Ejemplo n.º 1
 public function updateProfile($data)
     if (is_user_logged_in()) {
         $is_sig_validate = SigUtils::validateUserSignature($data['UID'], $data['signatureTimestamp'], GIGYA__API_SECRET, $data['UIDSignature']);
         if ($is_sig_validate) {
             $gigyaCMS = new GigyaCMS();
             $gigya_account = $gigyaCMS->getAccount($data['UID']);
             if (!is_wp_error($gigya_account)) {
                 _gigya_add_to_wp_user_meta($gigya_account['profile'], get_current_user_id());
Ejemplo n.º 2
  * Register new WP user from Gigya user.
 private function register()
     // Before we insert new user to the system, we check
     // if there is a user with the same email in our DB.
     // When there is we ask the user login in the
     // previous account and link it to the new one.
     $email_exists = email_exists($this->gigya_user['email']);
     if (!empty($email_exists)) {
         // Return JSON with login form to client.
         wp_send_json_success(array('type' => 'form', 'html' => $this->linkAccountForm($email_exists)));
     // If the name of the new user already exists in the system,
     // WP will reject the registration and return an error. to prevent this
     // we attach an extra value to the name to make it unique.
     $username_exist = username_exists($this->gigya_user['nickname']);
     if (!empty($username_exist)) {
         $this->gigya_user['nickname'] .= uniqid('-');
     // When the admin checked to
     // show the entire registration form to the user.
     if (!empty($this->login_options['registerExtra'])) {
     // Register a new user to WP with params from Gigya.
     $name = $this->gigya_user['nickname'];
     $email = $this->gigya_user['email'];
     // Hook just before register new user from Gigya Social Login.
     do_action('gigya_before_social_register', $name, $email);
     $user_id = register_new_user($name, $email);
     // On registration error.
     if (!empty($user_id->errors)) {
         $msg = '';
         foreach ($user_id->errors as $error) {
             foreach ($error as $err) {
                 $msg .= $err . "\n";
         // Return JSON to client.
         wp_send_json_error(array('msg' => $msg));
     // map user social fields to wordpress user
     _gigya_add_to_wp_user_meta($this->{"gigya_user"}, $user_id);
     $wp_user = get_userdata($user_id);
     // If we got here, the user is already registered.
     // But if we have the 'email_not_verified' flag turned on,
     // we can't auto login, and we need to verify the email first.
     if (!empty($this->gigya_user['email_not_verified'])) {
         // Return JSON with login form to client.
         wp_send_json_success(array('type' => 'form', 'html' => $this->emailVerifyForm()));
     // Finally, let's login the user.