function afterGet($item) { $item['avatar_small'] = null; if (!empty($item['avatar'])) { if ($this->dsp->eis->isEisUrl($item['avatar'])) { list($w, $h) = _isMobile() ? array(40, 40) : array(49, 49); $item['avatar'] = $this->dsp->eis->Resize($item['avatar'], $w, $h, 'crop'); $item['avatar_small'] = $this->dsp->eis->Resize($item['avatar'], 21, 21, 'crop'); } else { $item['avatar_small'] = $item['avatar']; } } return $item; }
function runBlocks($layout = 1, $typeservice = 1, $itemid = 0, $vars = array()) { $arr = $this->getBlocksArr($layout, $typeservice, $itemid, $vars); $exclusions = array(); foreach ($arr as $i => $block) { if ($block['exclusion'] == 1 && ($block['layout_id'] == $layout || $block['layout_id'] == 0)) { $exclusions[$block['id']] = true; } if (isset($exclusions[$block['id']])) { continue; } $bid = $block['id']; $name = $block['title']; $name_admin = $block['name_admin']; $class = $block['class_name']; $method = $block['params']; $cached = $block['cached']; $timeout = $block['timeout']; $place = $block['place_id']; $layout = $block['layout_id']; $order = $block['order']; $type = !empty($block['type']) ? $block['type'] : 1; $cache_key = ''; $st = microtime(true); if ($type == 1) { if (empty($class)) { continue; } if (gettype($this->dsp->{$class}) != 'object') { continue; } if (!method_exists($this->dsp->{$class}, $method)) { continue; } $articles_ids = array(); $r = array(); // хак для уникальности кеша у каждого блока $vars['temp_block_id'] = $bid; $vars['blocks_ids'] = array(); // mannuals $manuals = array(); $multi_service = FALSE; //проверка есть ли ручной вывод в блоке и добавленные в него элементы $sql = 'SELECT AS id, a.service, b.multi_service, a.block_manual_id FROM blocks_manual AS b, blocks_manual_items AS a, blocks AS bl WHERE ' . ($layout ? ' ( b.layout_id = ' . $layout . ' or b.layout_id = 0 ) AND ' : '') . ($typeservice ? ' ( b.service_id = ' . $typeservice . ' or b.service_id = 29 ) AND ' : '') . ($itemid ? ' ( b.item_id = ' . $itemid . ' or b.item_id = 0 ) AND ' : '') . 'b.block_id = ? AND = a.block_manual_id AND b.block_id = bl.blocks_id ORDER BY a.position ASC, DESC limit 10'; $items = $this->dsp->db->Select($sql, $bid); foreach ($items as $item) { if (!isset($manuals[$item['service']])) { $manuals[$item['service']] = array(); } $manuals[$item['service']][] = $item['id']; if ($item['multi_service']) { $multi_service = TRUE; } $vars['blocks_ids'][$item['service']] = $item['block_manual_id']; } $vars['manual'] = is_array($manuals) && count($manuals) > 0 ? $multi_service ? $manuals : reset($manuals) : array(); // end manuals $no_block_cache = 0; if (!empty($_REQUEST['no_cache_id']) && $_REQUEST['no_cache_id'] == $bid) { $no_block_cache = 1; } if ($cached && empty($vars['go_dynamic']) && !$no_block_cache) { if (_isMobile()) { $vars['mobile_version'] = 1; } $r = $this->dsp->cache->go(array($this->dsp->{$class}, $method), array($vars), $timeout); $cache_key = $r['key']; $r = $r['data']; } else { //выполнение метода класса, указанного в развеске $result = $this->dsp->{$class}->{$method}($vars); //слияние полученных массивов if (count($r) > 0 && count($result) > 0) { $r = array_merge($r, $result); } elseif (count($result) > 0) { $r = $result; } unset($vars['temp_block_id']); if (isset($vars['count'])) { unset($vars['count']); } if (isset($vars['manual'])) { unset($vars['manual']); } } if ($r === false) { continue; } } elseif ($type == 2) { // Add Google Analytics (GA) attribute $method = preg_replace('~^<div~i', '<div data-ga="' . $bid . '"', trim($method)); $r = array('data' => $method); } $et = microtime(true); $time = number_format($et - $st, 6); //list($int, $dec) = explode('.', $time); //$time = number_format($time, strlen($dec)); //$dec = round( $dec ); //$time = $int . '.' . $dec; $this->dsp->_Builder->addArray((array) $r, $tag = 'block', $extra_attrs = array('id' => $bid, 'type' => $type, 'name' => $name, 'name_admin' => $name_admin, 'place' => $place, 'layout' => $layout, 'order' => $order, 'debug' => Param('_blocks') ? 'on' : (Param('_sblocks') ? 'short' : 'off'), 'cached' => $cached, 'cahe_timeout' => $timeout, 'time' => $time, 'cashed' => $cached, 'cache_key' => $cache_key), $node = '', $asItems = false, $attrs = array()); } }