required($PersonalCard)) { $this->_ERROR_CODE = 8072; $RespString = 'PersonalCard is null'; } if ($this->_ERROR_CODE == '0000' && isset($PartnerType) && strlen($PartnerType) > 0 && !in_array($PartnerType, array('C', 'F', 'P'))) { $this->_ERROR_CODE = 8028; $RespString = 'Invalid PartnerType'; } if ($this->_ERROR_CODE == '0000' && (strlen($dtDateIssue) > 0 && !dateStr($dtDateIssue))) { $this->_ERROR_CODE = 8020; $RespString = 'Invalid dtDateIssue'; } if ($this->_ERROR_CODE == '0000') { $BankName = 'VietComBank'; $pos = strpos($Name, ' '); $FirstName = substr($Name, 0, $pos + 1); $LastName = substr($Name, $pos + 1); $query = sprintf("CALL SP_OpenPrivateAccount_VCB\r\n('%s','%s','%s','%s','%s','%s','%s','%s','%s','%s','%s','%s','%s','%s','%s','%s')", $FirstName, $LastName, $PartnerType, $Address, $MailingAddress ? $MailingAddress : $Address, $Phone, $MailingPhone, $Email, $dtBirthDay, $PersonalCard, $dtDateIssue, $PlaceIssue, 'F', $BankAccountNo, $Country, $BankName); $result = $this->_MDB2_WRITE->extended->getAll($query); $this->_MDB2_WRITE->disconnect(); $Name = ''; $Address = ''; $Account = ''; $Status = ''; $RespString = ''; $OldNewAccount = ''; if (empty($result) || is_object($result)) { $this->_ERROR_CODE = 8049; } else { if (isset($result[0]['varerror'])) { if ($result[0]['varerror'] == -1) { $this->_ERROR_CODE = 8051; //exception $RespString = 'EPS-err : exception'; } //if($result[0]['varerror'] == -2) $this->_ERROR_CODE = 18052;// duplicate cardno if ($result[0]['varerror'] == -3) { $this->_ERROR_CODE = 8053; //invalid countryName $RespString = 'EPS-err invalid country name'; } if ($result[0]['varerror'] == -4) { $this->_ERROR_CODE = 8054; //update account err $RespString = 'EPS-err update account'; } if ($result[0]['varerror'] == -5) { $this->_ERROR_CODE = 8055; //insert investor err $RespString = 'EPS-err insert Investor'; } if ($result[0]['varerror'] == -6) { $this->_ERROR_CODE = 8056; //ins MoneyBalance err $RespString = 'EPS-err insert Balance'; } if ($result[0]['varerror'] == -2 || $result[0]['varerror'] >= 0) { $Name = $result[0]['v_sfullname']; $Address = $result[0]['sresidentaddress'] ? $result[0]['sresidentaddress'] : ''; $Account = $result[0]['v_saccountno']; $Status = $result[0]['v_iisactive'] ? 'A' : 'H'; $OldNewAccount = $result[0]['v_icreated'] ? 0 : 1; $RespString = 'Sucess'; if ($result[0]['v_icreated'] == 0) { $new_account = array("AccountNo" => $Account, "AccountName" => $Name, "Address" => $Address, "Tel" => $Phone, "InvestorType" => $PartnerType = 'F' ? 2 : 1, "ContractNo" => '', "City" => "", "BankAccount" => $BankAccountNo, "Bank" => 41); //var_dump($new_account); $ret = addNewCustomer($new_account); // var_dump($ret); if ($ret['table0']['Result'] != 1) { $this->_ERROR_CODE = 8057; //ins MoneyBalance err $RespString = 'Bravo-Error'; } } } } else { $this->_ERROR_CODE = 8049; $RespString = 'EPS-err: db err'; } } } $array_input['PersonalCard'] = new SOAP_Value('PersonalCard', 'string', $PersonalCard); $array_input['Name'] = new SOAP_Value('Name', 'string', $Name); $array_input['Account'] = new SOAP_Value('Account', 'string', $Account); $array_input['State'] = new SOAP_Value('State', 'string', $Status); $array_input['ResponseCode'] = new SOAP_Value('ResponseCode', 'string', $this->_ERROR_CODE); $array_input['RespString'] = new SOAP_Value('RespString', 'string', $RespString); $array_input['OldNewAccount'] = new SOAP_Value('OldNewAccount', 'string', $OldNewAccount); write_my_log('VCB-test', $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . ' function_name ' . $function_name . ' Input PersonalCard ' . $PersonalCard . ' Name ' . $Name . ' Address ' . $Address . ' BankAccountNo ' . $BankAccountNo . ' PartnerType ' . $PartnerType . ' dtBirthDay ' . $dtBirthDay . ' PlaceOfBirth ' . $PlaceOfBirth . ' dtDateIssue ' . $dtDateIssue . ' PlaceIssue ' . $PlaceIssue . ' ZipCode ' . $ZipCode . ' Country ' . $Country . ' Email ' . $Email . ' Phone ' . $Phone . ' Fax ' . $Fax . ' CompanyAddress ' . $CompanyAddress . ' CompanyPhone ' . $CompanyPhone . ' MailingAddress ' . $MailingAddress . ' MailingPhone ' . $MailingPhone . ' Output Account' . $Account . ' State A ' . ErrorCode . $this->_ERROR_CODE . ' ' . date('Y-m-d h:i:s')); //mailSMTP('*****@*****.**','*****@*****.**','*****@*****.**','','','Ket noi VietCombank test','Test ket noi VietComBank '.$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'].' function_name '.$function_name.' Input PersonalCard ' .$PersonalCard. ' Name '. $Name. ' Address '. $Address. ' BankAccountNo '. $BankAccountNo. ' PartnerType '. $PartnerType. ' dtBirthDay '. $dtBirthDay. ' PlaceOfBirth '. $PlaceOfBirth. ' dtDateIssue '. $dtDateIssue. ' PlaceIssue '. $PlaceIssue. ' ZipCode '. $ZipCode. ' Country '.$Country. ' Email '. $Email. ' Phone '. $Phone. ' Fax '. $Fax. ' CompanyAddress '.$CompanyAddress. ' CompanyPhone '. $CompanyPhone. ' MailingAddress '. $MailingAddress. ' MailingPhone '. $MailingPhone.' Output Account'.$Account.' State A '. ErrorCode .$this->_ERROR_CODE.' '.date('Y-m-d h:i:s')); return returnXML(func_get_args(), $this->class_name, $function_name, $array_input, $this); }
<?php include '../../functions.php'; include '../../connectdb.php'; //Get data from the former page via POST method $first_name = $_POST["first-name"]; $last_name = $_POST["last-name"]; $address = $_POST["address"]; $phone = $_POST["phone"]; addNewCustomer($first_name, $last_name, $address, $phone); $customer_id = getLastRegisteredCustomer(); $customer_id = mysql_fetch_array($customer_id); $rented_outlet_staff_id = $_POST["rented-outlet-staff-id"]; $bicycle_id = $_POST["bicycle-id"]; addNewOrder($rented_outlet_staff_id, $customer_id[0], $bicycle_id); //Go to the dashboard header("Location: add-new-order.php");