Ejemplo n.º 1
     } else {
         $module .= _formMessage(2, str_replace(array("*1*", "*2*"), array(_maxloginattempts, _maxloginexpire / 60), $_lang['login.attemptlimit']));
     $module .= "<p class='bborder'>" . $_lang['mod.lostpass.p'] . "</p>";
     // kontrola promennych, odeslani emailu
     $sent = false;
     if (isset($_POST['username'])) {
         if (_iplogCheck(7)) {
             // nacteni promennych
             $username = _anchorStr($_POST['username'], false);
             $email = DB::esc($_POST['email']);
             // kontrola promennych
             if (_captchaCheck()) {
                 $userdata = DB::query("SELECT email,password,salt,username FROM `" . _mysql_prefix . "-users` WHERE username='******' AND email='" . $email . "'");
                 if (DB::size($userdata) != 0) {
                     // odeslani emailu
                     $userdata = DB::row($userdata);
                     $link = _url . "/index.php?m=lostpass&link&user="******"&hash=" . md5($userdata['email'] . $userdata['salt'] . $userdata['password']);
                     $text_tags = array("*domain*", "*username*", "*link*", "*date*", "*ip*");
                     $text_contents = array(_getDomain(), $userdata['username'], $link, _formatTime(time()), _userip);
                     if (_mail($userdata['email'], str_replace('*domain*', _getDomain(), $_lang['mod.lostpass.mail.subject']), str_replace($text_tags, $text_contents, $_lang['mod.lostpass.mail.text']), "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" . _sysMailHeader())) {
                         $module .= _formMessage(1, $_lang['mod.lostpass.cmailsent']);
                         $sent = true;
                     } else {
                         $module .= _formMessage(3, $_lang['hcm.mailform.msg.failure2']);
                 } else {
Ejemplo n.º 2
/* --  kontrola prispevku pro odpoved  -- */
if ($xhome != -1 && $posttype != 6) {
    $continue2 = false;
    $tdata = DB::query("SELECT xhome FROM `" . _mysql_prefix . "-posts` WHERE id=" . $xhome . " AND home=" . $posttarget . " AND locked=0");
    if (DB::size($tdata) != 0) {
        $tdata = DB::row($tdata);
        if ($tdata['xhome'] == -1) {
            $continue2 = true;
} else {
    $continue2 = true;
/* --  ulozeni prispevku  -- */
if ($continue and $continue2 and $text != "" and $posttype == 4 || _captchaCheck()) {
    if (_xsrfCheck()) {
        if ($posttype == 4 or _loginright_unlimitedpostaccess or _iplogCheck(5)) {
            if ($guest === '' || DB::result(DB::query('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `' . _mysql_prefix . '-users` WHERE username=\'' . DB::esc($guest) . '\' OR publicname=\'' . DB::esc($guest) . '\''), 0) == 0) {
                // zpracovani pluginem
                $allow = true;
                _extend('call', 'posts.submit', array('allow' => &$allow, 'posttype' => $posttype, 'posttarget' => $posttarget, 'xhome' => $xhome, 'subject' => &$subject, 'text' => &$text, 'author' => $author, 'guest' => $guest));
                if ($allow) {
                    // ulozeni
                    DB::query("INSERT INTO `" . _mysql_prefix . "-posts` (type,home,xhome,subject,text,author,guest,time,ip,bumptime,flag) VALUES (" . $posttype . "," . $posttarget . "," . $xhome . ",'" . $subject . "','" . $text . "'," . $author . ",'" . $guest . "'," . time() . ",'" . _userip . "'," . ($posttype == 5 && $xhome == -1 ? 'UNIX_TIMESTAMP()' : '0') . "," . $pluginflag . ")");
                    $insert_id = DB::insertID();
                    if (!_loginright_unlimitedpostaccess and $posttype != 4) {
                    $return = 1;
                    _extend('call', 'posts.new', array('id' => $insert_id, 'posttype' => $posttype));
Ejemplo n.º 3
    $receiver = $_SESSION[$skey];
    unset($_SESSION[$skey], $skey);
} else {
// casove omezeni
if (_iplogCheck(5)) {
} else {
    // prekroceno
    echo str_replace('*postsendexpire*', _postsendexpire, $_lang['misc.requestlimit']);
// odeslani
if (_xsrfCheck()) {
    if (_validateEmail($sender) and $text != "" and _captchaCheck()) {
        // pridani informacniho textu do tela
        $info_ip = _userip;
        if (_loginindicator) {
            $info_ip .= ' (' . _loginname . ')';
        $info_from = array("*domain*", "*time*", "*ip*", "*sender*");
        $info_to = array(_getDomain(), _formatTime(time()), $info_ip, $sender);
        $text .= "\n\n" . str_repeat("-", 16) . "\n" . str_replace($info_from, $info_to, $_lang['hcm.mailform.info']);
        // prilozeni souboru
        if (isset($_FILES['att']['tmp_name']) and is_uploaded_file($_FILES['att']['tmp_name'])) {
            $att = true;
            $att_name = $_FILES['att']['name'];
            $att_tmpname = $_FILES['att']['tmp_name'];
            $att_content = @file_get_contents($att_tmpname);
            $att_content = @chunk_split(@base64_encode($att_content));
Ejemplo n.º 4
 if ($password != $password2) {
     $errors[] = $_lang['mod.reg.nosame'];
 if ($password != "") {
     $password = _md5Salt($password);
 } else {
     $errors[] = $_lang['mod.reg.passwordneeded'];
 $email = DB::esc(trim($_POST['email']));
 if (!_validateEmail($email)) {
     $errors[] = $_lang['admin.users.edit.bademail'];
 if (DB::result(DB::query("SELECT COUNT(id) FROM `" . _mysql_prefix . "-users` WHERE email='" . $email . "'"), 0) != 0) {
     $errors[] = $_lang['admin.users.edit.emailexists'];
 if (!_captchaCheck()) {
     $errors[] = $_lang['captcha.failure'];
 $massemail = _checkboxLoad('massemail');
 if (_registration_grouplist and isset($_POST['group'])) {
     $group = intval($_POST['group']);
     $groupdata = DB::query("SELECT id FROM `" . _mysql_prefix . "-groups` WHERE id=" . $group . " AND blocked=0 AND reglist=1");
     if (DB::size($groupdata) == 0) {
         $errors[] = $_lang['global.badinput'];
 } else {
     $group = _defaultgroup;
 if (SL::$settings['rules'] != "" and !_checkboxLoad("agreement")) {
     $errors[] = $_lang['mod.reg.rules.disagreed'];