Ejemplo n.º 1
foreach ($trelloObjLists as $list) {
    if ($list->closed) {
        // ignore archived lists
    echo 'Creating list ' . $list->name . PHP_EOL;
    $columnId = $client->addColumn($projectId, $list->name);
    $trelloLists[$list->id] = $columnId;
    //add each card
    echo 'Adding cards.' . PHP_EOL;
    $query = "https://trello.com/1/lists/" . $list->id . "?key=" . $trellokey . "&token=" . $trellotoken . "&cards=open&card_fields=all&card_checklists=all&members=all&member_fields=all&membersInvited=all&checklists=all&organization=true&organization_fields=all&fields=all";
    // &actions=commentCard,copyCommentCard&card_attachments=true";
    $jsonCards = file_get_contents($query);
    $trelloObjCards = json_decode($jsonCards);
    foreach ($trelloObjCards->cards as $card) {
        addCard($projectId, $columnId, $card);
echo 'All done!' . PHP_EOL;
function addCard($projectId, $columnId, $card)
    global $trellokey;
    global $trellotoken;
    global $trelloLabels;
    global $client;
    global $userId;
    if ($card->closed) {
        // ignore archived cards
require 'raspi/Buzzer.php';
require 'raspi/Diode.php';
//scan card
$buzzer = new Buzzer();
$diode = new Diode();
while (true) {
    echo "Wait for card...\n";
    do {
        $uid = getNfcUID();
    } while ($uid == NULL);
    echo "Insert {$uid} card\n";
    $newCard = new stdClass();
    $newCard->cardid = $uid;
    echo "Remember take card back...\n";
    while ($uid != NULL && getNfcUID() == $uid) {
function getNfcUID()
    try {
        $match = [];
        $lsnfc = shell_exec('sudo lsnfc');
Ejemplo n.º 3
					<select name="schoolsId" size="1">
//через селект вытаскиваем тип по айди
$schools_id = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM schools ");
while ($result = mysql_fetch_array($schools_id)) {
    echo "<option select value =" . $result["id"] . ">" . $result['name'] . "";
					<input type="text" name="grade" class="placeholder" placeholder="Класс"/><br/>
					<input type="text" name="email" class="placeholder" placeholder="Электронная почта"/><br/>
					<input type="text" name="phone" class="placeholder" placeholder="Телефон"/><br/>
					<input class="button_green" name="action" type="submit" style="width:200px" value="Подать заявку"/>
					<input type="hidden" name="action" value="reg" />
if (isset($_POST['action'])) {
	<div id="footer">Copyright © 1999 – 2015 Институт математики и компьютерных наук.<br> Дальневосточный Федеральный Университет
###Dont bother with certificate verification###
###Our API Key###
$key = "13643d3c8910057ce07623ed01bb22b2";
###   Our Function to add a credit card    ###
function addCard($CC)
    global $client, $key;
    ###Set up the call to add the card###
    $call = new xmlrpcmsg("DataService.add", array(php_xmlrpc_encode($key), php_xmlrpc_encode("CreditCard"), php_xmlrpc_encode($CC)));
    ###Send the call###
    $result = $client->send($call);
    if (!$result->faultCode()) {
        $cardID = $result->value();
        print "Credit Card added - ID: " . $cardID;
        print "<BR>";
    } else {
        print $result->faultCode() . "<BR>";
        print $result->faultString() . "<BR>";
    return $cardID;
###   Build the card data   ###
$card = array("ContactId" => 1300, "NameOnCard" => "FirstName LastName", "CardType" => "Visa", "CardNumber" => "4111111111111111", "ExpirationMonth" => "01", "ExpirationYear" => "2011", "CVV2" => "123");
###   Create the card and store its returned ID   ###
$CCID = addCard($card);