/** * Copy file in one directories to another * * @param string $source * @param string $path */ function _copydir($source, $path) { if (is_dir($path) === false) { // echo 'Create: ', $path, PHP_EOL; _mkdir($path); } $d = new DirectoryIterator($source); foreach ($d as $node) { /*@var $node DirectoryIterator*/ if ($node->isDot()) { continue; } if ($node->isDir() === true) { if ($node->getFilename() == '.svn') { continue; } _copydir($node->getPathname(), $path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $node->getFilename()); continue; } if ($node->isFile() === true) { //echo 'Copy: ', $node->getPathname(), PHP_EOL; _copy($node->getPathname(), $path); continue; } } }
$cnt = $dev_db->getOne('SELECT COUNT(id) FROM feed WHERE uri = ?', array($row['uri'])); if ($cnt == 0) { # insert feed $res = $dev_db->autoExecute('feed', $fields, DB_AUTOQUERY_INSERT); if ($res === false) { trigger_error('Failed to insert feed', E_USER_ERROR); } else { echo "source: {$index} : {$row['id']}\n"; } } else { echo "{$row['name']} is exists\n"; } # member_to_feed $fields = array('member_id' => $row['member_id'], 'feed_id' => $row['id']); $res = $dev_db->autoExecute('member_to_feed', $fields, DB_AUTOQUERY_INSERT); if ($res === false) { trigger_error('Failed to insert member_to_feed', E_USER_ERROR); } } _copy("custom_template"); function _copy($table) { global $pro_db, $dev_db; $rows = $pro_db->getAll("SELECT * FROM {$table} ORDER BY id"); foreach ($rows as $index => $row) { $res = $dev_db->autoExecute($table, $row, DB_AUTOQUERY_INSERT); if (DB::isError($res)) { trigger_error("Failed to insert {$table} " . $res->toString(), E_USER_ERROR); } } }