public function graph($opts = false) { $debug = false; if (is_array($opts)) { extract($opts); } if (!$view) { $view = "weekly"; } if (!$this->tbl) { $this->tbl = $this->_loadTableInfo(); // $this->tbl = self::$_tableInfo[$this->_table]; } if (!$title) { $title = $this->_table; } if ($debug) { da($this->tbl); } if (!$this->_dateField) { // @todo, infer datefield from field info. JB 8/8/08 2:59 PM $errors[] = "We don't know the date field for {$this->_table}."; } if ($errors) { show_errors($errors); } $g = group_time($view, $this->_dateField, array("table" => $this->_table)); $sql = $this->getTrendSql($opts); $trend = acqueryz($sql, $this->_db); $trend = $trend->fetchAll(); $hidefields = array(); $graphf = array($this->_dateField, 'count'); $data = array(); $i = 0; if (count($trend)) { ?> <div id="tableWrapper" style="display:none"> <div>Showing <b><?php echo $num; ?> </b> records</div> <table class="list"><?php foreach ($trend as $row) { $i++; $i % 2 ? $row_class = "odd" : ($row_class = "even"); extract($row); if ($i == 1) { // do header row ?> <tr class="reverse"> <td>Action</td> <?php foreach ($row as $f => $v) { if (!in_array($f, $hidefields)) { ?> <td><?php echo camelcap($f); ?> </td> <?php } } ?> </tr> <?php } ?> <tr class="<?php echo $row_class; ?> "> <td> <a href="<?php echo $this->_controller; ?> ?action=edit_<?php echo $this->_table; ?> &<?php echo $this->_idField; ?> =<?php echo ${$this}->_idField; ?> ">Edit</a> </td> <?php foreach ($row as $f => $v) { if (!in_array($f, $hidefields)) { if ($f == $graphf[0]) { $v = date($g[dformat], strtotime($v)); $data[$i - 1][label] = $v; } if ($f == $graphf[1]) { $data[$i - 1][point] = $v; } ?> <td> <?php echo $v; ?> </td> <?php } ?> <?php } ?> </tr> <?php } ?> </table> </div> <?php if (count($data)) { $g = new ACGraph($data, $title . " " . $view); $g->render(); } } else { ?> <p>No <?php echo $title; ?> records found</p><?php } }
function ajaxFieldEnum($name, $opts = false) { // global $zdb_schema; if (is_array($name)) { $info =& $name; } else { $info =& $this->tbl[$name]; } // Backwards compaitibility if ($this->indexField && !$this->_idField) { $this->_idField = $this->indexField; } switch ($info[type]) { case "enum": $select = $this->formEnum($info, array("get_array" => true)); $keys = implode(",", array_keys($select)); $labels = "'" . implode("','", $select) . "'"; $keys = $labels; break; default: // Non-enums assume to be related key tables. // make $select array. if (class_exists($info['rel']['foreign_table'])) { $foreign = new $info['rel']['foreign_table']($this->{$info}['field']); $titleField = $foreign->_titleField; $current = $foreign->{$titleField}; } else { // see if phpmyadmin knows the title fields. $sql = "SELECT display_field FROM pma_table_info\n WHERE db_name = '{$rel['foreign_db']}' AND table_name = '{$info['rel']['foreign_table']}' "; $foreign->_titleField = $zdb_schema->fetchOne($sql); // @todo - Make this smarter. JB 12/4/08 4:21 PM $foreign->_idField = $info['rel']['foreign_table'] . "_id"; } if (!$foreign->_titleField) { $foreign->_titleField = $foreign->_idField; } $sql = "SELECT {$foreign->_idField} AS id, {$foreign->_titleField} AS title FROM {$info['rel']['foreign_table']} ORDER BY {$foreign->_titleField} "; $res = acqueryz($sql, $info['rel']['foreign_db']); $options = $res->fetchAll(); foreach ($options as $op) { $select[$op['id']] = $op['title']; } $keys = implode(",", array_keys($select)); $labels = "'" . implode("','", $select) . "'"; } if (!$current) { if ($current = $this->{$info}['field']) { } else { $current = "none"; } } ?> <span id="<?php echo $info[field]; ?> _<?php echo $this->id; ?> "><?php echo $current; ?> </span> <script type="text/javascript"> new Ajax.InPlaceSelect('<?php echo $info[field]; ?> _<?php echo $this->id; ?> ', '<?php echo $this->_controller; ?> ?&field=<?php echo $info[field]; ?> &action=ajaxField&table=<?php echo $this->_table; ?> &<?php echo $this->_idField; ?> =<?php echo $this->id; ?> ', ['0','0',<?php echo $keys; ?> ], ['change','none',<?php echo $labels; ?> ], { paramName: 'value', parameters: "field=<?php echo $info[field]; ?> " } ); </script> <?php }