function recommendtopic() { $arrTopics = aac('group')->findAll('group_topic', array('isaudit' => 0, 'isrecommend' => 1), 'uptime desc', null, 10); foreach ($arrTopics as $key => $item) { $arrTopic[$key] = $item; $arrTopic[$key]['title'] = tsTitle($item['title']); // 标题过滤 $arrTopic[$key]['desc'] = tsCutContent(strip_tags($item['content']), 50); // 简介 $arrTopic[$key]['user'] = aac('user')->getOneUser($item['userid']); // 用户信息 $arrTopic[$key]['group'] = aac('group')->getOneGroup($item['groupid']); // 群组信息 /* 匹配标题图片 */ $pattern = "/<[img|IMG].*?src=[\\'|\"](.*?(?:[\\.gif|\\.jpg|\\.png]))[\\'|\"].*?[\\/]?>/"; preg_match($pattern, tsDecode($item['content']), $match); if (!$match[1]) { // 内容里面没有图片 $match[0] = '<img src="/plugins/home/recommendtopic/images/default.png" />'; $match[1] = '/plugins/home/recommendtopic/images/default.png'; } $arrTopic[$key]['thumb'] = $match; } include template('recommendtopic', 'recommendtopic'); }
public function getOneComment($commentid) { $strComment = $this->find('weibo_comment', array('commentid' => $commentid)); $strComment['content'] = tsDecode($strComment['content']); $strComment['user'] = aac('user')->getOneUser($strComment['userid']); return $strComment; }
public function index() { $page = isset($_GET['page']) ? intval($_GET['page']) : '1'; $url = tsurl('feed', 'index', array('page' => '')); $lstart = $page * 20 - 20; $arrFeeds = $this->findAll('feed', null, 'addtime desc', null, $lstart . ',20'); $feedNum = $this->findCount("feed"); $pageUrl = pagination($feedNum, 20, $page, $url); if ($page > 1) { $title = '社区动态 - 第' . $page . '页'; } else { $title = '社区动态'; } foreach ($arrFeeds as $key => $item) { $data = json_decode($item['data'], true); if (is_array($data)) { foreach ($data as $key => $itemTmp) { $tmpkey = '{' . $key . '}'; $tmpdata[$tmpkey] = stripslashes(urldecode($itemTmp)); } } $arrFeed[] = array('user' => aac('user')->getOneUser($item['userid']), 'content' => strtr($item['template'], $tmpdata), 'addtime' => $item['addtime']); } include template('index'); }
function photo() { $arrAlbum = aac('photo')->findAll('photo_album', array('isrecommend' => 1), 'addtime desc', null, 12); foreach ($arrAlbum as $key => $item) { $arrAlbum[$key]['albumname'] = tsTitle($item['albumname']); } include template('photo', 'photo'); }
function article() { $arrArticle = aac('article')->findAll('article', array('isaudit' => 0), 'addtime desc', null, 10); foreach ($arrArticle as $key => $item) { $arrArticle[$key]['title'] = tsTitle($item['title']); $arrArticle[$key]['content'] = tsDecode($item['content']); } include template('article', 'article'); }
function weibo() { $arrWeibo = aac('weibo')->findAll('weibo', null, 'addtime desc', null, 10); foreach ($arrWeibo as $key => $item) { $arrWeibo[$key]['content'] = tsDecode($item['content']); $arrWeibo[$key]['user'] = aac('user')->getOneUser($item['userid']); } include template('weibo', 'weibo'); }
function login() { global $TS_USER; if ($TS_USER['userid']) { $strUser = aac('user')->getOneUser($TS_USER['userid']); $strUser['rolename'] = aac('user')->getRole($strUser['count_score']); } include template('login', 'login'); }
function signuser() { $arrUser = aac('user')->getHotUser(20); echo '<div class="panel panel-default">'; echo '<div class="panel-heading">最新签到用户</div>'; echo '<div class="panel-body facelist"><ul>'; foreach ($arrUser as $key => $item) { echo '<li><a href="' . tsUrl('user', 'space', array('id' => $item['userid'])) . '"><img class="img-circle" src="' . $item['face'] . '" alt="' . $item['username'] . '" width="48" height="48" /></a><div><a href="' . tsUrl('user', 'space', array('id' => $item['userid'])) . '">' . cututf8(t($item['username']), 0, 5, false) . '</a></div></li>'; } echo '</ul></div><div class="clear"></div></div>'; }
public function index() { $strUser = aac('user')->getOneUser($GLOBALS['TS_USER']['userid']); $page = isset($_GET['page']) ? intval($_GET['page']) : '1'; $url = tsUrl('weibo', 'my', array('my' => 'index', 'page' => '')); $lstart = $page * 20 - 20; $arrWeibo = $this->findAll('weibo', array('userid' => $strUser['userid']), 'uptime desc', null, $lstart . ',20'); $weiboNum = $this->findCount('weibo', array('userid' => $strUser['userid'])); $pageUrl = pagination($weiboNum, 20, $page, $url); $title = '我的唠叨'; include template('my/index'); }
function newtopic() { global $db; //最新帖子 $arrTopics = aac('group')->findAll('group_topic', array('isaudit' => 0), 'uptime desc', null, 35); foreach ($arrTopics as $key => $item) { $arrTopic[] = $item; $arrTopic[$key]['title'] = tsTitle($item['title']); $arrTopic[$key]['user'] = aac('user')->getOneUser($item['userid']); $arrTopic[$key]['group'] = aac('group')->getOneGroup($item['groupid']); } include template('newtopic', 'newtopic'); }
function hottopic() { $arrHotTopics = aac('group')->getHotTopic(7); echo '<div class="bs"><div class="bbox">'; echo '<div class="btitle">热分享</div>'; echo '<div class="bc commlist">'; echo '<ul>'; foreach ($arrHotTopics as $key => $item) { echo '<li><a href="' . tsUrl('group', 'topic', array('id' => $item['topicid'])) . '">' . cututf8(stripslashes($item['title']), 0, 20, false) . '</a> (' . $item['count_view'] . ')</li>'; } echo '</ul>'; echo '</div>'; echo '</div></div>'; }
function hottopic() { $arrHotTopics = aac('group')->getHotTopic(7); echo '<div class="panel panel-default">'; echo '<div class="panel-heading">热门话题</div>'; echo '<div class="panel-body commlist">'; echo '<ul>'; foreach ($arrHotTopics as $key => $item) { echo '<li><a href="' . tsUrl('group', 'topic', array('id' => $item['topicid'])) . '">' . cututf8(stripslashes($item['title']), 0, 20, false) . '</a> (' . $item['count_view'] . ')</li>'; } echo '</ul>'; echo '</div>'; echo '</div>'; }
function getEventComment($page = 1, $prePageNum, $eventid) { $start_limit = !empty($page) ? ($page - 1) * $prePageNum : 0; $limit = $prePageNum ? "LIMIT {$start_limit}, {$prePageNum}" : ''; $arrGroupContentComment = $this->db->fetch_all_assoc("select * from " . dbprefix . "event_comment where eventid='{$eventid}' order by addtime desc {$limit}"); if (is_array($arrGroupContentComment)) { foreach ($arrGroupContentComment as $key => $item) { //$arrGroupContentComment[$key]['user'] = $this->getUserData($item['userid']); $arrGroupContentComment[$key]['user'] = aac('user')->getOneUser($item['userid']); $arrGroupContentComment[$key]['content'] = hview($item['content']); } } return $arrGroupContentComment; }
function newgroup() { $arrNewGroups = aac('group')->findAll('group', array('isaudit' => 0), 'addtime desc', null, 10); foreach ($arrNewGroups as $key => $item) { $arrNewGroup[] = $item; $arrNewGroup[$key]['groupname'] = tsTitle($item['groupname']); $arrNewGroup[$key]['user'] = aac('user')->find('user_info', array('userid' => $item['userid']), 'userid,username'); } echo '<div class="panel panel-default">'; echo '<div class="panel-heading">最新创建小组</div>'; echo '<div class="panel-body commlist"><ul>'; foreach ($arrNewGroup as $key => $item) { echo '<li><a href="' . tsUrl('group', 'show', array('id' => $item['groupid'])) . '">' . $item['groupname'] . '</a> By <a href="' . tsUrl('user', 'space', array('id' => $item['user']['userid'])) . '">' . $item['user']['username'] . '</a></li>'; } echo '</ul></div>'; echo '</div>'; }
function tag() { //最新标签 $arrTag = aac('tag')->findAll('tag', "`count_topic`>'0'", 'uptime desc', null, 30); foreach ($arrTag as $key => $item) { $arrTag[$key]['tagname'] = tsTitle($item['tagname']); } //echo '<div class="bbox">'.doAction('gobad','home_left_1').'</div>'; echo '<div class="panel panel-default">'; echo '<div class="panel-heading">热门标签<small><a href="' . tsUrl('group', 'tags') . '">更多</a></small></div>'; echo '<div class="panel-body tags">'; foreach ($arrTag as $key => $item) { echo '<a href="' . tsUrl('group', 'tag', array('id' => urlencode($item['tagname']))) . '">' . $item['tagname'] . '</a>'; } echo '</div></div>'; //echo '<div class="bbox">'.doAction('gobad','home_left_2').'</div>'; }
function recommendgroup() { $arrRecommendGroup = aac('group')->getRecommendGroup('12'); echo '<div class="panel panel-default">'; echo '<div class="panel-heading">推荐小组</div>'; echo '<div class="panel-body">'; foreach ($arrRecommendGroup as $key => $item) { $count_user = $item['count_user']; echo '<div class="sub-item"> <div class="pic"> <a href="' . tsUrl('group', 'show', array('id' => $item[groupid])) . '"> <img src="' . $item['photo'] . '" alt="' . $item['groupname'] . '" title="' . $item['groupname'] . '" /> </a> </div> <div class="info"> <a href="' . tsUrl('group', 'show', array('id' => $item[groupid])) . '">' . $item['groupname'] . '</a> (' . $count_user . ') <p>' . cututf8(t($item['groupdesc']), 0, 50) . '</p> </div> </div>'; } echo '</div>'; echo '<div class="clear"></div>'; echo '</div>'; }
if (intval($verifyUser['isverify']) == 0 && $TS_URL['app'] != 'user' && $TS_USER['isadmin'] != 1) { tsHeaderUrl(tsUrl('user', 'verify')); } } //判断用户是否上传头像,管理员除外 if ($TS_SITE['isface'] == 1 && intval($TS_USER['userid']) > 0 && $TS_URL['app'] != 'system' && $TS_URL['ac'] != 'admin') { $faceUser = aac('user')->find('user_info', array('userid' => intval($TS_USER['userid']))); if ($faceUser['face'] == '' && $TS_URL['app'] != 'user' && $TS_USER['isadmin'] != 1) { tsHeaderUrl(tsUrl('user', 'verify', array('ts' => 'face'))); } } //用户自动登录 if (intval($TS_USER['userid']) == 0 && $_COOKIE['ts_email'] && $_COOKIE['ts_autologin']) { $loginUserNum = aac('user')->findCount('user_info', array('email' => $_COOKIE['ts_email'], 'autologin' => $_COOKIE['ts_autologin'])); if ($loginUserNum > 0) { $loginUserData = aac('user')->find('user_info', array('email' => $_COOKIE['ts_email']), 'userid,username,path,face,ip,isadmin,signin,uptime'); if ($loginUserData['ip'] != getIp() && $TS_URL['app'] != 'user' && $TS_URL['ac'] != 'login') { tsHeaderUrl(tsUrl('user', 'login', array('ts' => 'out'))); } //用户session信息 $_SESSION['tsuser'] = array('userid' => $loginUserData['userid'], 'username' => $loginUserData['username'], 'path' => $loginUserData['path'], 'face' => $loginUserData['face'], 'isadmin' => $loginUserData['isadmin'], 'signin' => $loginUserData['signin'], 'uptime' => $loginUserData['uptime']); $TS_USER = $_SESSION['tsuser']; } } $tsHooks = array(); if ($TS_URL['app'] != 'system' && $TS_URL['app'] != 'pubs') { //加载公用插件 $public_plugins = fileRead('data/pubs_plugins.php'); if ($public_plugins == '') { $public_plugins = $tsMySqlCache->get('pubs_plugins'); }
<?php defined('IN_TS') or die('Access Denied.'); /* * 系统消息盒子 */ $userid = '0'; $touserid = aac('user')->isLogin(); $arrMessages = $new['message']->findAll('message', array('userid' => 0, 'touserid' => $touserid), 'addtime desc', null, 10); $pattern = '/(http:\\/\\/|https:\\/\\/|ftp:\\/\\/)([\\w:\\/\\.\\?=&-_]+)/is'; if (is_array($arrMessages)) { foreach ($arrMessages as $key => $item) { $arrMessage[] = $item; $arrMessage[$key]['content'] = nl2br(@preg_replace($pattern, '<a href="\\1\\2">\\1\\2</a>', $item['content'])); $arrMessage[$key]['content'] = stripslashes(str_replace('[SITE_URL]', SITE_URL, $arrMessage[$key]['content'])); } } //isread设为已读 $new['message']->update('message', array('userid' => 0, 'touserid' => $touserid, 'isread' => 0), array('isread' => 1)); $title = '系统消息'; include template("system");
<?php defined('IN_TS') or die('Access Denied.'); include 'userinfo.php'; $arrGroupsList = $new['user']->findAll('group_user', array('userid' => $strUser['userid']), null, 'groupid'); foreach ($arrGroupsList as $key => $item) { $arrGroupList[] = aac('group')->getOneGroup($item['groupid']); } $title = $strUser['username'] . '的小组'; include template('group');
} $sitekey = arr2str($arrTag); } else { $sitekey = $strTopic['title']; } //标题 $title = $strTopic['title']; // 评论列表开始 $page = isset($_GET['page']) ? intval($_GET['page']) : 1; $url = tsUrl('group', 'topic', array('id' => $topicid, 'page' => '')); $lstart = $page * 15 - 15; $arrComment = $new['group']->findAll('group_topic_comment', array('topicid' => $topicid), 'addtime asc', null, $lstart . ',15'); foreach ($arrComment as $key => $item) { $arrTopicComment[] = $item; $arrTopicComment[$key]['l'] = ($page - 1) * 15 + $key + 1; $arrTopicComment[$key]['user'] = aac('user')->getOneUser($item['userid']); $arrTopicComment[$key]['content'] = @preg_replace("/\\[@(.*)\\:(.*)]/U", "<a href='" . tsUrl('user', 'space', array('id' => '$2')) . " ' rel=\"face\" uid=\"\$2\"'>@\$1</a>", tsDecode($item['content'])); $arrTopicComment[$key]['recomment'] = $new['group']->recomment($item['referid']); } $commentNum = $new['group']->findCount('group_topic_comment', array('topicid' => $strTopic['topicid'])); $pageUrl = pagination($commentNum, 15, $page, $url); // 评论列表结束 //7天内的热门帖子 $arrHotTopic = $new['group']->getHotTopic(7); //推荐帖子 $arrRecommendTopic = $new['group']->getRecommendTopic(); //本组热门帖子 $arrGroupHotTopic = $new['group']->findAll('group_topic', array('groupid' => $strGroup['groupid'], 'isaudit' => 0), 'count_view desc', null, 10); $sitedesc = cututf8(t($strTopic['content']), 0, 100); include template('topic'); // 增加浏览次数
<?php defined('IN_TS') or die('Access Denied.'); //活动类型 $typeid = intval($_GET['id']); $page = isset($_GET['page']) ? intval($_GET['page']) : 1; $lstart = $page * 10 - 10; if ($typeid == 0) { $url = tsUrl('event', 'type', array('page' => '')); $arr = null; $eventNum = $new['event']->findCount('event', array('isaudit' => 0)); $title = '全部活动'; } else { $strType = $new['event']->find('event_type', array('typeid' => $typeid)); $url = tsUrl('event', 'type', array('id' => $typeid, 'page' => '')); $arr = array('typeid' => $typeid, 'isaudit' => 0); $eventNum = $new['event']->findCount('event', $arr); $title = $strType['typename']; } $pageUrl = pagination($eventNum, 10, $page, $url); $arrEvents = $new['event']->findAll('event', $arr, 'addtime desc', null, $lstart . ',10'); foreach ($arrEvents as $key => $item) { $arrEvent[] = $item; $arrEvent[$key]['title'] = htmlspecialchars($item['title']); $arrEvent[$key]['address'] = htmlspecialchars($item['address']); $arrEvent[$key]['user'] = aac('user')->getOneUser($item['userid']); } include template("type");
$scoreid = intval($_POST['scoreid']); $score = intval($_POST['score']); $app = trim($_POST['app']); $action = trim($_POST['action']); $ts = trim($_POST['ts']); $status = intval($_POST['status']); $new['user']->update('user_score', array('scoreid' => $scoreid), array('score' => $score, 'app' => $app, 'action' => $action, 'ts' => $ts, 'status' => $status)); header('Location: ' . SITE_URL . 'index.php?app=user&ac=admin&mg=score&ts=list'); break; //加积分 //加积分 case "send": include template('admin/score_send'); break; case "senddo": $userid = intval($_POST['userid']); $score = intval($_POST['score']); $scorename = trim($_POST['scorename']); if ($userid && $score && $scorename) { aac('user')->addScore($userid, $scorename, $score); qiMsg('操作成功!'); } else { qiMsg('操作失败!'); } break; case "delete": $scoreid = intval($_GET['scoreid']); $new['user']->delete('user_score', array('scoreid' => $scoreid)); qiMsg('删除成功!'); break; }
$albumid = intval($_GET['albumid']); $strAlbum = $new['photo']->find('photo_album', array('albumid' => $albumid)); $strAlbum['albumname'] = stripslashes($strAlbum['albumname']); $strAlbum['albumdesc'] = stripslashes($strAlbum['albumdesc']); if ($userid != $strAlbum['userid']) { tsNotice('非法操作!'); } $addtime = time(); $title = '上传照片'; include template("upload"); break; case "do": $addtime = intval($_POST['addtime']); $albumid = intval($_POST['albumid']); $verifyToken = md5('unique_salt' . $addtime); $strAlbum = $new['photo']->find('photo_album', array('albumid' => $albumid)); if ($albumid == 0 || $addtime == 0 || $_POST['tokens'] != $verifyToken || $strAlbum == '') { echo 00; exit; } $photoid = $new['photo']->create('photo', array('albumid' => $strAlbum['albumid'], 'userid' => $strAlbum['userid'], 'locationid' => aac('user')->getLocationId($strAlbum['userid']), 'addtime' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $addtime))); //上传 $arrUpload = tsUpload($_FILES['Filedata'], $photoid, 'photo', array('jpg', 'gif', 'png')); if ($arrUpload) { $new['photo']->update('photo', array('photoid' => $photoid), array('photoname' => $arrUpload['name'], 'phototype' => $arrUpload['type'], 'path' => $arrUpload['path'], 'photourl' => $arrUpload['url'], 'photosize' => $arrUpload['size'])); //对积分进行出来 aac('user')->doScore($TS_URL['app'], $TS_URL['ac'], $TS_URL['ts'], $strAlbum['userid']); } echo $photoid; break; }
$strArticle['user'] = aac('user')->getOneUser($strArticle['userid']); $strArticle['cate'] = $new['article']->find('article_cate', array('cateid' => $strArticle['cateid'])); // 获取评论 $page = isset($_GET['page']) ? intval($_GET['page']) : 1; $url = tsUrl('article', 'show', array('id' => $articleid, 'page' => '')); $lstart = $page * 10 - 10; $arrComments = $new['article']->findAll('article_comment', array('articleid' => $articleid), 'addtime desc', null, $lstart . ',10'); foreach ($arrComments as $key => $item) { $arrComment[] = $item; $arrComment[$key]['content'] = tsDecode($item['content']); $arrComment[$key]['user'] = aac('user')->getOneUser($item['userid']); } $commentNum = $new['article']->findCount('article_comment', array('articleid' => $articleid)); $pageUrl = pagination($commentNum, 10, $page, $url); // 标签 $strArticle['tags'] = aac('tag')->getObjTagByObjid('article', 'articleid', $strArticle['articleid']); // 推荐阅读 $arrArticle = $new['article']->findAll('article', null, 'addtime desc', null, 10); // 推荐阅读 $arrRecommend = $new['article']->getRecommendArticle(); // 一周热门 $arrHot7 = $new['article']->getHotArticle(7); // 一月热门 $arrHot30 = $new['article']->getHotArticle(30); //把标签作为关键词 if ($strArticle['tags']) { foreach ($strArticle['tags'] as $key => $item) { $arrTag[] = $item['tagname']; } $sitekey = arr2str($arrTag); } else {
<?php defined('IN_TS') or die('Access Denied.'); //消息盒子 $userid = aac('user')->isLogin(); $touserid = intval($_GET['userid']); if ($userid == 0 || $touserid == 0) { exit; } $msgCount = $new['message']->findCount('message', "(userid='{$userid}' and touserid='{$touserid}') or (userid='{$touserid}' and touserid='{$userid}')"); if ($msgCount == 0) { exit; } $arrMessage = $new['message']->findAll('message', "(userid='{$userid}' and touserid='{$touserid}') or (userid='{$touserid}' and touserid='{$userid}')", 'addtime desc', null, 10); foreach ($arrMessage as $key => $item) { $arrMessage[$key]['user'] = aac('user')->getOneUser($item['userid']); $arrMessage[$key]['content'] = tsTitle($item['content']); } $arrMessage = array_reverse($arrMessage); //isread设为已读 $new['message']->update('message', array('userid' => $touserid, 'touserid' => $userid, 'isread' => 0), array('isread' => 1)); $title = '消息盒子'; include template("msgbox");
$isaudit = 0; } $isGroup = $new['group']->findCount('group', array('groupname' => $groupname)); if ($isGroup > 0) { tsNotice("小组名称已经存在,请更换其他小组名称!"); } $groupid = $new['group']->create('group', array('userid' => $userid, 'groupname' => $groupname, 'groupdesc' => $groupdesc, 'isaudit' => $isaudit, 'addtime' => time())); //上传 $arrUpload = tsUpload($_FILES['photo'], $groupid, 'group', array('jpg', 'gif', 'png', 'jpeg')); if ($arrUpload) { $new['group']->update('group', array('groupid' => $groupid), array('path' => $arrUpload['path'], 'photo' => $arrUpload['url'])); } //绑定成员 $new['group']->create('group_user', array('userid' => $userid, 'groupid' => $groupid, 'addtime' => time())); //更新 $count_group = $new['group']->findCount('group_user', array('userid' => $userid)); $new['group']->update('user_info', array('userid' => $userid), array('count_group' => $count_group)); //更新小组人数 $new['group']->update('group', array('groupid' => $groupid), array('count_user' => 1)); //更新分类统计 $cateid = intval($_POST['cateid']); if ($cateid > 0) { $count_group = $new['group']->findCount('group', array('cateid' => $cateid)); $new['group']->update('group_cate', array('cateid' => $cateid), array('count_group' => $count_group)); } // 处理标签 aac('tag')->addTag('group', 'groupid', $groupid, $_POST['tag']); header("Location: " . tsUrl('group', 'show', array('id' => $groupid))); } break; }
//插入ts_user_open $new['pubs']->create('user_open', array('userid' => $userid, 'sitename' => 'weibo', 'openid' => $openid, 'access_token' => $access_token, 'uptime' => time())); //更新用户头像 if ($arrUserInfo['avatar_large']) { //1000个图片一个目录 $menu2 = intval($userid / 1000); $menu1 = intval($menu2 / 1000); $menu = $menu1 . '/' . $menu2; $photo = $userid . '.jpg'; $photos = $menu . '/' . $photo; $dir = 'uploadfile/user/' . $menu; $dfile = $dir . '/' . $photo; createFolders($dir); if (!is_file($dfile)) { $img = file_get_contents($arrUserInfo['avatar_large']); file_put_contents($dfile, $img); } $new['pubs']->update('user_info', array('userid' => $userid), array('path' => $menu, 'face' => $photos)); } //获取用户信息 $userData = $new['pubs']->find('user_info', array('userid' => $userid), 'userid,username,path,face,isadmin,signin,uptime'); //发送系统消息(恭喜注册成功) $msg_userid = '0'; $msg_touserid = $userid; $msg_content = '亲爱的微博用户 ' . $username . ' :<br />您成功加入了 ' . $TS_SITE['site_title'] . '<br />在遵守本站的规定的同时,享受您的愉快之旅吧!'; aac('message')->sendmsg($msg_userid, $msg_touserid, $msg_content); $_SESSION['tsuser'] = $userData; header("Location: " . SITE_URL); exit; } }
defined('IN_TS') or die('Access Denied.'); switch ($ts) { case "": $cateid = intval($_GET['id']); $strCate = $new['article']->find('article_cate', array('cateid' => $cateid)); // 列表 $page = isset($_GET['page']) ? intval($_GET['page']) : 1; $url = tsUrl('article', 'cate', array('id' => $cateid, 'page' => '')); $lstart = $page * 10 - 10; $arrArticles = $new['article']->findAll('article', array('cateid' => $cateid, 'isaudit' => 0), 'addtime desc', null, $lstart . ',10'); $articleNum = $new['article']->findCount('article', array('cateid' => $cateid, 'isaudit' => 0)); $pageUrl = pagination($articleNum, 10, $page, $url); foreach ($arrArticles as $key => $item) { $arrArticle[] = $item; $arrArticle[$key]['title'] = stripslashes($item['title']); $arrArticle[$key]['content'] = cututf8(t(tsDecode($item['content'])), 0, 150); $arrArticle[$key]['user'] = aac('user')->getOneUser($item['userid']); } // 推荐阅读 $arrRecommend = $new['article']->getRecommendArticle(); // 一周热门 $arrHot7 = $new['article']->getHotArticle(7); // 一月热门 $arrHot30 = $new['article']->getHotArticle(30); $title = $strCate['catename']; // SEO优化 $sitekey = $strCate['catename']; $sitedesc = $strCate['catename'] . ' - 文章'; include template('cate'); break; }
foreach ($strAdmin as $key => $item) { $arrAdmin[] = aac('user')->getOneUser($item['userid']); $arrAdmin[$key]['isadmin'] = $item['isadmin']; } } //小组会员分页 $page = isset($_GET['page']) ? intval($_GET['page']) : 1; $url = tsUrl('group', 'user', array('id' => $groupid, 'page' => '')); $lstart = $page * 40 - 40; //普通用户 $groupUserNum = $new['group']->findCount('group_user', array('groupid' => $groupid, 'isadmin' => 0, 'isfounder' => 0)); $groupUser = $new['group']->findAll('group_user', array('groupid' => $strGroup['groupid'], 'isadmin' => '0', 'isfounder' => '0'), 'userid desc', null, $lstart . ',40'); //print_r($groupUser); if (is_array($groupUser)) { foreach ($groupUser as $key => $item) { $arrGroupUser[] = aac('user')->getOneUser($item['userid']); $arrGroupUser[$key]['isadmin'] = $item['isadmin']; } } $pageUrl = pagination($groupUserNum, 40, $page, $url, $TS_URL['suffix']); if ($page > '1') { $titlepage = " - 第" . $page . "页"; } else { $titlepage = ''; } $title = $strGroup['groupname'] . '成员' . $titlepage; include template("user"); break; //设为管理员 //设为管理员 case "manager":
case "": $title = '创建圖'; include template("create"); break; case "do": if ($_POST['token'] != $_SESSION['token']) { tsNotice('非法操作!'); } //用户是否登录 $userid = aac('user')->isLogin(); $albumname = trim($_POST['albumname']); $albumdesc = tsClean($_POST['albumdesc']); if ($albumname == '') { tsNotice("圖名称不能为空!"); } //1审核后显示0不审核 if ($TS_APP['isaudit'] == 1) { $isaudit = 1; } else { $isaudit = 0; } if ($TS_USER['isadmin'] == 0) { //过滤内容开始 aac('system')->antiWord($albumname); aac('system')->antiWord($albumdesc); //过滤内容结束 } $albumid = $new['photo']->create('photo_album', array('userid' => $userid, 'albumname' => $albumname, 'albumdesc' => $albumdesc, 'isaudit' => $isaudit, 'addtime' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), 'uptime' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'))); header("Location: " . tsUrl('photo', 'upload', array('albumid' => $albumid))); break; }