function mtm_acf_image_property($field = '', $property = '') { if (_get_field($field)) { $image = get_field($field); return $image[$property]; } }
?> </div> <div class="single-project--credits"> <?php if (_get_field('mtm_project_website')) { ?> <a class="single-project--website" href="<?php the_field('mtm_project_website'); ?> "><?php the_title(); _e(' Website', 'spring'); ?> </a> <?php } if (_get_field('mtm_project_credits')) { ?> <div class="single-project--attribution"> <?php the_field('mtm_project_credits'); ?> </div> <?php } ?> </div> </div> </article>
<?php // Taxonomy Grid $grid_query = mtm_taxonomy_query('grid'); $taxonomy = mtm_acf_taxonomy_property('grid', 'taxonomy'); ?> <div <?php post_class('mtm-component--main'); ?> > <?php mtm_get_template_part('mtm-content', 'component-page'); ?> <?php if (_get_field('mtm_show_taxonomy_links')) { mtm_terms_from_taxonomy_links($taxonomy); // output taxonomy } ?> </div> <?php if ($grid_query->have_posts()) { ?> <div class="mtm-component--content mtm-grid--wrapper"> <div class="gallery-dynamic-row" > <?php while ($grid_query->have_posts()) {
$pageurl = esc_url(get_permalink()); $pagetitle = esc_html(get_the_title()); $image_attributes = wp_get_attachment_image_src($attachment_id = get_post_thumbnail_id($post->ID), $size = 'full'); if ($image_attributes) { $featuredimage = esc_url($image_attributes[0]); } // Build social sharing parameter links $facebookshare = '' . $pageurl; $twittershare = '' . $pageurl . '&text=' . $pagetitle; $linkedinshare = '' . $pageurl . '&title=' . $pagetitle; $googleshare = '' . $pageurl; $pinterestshare = '' . $featuredimage . '&url=' . $pageurl . '&description=' . $pagetitle; $emailshare = 'mailto:?&subject=' . $emailsubject . '&body=' . $pagetitle . '%0A' . $pageurl; // Get display options from ACF options page if (_get_field('hide_social_share_buttons', 'options')) { $selected = _get_field('hide_social_share_buttons', 'options'); if (in_array('hide-facebook', $selected)) { $hidefacebook = true; } if (in_array('hide-twitter', $selected)) { $hidetwitter = true; } if (in_array('hide-linkedin', $selected)) { $hidelinkedin = true; } if (in_array('hide-google', $selected)) { $hidegoogle = true; } if (in_array('hide-pinterest', $selected)) { $hidepinterest = true; }
<section id="mobile-nav"> <a href="#" class="mobile-drop"> <img src="<?php echo get_stylesheet_directory_uri(); ?> /images/menu-icon.png"/> </a> <section class="mobile-search"><?php echo mobile_search_form(); ?> </section> </section> <section id="mobile-drop-menu"> <div class="section-container accordion" data-section="accordion"> <?php $ca_columns = _get_field('ca_column', 'option'); $colcount = count($ca_columns); foreach ($ca_columns as $column) { $col_head = $column['column_heading']; $col_sub = $column['column_subhead']; $see_all_link = $column['see_all_link']; $see_all_label = $column['see_all_label']; ?> <section> <p class="title" data-section-title><?php echo $col_head; ?> </p> <div class="content" data-section-content> <?php $col_links = $column['column_link'];
')"> Hi <section class ="content--page"> <h1><?php the_title(); edit_post_link('(Edit)', ' • '); ?> </h1> <?php $home_post = get_post(get_the_ID()); echo apply_filters('the_content', $home_post->post_content); ?> <?php if (_get_field('mtm_home_button_repeater')) { mtm_get_template_part('mtm-content', 'home-buttons'); } ?> <div class="home-head-container"> <?php if (has_post_thumbnail()) { ?> <a href="#contact"><figure class="post--thumbnail home-head"><?php the_post_thumbnail('full'); ?> </figure></a> <?php } ?> </div>
/** * Shortcut for 'echo _get_field()' * @param str $key The meta key * @param mixed $id The post ID (int|str, defaults to $post->ID) * @param mixed $default Value to return if there's no value for the custom field $key * @return void * @uses _get_field() */ function _the_field($key, $id = false, $default = '') { echo _get_field($key, $id, $default); }
<?php /* Template Name: Home Page Builder */ mtm_load_wrap_header(); // Standard Homepage mtm_get_template_part('mtm-layout', 'home-standard'); // Single Scroll if (_get_field('mtm_enable_single_scroll_page')) { mtm_get_template_part('mtm-logic', 'single-scroll'); } mtm_load_wrap_footer();
<?php /** * Page Title. * * @package Chroma_Theme */ if (_get_field('headline_display') != 'none') { ?> <header class="page-header"> <div class="container"> <h1 class="page-title"> <?php if (_get_field('headline_display') == 'alternate') { _the_field('alternate_headline'); } else { the_title(); } if (_get_field('include_subhead')) { echo '<br><small>'; _the_field('headline_subhead'); echo '</small>'; } ?> </h1> </div> </header><!-- .page-header --> <?php }
// List Archive if ("List Archive" == _get_field('mtm_select_component')) { // Select a taxonomy to display list if ("Pick From Taxonomy" == _get_field('mtm_list_archive_select')) { mtm_get_template_part('mtm-component', 'taxonomy-list'); // Manually pick posts to display list } else { mtm_get_template_part('mtm-component', 'manual-list'); } // Grid Archive } elseif ("Grid Archive" == _get_field('mtm_select_component')) { // Select a taxonomy to display grid if ("Pick From Taxonomy" == _get_field('mtm_grid_archive_select')) { mtm_get_template_part('mtm-component', 'taxonomy-grid'); // Manually pick posts to display grid } else { mtm_get_template_part('mtm-component', 'manual-grid'); } // Tabs } elseif ("Tabs" == _get_field('mtm_select_component')) { mtm_get_template_part('mtm-component', 'tabs'); // CTA } elseif ("Call To Action" == _get_field('mtm_select_component')) { mtm_get_template_part('mtm-component', 'call-to-action'); // Extra Content } elseif ("Extra Content" == _get_field('mtm_select_component')) { mtm_get_template_part('mtm-component', 'extra-content'); // Standard Content or None Selected } else { mtm_get_template_part('mtm-component', 'standard'); }
function ca_mega_columns() { $ca_columns = _get_field('ca_column', 'option'); $colcount = count($ca_columns); if ($ca_columns) { ?> <ul class="small-block-grid-1 large-block-grid-<?php echo $colcount; ?> top-set"> <?php foreach ($ca_columns as $column) { ?> <li class="megacol"> <?php $col_head = $column['column_heading']; $col_sub = $column['column_subhead']; $see_all_link = $column['see_all_link']; $see_all_label = $column['see_all_label']; ?> <h4><?php echo $col_head; ?> </h4> <h5><?php echo $col_sub; ?> </h5> <?php $col_links = $column['column_link']; ?> <ul> <?php foreach ($col_links as $link) { if ($link) { $link_url = $link['link_url']; $link_text = $link['link_text']; ?> <li><a href="<?php echo $link_url; ?> "><?php echo $link_text; ?> </a></li> <?php } } ?> </ul> <?php if ($see_all_link) { ?> <p class="see-all arrow"><a href="<?php echo $see_all_link; ?> "><?php echo $see_all_label; ?> </a></p> <?php } ?> </li> <?php //var_export( $column ); ?> <?php } ?> </ul> <?php } /* if( have_rows('columns','option') ): echo '<ul class="small-block-grid-1 large-block-grid-3 top-set">'; while ( have_rows('columns','option') ) : the_row(); echo '<li>'; echo '<h4>'; the_sub_field('heading','option'); echo '</h4>'; echo '<section class="sub-content">'; the_sub_field('content','option'); echo '</section>'; echo '<h6>'; the_sub_field('sub_heading','option'); echo '</h6>'; echo '</li>'; endwhile; echo '</ul>'; endif; echo '<ul class="small-block-grid-1 large-block-grid-3 bottom-set">'; echo '<li>'; if( have_rows('product_articles','option')): echo '<section class="product-articles">'; while (have_rows('product_articles','option') ) : the_row(); $articles = get_sub_field('article','option'); foreach ($articles as $article) { $title = get_the_title($article->ID); $permalink = get_permalink($article->ID); echo '<p>'; echo '<a href="'.$permalink.'">'.$title.'</a>'; echo '</p>'; } endwhile; echo '</section>'; endif; echo '<p>Or choose from Featured Category</p>'; if( have_rows('product_category','option') ): while ( have_rows('product_category','option') ) : the_row(); $product_id = get_sub_field('category_name','option'); $product_name = get_cat_name( $product_id ); $product_link = get_sub_field('category_link','option'); echo '<p><a class="arrow" href="'.$product_link.'">'.$product_name.'</a></p>'; endwhile; endif; echo '</li>'; echo '<li>'; if( have_rows('lifestyle_articles','option')): echo '<section class="lifestyle-articles">'; while (have_rows('lifestyle_articles','option') ) : the_row(); $articles = get_sub_field('article','option'); foreach ($articles as $article) { $title = get_the_title($article->ID); $permalink = get_permalink($article->ID); echo '<p>'; echo '<a href="'.$permalink.'">'.$title.'</a>'; echo '</p>'; } endwhile; echo '</section>'; endif; $lifestyle = get_category_by_slug('lifestyle'); $lifestyle_id = $lifestyle->term_id; $lifestyle_url = get_category_link( $lifestyle_id); echo '<a class="see-all arrow" href="'.$lifestyle_url.'">See All Articles</a>'; echo '</li>'; echo '<li>'; echo ca_mega_news(); $news = get_category_by_slug('news-events'); $news_id = $news->term_id; $news_url = get_category_link( $news_id); echo '<a class="arrow see-all" href="'.$news_url.'">See All News</a>'; echo '</li>'; echo '</ul>'; */ }
?> </h1> <?php // the_content(); // Something is filtering the_content, figure out what that is so I can change this $home_post = get_post(get_the_ID()); echo apply_filters('the_content', $home_post->post_content); // Buttons if (_get_field('mtm_home_button_repeater')) { mtm_get_template_part('mtm-content', 'home-buttons'); } // Featured Image if (has_post_thumbnail()) { ?> <figure class="post--thumbnail"><?php the_post_thumbnail('full'); ?> </figure> <?php } ?> </section> </section> <?php // Featured Content if (_get_field('mtm_enable_featured_content')) { mtm_get_template_part('mtm-home', 'featured-content'); }
<?php if (_get_field('mtm_extra_content_area')) { ?> <div class="mtm-component--content mtm-extra-content"> <?php the_field('mtm_extra_content_area'); ?> </div> <?php }
<?php if (has_post_thumbnail()) { ?> <figure class="post--thumbnail"><?php the_post_thumbnail('full'); ?> </figure> <?php } ?> <?php if (is_active_sidebar('news-page-sidebar')) { dynamic_sidebar('news-page-sidebar'); } ?> </div> </section> </section> <?php // Topics if (_get_field('mtm_home_topic_sections')) { mtm_get_template_part('mtm-logic', 'topic-sections'); }
<?php // Featured News Story Logic // Latest Post if ("Latest Post" == _get_field('mtm_home_select_featured_story_source')) { $posttype = get_field('mtm_home_select_featured_story_type'); $news_post_query = mtm_page_component_post_query($posttype, 1); while ($news_post_query->have_posts()) { $news_post_query->the_post(); mtm_get_template_part('mtm-content', 'home-featured-story'); } // Latest Taxonomy Post } elseif ("Latest Post From Taxonomy" == _get_field('mtm_home_select_featured_story_source')) { $news_tax_query = mtm_taxonomy_query('home_featured_story', 1); while ($news_tax_query->have_posts()) { $news_tax_query->the_post(); mtm_get_template_part('mtm-content', 'home-featured-story'); } // Specific Post } elseif ("Specific Post" == _get_field('mtm_home_select_featured_story_source')) { $post_object = get_field('mtm_home_featured_story_select_single'); if ($post_object) { $post = $post_object; setup_postdata($post); mtm_get_template_part('mtm-content', 'home-featured-story'); } }