function getNews() { EasyRdf_Namespace::set('sd', ''); EasyRdf_Namespace::set('sioc', ''); $query1 = ' PREFIX sd: <> construct { ?a ?b ?c . } from <> Where { ?a a sioc:BlogPost ; ?b ?c . } '; $query2 = ' PREFIX sd: <> construct { ?p foaf:name ?n . } from <> from <> Where { ?a a sioc:BlogPost ; dc:publisher ?p . ?p foaf:name ?n . } '; $sparql = new EasyRdf_Sparql_Client(''); $result = $sparql->query($query1); // a CONSTRUCT query returns an EasyRdf_Graph //echo $result->dump("turtle"); $people = $sparql->query($query2); //echo $people->dump("turtle"); /* generate data structure for output table */ $s = array(); foreach ($result->allOfType("sioc:BlogPost") as $v) { $a = $v->getUri(); $label = $v->get('rdfs:label'); $created = $v->get('dc:created'); $subject = $v->join('dc:subject'); $abstract = $v->get('dc:abstract'); $publisher = $people->get($v->get('dc:publisher'), 'foaf:name'); $link = $v->get('sioc:link'); $linksTo = $v->get('sioc:links_to'); $out = '<p><dl> <dt><strong><a href="' . $a . '">' . $label . '</a></strong></dt> '; $out .= addLine($created, "Created"); $out .= addLine($subject, "Subject"); $out .= addLine($abstract, "Abstract"); $out .= addLine($publisher, "Publisher"); $out .= addLink($link, "More"); $out .= addLink($linksTo, "Links to"); $out .= '</dl></p>'; $s["{$created_}{$a}"] = $out; } krsort($s); return join($s, "\n"); }
* View all team affiliations * * Part of the DOMjudge Programming Contest Jury System and licenced * under the GNU GPL. See README and COPYING for details. */ require 'init.php'; $title = 'Affiliations'; require LIBWWWDIR . '/header.php'; echo "<h1>Affiliations</h1>\n\n"; $res = $DB->q('SELECT a.*, COUNT(teamid) AS cnt FROM team_affiliation a LEFT JOIN team USING (affilid) GROUP BY affilid ORDER BY name'); if ($res->count() == 0) { echo "<p class=\"nodata\">No affiliations defined</p>\n\n"; } else { echo "<table class=\"list sortable\">\n<thead>\n" . "<tr><th>ID</th>" . "<th>shortname</th>" . "<th>name</th>" . "<th>country</th>" . "<th>#teams</th>" . "<th></th></tr>\n</thead>\n<tbody>\n"; while ($row = $res->next()) { $countryflag = "../images/countries/" . urlencode($row['country']) . ".png"; $link = '<a href="team_affiliation.php?id=' . urlencode($row['affilid']) . '">'; echo '<tr><td>' . $link . htmlspecialchars($row['affilid']) . '</a></td><td>' . $link . htmlspecialchars($row['shortname']) . '</a></td><td>' . $link . htmlspecialchars($row['name']) . '</a></td><td class="tdcenter">' . $link . htmlspecialchars($row['country']) . (is_readable($countryflag) ? ' <img src="' . $countryflag . '" alt="' . htmlspecialchars($row['country']) . '" />' : ' ') . '</a></td><td class="tdright">' . $link . (int) $row['cnt'] . '</a></td>'; if (IS_ADMIN) { echo "<td class=\"editdel\">" . editLink('team_affiliation', $row['affilid']) . " " . delLink('team_affiliation', 'affilid', $row['affilid']) . "</td>"; } echo "</tr>\n"; } echo "</tbody>\n</table>\n\n"; } if (IS_ADMIN) { echo "<p>" . addLink('team_affiliation') . "</p>\n\n"; } require LIBWWWDIR . '/footer.php';
$rid = getRequestVar('rid'); deleteRSS($rid); break; case "editLink": $lid = getRequestVar('lid'); $editLink = getRequestVar('editLink'); $editSite = getRequestVar('editSite'); editLink($lid, $editLink, $editSite); break; case "editLinks": editLinks(); break; case "addLink": $newLink = getRequestVar('newLink'); $newSite = getRequestVar('newSite'); addLink($newLink, $newSite); break; case "moveLink": $lid = getRequestVar('lid'); $direction = getRequestVar('direction'); moveLink($lid, $direction); break; case "deleteLink": $lid = getRequestVar('lid'); deleteLink($lid); break; case "CreateUser": CreateUser(); break; case "addUser": $newUser = getRequestVar('newUser');
} echo "<th scope=\"col\">process<br />balloons?</th>"; echo "<th scope=\"col\">public?</th>"; echo "<th scope=\"col\" class=\"sorttable_numeric\"># teams</th>"; echo "<th scope=\"col\" class=\"sorttable_numeric\"># problems</th>"; echo "<th scope=\"col\">name</th>" . (IS_ADMIN ? "<th scope=\"col\"></th>" : '') . "</tr>\n</thead>\n<tbody>\n"; $iseven = false; foreach ($res as $row) { $link = '<a href="contest.php?id=' . urlencode($row['cid']) . '">'; echo '<tr class="' . ($iseven ? 'roweven' : 'rowodd') . (!$row['enabled'] ? ' disabled' : '') . (in_array($row['cid'], $curcids) ? ' highlight' : '') . '">' . "<td class=\"tdright\">" . $link . "c" . (int) $row['cid'] . "</a></td>\n"; echo "<td>" . $link . specialchars($row['shortname']) . "</a></td>\n"; foreach ($times as $time) { echo "<td title=\"" . printtime(@$row[$time . 'time'], '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S (%Z)') . "\">" . $link . (isset($row[$time . 'time']) ? printtime($row[$time . 'time']) : '-') . "</a></td>\n"; } echo "<td>" . $link . ($row['process_balloons'] ? 'yes' : 'no') . "</a></td>\n"; echo "<td>" . $link . ($row['public'] ? 'yes' : 'no') . "</a></td>\n"; echo "<td>" . $link . ($row['public'] ? '<em>all</em>' : $row['numteams']) . "</a></td>\n"; echo "<td>" . $link . $numprobs[$row['cid']] . "</a></td>\n"; echo "<td>" . $link . specialchars($row['name']) . "</a></td>\n"; $iseven = !$iseven; if (IS_ADMIN) { echo "<td class=\"editdel\">" . editLink('contest', $row['cid']) . " " . delLink('contest', 'cid', $row['cid']) . "</td>\n"; } echo "</tr>\n"; } echo "</tbody>\n</table>\n\n"; } if (IS_ADMIN) { echo "<p>" . addLink('contest') . "</p>\n\n"; } require LIBWWWDIR . '/footer.php';
loadPlayers($data); } if ($type == "loadUsers") { loadUsers(); } if ($type == "addPlayer") { addPlayer($data); } if ($type == "loadChalleneges") { loadChalleneges(); } if ($type == "loadChallengeText") { loadChallengeText(); } if ($type == "addLink") { addLink($data); } if ($type == "loadLinks") { loadLinks($data); } if ($type == "getTeamRating") { getTeamRating($data); } if ($type == "getTeamRanking") { getTeamRanking($data); } if ($type == "getWinners") { getWinners($data); } if ($type == "getTodaysChallenge") { getTodaysChallenge($data);
} $_POST['data'][0]['restrictions'] = json_encode($_POST['data'][0]['restrictions']); require_once 'edit.php'; exit; } require 'init.php'; $title = 'Judgehost restrictions'; require LIBWWWDIR . '/header.php'; echo "<h1>Judgehost Restrictions</h1>\n\n"; $res = $DB->q('SELECT judgehost_restriction.*, COUNT(hostname) AS numjudgehosts FROM judgehost_restriction LEFT JOIN judgehost USING (restrictionid) GROUP BY judgehost_restriction.restrictionid ORDER BY restrictionid'); if ($res->count() == 0) { echo "<p class=\"nodata\">No judgehost restrictions defined</p>\n\n"; } else { echo "<table class=\"list sortable\">\n<thead>\n" . "<tr><th scope=\"col\">ID</th>" . "<th scope=\"col\">name</th><th scope=\"col\">#contests</th>\n" . "<th scope=\"col\">#problems</th><th scope=\"col\">#languages</th>\n" . "<th scope=\"col\">#linked judgehosts</th>\n" . "<th scope=\"col\"></th>\n" . "</thead>\n<tbody>\n"; while ($row = $res->next()) { $restrictions = json_decode($row['restrictions'], true); $link = '<a href="judgehost_restriction.php?id=' . (int) $row['restrictionid'] . '">'; echo '<tr><td>' . $link . (int) $row['restrictionid'] . '</a></td><td>' . $link . specialchars($row['name']) . '</a></td><td class="tdright">' . $link . count($restrictions['contest']) . '</a></td><td class="tdright">' . $link . count($restrictions['problem']) . '</a></td><td class="tdright">' . $link . count($restrictions['language']) . '</a></td><td class="tdright">' . $link . (int) $row['numjudgehosts'] . '</a></td>'; if (IS_ADMIN) { echo "<td class=\"editdel\">" . editLink('judgehost_restriction', $row['restrictionid']) . " " . delLink('judgehost_restriction', 'restrictionid', $row['restrictionid']) . "</td>"; } echo "</tr>\n"; } echo "</tbody>\n</table>\n\n"; } if (IS_ADMIN) { echo "<p>" . addLink('judgehost_restriction') . "</p>\n\n"; } require LIBWWWDIR . '/footer.php';
$op = isset($_GET['op']) ? $_GET['op'] : 'main'; } else { $op = $_POST['op']; } switch ($op) { case "delNewLink": delNewLink(); break; case "approve": approve(); break; case "addCat": addCat(); break; case "addLink": addLink(); break; case "listBrokenLinks": listBrokenLinks(); break; case "delBrokenLinks": delBrokenLinks(); break; case "ignoreBrokenLinks": ignoreBrokenLinks(); break; case "listModReq": listModReq(); break; case "changeModReq": changeModReq();
<?php /// Copyright (c) 2004-2015, Needlworks / Tatter Network Foundation /// All rights reserved. Licensed under the GPL. /// See the GNU General Public License for more details. (/documents/LICENSE, /documents/COPYRIGHT) $IV = array('POST' => array('name' => array('string'), 'rss' => array('string', 'default' => ''), 'url' => array('string'), 'category' => array('int', 'mandatory' => false), 'newCategory' => array('string', 'mandatory' => false))); require ROOT . '/library/preprocessor.php'; importlib(""); requireStrictRoute(); if (strpos($_POST['rss'], 'http://') !== 0) { $_POST['rss'] = 'http://' . $_POST['rss']; } if (strpos($_POST['url'], 'http://') !== 0) { $_POST['url'] = 'http://' . $_POST['url']; } Respond::ResultPage(addLink($blogid, $_POST));
require LIBWWWDIR . '/header.php'; echo "<h1>Users</h1>\n\n"; if ($users->count() == 0) { echo "<p class=\"nodata\">No users defined</p>\n\n"; } else { echo "<table class=\"list sortable\">\n<thead>\n" . "<tr><th scope=\"col\">username</th><th scope=\"col\">name</th>" . "<th scope=\"col\">email</th><th scope=\"col\">roles</th>" . "<th scope=\"col\">team</th>" . "<th class=\"thleft\" scope=\"col\">status</th><th></th>" . "</tr>\n</thead>\n<tbody>\n"; while ($row = $users->next()) { $status = 0; if (isset($row['last_login'])) { $status = 1; } $link = '<a href="user.php?id=' . urlencode($row['userid']) . '">'; echo "<tr class=\"" . ($row['enabled'] == 1 ? '' : 'sub_ignore') . "\">" . "<td class=\"username\">" . $link . specialchars($row['username']) . "</a></td>" . "<td>" . $link . specialchars($row['name']) . "</a></td>" . "<td>" . $link . (isset($row['email']) ? specialchars($row['email']) : ' ') . "</a></td>" . "<td>" . $link . specialchars($row['roles']) . "</a></td>" . "<td>" . $link . (isset($row['teamid']) ? "t" . specialchars($row['teamid']) : ' ') . "</a></td>"; echo "<td sorttable_customkey=\"" . $status . "\" class=\""; if ($status == 1) { echo 'team-ok" title="logged in: ' . printtime($row['last_login']) . '"'; } else { echo 'team-nocon" title="no connections made"'; } echo ">{$link}" . CIRCLE_SYM . "</a></td>"; if (IS_ADMIN) { echo "<td class=\"editdel\">" . editLink('user', $row['userid']) . " " . delLink('user', 'userid', $row['userid'], $row['name']) . "</td>"; } echo "</tr>\n"; } echo "</tbody>\n</table>\n\n"; } if (IS_ADMIN) { echo "<p>" . addLink('user') . "</p>\n"; } require LIBWWWDIR . '/footer.php';
echo "\">" . $link . "-"; } echo "</a></td><td>" . $link . ($row['room'] ? htmlspecialchars($row['room']) : ' ') . "</a></td>"; echo "<td class=\""; switch ($status) { case 0: echo 'team-nocon" title="no connections made"'; break; case 1: echo 'team-nosub" title="teampage viewed, no submissions"'; break; case 2: echo 'team-nocor" title="submitted, none correct"'; break; case 3: echo 'team-ok" title="correct submission(s)"'; break; } echo ">{$link}" . CIRCLE_SYM . "</a></td>"; echo "<td class=\"teamstat\" title=\"{$numcor} correct / {$numsub} submitted\">{$link}{$numcor} / {$numsub}</a></td>"; if (IS_ADMIN) { echo "<td class=\"editdel\">" . editLink('team', $row['teamid']) . " " . delLink('team', 'teamid', $row['teamid']) . "</td>"; } echo "</tr>\n"; } echo "</tbody>\n</table>\n\n"; } if (IS_ADMIN) { echo "<p>" . addLink('team') . "</p>\n"; } require LIBWWWDIR . '/footer.php';
function addWeeks($max) { global $LANG_TXT_WEEKS, $LANG_TXT_DAYS; echo '<center>'; addText($LANG_TXT_WEEKS); addSpace(5); $idx = 0; $from = strtotime('last monday', time()); for ($i = 0; $i < $max; $i++) { addLink('from', gmdate("m/d", $from), 3); $idx += 1; if ($idx == 10) { echo '<br>'; $idx = 0; } $from = strtotime('last monday', $from); } echo '</center>'; echo '<center>'; addText($LANG_TXT_DAYS . ":"); addSpace(5); $from = strtotime('last monday', time()); $idx = 0; for ($i = 0; $i < 7; $i++) { addLink('fromday', gmdate("d", $from), 3); $idx += 1; if ($idx == 10) { echo '<br>'; $idx = 0; } $from = strtotime('tomorrow', $from); } echo '</center>'; }
function addLink($string) { $pattern = '/((ftp|http|https):\\/\\/(\\w+:{0,1}\\w*@)?(\\S+)(:[0-9]+)?(\\/|\\/([\\w#!:.?+=&%@!\\-\\/]))?)/i'; $replacement = '<a class="tweet_url" href="$1">$1</a>'; $string = preg_replace($pattern, $replacement, $string); return $string; } } else { function addLink($string) { return $string; } } echo '<div id="twitter-feed">'; echo '<div class="twitter-username"><img src="' . base_url('media/modules/tweet/twitter_bird.png') . '" width="45" height="30" alt="Follow us on Twitter"> Follow <a href="' . $content->username . '" target="_blank">' . $content->username . '</a> on Twitter</div>'; if (is_array($string) && empty($string['errors'])) { foreach ($string as $items) { echo '<div class="twitter-article">'; if (isset($content->show_picture) && $content->show_picture == 'show') { echo '<div class="twitter-pic"><a href="' . $items['user']['screen_name'] . '" ><img src="' . $items['user']['profile_image_url_https'] . '" width="42" height="42" alt="twitter avatar" /></a></div>'; } echo '<div class="twitter-text"><p><span class="tweetprofilelink"><strong><a href="' . $items['user']['screen_name'] . '" >' . $items['user']['name'] . '</a></strong> <a href="' . $items['user']['screen_name'] . '" >@' . $items['user']['screen_name'] . '</a></span><span class="tweet-time"><a href="' . $items['user']['screen_name'] . '/status/' . $items['id_str'] . '"></a></span><br/>' . addLink($items['text']) . '</p></div>'; echo '</div>'; } } echo '</div>'; } } else { echo 'Data not found'; }
$link_from_object = $sel_object; $link_from_sid = $sys_id; } if ($post_action == 'post_add_link_to') { $link_from_object = $par['a3_link_from_object']; $link_from_sid = $par['a3_link_from_sid']; // $link_to_object = $par['a3_link_to_object']; // $link_to_sid = $par['a3_link_to_sid']; $link_to_object = $sel_object; $link_to_sid = $sys_id; //echo("from_sid= $link_from_sid to_sid= $link_to_sid <br>"); $from_struct = $a3pr[$link_from_sid]['a3_db']; // $to_struct = $a3pr[$link_to_sid]['a3_db']; $to_struct = $sel_db; //echo("addLink($from_struct,$link_from_object,$to_struct,$link_to_object)"); addLink($from_struct, $link_from_object, $to_struct, $link_to_object); //$par['a3_link_to_object'] = $sel_object; // Clear from destination $par['a3_link_from_object'] = 0; $par['a3_link_from_sid'] = 0; $par['a3_link_to_object'] = 0; $par['a3_link_to_sid'] = 0; } if ($post_action == 'post_add_link_cancel') { $par['a3_link_from_object'] = 0; $par['a3_link_from_sid'] = 0; $link_from_object = 0; $link_from_sid = 0; } if ($post_action == 'post_set_image') { if ($sel_db && $sel_object) {
<?php /** * View the languages * * Part of the DOMjudge Programming Contest Jury System and licenced * under the GNU GPL. See README and COPYING for details. */ require 'init.php'; $title = 'Languages'; require LIBWWWDIR . '/header.php'; echo "<h1>Languages</h1>\n\n"; $res = $DB->q('SELECT * FROM language ORDER BY name'); if ($res->count() == 0) { echo "<p class=\"nodata\">No languages defined</p>\n\n"; } else { echo "<table class=\"list sortable\">\n<thead>\n" . "<tr><th scope=\"col\">ID/ext</th><th scope=\"col\">name</th>" . "<th scope=\"col\">allow<br />submit</th>" . "<th scope=\"col\">allow<br />judge</th><th scope=\"col\">timefactor</th>" . "<th scope=\"col\">extensions</th><th scope=\"col\"></th>" . "</tr>\n</thead>\n<tbody>\n"; while ($row = $res->next()) { $link = '<a href="language.php?id=' . urlencode($row['langid']) . '">'; echo "<tr" . ($row['allow_submit'] ? '' : ' class="disabled"') . "><td>" . $link . specialchars($row['langid']) . "</a>" . "</td><td>" . $link . specialchars($row['name']) . "</a>" . "</td><td>" . $link . printyn($row['allow_submit']) . "</a>" . "</td><td>" . $link . printyn($row['allow_judge']) . "</a>" . "</td><td>" . $link . specialchars($row['time_factor']) . "</a>" . "</td><td>" . $link . specialchars(implode(', ', json_decode($row['extensions']))) . "</a>"; if (IS_ADMIN) { echo "</td><td class=\"editdel\">" . editLink('language', $row['langid']) . " " . delLink('language', 'langid', $row['langid']); } echo "</td></tr>\n"; } echo "</tbody>\n</table>\n\n"; } if (IS_ADMIN) { echo "<p>" . addLink('language') . "</p>\n\n"; } require LIBWWWDIR . '/footer.php';
$response = deleteTag($_REQUEST['url'], $_REQUEST['url_parameter'], $_REQUEST['tag']); break; case "get_pages_with_tag": $response = getPagesWithTag($_REQUEST['tag']); break; case "follow_contact": $response = followContact($_REQUEST['username']); break; case "unfollow_contact": $response = unfollowContact($_REQUEST['username']); break; case "get_contact_list": $response = getContactList(); break; case "add_link": $response = addLink($_REQUEST['from_url'], $_REQUEST['from_url_param'], $_REQUEST['to_url'], $_REQUEST['to_url_param'], $_REQUEST['note']); break; case "delete_link": $response = deleteLink($_REQUEST['from_url'], $_REQUEST['from_url_param'], $_REQUEST['to_url'], $_REQUEST['to_url_param']); break; case "get_links": $response = getLinks($_REQUEST['url'], $_REQUEST['url_param']); break; case "rate_link": $response = rateLink($_REQUEST['from_url'], $_REQUEST['from_url_param'], $_REQUEST['to_url'], $_REQUEST['to_url_param'], $_REQUEST['up']); break; case "get_link_comment": $response = getLinkComment($_REQUEST['from_url'], $_REQUEST['from_url_param'], $_REQUEST['to_url'], $_REQUEST['to_url_param']); break; case "verify_user": $response = verifyUser($_REQUEST['confirm_code']);
* under the GNU GPL. See README and COPYING for details. */ require 'init.php'; $title = 'Executables'; require LIBWWWDIR . '/header.php'; echo "<h1>Executables</h1>\n\n"; // Select all data, sort problems from the current contest on top. $res = $DB->q('SELECT execid, description, md5sum, type, OCTET_LENGTH(zipfile) AS size FROM executable ORDER BY execid'); if ($res->count() == 0) { echo "<p class=\"nodata\">No executables defined</p>\n\n"; } else { echo "<table class=\"list sortable\">\n<thead>\n" . "<tr><th scope=\"col\">ID</th><th scope=\"col\">type</th>" . "<th scope=\"col\">description</th>" . "<th scope=\"col\">size</th><th scope=\"col\">md5</th>" . "<th></th><th></th></tr></thead>\n<tbody>\n"; $lastcid = -1; while ($row = $res->next()) { $link = '<a href="executable.php?id=' . urlencode($row['execid']) . '">'; echo "<tr><td class=\"execid\">" . $link . htmlspecialchars($row['execid']) . "</a>" . "</td><td>" . $link . htmlspecialchars($row['type']) . "</a>" . "</td><td>" . $link . htmlspecialchars(str_cut($row['description'], 40)) . "</a>" . "</td><td class=\"size\">" . $link . printsize($row['size']) . "</a>" . "</td><td class=\"md5\">" . $link . htmlspecialchars($row['md5sum']) . "</a>" . "</td>"; if (IS_ADMIN) { echo '<td title="export executable as zip-file"><a href="executable.php?fetch&id=' . urlencode($row['execid']) . '"><img src="../images/b_save.png" alt="export" /></a></td>' . "<td class=\"editdel\">" . editLink('executable', $row['execid']) . " " . delLink('executable', 'execid', $row['execid']) . "</td>"; } echo "</tr>\n"; } echo "</tbody>\n</table>\n\n"; } if (IS_ADMIN) { echo "<p>" . addLink('executable') . "</p>\n\n"; if (class_exists("ZipArchive")) { echo "\n" . addForm('executable.php', 'post', null, 'multipart/form-data') . 'Executable archive(s): ' . addSelect('type', $executable_types) . addFileField('executable_archive[]', null, ' required multiple accept="application/zip"') . addSubmit('Upload', 'upload') . addEndForm() . "\n"; } } require LIBWWWDIR . '/footer.php';
break; case 'uppProfile': //FROM PROFILE API echo updateProfile($conn); // --> break; case 'addAccounts': //FROM ACCOUNTS API echo addToGcash_Accounts($conn); break; case 'updAccounts': //FROM ACCOUNTS API echo updateToGcash_Accounts($conn); break; case 'addLink': echo addLink($conn); break; case 'updLink': echo updLink($conn); break; case 'validate_coop': echo validate_coopORsubs($conn); // --> break; case 'withdraw_logs': echo withdraw_logs($conn); // --> break; case 'deposit_logs': echo deposit_logs($conn); // -->
$classes = array(); if (!isset($activecontests[$row['probid']])) { $classes[] = 'disabled'; } $link = '<a href="problem.php?id=' . urlencode($row['probid']) . '">'; echo "<tr class=\"" . implode(' ', $classes) . "\"><td>" . $link . "p" . specialchars($row['probid']) . "</a>" . "</td><td>" . $link . specialchars($row['name']) . "</a>" . "</td><td>" . $link . specialchars(isset($activecontests[$row['probid']]) ? $activecontests[$row['probid']] : 0) . "</a>" . "</td><td>" . $link . (int) $row['timelimit'] . "</a>" . "</td><td>" . $link . (isset($row['memlimit']) ? (int) $row['memlimit'] : 'default') . "</a>" . "</td><td>" . $link . (isset($row['outputlimit']) ? (int) $row['outputlimit'] : 'default') . "</a>" . "</td><td><a href=\"testcase.php?probid=" . $row['probid'] . "\">" . $row['testcases'] . "</a></td>"; if (!empty($row['problemtext_type'])) { echo '<td title="view problem description">' . '<a href="problem.php?id=' . urlencode($row['probid']) . '&cmd=viewtext"><img src="../images/' . urlencode($row['problemtext_type']) . '.png" alt="problem text" /></a></td>'; } else { echo '<td></td>'; } if (IS_ADMIN) { echo '<td title="export problem as zip-file">' . exportLink($row['probid']) . '</td>' . "<td class=\"editdel\">" . editLink('problem', $row['probid']) . " " . delLink('problem', 'probid', $row['probid']) . "</td>"; } echo "</tr>\n"; } echo "</tbody>\n</table>\n\n"; } if (IS_ADMIN) { echo "<p>" . addLink('problem') . "</p>\n\n"; if (class_exists("ZipArchive")) { $selected_cid = $cid === null ? -1 : $cid; $contests = $DB->q("KEYVALUETABLE SELECT cid,\n\t\t CONCAT('c', cid, ': ', shortname, ' - ', name) FROM contest"); $values = array(-1 => 'Do not link to a contest'); foreach ($contests as $cid => $contest) { $values[$cid] = $contest; } echo "\n" . addForm('problem.php', 'post', null, 'multipart/form-data') . 'Contest: ' . addSelect('contest', $values, $selected_cid, true) . 'Problem archive(s): ' . addFileField('problem_archive[]', null, ' required multiple accept="application/zip"') . addSubmit('Upload', 'upload') . addEndForm() . "\n"; } } require LIBWWWDIR . '/footer.php';
function updateLinks() { global $logger; $logger->info('UPDATE LINKS'); $resPirate = array(); //parallel RollingCurl RollingCurl::$rc = new RollingCurl("main_callback"); // the window size determines how many simultaneous requests to allow. RollingCurl::$rc->window_size = 5; //List of tracker loaders $loaders = array(); $rutorMain = RUTORROOT; $loaders[] = new RutorLoader("{$rutorMain}/browse/0/1/0/2/"); //foreign movies $loaders[] = new RutorLoader("{$rutorMain}/browse/1/1/0/2/"); $loaders[] = new RutorLoader("{$rutorMain}/browse/2/1/0/2/"); $loaders[] = new RutorLoader("{$rutorMain}/browse/3/1/0/2/"); $loaders[] = new RutorLoader("{$rutorMain}/browse/4/1/0/2/"); $loaders[] = new RutorLoader("{$rutorMain}/browse/5/1/0/2/"); $loaders[] = new RutorLoader("{$rutorMain}/browse/6/1/0/2/"); $loaders[] = new RutorLoader("{$rutorMain}/browse/7/1/0/2/"); $loaders[] = new RutorLoader("{$rutorMain}/browse/8/1/0/2/"); $loaders[] = new RutorLoader("{$rutorMain}/browse/9/1/0/2/"); $loaders[] = new RutorLoader("{$rutorMain}/browse/10/1/0/2/"); $loaders[] = new RutorLoader("{$rutorMain}/browse/11/1/0/2/"); $loaders[] = new RutorLoader("{$rutorMain}/browse/12/1/0/2/"); $loaders[] = new RutorLoader("{$rutorMain}/browse/13/1/0/2/"); $loaders[] = new RutorLoader("{$rutorMain}/browse/0/7/0/2/"); //multiplication $loaders[] = new RutorLoader("{$rutorMain}/browse/0/5/0/2"); //russian movies $loaders[] = new RutorLoader("{$rutorMain}/browse/1/5/0/2"); $NNMData = array("prev_sd" => 0, "prev_a" => 0, "prev_my" => 0, "prev_n" => 0, "prev_shc" => 0, "prev_shf" => 1, "prev_sha" => 1, "prev_shs" => 0, "prev_shr" => 0, "prev_sht" => 0, "f[0]" => 270, "o" => 10, "s" => 2, "tm" => -1, "ta" => -1, "sns" => -1, "sds" => -1, "nm" => "", "pn" => ""); $loaders[] = new NNMLoader("", $NNMData); $NNMData["f[0]"] = 218; $loaders[] = new NNMLoader("", $NNMData); $NNMData["f[0]"] = 217; $NNMData["f[1]"] = 954; $loaders[] = new NNMLoader("", $NNMData); $pirateMain = PIRATEROOT; $loaders[] = new PirateLoader("{$pirateMain}/browse/201/0/7/0"); /* $resPirate1 = new Pirate; $resPirate1->getPirateBay(""); $resPirate2 = new Pirate; $resPirate2->getPirateBay(""); $resPirate3 = new Pirate; $resPirate3->getPirateBay(""); $resPirate = array_merge($resPirate1->result, $resPirate2->result, $resPirate3->result, $resRutor, $resSeedoff); flush(); */ foreach ($loaders as $loader) { $loader->setLogger($logger); $loader->load(); } RollingCurl::$rc->execute(); //result array with torrent infos $result = array(); foreach ($loaders as $loader) { $result = array_merge($result, $loader->getResult()); } $resSeedoff = array(); $resSeedoff = seedoff\getSeedoff(); $resSeedoff = array_merge($resSeedoff, seedoff\getSeedoff("")); $resSeedoff = array_merge($resSeedoff, seedoff\getSeedoff("")); $resSeedoff = array_merge($resSeedoff, seedoff\getSeedoff("")); $result = array_merge($result, $resSeedoff); foreach ($result as $cur) { if (trySkip($cur)) { continue; } getIds($cur['title_approx'], $cur); $logger->info("add link: " . $cur['title_approx'] . "::" . $cur['description'] . "::" . $cur['link']); $res = addLink($cur); if ($res !== 0) { $logger->warning("link was not added: {$res}"); } usleep(100 * 1000); } $logger->info(count($result) . " links updated"); }
} else { if ($reltime < dbconfig_get('judgehost_critical', 120)) { echo "judgehost-warn"; } else { echo "judgehost-crit"; } } echo "\" title =\"last checked in {$reltime} seconds ago\">"; } echo $link . CIRCLE_SYM . "</a></td>"; echo "<td>" . $link . (is_null($row['name']) ? '<i>none</i>' : $row['name']) . '</a></td>'; echo "<td title=\"load during the last 2 and 10 minutes and the whole contest\">" . $link . sprintf('%.2f %.2f %.2f', @$work2min[$row['hostname']] / (2 * 60), @$work10min[$row['hostname']] / (10 * 60), @$workcontest[$row['hostname']] / $clen) . "</a></td>"; if (IS_ADMIN) { if ($row['active']) { $activepicto = "pause"; $activecmd = "deactivate"; } else { $activepicto = "play"; $activecmd = "activate"; } echo "<td><a href=\"judgehost.php?id=" . $row['hostname'] . "&cmd=" . $activecmd . "\"><img class=\"picto\" alt=\"" . $activecmd . "\" title=\"" . $activecmd . " judgehost\" " . "src=\"../images/" . $activepicto . ".png\" /></a></td>"; echo "<td>" . delLink('judgehost', 'hostname', $row['hostname']) . "</td>"; } echo "</tr>\n"; } echo "</tbody>\n</table>\n\n"; } if (IS_ADMIN) { echo addForm($pagename) . "<p>" . addSubmit('Start all judgehosts', 'cmd-activate') . addSubmit('Stop all judgehosts', 'cmd-deactivate') . "<br /><br />\n\n" . addLink('judgehosts', true) . "\n" . editLink('judgehosts', null, true) . "</p>\n" . addEndForm(); } require LIBWWWDIR . '/footer.php';
/** * View the categories * * Part of the DOMjudge Programming Contest Jury System and licenced * under the GNU GPL. See README and COPYING for details. */ require 'init.php'; $title = 'Categories'; require LIBWWWDIR . '/header.php'; echo "<h1>Categories</h1>\n\n"; $res = $DB->q('SELECT team_category.*, COUNT(teamid) AS numteams FROM team_category LEFT JOIN team USING (categoryid) GROUP BY team_category.categoryid ORDER BY sortorder, categoryid'); if ($res->count() == 0) { echo "<p class=\"nodata\">No categories defined</p>\n\n"; } else { echo "<table class=\"list sortable\">\n<thead>\n" . "<tr><th scope=\"col\">ID</th><th scope=\"col\">sort</th>" . "<th scope=\"col\">name</th><th scope=\"col\">#teams</th>" . "<th scope=\"col\">visible</th><th scope=\"col\"></th></tr>\n" . "</thead>\n<tbody>\n"; while ($row = $res->next()) { $link = '<a href="team_category.php?id=' . (int) $row['categoryid'] . '">'; echo '<tr' . (isset($row['color']) ? ' style="background: ' . $row['color'] . ';"' : '') . '><td>' . $link . (int) $row['categoryid'] . '</a></td><td>' . $link . (int) $row['sortorder'] . '</a></td><td>' . $link . htmlspecialchars($row['name']) . '</a></td><td class="tdright">' . $link . (int) $row['numteams'] . '</a></td><td class="tdcenter">' . $link . printyn($row['visible']) . '</a></td>'; if (IS_ADMIN) { echo "<td class=\"editdel\">" . editLink('team_category', $row['categoryid']) . " " . delLink('team_category', 'categoryid', $row['categoryid']) . "</td>"; } echo "</tr>\n"; } echo "</tbody>\n</table>\n\n"; } if (IS_ADMIN) { echo "<p>" . addLink('team_category') . "</p>\n\n"; } require LIBWWWDIR . '/footer.php';
// From this point, an UI is required. $message = NULL; $messageType = NULL; $statsShortURL = str_replace('+', '', $query); // Form protection if (isset($_SESSION['form_protection'])) { if ($_POST['form_protection'] != $_SESSION['form_protection']) { $_POST = array(); } } $_SESSION['form_protection'] = hash('sha256', mt_rand()); $shortURL = NULL; if (isset($_POST['url'])) { $url = $_POST['url']; $link = isset($_POST['link']) ? $_POST['link'] : NULL; $shortURL = addLink($data, $url, $link); if ($shortURL === false) { $message = 'An error occurred. The link is probably invalid.'; $messageType = MESSAGE_FAIL; } else { $message = 'Your link has been saved. The link is: <br />'; $message .= '<a href="' . generateURL($shortURL) . '+" class="notifLink">' . generateURL($shortURL) . '</a>'; $messageType = MESSAGE_SUCCESS; $_POST['url'] = NULL; $_POST['link'] = NULL; } } if ($page == PAGE_DELETE) { $link = $_GET['link']; // First: is the user allowed to delete the link? if (isLinkFree($data, $link)) {
addLink('', $_GET['dashboard'], true, $LANG_TEXT_BACK_TO_DASHBOARD); addLink('type', 'line2', true, $LANG_TXT_AVERAGE_BY_PLAN); addLink('type', 'linehour', true, $LANG_TXT_AVEGARE_BY_HOUR); } if ($_GET['type'] == 'lineSonda') { echo '<div id="item1"></div>'; $chart1 = new Highchart(); $chart1 = GraphSonda($chart1, "item1", $_GET['idplan'], $_GET['iditem'], $_GET['from'], $_GET['avg'], $_GET['tag']); renderChart($chart1, "item1"); addFromLink(); addAverageLink(); addTagLink('None'); addQoE(true); addFilterLink(array('None', 'P5', 'P95', 'Peak Hour', 'Off Peak Hour', '> 0', '< 1.5x', '< 2.0x', '< 3.0x')); addSpace(5); addLink('type', 'line2', true, $LANG_TEXT_BACK_TO_AVERAGE_BY_PLAN); //if ($_GET['dashboard'] == 'Video' || $_GET['dashboard'] == 'Ping' || $_GET['dashboard'] == 'File' || $_GET['dashboard'] == 'YouTube') addLink('type','group',false,'Group of Similar Test for Plan ' . $_GET['plan']); } } else { resetParameter('from'); addTagLink('None', true, $_GET['tag']); addFilterLink(array('None', 'P5', 'P95', '> 0', '< 1.5x', '< 2.0x', '< 3.0x')); Dashboard($_GET['dashboard'], $_GET['plan'], $_GET['tag'], $_POST['move']); } echo '<br><small>'; if ($_SESSION['cacheFull']) { echo '<center>' . $LANG_TXT_DATA_FROM_CACHE . '</center>'; } elseif ($_SESSION['cachePartial']) { echo '<center>' . $LANG_TXT_SOME_DATA_FROM_CACHE . '</center>'; } else { echo '<center>' . $LANG_TXT_DATA_FROM_DB . '</center>';