function _http_build_query($data, $prefix = null, $sep = null, $key = '', $urlencode = true) { $ret = array(); foreach ((array) $data as $k => $v) { if ($urlencode) { $k = urlencode($k); } if (is_int($k) && $prefix != null) { $k = $prefix . $k; } if (!empty($key)) { $k = $key . '%5B' . $k . '%5D'; } if ($v === NULL) { continue; } elseif ($v === FALSE) { $v = '0'; } if (is_array($v) || is_object($v)) { array_push($ret, _http_build_query($v, '', $sep, $k, $urlencode)); } elseif ($urlencode) { array_push($ret, $k . '=' . urlencode($v)); } else { array_push($ret, $k . '=' . $v); } } if (NULL === $sep) { $sep = ini_get('arg_separator.output'); } return implode($sep, $ret); }
public function geocodeAddress($address, $sensor = false) { $result = null; // URL $url = sprintf(self::API_END_POINT . '%s/%s?%s', 'geocode', self::OUTPUT_JSON, _http_build_query(array('address' => $address, 'sensor' => $sensor ? 'true' : 'false'))); $response = wp_remote_get($url); if (is_wp_error($response)) { } else { $body = $response['body']; $result = json_decode($body); } return $result; }
/** * Constructs and initliaze an Google Maps admin */ public static function bootstrap() { global $wp_version; // Actions and hooks if (version_compare($wp_version, '3.3', '<')) { add_action('wp_footer', array(__CLASS__, 'printScripts')); } // Scripts wp_register_style('pronamic_google_maps_fix', plugins_url('css/fix.css', Pronamic_Google_Maps_Maps::$file)); // Scripts wp_register_script('pronamic_google_maps_site', plugins_url('js/site.js', Pronamic_Google_Maps_Maps::$file), array('jquery', 'google-jsapi')); // Settings $other_params_array = array('sensor' => 'false'); $other_params_array = apply_filters('pronamic_google_maps_load_other_params_array', $other_params_array); $other_params_string = _http_build_query($other_params_array, null, '&'); $other_params_string = apply_filters('pronamic_google_maps_load_other_params_string', $other_params_string); wp_localize_script('pronamic_google_maps_site', 'pronamic_google_maps_settings', array('visualRefresh' => get_option('pronamic_google_maps_visual_refresh'), 'other_params' => $other_params_string)); }
function request_token() { Keyring_Util::debug('Keyring_Service_OAuth2::request_token()'); if (!isset($_REQUEST['nonce']) || !wp_verify_nonce($_REQUEST['nonce'], 'keyring-request-' . $this->get_name())) { Keyring::error(__('Invalid/missing request nonce.', 'keyring')); exit; } // Need to create a request token now, so that we have a state to pass $request_token = new Keyring_Request_Token($this->get_name(), array(), apply_filters('keyring_request_token_meta', array('for' => isset($_REQUEST['for']) ? (string) $_REQUEST['for'] : false), $this->get_name(), array(), $this)); $request_token = apply_filters('keyring_request_token', $request_token, $this); $request_token_id = $this->store_token($request_token); $url = $this->authorize_url; if (!stristr($url, '?')) { $url .= '?'; } $params = array('response_type' => 'code', 'client_id' => $this->key, 'redirect_uri' => $this->callback_url, 'state' => $request_token_id); $params = apply_filters('keyring_' . $this->get_name() . '_request_token_params', $params); Keyring_Util::debug('OAuth2 Redirect URL: ' . $url . _http_build_query($params, '', '&')); wp_redirect($url . _http_build_query($params, '', '&')); exit; }
function _get_rabobank_data($data, $tran_id) { // new data $n_data = array(); // map $map = array('currencyCode' => 'currency', 'merchantId' => 'merchantID', 'normalReturnUrl' => 'urlSuccess', 'amount' => 'amount', 'transactionReference' => 'purchaseID', 'customerLanguage' => 'language', 'orderId' => 'purchaseID'); // loop foreach ($map as $k => $v) { $n_data[$k] = $data[$v]; } // date // $n_data['expirationDate'] = $data['validUntil'];// date(DATE_ISO8601, strtotime('+1 hour')); // key version $n_data['keyVersion'] = $this->setting['key_version']; $n_data['paymentMeanBrandList'] = $this->setting['payment_mean_brand']; // current 4217 code $n_data['currencyCode'] = mgm_get_currency_iso4217($n_data['currencyCode']); $n_data['customerLanguage'] = substr($n_data['customerLanguage'], 0, 2); // url $n_data['automaticResponseUrl'] = site_url() . '/idealraboomnikassa_proxy.php?url_' . base64_encode(add_query_arg(array('extra' => $data['purchaseID']), $this->setting['notify_url'])); $n_data['normalReturnUrl'] = site_url() . '/idealraboomnikassa_proxy.php?url_' . base64_encode(add_query_arg(array('extra' => $data['purchaseID']), $this->setting['return_url'])); // convert = to %3D, rabo strips = // $n_data['automaticResponseUrl'] = str_replace('=', '%3D', $n_data['automaticResponseUrl']); // $n_data['normalReturnUrl'] = str_replace('=', '%3D', $n_data['normalReturnUrl']); // filter null $n_data = array_filter($n_data); // data string $data_str = _http_build_query($n_data, null, '|', '', false); $seal_str = $data_str . $this->setting['secret_key']; // seal $seal = hash('sha256', utf8_encode($seal_str)); //computeSeal // interface $interface = 'HP_1.0'; // return return array('Data' => $data_str, 'Seal' => $seal, 'InterfaceVersion' => $interface); }
/** * Send a HTTP request to a URI. * * The body and headers are part of the arguments. The 'body' argument is for the body and will * accept either a string or an array. The 'headers' argument should be an array, but a string * is acceptable. If the 'body' argument is an array, then it will automatically be escaped * using http_build_query(). * * The only URI that are supported in the HTTP Transport implementation are the HTTP and HTTPS * protocols. HTTP and HTTPS are assumed so the server might not know how to handle the send * headers. Other protocols are unsupported and most likely will fail. * * The defaults are 'method', 'timeout', 'redirection', 'httpversion', 'blocking' and * 'user-agent'. * * Accepted 'method' values are 'GET', 'POST', and 'HEAD', some transports technically allow * others, but should not be assumed. The 'timeout' is used to sent how long the connection * should stay open before failing when no response. 'redirection' is used to track how many * redirects were taken and used to sent the amount for other transports, but not all transports * accept setting that value. * * The 'httpversion' option is used to sent the HTTP version and accepted values are '1.0', and * '1.1' and should be a string. Version 1.1 is not supported, because of chunk response. The * 'user-agent' option is the user-agent and is used to replace the default user-agent, which is * 'WordPress/WP_Version', where WP_Version is the value from $wp_version. * * 'blocking' is the default, which is used to tell the transport, whether it should halt PHP * while it performs the request or continue regardless. Actually, that isn't entirely correct. * Blocking mode really just means whether the fread should just pull what it can whenever it * gets bytes or if it should wait until it has enough in the buffer to read or finishes reading * the entire content. It doesn't actually always mean that PHP will continue going after making * the request. * * @access public * @since 2.7.0 * @todo Refactor this code. The code in this method extends the scope of its original purpose * and should be refactored to allow for cleaner abstraction and reduce duplication of the * code. One suggestion is to create a class specifically for the arguments, however * preliminary refactoring to this affect has affect more than just the scope of the * arguments. Something to ponder at least. * * @param string $url URI resource. * @param str|array $args Optional. Override the defaults. * @return array containing 'headers', 'body', 'response', 'cookies' */ function request($url, $args = array()) { global $wp_version; $defaults = array('method' => 'GET', 'timeout' => apply_filters('http_request_timeout', 5), 'redirection' => apply_filters('http_request_redirection_count', 5), 'httpversion' => apply_filters('http_request_version', '1.0'), 'user-agent' => apply_filters('http_headers_useragent', 'WordPress/' . $wp_version . '; ' . get_bloginfo('url')), 'blocking' => true, 'headers' => array(), 'cookies' => array(), 'body' => null, 'compress' => false, 'decompress' => true, 'sslverify' => true); $r = wp_parse_args($args, $defaults); $r = apply_filters('http_request_args', $r, $url); // Allow plugins to short-circuit the request $pre = apply_filters('pre_http_request', false, $r, $url); if (false !== $pre) { return $pre; } $arrURL = parse_url($url); if ($this->block_request($url)) { return new WP_Error('http_request_failed', __('User has blocked requests through HTTP.')); } // Determine if this is a https call and pass that on to the transport functions // so that we can blacklist the transports that do not support ssl verification $r['ssl'] = $arrURL['scheme'] == 'https' || $arrURL['scheme'] == 'ssl'; // Determine if this request is to OUR install of WordPress $homeURL = parse_url(get_bloginfo('url')); $r['local'] = $homeURL['host'] == $arrURL['host'] || 'localhost' == $arrURL['host']; unset($homeURL); if (is_null($r['headers'])) { $r['headers'] = array(); } if (!is_array($r['headers'])) { $processedHeaders = WP_Http::processHeaders($r['headers']); $r['headers'] = $processedHeaders['headers']; } if (isset($r['headers']['User-Agent'])) { $r['user-agent'] = $r['headers']['User-Agent']; unset($r['headers']['User-Agent']); } if (isset($r['headers']['user-agent'])) { $r['user-agent'] = $r['headers']['user-agent']; unset($r['headers']['user-agent']); } // Construct Cookie: header if any cookies are set WP_Http::buildCookieHeader($r); if (WP_Http_Encoding::is_available()) { $r['headers']['Accept-Encoding'] = WP_Http_Encoding::accept_encoding(); } if (empty($r['body'])) { // Some servers fail when sending content without the content-length header being set. // Also, to fix another bug, we only send when doing POST and PUT and the content-length // header isn't already set. if (($r['method'] == 'POST' || $r['method'] == 'PUT') && !isset($r['headers']['Content-Length'])) { $r['headers']['Content-Length'] = 0; } // The method is ambiguous, because we aren't talking about HTTP methods, the "get" in // this case is simply that we aren't sending any bodies and to get the transports that // don't support sending bodies along with those which do. $transports = WP_Http::_getTransport($r); } else { if (is_array($r['body']) || is_object($r['body'])) { if (!version_compare(phpversion(), '5.1.2', '>=')) { $r['body'] = _http_build_query($r['body'], null, '&'); } else { $r['body'] = http_build_query($r['body'], null, '&'); } $r['headers']['Content-Type'] = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=' . get_option('blog_charset'); $r['headers']['Content-Length'] = strlen($r['body']); } if (!isset($r['headers']['Content-Length']) && !isset($r['headers']['content-length'])) { $r['headers']['Content-Length'] = strlen($r['body']); } // The method is ambiguous, because we aren't talking about HTTP methods, the "post" in // this case is simply that we are sending HTTP body and to get the transports that do // support sending the body. Not all do, depending on the limitations of the PHP core // limitations. $transports = WP_Http::_postTransport($r); } do_action('http_api_debug', $transports, 'transports_list'); $response = array('headers' => array(), 'body' => '', 'response' => array('code' => false, 'message' => false), 'cookies' => array()); foreach ((array) $transports as $transport) { $response = $transport->request($url, $r); do_action('http_api_debug', $response, 'response', get_class($transport)); if (!is_wp_error($response)) { return apply_filters('http_response', $response, $r, $url); } } return $response; }
/** * Build URL with the specified parameters * * @param string $url * @param array $parameters * @return string */ public static function build_url($url, array $parameters) { return $url . '?' . _http_build_query($parameters, null, '&'); }
/** * From (modified by Mark Jaquith to behave like the native PHP5 function). * * @since 3.2.0 * @access private * * @see * * @param array|object $data An array or object of data. Converted to array. * @param string $prefix Optional. Numeric index. If set, start parameter numbering with it. * Default null. * @param string $sep Optional. Argument separator; defaults to 'arg_separator.output'. * Default null. * @param string $key Optional. Used to prefix key name. Default empty. * @param bool $urlencode Optional. Whether to use urlencode() in the result. Default true. * * @return string The query string. */ function _http_build_query( $data, $prefix = null, $sep = null, $key = '', $urlencode = true ) { $ret = array(); foreach ( (array) $data as $k => $v ) { if ( $urlencode) $k = urlencode($k); if ( is_int($k) && $prefix != null ) $k = $prefix.$k; if ( !empty($key) ) $k = $key . '%5B' . $k . '%5D'; if ( $v === null ) continue; elseif ( $v === false ) $v = '0'; if ( is_array($v) || is_object($v) ) array_push($ret,_http_build_query($v, '', $sep, $k, $urlencode)); elseif ( $urlencode ) array_push($ret, $k.'='.urlencode($v)); else array_push($ret, $k.'='.$v); } if ( null === $sep ) $sep = ini_get('arg_separator.output'); return implode($sep, $ret); }
/** * create recurring profile */ function _create_paypal_profile() { // double check if ($_POST['RESULT'] != 0) { return; } // @todo // void the auth // $this->_void_auth(); // tran $tran = mgm_get_transaction($_POST['M_CUSTOM']); // pack $pack = $tran['data']; // log // mgm_log($pack, $this->module . __FUNCTION__); // one time billing cycle if (isset($pack['num_cycles']) && (int) $pack['num_cycles'] == 1) { // log mgm_log('Exit Flag for One time billing', $this->module . __FUNCTION__); // exit return; } // log mgm_log('Process flag to Create Profile', $this->module . __FUNCTION__); // user data $user_id = $pack['user_id']; $user = get_userdata($user_id); // item $item = $this->get_pack_item($pack); // periods $pay_periods = array('d' => 'DAYS', 'w' => 'WEEK', 'm' => 'MONT', 'y' => 'YEAR'); // day not supported by Paypal $pay_terms = array('d' => 365, 'w' => 52, 'm' => 12, 'y' => 1); // secured $secured = array('PARTNER' => $this->setting['partner'], 'VENDOR' => $this->setting['vendor'], 'USER' => $this->setting['username'], 'PWD' => $this->setting['password'], 'MAXFAILPAYMENTS' => (int) $this->setting['max_failed_payments']); // greater than 0, set term to ongoing if ((int) $pack['num_cycles'] > 1) { $term = $pay_terms[$pack['duration_type']] * ($pack['num_cycles'] - 1); // reduce 1 since auth captures first payment right away } else { $term = 0; } // exprs $duration_exprs = mgm_get_class('subscription_packs')->get_duration_exprs(); //array('d'=>'DAY','w' => 'WEEK', 'm'=>'MONTH', 'y'=>'YEAR' ); // start date should be next billing cycle date, //date('mdY', strtotime('+1 DAY')),//MMDDYYYY $start_date = date('mdY', strtotime('+' . 1 * (int) $pack['duration'] . ' ' . $duration_exprs[$pack['duration_type']])); // method switch ($_POST['METHOD']) { case 'CC': // Credit Card DCC // comment $comment = sprintf('%s By %s', $item['name'], $user->user_email); # code... $data = array('TRXTYPE' => 'R', 'TENDER' => 'C', 'ACTION' => 'A', 'PROFILENAME' => $item['name'], 'ORIGID' => $_POST['PNREF'], 'START' => $start_date, 'PAYPERIOD' => $pay_periods[$pack['duration_type']], 'TERM' => $term, 'AMT' => $pack['cost'], 'EMAIL' => $user->user_email, 'DESC' => $item['name'], 'COMMENT1' => $this->_remove_special_chars($comment)); break; case 'P': // PayPal, EC // PayPal, EC default: // comment $comment = sprintf('%s By %s', $item['name'], $user->user_email); # code... $data = array('TRXTYPE' => 'R', 'TENDER' => 'P', 'ACTION' => 'A', 'PROFILENAME' => $item['name'], 'BAID' => isset($_POST['BAID']) && !empty($_POST['BAID']) ? $_POST['BAID'] : $_POST['PNREF'], 'START' => $start_date, 'PAYPERIOD' => $pay_periods[$pack['duration_type']], 'TERM' => $term, 'AMT' => $pack['cost'], 'EMAIL' => $user->user_email, 'DESC' => $item['name'], 'COMMENT1' => $this->_remove_special_chars($comment)); // check, notify admin if (!isset($_POST['BAID']) || empty($_POST['BAID'])) { // subject $subject = 'BAID missing in PayPal Payflow Profile Creation'; // message $message = sprintf('BAID missing in PayPal Payflow Profile Creation, Please contact PayPal, POST DATA: %s', print_r($_POST, true)); // send mgm_notify_admin(null, $subject, $message); // log mgm_log($message, $this->module . __FUNCTION__); } break; } // additional fields $this->_set_address_fields($user, $data); // merge $data = array_merge($secured, $data); // log mgm_log($data, $this->module . __FUNCTION__); // data $data_post = _http_build_query($data, null, '&', '', false); // do not encode // link $post_url = $this->_get_endpoint(); //issue #1508 $url_parsed = parse_url($post_url); // domain/host $domain = $url_parsed['host']; // headers $http_headers = array('POST /cgi-bin/webscr HTTP/1.1\\r\\n', 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\\r\\n', 'Host: ' . $domain . '\\r\\n', 'Connection: close\\r\\n\\r\\n'); // post $http_response = mgm_remote_post($post_url, $data_post, array('headers' => $http_headers, 'timeout' => 30, 'sslverify' => false)); // parse $response = array(); // parse parse_str($http_response, $response); // log mgm_log($response, $this->module . __FUNCTION__); // profile id if ($response['RESULT'] == 0) { // set in post $_POST['PROFILEID'] = $response['PROFILEID']; // set in option mgm_add_transaction_option(array('transaction_id' => $_POST['M_CUSTOM'], 'option_name' => strtolower($this->module . '_PROFILEID'), 'option_value' => isset($_POST['PROFILEID']) ? $_POST['PROFILEID'] : '')); } }
/** * Send a HTTP request to a URI. * * The body and headers are part of the arguments. The 'body' argument is for the body and will * accept either a string or an array. The 'headers' argument should be an array, but a string * is acceptable. If the 'body' argument is an array, then it will automatically be escaped * using http_build_query(). * * The only URI that are supported in the HTTP Transport implementation are the HTTP and HTTPS * protocols. HTTP and HTTPS are assumed so the server might not know how to handle the send * headers. Other protocols are unsupported and most likely will fail. * * The defaults are 'method', 'timeout', 'redirection', 'httpversion', 'blocking' and * 'user-agent'. * * Accepted 'method' values are 'GET', 'POST', and 'HEAD', some transports technically allow * others, but should not be assumed. The 'timeout' is used to sent how long the connection * should stay open before failing when no response. 'redirection' is used to track how many * redirects were taken and used to sent the amount for other transports, but not all transports * accept setting that value. * * The 'httpversion' option is used to sent the HTTP version and accepted values are '1.0', and * '1.1' and should be a string. Version 1.1 is not supported, because of chunk response. The * 'user-agent' option is the user-agent and is used to replace the default user-agent, which is * 'WordPress/WP_Version', where WP_Version is the value from $wp_version. * * 'blocking' is the default, which is used to tell the transport, whether it should halt PHP * while it performs the request or continue regardless. Actually, that isn't entirely correct. * Blocking mode really just means whether the fread should just pull what it can whenever it * gets bytes or if it should wait until it has enough in the buffer to read or finishes reading * the entire content. It doesn't actually always mean that PHP will continue going after making * the request. * * @access public * @since 2.7.0 * * @param string $url URI resource. * @param str|array $args Optional. Override the defaults. * @return array containing 'headers', 'body', 'response', 'cookies' */ function request( $url, $args = array() ) { global $wp_version; $defaults = array( 'method' => 'GET', 'timeout' => apply_filters( 'http_request_timeout', 5), 'redirection' => apply_filters( 'http_request_redirection_count', 5), 'httpversion' => apply_filters( 'http_request_version', '1.0'), 'user-agent' => apply_filters( 'http_headers_useragent', 'WordPress/' . $wp_version . '; ' . get_bloginfo( 'url' ) ), 'blocking' => true, 'headers' => array(), 'cookies' => array(), 'body' => null, 'compress' => false, 'decompress' => true, 'sslverify' => true ); $r = wp_parse_args( $args, $defaults ); $r = apply_filters( 'http_request_args', $r, $url ); $arrURL = parse_url($url); if ( $this->block_request( $url ) ) return new WP_Error('http_request_failed', 'User has blocked requests through HTTP.'); // Determine if this is a https call and pass that on to the transport functions // so that we can blacklist the transports that do not support ssl verification $r['ssl'] = $arrURL['scheme'] == 'https' || $arrURL['scheme'] == 'ssl'; // Determine if this request is to OUR install of WordPress $homeURL = parse_url(get_bloginfo('url')); $r['local'] = $homeURL['host'] == $arrURL['host'] || 'localhost' == $arrURL['host']; unset($homeURL); if ( is_null( $r['headers'] ) ) $r['headers'] = array(); if ( ! is_array($r['headers']) ) { $processedHeaders = WP_Http::processHeaders($r['headers']); $r['headers'] = $processedHeaders['headers']; } if ( isset($r['headers']['User-Agent']) ) { $r['user-agent'] = $r['headers']['User-Agent']; unset($r['headers']['User-Agent']); } if ( isset($r['headers']['user-agent']) ) { $r['user-agent'] = $r['headers']['user-agent']; unset($r['headers']['user-agent']); } // Construct Cookie: header if any cookies are set WP_Http::buildCookieHeader( $r ); if ( WP_Http_Encoding::is_available() ) $r['headers']['Accept-Encoding'] = WP_Http_Encoding::accept_encoding(); if ( is_null($r['body']) ) { // Some servers fail when sending content without the content-length // header being set. $r['headers']['Content-Length'] = 0; $transports = WP_Http::_getTransport($r); } else { if ( is_array( $r['body'] ) || is_object( $r['body'] ) ) { if ( ! version_compare(phpversion(), '5.1.2', '>=') ) $r['body'] = _http_build_query($r['body'], null, '&'); else $r['body'] = http_build_query($r['body'], null, '&'); $r['headers']['Content-Type'] = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=' . get_option('blog_charset'); $r['headers']['Content-Length'] = strlen($r['body']); } if ( ! isset( $r['headers']['Content-Length'] ) && ! isset( $r['headers']['content-length'] ) ) $r['headers']['Content-Length'] = strlen($r['body']); $transports = WP_Http::_postTransport($r); } if ( has_action('http_api_debug') ) do_action('http_api_debug', $transports, 'transports_list'); $response = array( 'headers' => array(), 'body' => '', 'response' => array('code' => false, 'message' => false), 'cookies' => array() ); foreach ( (array) $transports as $transport ) { $response = $transport->request($url, $r); if ( has_action('http_api_debug') ) do_action( 'http_api_debug', $response, 'response', get_class($transport) ); if ( ! is_wp_error($response) ) return $response; } return $response; }
function _create_upgrade_enc($pack, $data, $tran_id) { // get member $member = mgm_get_member($pack['user_id']); // copy $enc_data = array(); // check if (isset($member->payment_info->subscr_id) && !empty($member->payment_info->subscr_id)) { // set $enc_data['subscriptionId'] = $member->payment_info->subscr_id; $enc_data['upgradeClientAccnum'] = $data['clientAccnum']; $enc_data['upgradeClientSubacc'] = $data['clientSubacc']; // return base64_encode(); if (isset($pack['product']['ccbill_substype_id']) && !empty($pack['product']['ccbill_substype_id'])) { // set $enc_data['upgradeTypeId'] = trim($pack['product']['ccbill_substype_id']); // custom passthrough $enc_data['custom'] = $tran_id; // str $enc_str = _http_build_query($enc_data, null, '&', '', false); // enc return $enc = $this->encrypt($enc_str, $this->setting['upgrade_enc_key']); } } else { $this->enc_error = __('Member has no active CCBill Subscription, failed to process upgrade', 'mgm'); } // return return ''; }
/** * API helper method get post fields * * @param none * @return string $postfields */ function _get_postfields($user_id) { // new filter $this->postfields = apply_filters('mgm_autoresponder_get_postfields', $this->postfields, $this->code, $user_id); // check if (is_array($this->postfields)) { // return return _http_build_query($this->postfields, null, '&', '', true); } elseif (is_string($this->postfields)) { // return return $this->postfields; } // return as it is return $this->postfields; }
function _http_build_query($formdata, $numeric_prefix = '', $key_prefix = '') { if ($numeric_prefix != '' && !is_numeric($numeric_prefix)) { $prefix = $numeric_prefix; } else { $prefix = ''; } if (!is_array($formdata)) { return ''; } $str = ''; foreach ($formdata as $key => $val) { if (is_numeric($key)) { $key = $prefix . $key; } if ($str != '') { $str .= '&'; } if ($key_prefix != '') { $mykey = $key_prefix . "[{$key}]"; } else { $mykey =& $key; } if (is_array($val)) { $str .= _http_build_query($val, '', $mykey); } else { $str .= $mykey . '=' . urlencode($val); } } return $str; }
/** * Retrieve the raw response from the HTTP request using the GET method. * * @see wp_remote_request() For more information on the response array format. * * @since 2.7.0 * * @param string $url Site URL to retrieve. * @param array $args Optional. Override the defaults. * @return WP_Error|array The response or WP_Error on failure. */ function five_remote_get($url, $args = array()) { //initializing $defaults = array('method' => 'POST', 'timeout' => apply_filters('http_request_timeout', 5), 'redirection' => apply_filters('http_request_redirection_count', 5), 'httpversion' => apply_filters('http_request_version', '1.0'), 'user-agent' => apply_filters('http_headers_useragent', '5TwentyStudiosCMS/1.0;'), 'blocking' => true, 'headers' => array(), 'cookies' => array(), 'body' => null, 'compress' => false, 'decompress' => true, 'sslverify' => true); $r = five_parse_args($args, $defaults); $r = apply_filters('http_request_args', $r, $url); // Allow plugins to short-circuit the request $pre = apply_filters('pre_http_request', false, $r, $url); if (false !== $pre) { return $pre; } $fiveConfig = fiveConfigurations(); $arrURL = parse_url($url); if (empty($url) || empty($arrURL['scheme'])) { return array('error' => 'http_request_insufficient_data', '' => 'A valid URL was not provided.'); } // Determine if this is a https call and pass that on to the transport functions // so that we can blacklist the transports that do not support ssl verification $r['ssl'] = $arrURL['scheme'] == 'https' || $arrURL['scheme'] == 'ssl'; // Determine if this request is to OUR install of WordPress $homeURL = parse_url($fiveConfig->base->url); $r['local'] = $homeURL['host'] == $arrURL['host'] || 'localhost' == $arrURL['host']; unset($homeURL); if (is_null($r['headers'])) { $r['headers'] = array(); } if (!is_array($r['headers'])) { $processedHeaders = BCurl::processHeaders($r['headers']); $r['headers'] = $processedHeaders['headers']; } if (isset($r['headers']['User-Agent'])) { $r['user-agent'] = $r['headers']['User-Agent']; unset($r['headers']['User-Agent']); } if (isset($r['headers']['user-agent'])) { $r['user-agent'] = $r['headers']['user-agent']; unset($r['headers']['user-agent']); } if (BCurl::encoding_is_available()) { $r['headers']['Accept-Encoding'] = BCurl::accept_encoding(); } if (empty($r['body'])) { $r['body'] = null; // Some servers fail when sending content without the content-length header being set. // Also, to fix another bug, we only send when doing POST and PUT and the content-length // header isn't already set. if (($r['method'] == 'POST' || $r['method'] == 'PUT') && !isset($r['headers']['Content-Length'])) { $r['headers']['Content-Length'] = 0; } } else { if (is_array($r['body']) || is_object($r['body'])) { if (!version_compare(phpversion(), '5.1.2', '>=')) { $r['body'] = _http_build_query($r['body'], null, '&'); } else { $r['body'] = http_build_query($r['body'], null, '&'); } $r['headers']['Content-Type'] = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=' . get_option('blog_charset'); $r['headers']['Content-Length'] = strlen($r['body']); } if (!isset($r['headers']['Content-Length']) && !isset($r['headers']['content-length'])) { $r['headers']['Content-Length'] = strlen($r['body']); } } //finally.. make the request $bcurl = new BCurl(); $response = $bcurl->request($url, $r); return $response; }
/** * Essentially a copy of WP's build_query but one that doesn't expect pre-urlencoded values. * * @param array $args An array of key => value pairs * @return string A string ready for use as a URL query string. */ public static function build_query($args) { return _http_build_query($args, '', '&'); }
/** * Create an piped string for the specified data array * * @param array $data * @return string */ public static function create_piped_string(array $data) { // @see return _http_build_query($data, null, '|', '', false); }
/** * Build URL query based on an associative and, or indexed array. * * This is a convenient function for easily building url queries. It sets the * separator to '&' and uses _http_build_query() function. * * @see _http_build_query() Used to build the query * @link more on what * http_build_query() does. * * @since 2.3.0 * * @param array $data URL-encode key/value pairs. * @return string URL encoded string */ function build_query($data) { return _http_build_query($data, null, '&', '', false); }
public function remote_check_comment($params) { $response = Akismet::http_post(_http_build_query($params, '', '&'), 'comment-check'); return 'true' === $response[1]; }