 * On the checkout page create a hidden elements holding current customer meta values
 * This let's the wp-e-commerce javascript process any dependency rules even if the store has configured
 * the checkout forms so that some fields are hidden.  The most important of these fields are the
 * country, region and state fields. But it's just as easy to include all of them and not worry about
 * what various parts of WPeC, themes or plugs may be doing.
 * @since 3.8.14
 * @access private
function _wpsc_customer_meta_into_checkout_page()
    $checkout_metas = _wpsc_get_checkout_meta();
    foreach ($checkout_metas as $key => $value) {
		<input class="wpsc-meta-value" type="hidden" value="<?php 
        echo esc_attr($value);
" data-wpsc-meta-key="<?php 
        echo esc_attr($key);
" />
Ejemplo n.º 2
 * Update customer information using information supplied by shopper on WPeC pages
 * @since 3.8.14
 * @global  $_REQUEST['meta_data']  array of key value pairs that the user has changed, key is meta item name, value is new value
 * @return JSON encoded response array with results
 * 			$RESPONSE['request']		: 	array containing the original AJAX $_REQUEST that was sent to
 * 											the server, use to match up asynchronous AJAX transactions, or
 * 											to see original rquiest paramters
 * 			$RESPONSE['customer_meta']	: 	array of key value pairs containing updated meta values. The
 * 											specific value changed is not included. If there isn't any updated
 * 											customer meta, other than the original meta changed, this array element
 * 											may not be present, or may be present and empty
 * 			$response['checkout_info']  :	array of updated checkout information, array key is the HTML element ID
 * 											where the information is presented on the checkout form. If there isn't
 * 											any updated	checkout information this array element	may not be present,
 * 											or may be present and empty
function wpsc_customer_updated_data_ajax()
    $success = true;
    // we will echo back the request in the (likely async) response so that the client knows
    // which transaction the response matches
    $response = array('request' => $_REQUEST);
    // update can be a single key/value pair or an array of key value pairs
    if (!empty($_REQUEST['meta_data'])) {
        $customer_meta = isset($_REQUEST['meta_data']) ? $_REQUEST['meta_data'] : array();
    } elseif (!empty($_REQUEST['meta_key']) && isset($_REQUEST['meta_value'])) {
        $customer_meta = array($_REQUEST['meta_key'] => $_REQUEST['meta_value']);
    } else {
        _wpsc_doing_it_wrong(__FUNCTION__, __('missing meta key or meta array', 'wpsc'), '3.8.14');
        $customer_meta = array();
    // We will want to know which interface elements have changed as a result of this meta update,
    // capture the current state of the elements
    $checkout_info_before_updates = _wpsc_get_checkout_info();
    // We will want to know which, if any, checkout meta changes as a result of hooks and filters
    // that may fire as we update each meta item
    $all_checkout_meta_before_updates = _wpsc_get_checkout_meta();
    if (!empty($customer_meta)) {
        foreach ($customer_meta as $meta_key => $meta_value) {
            // this will echo back any fields to the requester. It's a
            // means for the requester to maintain some state during
            // asynchronous requests
            if (!empty($meta_key)) {
                $updated = wpsc_update_customer_meta($meta_key, $meta_value);
                $success = $success & $updated;
        // loop through a second time so that all of the meta has been set, tht way if there are
        // dependencies in response calculation
        foreach ($customer_meta as $meta_key => $meta_value) {
            $response = apply_filters('wpsc_customer_meta_response_' . $meta_key, $response, $meta_key, $meta_value);
        if ($success) {
            $response['type'] = 'success';
            $response['error'] = '';
        } else {
            $response['type'] = 'error';
            $response['error'] = __('meta values may not have been updated', 'wpsc');
    } else {
        $response['type'] = 'error';
        $response['error'] = __('invalid parameters, meta array or meta key value pair required', 'wpsc');
    // Let's see what the current state of the customer meta set is after we applied the requested updates
    $all_checkout_meta_after_updates = _wpsc_get_checkout_meta();
    foreach ($all_checkout_meta_after_updates as $current_meta_key => $current_meta_value) {
        // if the meta key and value are the same as what was sent in the request we don't need to
        // send them back because the client already knows about this.
        // But we have to check just in case a data rule or a plugin that used our hooks made some adjustments
        if (isset($all_checkout_meta_before_updates[$current_meta_key]) && $all_checkout_meta_before_updates[$current_meta_key] == $current_meta_value) {
            // new value s the same as the old value, why send it?
        // if the meta value we are considering sending back is one of the values the client gave, we don't send it
        // because the client already knows the meta value and it is probably already visible in the user interface
        if (isset($customer_meta[$current_meta_key]) && $customer_meta[$current_meta_key] == $current_meta_value) {
            // new value s the same as the old value, why send it?
    // Any checkout meta that has changed as a result of the requeeted updates remains
    // in our array, add it to the response
    $response['customer_meta'] = $all_checkout_meta_after_updates;
    // Get the changed checkout information and if something has changed add it to the repsonse
    $new_checkout_info = _wpsc_remove_unchanged_checkout_info($checkout_info_before_updates, _wpsc_get_checkout_info());
    if (!empty($new_checkout_info)) {
        $response['checkout_info'] = $new_checkout_info;
    } else {
        if (isset($response['checkout_info'])) {
    // do the shipping quotes need to be recalcualted?
    $response['needs_shipping_recalc'] = wpsc_cart_need_to_recompute_shipping_quotes();