Ejemplo n.º 1
	} elseif (!$cgi['cheat']) {
		$echoS = "You should promise not to try to gain an unfair advantage by breaking the rules.";
	} elseif (!$cgi['account']) {
		$echoS = "You should agree to have ONLY one " . $conf["sitename"] . " account.";
	} elseif (!$cgi['turing'] || (strtolower($cgi['turing']) != strtolower($_SESSION['number']))) {
		$echoS = "You should type the text that you see on the image.";
	} else {
		//echo "Registering";
		$isResistered = 1;
		$pas = genRandomPas();
		createUser($cgi['username'], $cgi['race'], $cgi['email'], $pas, $cgi['uniqid']);
		if ($cgi['uniqid']) {
			updateUser($cgi['uniqid'], " uu=uu+10 ");
		$us = getUserDetailsByName($cgi['username'], " ID ");
		//echo "==".$cgi['email']."==";
		$html = "<html><body>Your name is: {$cgi['username']} <br>\n Your activation password is {$pas}</body></html>";
		$plain = "Your name is: {$cgi['username']} \n Your activation password is {$pas}";
		$email = new clsMAIL($cgi['email'], "World War II :: {$cgi['username']}", $html, $plain);
		$email->addheader("To", "\"$cgi[username]\" <$cgi[email]>");
		if ($email->send()) {
			echo "<br><br><center><font color=red>Your activation password was sent to your e-mail.</font></center><br><br><br><br>";
		} else {
			echo "There was an error sending the email message";
		//echo "--$ism--";
Ejemplo n.º 2
function logIP($id) {
	global $HTTP_SERVER_VARS, $conf;
	addIP($ip, $id);