public function _home() { global $config, $cache; if (!_button()) { $sql = 'SELECT ub, name FROM _artists ORDER BY name'; return _rowset_style($sql, 'artists'); } $name = request_var('name', ''); $sql = 'SELECT * FROM _artists WHERE name = ?'; if (!$a_data = sql_fieldrow(sql_filter($sql, $name))) { fatal_error(); } $sql = 'SELECT m.user_id, m.user_email FROM _artists_auth a, _members m WHERE a.ub = ? AND a.user_id = m.user_id'; $result = sql_rowset(sql_filter($sql, $a_data['ub'])); $mods = w(); foreach ($result as $row) { $mods[] = $row['user_id']; } if (count($mods)) { foreach ($mods as $i => $each) { $sql = 'SELECT COUNT(user_id) AS total FROM _artists_auth WHERE user_id = ?'; $total = sql_field(sql_filter($sql, $each), 'total', 0); if ($total > 1) { unset($mods[$i]); } } } if (count($mods)) { $sql = 'UPDATE _members SET user_auth_control = 0 WHERE user_id IN (??)'; $d_sql[] = sql_filter($sql, _implode(',', $mods)); } $ary_sql = array( 'DELETE FROM _artists WHERE ub = ?', 'DELETE FROM _artists_auth WHERE ub = ?', 'DELETE FROM _artists_fav WHERE ub = ?', 'DELETE FROM _artists_images WHERE ub = ?', 'DELETE FROM _artists_log WHERE ub = ?', 'DELETE FROM _artists_lyrics WHERE ub = ?', 'DELETE FROM _artists_posts WHERE post_ub = ?', 'DELETE FROM _artists_stats WHERE ub = ?', 'DELETE FROM _artists_viewers WHERE ub = ?', 'DELETE FROM _artists_voters WHERE ub = ?', 'DELETE FROM _artists_votes WHERE ub = ?', 'DELETE FROM _forum_topics WHERE topic_ub = ?', 'DELETE FROM _dl WHERE ub = ?' ); $d_sql = sql_filter($ary_sql, $a_data['ub']); $sql = 'SELECT topic_id FROM _forum_topics WHERE topic_ub = ?'; if ($topics = sql_rowset(sql_filter($sql, $a_data['ub']), false, 'topic_id')) { $d_sql[] = sql_filter('DELETE FROM _forum_posts WHERE topic_id IN (??)', _implode(',', $topics)); } $sql = 'SELECT id FROM _dl WHERE ub = ?'; if ($downloads = sql_rowset(sql_filter($sql, $a_data['ub']), false, 'id')) { $ary_sql = array( 'DELETE FROM _dl_fav WHERE dl_id IN (??)', 'DELETE FROM _dl_posts WHERE download_id IN (??)', 'DELETE FROM _dl_vote WHERE ud IN (??)', 'DELETE FROM _dl_voters WHERE ud IN (??)' ); $d_sql = array_merge($d_sql, sql_filter($ary_sql, _implode(',', $downloads))); } if (!_rm($config['artists_path'] . $a_data['ub'])) { _pre('Error al eliminar directorio de artista.', true); } sql_query($d_sql); // Cache $cache->delete('ub_list a_last_images'); redirect(s_link('a')); }
public function _home() { global $config, $user, $cache; $artist = request_var('a', ''); $redirect = request_var('r', ''); if (!empty($artist)) { redirect(s_link('acp', array($redirect, 'a' => $artist))); } $artist_select = ''; if (!$user->is('founder')) { $sql = 'SELECT ub FROM _artists_auth WHERE user_id = ?'; $artist_select = ' WHERE ub IN (' . _implode(',', sql_rowset(sql_filter($sql, $user->d('user_id')), false, 'ub')) . ') '; } $sql = 'SELECT ub, subdomain, name FROM _artists ?? ORDER BY name'; $artists = sql_rowset(sql_filter($sql, $artist_select)); foreach ($artists as $i => $row) { if (!$i) _style('artist_list'); _style('artist_list.row', array( 'URL' => s_link('acp', array($redirect, 'a' => $row['subdomain'])), 'NAME' => $row['name']) ); } return; }
public function _home() { global $config, $user, $cache; $username = request_var('username', ''); $ip = request_var('ip', ''); if (_button() && ($username || $ip)) { if ($username) { $username_base = get_username_base($username); $sql = 'SELECT m.username, l.* FROM _members m, _members_iplog l WHERE m.user_id = l.log_user_id AND m.username_base = ? ORDER BY l.log_time DESC'; $sql = sql_filter($sql, $username_base); } else if ($ip) { $sql = 'SELECT m.username, l.* FROM _members m, _members_iplog l WHERE m.user_id = l.log_user_id AND l.log_ip = ? ORDER BY l.log_time DESC'; $sql = sql_filter($sql, $ip); } $result = sql_rowset($sql); foreach ($result as $i => $row) { if (!$i) _style('log'); _style('log.row', array( 'UID' => $row['log_user_id'], 'USERNAME' => $row['username'], 'TIME' => $user->format_date($row['log_time']), 'ENDTIME' => (($row['log_endtime']) ? $user->format_date($row['log_endtime']) : ' '), 'DIFFTIME' => (($row['log_endtime']) ? _implode(' ', timeDiff($row['log_endtime'], $row['log_time'], true, 1)) : ' '), 'IP' => $row['log_ip'], 'AGENT' => $row['log_agent']) ); } } return; }
function home() { $sql = 'SELECT * FROM _members WHERE user_type = ? AND user_birthday LIKE ? AND user_birthday_last < ? ORDER BY user_username LIMIT ??'; $birthday = _rowset(sql_filter($sql, 1, '%' . date('md'), date('Y'), 10)); if (!$birthday) { $this->e('None.'); } $process = w(); foreach ($birthday as $i => $row) { if (!$i) { @set_time_limit(0); require XFS . 'core/emailer.php'; $emailer = new emailer(); } $emailer->format('plain'); $emailer->from('TWC Kaulitz <*****@*****.**>'); $emailer->use_template('user_birthday'); $emailer->email_address($row['user_email']); $emailer->assign_vars(array('USERNAME' => $row['user_username'])); $emailer->send(); $emailer->reset(); $process[$row['user_id']] = $row['user_username']; } if (count($process)) { $sql = 'UPDATE _members SET user_birthday_last = ? WHERE user_id IN (??)'; _sql(sql_filter($sql, date('Y'), _implode(',', array_keys($process)))); } return $this->e('Done @ ' . implode(',', array_values($process))); }
protected function _optimize_home() { $tables = array(); $sql = 'SHOW TABLES'; foreach (_rowset($sql) as $row) { foreach ($row as $v) { $tables[] = $v; } } $sql = 'OPTIMIZE TABLE ' . _implode(', ', $tables); _sql($sql); return $this->e('Done.'); }
private function childs($use_child = true) { global $user; $svar = $use_child ? 'child' : 'child2'; if (!($s_child = count($this->{$svar}))) { return; } $d_images = w(); if ($this->data['tree_schilds']) { $sql = 'SELECT tree_id, image_id, image_extension FROM _images WHERE tree_id IN (??) ORDER BY RAND()'; $images = _rowset(sql_filter($sql, _implode(',', array_keys($this->{$svar})))); foreach ($images as $rows) { if (!isset($d_images[$row['tree_id']])) { $d_images[$row['tree_id']] = _filename($row['image_id'], $row['image_extension']); } } } _style($svar, array('ORDER_URL' => _link($this->data['tree_id'], array('order', 0, 0, 0, 0)))); // TODO: Replace _linkf funcion to _link_alias foreach ($this->{$svar} as $a => $row) { _style($svar . '.item', array('ID' => $row['tree_id'], 'U' => _linkf($a, $row['tree_furl']), 'L' => $user->ls('tree', 'title', $row), 'I' => isset($d_images[$a]) ? $d_images[$a] : 'def.gif', 'DU' => $this->u_dynamic($row))); } if ($use_child) { $this->childs(false); } return; }
function _avatar($v) { if (!f($v['bio_avatar'])) { return _lib('d', 'no', 'jpg'); } $path = array($v['bio_alias'][0], $v['bio_alias'][1], $v['bio_alias']); return _lib(LIB_AVATAR, _implode('/', $path), $v['bio_avatar']) . '#' . $v['bio_avatar_up']; }
use_helper('Field', 'Link'); $item_i18n = $item['SiteI18n'][0]; ?> <div><?php echo list_link($item_i18n, 'sites'); ?> </div> <div><?php $routes_quantity = $item['routes_quantity']; if (is_scalar($routes_quantity) && $routes_quantity > 0) { $routes_quantity = __('%1% routes_quantity', array('%1%' => $routes_quantity)); } else { $routes_quantity = ''; } echo _implode(' - ', array(displayWithSuffix($item['elevation'], 'meters'), get_paginated_value_from_list($item['site_types'], 'app_sites_site_types'), $routes_quantity, get_paginated_value_from_list($item['rock_types'], 'mod_sites_rock_types_list'))); ?> </div> <div><?php if (isset($item['linked_docs'])) { echo __('access'), ' '; include_partial('parkings/parkings4list', array('parkings' => $item['linked_docs'])); } ?> </div> <div><?php include_partial('documents/regions4list', array('geoassociations' => $item['geoassociations'])); ?> </div>
<?php use_helper('Field', 'Link'); $item_i18n = $item['BookI18n'][0]; ?> <div class="right"><?php echo get_paginated_activities($item['activities']); ?> </div> <div><?php echo list_link($item_i18n, 'books'); ?> </div> <div> <?php echo _implode(' - ', array($item['author'], $item['editor'], $item['publication_date'])); ?> </div> <div> <?php echo _implode(' - ', array(get_paginated_value_from_list($item['book_types'], 'mod_books_book_types_list'), get_paginated_value_from_list($item['langs'], 'app_languages_book'))); ?> </div> <div><?php echo picto_tag('picto_images', __('nb_linked_images')), ' ', isset($item['nb_images']) ? $item['nb_images'] : '0', ' ', picto_tag('action_comment', __('nb_comments')), ' ', isset($item['nb_comments']) ? link_to($item['nb_comments'], '@document_comment?module=books&id=' . $item_i18n['id'] . '&lang=' . $item_i18n['culture']) : '0'; ?> </div>
private function remove() { global $config, $cache; $remove = request_var('s_downloads', array(0)); if (!count($remove)) { return; } $sql = 'SELECT * FROM _dl WHERE id IN (??) AND ub = ?'; if ($result = sql_rowset(sql_filter($sql, _implode(',', $remove), $this->object['ub']))) { foreach ($result as $row) { $path = artist_root($this->object['ub'] . ' media ' . $row['id'] . '.mp3'); _rm($path); $sql = 'DELETE FROM _dl WHERE id = ?'; sql_query(sql_filter($sql, $row['id'])); $cache->delete('downloads_list'); } redirect(s_link('acp', array('artist_media', 'a' => $this->object['subdomain']))); } return; }
function _implode_and($glue, $last_glue, $pieces, $empty = false) { $response = _implode($glue, $pieces, $empty); $last = strrpos($response, $glue); if ($last !== false) { $response = substr_replace($response, $last_glue, $last, count($glue) + 1); } return $response; }
public function _home() { global $config, $user, $cache; if (!_button()) { return false; } $topics = request_var('topic_id', ''); $topics = array_map('intval', explode(',', $topics)); $forums_id_sql = $topics_id = w(); $sql = 'SELECT forum_id, topic_id FROM _forum_topics WHERE topic_id IN (??)'; $result = sql_rowset(sql_filter($sql, _implode(', ', $topics))); foreach ($result as $row) { $forums_id_sql[] = (int) $row['forum_id']; $topics_id[] = (int) $row['topic_id']; } $topic_id_sql = _implode(',', $topics_id); // $sql = 'SELECT post_id FROM _forum_posts WHERE topic_id IN (??)'; $posts_id = sql_rowset(sql_filter($sql, $topic_id_sql), false, 'post_id'); $post_id_sql = _implode(',', $posts_id); // $sql = 'SELECT vote_id FROM _poll_options WHERE topic_id IN (??)'; $votes_id = sql_rowset(sql_filter($sql, $topic_id_sql), false, 'vote_id'); $vote_id_sql = _implode(',', $votes_id); // $sql = 'SELECT poster_id, COUNT(post_id) AS posts FROM _forum_posts WHERE topic_id IN (??) GROUP BY poster_id'; $result = sql_rowset(sql_filter($sql, $topic_id_sql)); $members_sql = w(); foreach ($result as $row) { $sql = 'UPDATE _members SET user_posts = user_posts - ?? WHERE user_id = ?'; $members_sql[] = sql_filter($sql, $row['posts'], $row['poster_id']); } sql_query($members_sql); // // Got all required info so go ahead and start deleting everything // $sql = 'DELETE FROM _forum_topics WHERE topic_id IN (??)'; sql_query(sql_filter($sql, $topic_id_sql)); $sql = 'DELETE FROM _forum_topics_fav WHERE topic_id IN (??)'; sql_query(sql_filter($sql, $topic_id_sql)); if ($post_id_sql != '') { $sql = 'DELETE FROM _forum_posts WHERE post_id IN (??)'; sql_query(sql_filter($sql, $post_id_sql)); } if ($vote_id_sql != '') { $sql = 'DELETE FROM _poll_options WHERE vote_id IN (??)'; sql_query(sql_filter($sql, $vote_id_sql)); $sql = 'DELETE FROM _poll_results WHERE vote_id IN (??)'; sql_query(sql_filter($sql, $vote_id_sql)); $sql = 'DELETE FROM _poll_voters WHERE vote_id IN (??)'; sql_query(sql_filter($sql, $vote_id_sql)); } // $sql = 'DELETE FROM _members_unread WHERE element = 8 AND item IN (??)'; sql_query(sql_filter($sql, $topic_id_sql)); // foreach ($forums_id_sql as $forum_id) { sync_topic_delete($forum_id); } return _pre('El tema fue eliminado.', true); }
$summit_name = $summit_2['name']; } echo list_link($item_i18n, 'routes', $summit_name) . ' ' . $has_gps_track; if (isset($item['name']) && $summit_name != $summit_2['name']) { $link = list_link($summit_2, 'summits'); echo '<br /><small>', __('route linked with', array('%1%' => $link)), '</small>'; } ?> </div> <div> <?php $height_diff_up = is_scalar($item['height_diff_up']) ? $item['height_diff_up'] . __('meters') : NULL; if ($height_diff_up != NULL && is_scalar($item['difficulties_height'])) { $height_diff_up .= ' (' . $item['difficulties_height'] . __('meters') . ')'; } echo _implode(' - ', array(displayWithSuffix($item['max_elevation'], 'meters'), get_paginated_value($item['facing'], 'app_routes_facings'), $height_diff_up, field_route_ratings_data($item, false))); ?> </div> <div><?php if (isset($item['linked_docs'])) { echo __('access'), ' '; include_partial('parkings/parkings4list', array('parkings' => $item['linked_docs'])); } ?> </div> <div><?php include_partial('documents/regions4list', array('geoassociations' => $item['geoassociations'])); ?> </div> <div><?php echo picto_tag('picto_images', __('nb_linked_images')), ' ', isset($item['nb_images']) ? $item['nb_images'] : '0', ' ', picto_tag('action_comment', __('nb_comments')), ' ', isset($item['nb_comments']) ? link_to($item['nb_comments'], '@document_comment?module=routes&id=' . $item_i18n['id'] . '&lang=' . $item_i18n['culture']) : '0', ' ', picto_tag('picto_outings', __('nb_outings')), ' ', isset($item['nb_linked_docs']) ? $item['nb_linked_docs'] : '0';
public function _home() { global $config, $user, $cache, $comments; if (!_button()) { return false; } $post_mode = request_var('post_mode', 0); $post_subject = request_var('post_subject', ''); $post_message = request_var('post_message', '', true); $post_skip = request_var('post_skip', '', true); $post_reply = request_var('post_reply', 0); $post_message = $comments->prepare($post_message); $skip_list = ''; if (!empty($post_skip)) { $e_skip = explode(nr(), $post_skip); foreach ($e_skip as $i => $row) { $row = get_username_base($row); $e_skip[$i] = "'" . sql_escape($row) . "'"; } $sql = 'SELECT user_id FROM _members WHERE username_base IN (' . _implode(',', $e_skip) . ')'; $user_skip = sql_rowset($sql, false, 'user_id'); $skip_list = ' AND u.user_id NOT IN (' . _implode(', ', $user_skip) . ') '; } switch ($post_mode) { case 1: $sql = 'SELECT u.user_id, u.username FROM _members u WHERE u.user_type <> 2 AND u.user_id NOT IN (SELECT ban_userid FROM _banlist) AND u.user_id <> ?' . $skip_list . ' ORDER BY u.username'; break; case 2: $sql = 'SELECT u.user_id, u.username FROM _members u WHERE u.user_type = 6 AND u.user_id NOT IN (SELECT ban_userid FROM _banlist) AND u.user_id <> ' . $skip_list . ' ORDER BY u.username'; break; case 3: $sql = 'SELECT u.user_id, u.username FROM _members_friends b, _members u WHERE b.buddy_id = ' . $skip_list . ' AND b.user_id = u.user_id AND u.user_id NOT IN (SELECT ban_userid FROM _banlist) ORDER BY u.username'; break; } $result = sql_rowset(sql_filter($sql, $user->d('user_id'))); foreach ($result as $row) { $row_message = str_replace('[username]', $row['username'], $post_message); $insert = array( 'privmsgs_subject' => $post_subject, 'privmsgs_from_userid' => (int) $user->d('user_id'), 'privmsgs_to_userid' => (int) $row['user_id'], 'privmsgs_date' => $user->time, 'msg_ip' => $user->ip, 'msg_can_reply' => (int) $post_reply, 'privmsgs_mass' => 1, 'privmsgs_text' => $row_message ); $dc_id = sql_insert('dc', $insert); $sql = 'UPDATE _dc SET parent_id = ?, last_msg_id = ?, msg_deleted = ? WHERE msg_id = ?'; sql_query(sql_filter($sql, $dc_id, $dc_id, $user->d('user_id'), $dc_id)); $user->save_unread(UH_NOTE, $dc_id, 0, $row['user_id']); echo $row['username'] . '<br />'; flush(); } return; }
protected function _groups_modify() { gfatal(); global $core; $v = $this->__(array('el' => 0, 'r_name', 'r_email', 'r_mod', 'r_color')); foreach ($v as $row) { if (!f($row)) { $this->_error('#FIELD_IS_EMPTY'); } } $sql = 'SELECT * FROM _groups WHERE group_id = ?'; if (!($group = _fieldrow(sql_filter($sql, $v['el'])))) { $this->_error('#GROUPS_NO_EXISTS'); } $mod_list = array_map('trim', explode(',', $v['r_mod'])); array_unshift($mod_list, 'addquotes'); $sql = 'SELECT user_id FROM _members WHERE user_username IN (??) ORDER BY user_username'; if (!($mods_list = _rowset(sql_filter($sql, _implode(',', $mod_list)), false, 'user_id'))) { $this->_error('#USER_UNKNOWN'); } $sql = 'UPDATE _groups SET group_name = ?, group_email = ?, group_color = ? WHERE group_id = ?'; _sql(sql_filter($sql, $v['r_name'], $v['r_email'], $v['r_color'], $v['el'])); $sql = 'UPDATE _groups_members SET member_mod = 0 WHERE member_group = ?'; _sql(sql_filter($sql, $v['el'])); foreach ($mods_list as $row) { $sql = 'SELECT member_id FROM _groups_members WHERE member_uid = ?'; if (_field(sql_filter($sql, $row), 'member_id', 0)) { $sql = 'UPDATE _groups_members SET member_mod = ? WHERE member_uid = ?'; _sql(sql_filter($sql, 1, $row)); } else { $sql_insert = array('group' => $group_id, 'uid' => $row, 'mod' => 1); $sql = 'INSERT INTO _groups_members' . _build_array('INSERT', prefix('member', $sql_insert)); _sql($sql); } } $core->cache_unload(); return $this->e('~OK'); }
protected function _artists_home() { // TODO: Add sorting methods by genre, country & more. $v = $this->__(w('by')); switch ($v->by) { case 'genre': // TODO: Add query $sql = 'SELECT b.bio_id, b.bio_alias, b.bio_name, b.bio_avatar, b.bio_avatar_up FROM _bio b, _bio_type t WHERE t.type_alias = ? AND b.bio_type = t.type_id ORDER BY b.bio_name'; $artists = sql_rowset(sql_filter($sql, 'artist')); break; default: $allow_by = array('country' => 'c.country_name'); $s_country = isset($allow_by[$v->by]) ? $allow_by[$v->by] . ',' : ''; $sql = 'SELECT b.bio_id, b.bio_alias, b.bio_name, b.bio_avatar, b.bio_avatar_up FROM _bio b, _bio_type t, _countries c WHERE t.type_alias = ? AND b.bio_type = t.type_id AND b.bio_country = c.country_id ORDER BY ?? b.bio_name'; $artists = sql_rowset(sql_filter($sql, 'artist', $s_country)); break; } // Genres $sql = 'SELECT g.genre_alias, g.genre_name, r.relation_artist FROM _genres g, _genres_relation r WHERE g.genre_id = r.relation_genre AND r.relation_artist IN (??) ORDER BY g.genre_name'; $genres = sql_rowset(sql_filter($sql, _implode(',', array_subkey($artists, 'bio_id'))), 'relation_artist', false, true); $i = 0; foreach ($artists as $row) { $first_letter = $row->bio_alias[0]; if (f($v->sort) && $first_letter != $v->sort) { continue; } if (!$i) { _style('artists'); } _style('artists.row', _vs(array('URL' => _link_bio($row->bio_alias), 'NAME' => $row->bio_name, 'IMAGE' => _avatar($row), 'GENRE' => _implode(', ', $genres[$row->bio_id])), 'v')); $i++; } if (!$i) { _style('artists_none'); } return; }
<?php use_helper('Field', 'Link'); $item_i18n = $item['ArticleI18n'][0]; ?> <div class="right"><?php echo get_paginated_activities($item['activities']); ?> </div> <div><?php echo list_link($item_i18n, 'articles'); ?> </div> <div><?php echo _implode(' - ', array(get_paginated_value($item['article_type'], 'mod_articles_article_types_list'), get_paginated_value_from_list($item['categories'], 'mod_articles_categories_list'))); ?> </div> <div><?php echo picto_tag('picto_images', __('nb_linked_images')), ' ', isset($item['nb_images']) ? $item['nb_images'] : '0', ' ', picto_tag('action_comment', __('nb_comments')), ' ', isset($item['nb_comments']) ? link_to($item['nb_comments'], '@document_comment?module=articles&id=' . $item_i18n['id'] . '&lang=' . $item_i18n['culture']) : '0'; ?> </div>
function _fullname($d) { if (!isset($d->user_firstname) || !isset($d->user_lastname)) { return ''; } return _implode(' ', array_map('trim', array($d->user_firstname, $d->user_lastname))); }
protected function _connected_home() { global $bio, $core; $totals = w(); $time_today = _timestamp(); $bots = get_bots(); $sql = 'SELECT b.bio_id, b.bio_alias, b.bio_name, b.bio_level, b.bio_show, s.session_ip FROM _bio b, _sessions s WHERE b.bio_level NOT IN (??) ((s.session_time >= ? AND b.bio_id = s.session_bio) OR (b.bio_lastvisit >= ? AND b.bio_lastvisit < ?) ) ORDER BY b.bio_name'; $sessions = sql_rowset(sql_filter($sql)); $i = 0; foreach ($sessions as $row) { // Guest if ($row->bio_id == 1) { if ($row->session_ip != $last_ip) { $totals['guest']++; } $last_ip = $row->session_ip; continue; } if (!$i) { _style('online', array('L_TITLE' => _lang('ONLINE'))); _style('online.list'); } // Member if ($row['bio_id'] != $last_bio_id) { $is_bot = isset($bots[$row->bio_id]); if ($row->bio_show) { if (!$is_bot) { $totals['visible']++; } } else { $totals['hidden']++; } if (!$is_bot && ($row->bio_show || $bio->v('auth_founder')) || $is_bot && $bio->v('auth_founder')) { _style('online.list.row', array('USERNAME' => $row->bio_name, 'PROFILE' => _link_bio($row->bio_alias))); } } // $last_bio_id = $row->bio_id; $i++; } if (!!$totals['visible']) { _style('online.none'); } $online_ary = array('MEMBERS_TOTAL' => array_sum($totals), 'MEMBERS_VISIBLE' => $totals['visible'], 'MEMBERS_GUESTS' => $totals['guests'], 'MEMBERS_HIDDEN' => $totals['hidden'], 'MEMBERS_BOT' => $totals['bots']); foreach ($online_ary as $lk => $vk) { if (!$vk && $lk != 'MEMBERS_TOTAL') { continue; } _style('online.legend.row', array('L_MEMBERS' => _lang($lk . ($vk != 1 ? '2' : '')), 'ONLINE_VALUE' => $vk)); } // Online $sql = 'SELECT b.bio_id, b.bio_alias, b.bio_name, b.bio_level, b.bio_show, s.session_ip FROM _bio b, _sessions s WHERE s.session_time >= ?? AND b.bio_id = s.session_bio ORDER BY b.bio_name, s.session_ip'; $this->connected(sql_filter($sql, $local_time[0] - 300), 'online', 'MEMBERS_ONLINE'); // Today online $sql = 'SELECT bio_id, bio_alias, bio_name, bio_show, bio_level FROM _bio WHERE bio_level NOT IN (??) AND bio_lastvisit >= ? AND bio_lastvisit < ? ORDER BY bio_name'; $this->connected(sql_filter($sql, _implode(',', w(USER_INACTIVE)), $time_today, $time_today + 86399), 'online', 'MEMBERS_TODAY', 'MEMBERS_VISIBLE'); return; }
protected function _view_home() { global $core, $bio; $v = $this->__(array('alias', 't' => 0, 'p' => 0)); if (!f($v['alias'])) { _fatal(); } $v['field'] = !is_numb($v['alias']) ? 'alias' : 'id'; $sql = 'SELECT * FROM _events WHERE event_?? = ?'; if (!($event = _fieldrow(sql_filter($sql, $v['field'], $v['alias'])))) { _fatal(); } if ($v['field'] == 'id' && f($event['event_alias'])) { redirect(_link($this->m(), $event['event_alias']) . _linkp(array('t' => $v['t'], 'p' => $v['p']), true)); } // Get images $sql = 'SELECT * FROM _events_images WHERE image_event = ? ORDER BY image ASC LIMIT ??, ??'; $event_images = _rowset(sql_filter($sql, $event['event_id'], $v['t'], $core->v('thumbs_per_page'))); foreach ($event_images as $i => $row) { if (!$i) { _style('thumbnails', _pagination(_link($this->m(), $event['event_alias']), 't:%d', $event['event_images'], $core->v('thumbs_per_page'), $v['t'])); } _style('thumbnails.row', array('U_THUMBNAIL' => _lib(w(LIB_EVENT . ' thumbnail ' . $event['event_id'], $row['image'], 'jpg')), 'U_IMAGE' => _lib(w(LIB_EVENT . ' gallery ' . $event['event_id'], $row['image'], 'jpg')), 'V_FOOTER' => $row['image_footer'])); } if (is_ghost()) { return; } // Statistics if (!$v['t'] && !$bio->v('auth_founder')) { $this->_stats_store(); } $is_future = $row['event_end'] > time() ? true : false; if (!$is_future) { // Star for favourites if (!($star_type = $core->cache_load('star_type'))) { $sql = 'SELECT type_id, type_name FROM _events_star_type ORDER BY type_order'; $types = $core->cache_store('star_type', _rowset($sql, 'type_id', 'type_name')); } $i = 0; foreach ($types as $type_id => $type_name) { if (!$i) { _style('star_type'); } _style('star_type.row', array('TYPE_ID' => $type_id, 'TYPE_NAME' => $type_name)); $i++; } } else { $sql = 'SELECT * FROM _events_reviews r, _bio b WHERE r.review_event = ? AND r.review_uid = b.bio_id ORDER BY r.review_avg LIMIT 0, 5'; $reviews = _rowset(sql_filter($sql, $event['event_id']), 'review_id'); $sql = 'SELECT * FROM _events_reviews_rate r, _events_reviews_fields f WHERE r.rate_review IN (??) AND r.rate_field = f.field_id ORDER BY f.field_order'; $reviews_rate = _rowset(sql_filter($sql, _implode(',', array_keys($reviews))), 'rate_review', false, true); $i = 0; foreach ($reviews as $row) { if (!$i) { _style('reviews'); } _style('reviews.row', array('REVIEW_CONTENT' => $row['review_content'], 'REVIEW_' => $row['review_'])); if (isset($reviews_rate[$row['review_id']])) { foreach ($reviews_rate[$row['review_id']] as $j => $rate) { if (!$j) { _style('reviews.row.rate'); } _style('reviews.row.rate.field', array('FIELD' => $rate['field_name'], 'RATE' => $rate['rate_value'])); } } $i++; } } // Who attend $sql = 'SELECT at.type_id, at.type_name_next, at.type_name_prev, b.bio_alias, b.bio_name, b.bio_avatar, b.bio_avatar_up FROM _events_attend a, _events_attend_type at, _bio b WHERE a.attend_event = ? AND a.attend_type = at.type_id AND a.attend_uid = b.bio_id ORDER BY a.attend_time'; $attend = _rowset(sql_filter($sql, $event['event_id']), 'type_id', false, true); $i = 0; foreach ($attend as $type_name => $rows) { if (!$i) { _style('attend'); } $type_name = $is_future ? 'next' : 'prev'; _style('attend.type', array('TYPE_NAME' => $rows[0]['type_name_' . $type_name])); foreach ($rows as $row) { _style('attend.type.row', array('BIO_NAME' => $row['bio_name'], 'BIO_AVATAR' => _avatar($row))); } $i++; } // Messages $ref = _link('events', $event['event_alias']); if ($event['event_publish']) { if ($event['event_comments']) { $sql = 'SELECT c.comment_id, c.comment_time, c.comment_text, b.bio_id, b.bio_alias, b.bio_name, b.bio_avatar, b.bio_avatar_up FROM _events_comments c, _bio b WHERE c.comment_event = ? AND c.comment_active = ? AND c.comment_bio = b.bio_id ORDER BY c.comment_time DESC LIMIT ??, ??'; $comments = _rowset(sql_filter($sql, $event['event_id'], 1, $v['p'], $core->v('events_comments'))); foreach ($comments as $i => $row) { if (!$i) { _style('comment_area', _pagination(_link($this->m(), array($event['event_alias'], $v['t'], 's%d')), $topic_data['topic_replies'] + 1, $core->v('posts_per_page'), $start)); } _style('comment_area.row', array('BIO_ALIAS' => _link_bio($row['bio_alias']), 'BIO_NAME' => $row['bio_name'], 'BIO_AVATAR' => _avatar($row), 'COMMENT_ID' => $row['comment_id'], 'COMMENT_TIME' => _format_date($row['comment_time']), 'COMMENT_TEXT' => _message($row['comment_text']))); } } _style('comment_publish', array('U_PUBLISH' => _link())); } // if ($event['event_posts']) { $reply = array('ref' => $ref, 'start' => $v['p'], 'start_f' => 's', 'rows' => $event['event_posts'], 'rows_page' => $core->v('s_posts'), 'block' => 'posts', 'sql' => 'SELECT p.post_id, p.post_time, p.post_text, b.bio_id, b.bio_alias, b.bio_name, b.bio_avatar, b.bio_avatar_up, b.bio_sig FROM _events_posts p, _bio b WHERE p.post_event = ? AND p.post_active = 1 AND p.post_uid = b.bio_id ORDER BY p.post_time DESC LIMIT {START}, {ROWS_PAGE}'); $reply['sql'] = sql_filter($reply['sql'], $event['event_id']); $this->_replies($reply); } v_style(_vs(array('SUBJECT' => $event['event_subject'], 'IMAGES' => $event['event_images'], 'START' => _format_date($event['event_start'], 'd F Y'), 'END' => _format_date($event['event_end'], 'd F Y'), 'COMMENTS' => $event['event_posts']), 'event')); return; }
?> <div><?php echo list_link($item_i18n, 'parkings'); ?> </div> <div><?php $snow_clearance_rating = $item['snow_clearance_rating']; $elevation_field = ''; if (isset($item['lowest_elevation']) && is_scalar($item['lowest_elevation']) && $item['lowest_elevation'] != $item['elevation'] && $snow_clearance_rating != 4) { $elevation_field = $item['lowest_elevation'] . __('meters') . __('range separator') . $item['elevation'] . __('meters'); } else { if (isset($item['elevation']) && is_scalar($item['elevation'])) { $elevation_field = $item['elevation'] . __('meters'); } } $snow_field = ''; if (is_int($snow_clearance_rating) && $snow_clearance_rating != 4) { $snow_field = get_paginated_value($item['snow_clearance_rating'], 'mod_parkings_snow_clearance_ratings_list'); } echo _implode(' - ', array($elevation_field, field_pt_picto_if_set($item, true) . ' ' . get_paginated_value($item['public_transportation_rating'], 'app_parkings_public_transportation_ratings'), $snow_field)); ?> </div> <div><?php include_partial('documents/regions4list', array('geoassociations' => $item['geoassociations'])); ?> </div> <div><?php echo picto_tag('picto_images', __('nb_linked_images')), ' ', isset($item['nb_images']) ? $item['nb_images'] : '0', ' ', picto_tag('action_comment', __('nb_comments')), ' ', isset($item['nb_comments']) ? link_to($item['nb_comments'], '@document_comment?module=parkings&id=' . $item_i18n['id'] . '&lang=' . $item_i18n['culture']) : '0', ' ', picto_tag('picto_routes', __('nb_routes')), ' ', isset($item['nb_linked_docs']) ? $item['nb_linked_docs'] : '0'; ?> </div>
public function auth_groups($uid = false) { if ($uid === false) { $uid = $this->v('bio_id'); } $groups = w(); if ($this->auth_founder($uid)) { $groups = array_keys($this->_groups()); } if (!count($groups)) { $sql = 'SELECT g.group_id FROM _groups g, _groups_members gm WHERE g.group_id = gm.member_group AND gm.member_uid = ?'; $groups = sql_rowset(sql_filter($sql, $uid), false, 'group_id'); } return _implode(',', $groups); }
public final function get_navigation() { $format = '<a href="%s">%s</a>'; $a = w(); foreach ($this->nav as $k => $v) { $a[] = f($v) ? sprintf($format, $v, _lang($k)) : _lang($k); } return _implode(' › ', $a); }
} $item_i18n = $item['OutingI18n'][0]; $activities = $item['activities']; ?> <div class="right"><?php echo get_paginated_activities($activities); ?> </div> <div><?php echo list_link($item_i18n, 'outings') . ' ' . $has_gps_track; ?> </div> <div> <?php echo _implode(' - ', array(format_date($item['date'], 'D'), link_to($item['creator'], '@document_by_id?module=users&id=' . $item['creator_id']))); ?> </div> <div> <?php echo _implode(' - ', array(displayWithSuffix($item['max_elevation'], 'meters'), displayWithSuffix($item['height_diff_up'], 'meters'), isset($item['linked_routes']) ? field_route_ratings_data($item, false, false, false, 'html', $activities) : '', get_paginated_value($item['conditions_status'], 'mod_outings_conditions_statuses_list'), field_frequentation_picto_if_set($item, true))); ?> </div> <div><?php include_partial('documents/regions4list', array('geoassociations' => $item['geoassociations'])); ?> </div> <div><?php echo picto_tag('picto_images', __('nb_linked_images')), ' ', isset($item['nb_images']) ? $item['nb_images'] : '0', ' ', picto_tag('action_comment', __('nb_comments')), ' ', isset($item['nb_comments']) ? link_to($item['nb_comments'], '@document_comment?module=outings&id=' . $item_i18n['id'] . '&lang=' . $item_i18n['culture']) : '0'; ?> </div>
MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <>. */ define('XFS', './npt/'); require_once XFS . 'core/core.php'; $key = ''; if (isset($_POST['submit'])) { $v = w('server user passwd name'); $arg = w(); foreach ($v as $k) { $arg[] = encode(request_var('v_' . $k, '')); } $key = encode(_implode(',', $arg, true)); } ?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" ""> <html xmlns="" xml:lang="es" lang="es"> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <title>g.passwd</title> <style type="text/css"> body { background: #EEE; } body, div, span, input, textarea, a, dt { font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 11px; color: #444;
protected function _gallery_remove() { global $bio, $warning; if (_button()) { $v = $this->__(array('picture' => array(0))); if (!count($v->picture)) { $warning->now(); } $sql = 'SELECT * FROM _bio_images WHERE image_bio = ? AND image_assoc IN (??) ORDER BY image_id'; if (!($images = sql_rowset(sql_filter($sql, $bio->v('bio_id'), _implode(',', $v->picture))))) { $warning->now(); } $filepath = array('original' => _lib(), 'thumbnail' => _lib()); foreach ($images as $row) { foreach ($filepath as $path) { } } } if ($submit) { $v = $this->__(array('s_images' => array(0))); $s_images = $v->s_images; if (sizeof($s_images)) { if ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result)) { $delete_images = w(); do { $gfile = array($gallery_path . $row['image'] . '.jpg', $thumbs_path . $row['image'] . '.jpg'); foreach ($gfile as $image) { if (@is_file($image) && @is_readable($image)) { @chmod($image, 0777); if (@unlink($image)) { if (!@file_exists($image)) { if (!isset($delete_images[$row['image']])) { $delete_images[$row['image']] = true; } } } } } } while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result)); if (sizeof($delete_images)) { $sql = 'DELETE FROM _bio_pictures WHERE picture_bio = ? AND picture_id IN (??)'; sql_query(sql_filter($sq, $bio->v('bio_id'), _implode(',', array_keys($delete_images)))); if ($deleted_count = sql_affectedrows()) { $sql = 'UPDATE _bio_store SET store_value = store_value - ?? WHERE store_bio = ?'; sql_query(sql_filter($sql, $deleted_count, $bio->v('bio_id'))); } } } $db->sql_freeresult($result); } } if (!$error) { redirect(_link_control('a', array('a' => $bio->v('bio_alias'), 'x1' => $this->x(1)))); } }
protected function advanced_search($category) { global $user; $z = $this->__(array('_table' => array(0), '_field' => array(0), '_input' => array(''), '_vbox' => array(0))); foreach ($z['_input'] as $i => $row) { if (!isset($z['_vbox'][$i])) { $z['_vbox'][$i] = 0; } if ($row === '') { unset($z['_input'][$i], $z['_table'][$i], $z['_field'][$i], $z['_vbox'][$i]); } } ksort($z['_vbox']); $sql = 'SELECT * FROM _search_relation r, _search_tables t, _search_categories c WHERE r.relation_id IN (' . _implode(',', $z['_field']) . ")\n\t\t\t\tAND r.relation_table = t.table_id\n\t\t\t\tAND t.table_cat = c.category_id\n\t\t\t\tAND c.category_alias = ?\n\t\t\tORDER BY r.relation_field"; if (!($relation = _rowset(sql_filter($sql, $category)))) { return $this->e('NO_TABLE_FIELDS'); } $a_where = $a_where2 = $a_from = $a_cals = $ref = w(); $i_vbox = $i_and = 0; $s_open = false; foreach ($z['_field'] as $i => $row) { $ref[$row][] = $z['_input'][$i]; } foreach ($relation as $row) { $e_tables = array_map('trim', explode(',', trim($row['relation_tables']))); foreach ($e_tables as $e_row) { if (!in_array($e_row, $a_from)) { $a_from[] = _escape($e_row); } } $e_fields = array_map('trim', explode(',', trim($row['relation_fields']))); foreach ($e_fields as $e_row) { if (!f($e_row)) { continue; } if (!in_array($e_row, $a_where)) { $a_where[] = ($i_and ? ' AND ' : '') . $e_row; } $i_and++; } if (isset($ref[$row['relation_id']])) { foreach ($ref[$row['relation_id']] as $q => $e_row) { $s_sign = 'LIKE'; if ($row['relation_input'] == 'calendar') { if (isset($a_cals[$row['relation_field']])) { $e_endcal = explode('/', $e_row); $e_row = _timestamp($e_endcal[1], $e_endcal[0], $e_endcal[2], 23, 59, 59); $s_sign = '<='; unset($a_cals[$row['relation_field']]); } else { $e_row = $this->parse_calendar('calendar', $e_row); $s_sign = '>='; $a_cals[$row['relation_field']] = 1; } } $a_where2[] = ($z['_vbox'][$i_vbox] ? 'AND' : 'OR') . ' ' . $row['relation_field'] . " " . $s_sign . " '" . _escape(str_replace('+', '%', $e_row)) . "'"; $i_vbox++; } } } $a_where_count = count($a_where2); $section = false; foreach ($a_where2 as $i => $row) { $and = strpos($row, 'AND ') !== false; $and_prev = isset($a_where2[$i - 1]) && strpos($a_where2[$i - 1], 'AND ') !== false; $and_next = isset($a_where2[$i + 1]) && strpos($a_where2[$i + 1], 'AND ') !== false; $last = $i + 1 == $a_where_count; $last_next = $i + 2 == $a_where_count; $prev_first = !($i - 1); $row = str_replace(array('AND ', 'OR '), '', $row); if (!$section && (!$i || $and && !$and_prev && !$last || $and && !$and_prev && !$and_next && !$last || !$and && $and_next || $and && $and_prev && !$and_next)) { $row = '(' . $row; $section = true; } $row = ($and ? 'AND' : 'OR') . ' ' . $row; if ($section && ($last || $and && $and_prev && $and_next || $and && $and_prev && !$and_next && !$last_next || !$and && $and_prev && $last_next && $prev_first || $i && $and && !$and_prev || $last && !$and && $and_prev)) { $row .= ')'; $section = false; } $a_where2[$i] = $row; } if ($category == 'ticket') { $groups = $user->auth_groups(); if ($groups != -1) { $a_where2[] = 'AND t.ticket_group IN (' . $groups . ') '; } else { $a_where2[] = 'AND t.ticket_contact = ' . (int) $user->v('user_id'); } } if (!count($a_where)) { $a_where2[0] = preg_replace('#^(AND|OR) (.*?)#i', '\\2', $a_where2[0]); } if (count($a_where) == 1) { $a_where2[0] = preg_replace('#^OR (.*?)#i', 'AND \\2', $a_where2[0]); } return array('from' => $a_from, 'where' => array_merge($a_where, $a_where2)); }
protected function _search_home() { $v = $this->__(array('q', 'e')); ini_set('memory_limit', '100M'); set_time_limit(0); $button = _button(); if ($button) { $build_search = $this->advanced_search($this->m()); $build = 'SELECT t.*, mb.user_id, mb.user_active, mb.user_firstname, mb.user_lastname FROM ' . _implode(', ', $build_search['from']) . ' WHERE ' . _implode(' ', $build_search['where']) . ' ORDER BY t.ticket_start DESC'; redirect(_link($this->m(), array('x1' => 'search', 'q' => array_key(sql_cache($build), 'sid'), 'e' => $v['e']))); } if (f($v['q'])) { $cached = sql_cache('', $v['q']); if ($tickets = _rowset($cached['query'])) { redirect(_link($this->m(), array('view' => 'search', 'ssid' => $v['q'], 'e' => $v['e']))); } $button = true; } $this->advanced_search_form($this->m()); return v_style(array('IS_SUBMIT' => $button, 'RESULTS_PAGE' => 0, 'U_SEARCH_TAB' => _link($this->m(), array('x1' => 'tab', 'uid' => '*', 'tag' => '?')))); }
<?php use_helper('Field', 'Link'); $item_i18n = $item['SummitI18n'][0]; ?> <div><?php echo list_link($item_i18n, 'summits'); ?> </div> <div><?php echo _implode(' - ', array(displayWithSuffix($item['elevation'], 'meters'), get_paginated_value($item['summit_type'], 'app_summits_summit_types'))); ?> </div> <div><?php include_partial('documents/regions4list', array('geoassociations' => $item['geoassociations'])); ?> </div> <div><?php echo picto_tag('picto_images', __('nb_linked_images')), ' ', isset($item['nb_images']) ? $item['nb_images'] : '0', ' ', picto_tag('action_comment', __('nb_comments')), ' ', isset($item['nb_comments']) ? link_to($item['nb_comments'], '@document_comment?module=summits&id=' . $item_i18n['id'] . '&lang=' . $item_i18n['culture']) : '0', ' ', picto_tag('picto_routes', __('nb_routes')), ' ', isset($item['nb_linked_docs']) ? $item['nb_linked_docs'] : '0'; ?> </div>
public function _home() { global $config, $user, $cache; if (!_button()) { return false; } $from_topic = request_var('from_topic', 0); $to_topic = request_var('to_topic', 0); if (!$from_topic || !$to_topic || $from_topic == $to_topic) { fatal_error(); } $sql = 'SELECT * FROM _forum_topics WHERE topic_id = ?'; if (!$row = sql_fieldrow(sql_filter($sql, $from_topic))) { fatal_error(); } $sql = 'SELECT * FROM _forum_topics WHERE topic_id = ?'; if (!$row = sql_fieldrow(sql_filter($sql, $to_topic))) { fatal_error(); } $from_forum_id = (int) $row['forum_id']; $from_poll = (int) $row['topic_vote']; $to_forum_id = (int) $row['forum_id']; $to_poll = (int) $row['topic_vote']; if ($from_poll) { if ($to_poll) { $sql = 'SELECT vote_id FROM _poll_options WHERE topic_id = ?'; if ($vote_id = sql_field(sql_filter($sql, $from_topic), 'vote_id', 0)) { $sql = array( sql_filter('DELETE FROM _poll_voters WHERE vote_id = ?', $vote_id), sql_filter('DELETE FROM _poll_results WHERE vote_id = ?', $vote_id), sql_filter('DELETE FROM _poll_options WHERE vote_id = ?', $vote_id) ); sql_query($sql); } } else { $sql = 'UPDATE _poll_options SET topic_id = ? WHERE topic_id = ?'; sql_query(sql_filter($sql, $to_topic, $from_topic)); } } // Update destination toic $sql = 'SELECT topic_views FROM _forum_topics WHERE topic_id = ?'; if ($topic_views = sql_field(sql_filter($sql, $from_topic), 'topic_views', 0)) { $sql = 'UPDATE _forum_topics SET topic_views = topic_views + ?? WHERE topic_id = ?'; sql_query(sql_filter($sql, $topic_views, $to_topic)); } // // $sql = 'SELECT * FROM _forum_topics_fav WHERE topic_id = ?'; $user_ids = sql_rowset(sql_filter($sql, $to_topic), false, 'user_id'); $sql_user = (sizeof($user_ids)) ? ' AND user_id NOT IN (' . _implode(', ', $user_ids) . ')' : ''; $sql = array( sql_filter('UPDATE _forum_topics_fav SET topic_id = ? WHERE topic_id = ?', $to_topic, $from_topic) . $sql_user, sql_filter('DELETE FROM _forum_topics_fav WHERE topic_id = ?', $from_topic), sql_filter('UPDATE _forum_posts SET forum_id = ?, topic_id = ? WHERE topic_id = ?', $to_forum_id, $to_topic, $from_topic), sql_filter('DELETE FROM _forum_topics WHERE topic_id = ?', $from_topic), sql_filter('DELETE FROM _members_unread WHERE element = ? AND item = ?', UH_T, $from_topic), ); if ($from_poll && !$to_poll) { $sql[] = sql_filter('UPDATE _forum_topics SET topic_vote = 1 WHERE topic_id = ?', $to_topic); } sql_query($sql); $user->save_unread(UH_T, $to_topic); if (in_array($to_forum_id, array(20, 39))) { topic_feature($to_topic, 0); topic_arkane($to_topic, 0); } sync_topic_merge('topic', $to_topic); sync_topic_merge('forum', $to_forum_id); if ($from_forum_id != $to_forum_id) { sync_topic_merge('forum', $from_forum_id); } return; }