public function __call($method, $arg) { if (empty($this->url)) { error_log('libws: No url is configured.'); return; } if (!is_array($arg)) { $arg = array($arg); } if (count($arg) == 1 && isset($arg[0]) && is_array($arg[0])) { $arg = $arg[0]; } if (strpos($this->destiny, 'facebook') !== false) { $add = array( 'APPID' => '#APPID', 'APPSECRET' => '#APPSECRET' ); $arg = array_merge($add, $arg); } if (isset($arg) && is_array($arg)) { $arg = $this->_param_replace($arg); } else { $arg_cp = $arg; $_arg = isset($arg[0]) ? w($arg[0]) : w(); $arg = w(); foreach ($_arg as $v) { if (isset($_REQUEST[$v])) $arg[$v] = $_REQUEST[$v]; } $arg = (!$arg) ? $arg_cp : $arg; } $_bridge = $this->bridge; $count_bridge = count($_bridge); $_url = $this->url; $response = null; switch ($this->type) { case 'wsdl': $this->client = new nusoap_client($this->url, true); if ($error = $this->client->getError()) { $response = $error; } else { $response = $this->client->call($method, $arg); // Check if there were any call errors, and if so, return error messages. if ($error = $this->client->getError()) { $response = $this->client->response; $response = xml2array(substr($response, strpos($response, '<?xml'))); if (isset($response['soap:Envelope']['soap:Body']['soap:Fault']['faultstring'])) { $fault_string = $response['soap:Envelope']['soap:Body']['soap:Fault']['faultstring']; $response = explode("\n", $fault_string); $response = $response[0]; } else { $response = $error; } $response = array( 'error' => true, 'message' => $response ); } } $response = json_decode(json_encode($this->_filter($response))); break; case 'mysql': if (isset($arg['_mysql'])) { $this->params['_MYSQL'] = $arg['_mysql']; unset($arg['_mysql']); } $connect = (isset($this->params['_MYSQL']) && $this->params['_MYSQL']) ? $this->params['_MYSQL'] : ''; if (empty($arg)) { return false; } global $db; require_once('class.mysql.php'); $db = new database($connect); if (empty($db->message)) { switch ($method) { case 'sql_field': case 'sql_build': case 'sql_rowset': case 'sql_fieldrow': case 'sql_insert': case 'sql_cache': case 'sql_cache_limit': break; default: if (count($arg) > 1) { $sql = array_shift($arg); $arg = sql_filter($sql, $arg); } break; } $response = (@function_exists($method)) ? false : array('error' => true, 'message' => $method . ' is undefined'); if ($response === false) { switch ($method) { case 'sql_field': case 'sql_build': extract($arg, EXTR_PREFIX_ALL, 'sf'); $arg_v = ''; foreach ($arg as $i => $row) { $arg_v .= (($arg_v) ? ', ' : '') . '$sf_' . $i; } eval('$response = $method(' . $arg_v . ');'); break; default: $response = call_user_func_array($method, $arg); break; } if ($method !== 'sql_filter' && $method != 'sql_build') { $response = $this->recursive_htmlentities($response); } } } if (!empty($db->message)) { $response = $db->message; } break; case 'oracle': if (isset($arg['_oracle'])) { $this->params['_ORACLE'] = $arg['_oracle']; unset($arg['_oracle']); } $connect = (isset($this->params['_ORACLE']) && $this->params['_ORACLE']) ? $this->params['_ORACLE'] : ''; if (empty($arg)) { return false; } global $db; require_once(''); $db = new database($connect); if (empty($db->message)) { switch ($method) { case 'sql_field': case 'sql_build': break; default: if (count($arg) > 1) { $sql = array_shift($arg); $arg = sql_filter($sql, $arg); } break; } //$response = (@function_exists($method)) ? $method($arg) : array('error' => true, 'message' => $method . ' is undefined'); $response = (@function_exists($method)) ? false : array('error' => true, 'message' => $method . ' is undefined'); if ($response === false) { switch ($method) { case 'sql_field': case 'sql_build': extract($arg, EXTR_PREFIX_ALL, 'sf'); $arg_v = ''; foreach ($arg as $i => $row) { $arg_v .= (($arg_v) ? ', ' : '') . '$sf_' . $i; } eval('$response = $method(' . $arg_v . ');'); break; default: $response = $method($arg); break; } } } if (!isset($response['error']) && is_array($response)) { if (isset($response[0]) && is_array($response[0])) { foreach ($response as $i => $row) { if (is_array($row)) { $response[$i] = array_change_key_case($row, CASE_LOWER); } } } else { $response = array_change_key_case($response, CASE_LOWER); } } if (!empty($db->message)) { $response = $db->message; } break; case 'php': if (isset($arg['_php'])) { unset($arg['_php']); } $print = w(); switch ($method) { case 'tail': case 'cat': if (!@is_readable($arg[0])) { $response = 'Can not read file: ' . $arg[0]; } break; case 'ping': $arg[1] = '-c' . ((isset($arg[1])) ? $arg[1] : 3); break; } switch ($method) { case 'write': $response = false; if ($fp = @fopen($arg[0], $arg[1])) { if (@fwrite($fp, $arg[2]) !== false) { @fclose($fp); $response = true; } } break; case 'tail': case 'cat': case 'ping': if ($response === null) { exec($method . ' ' . implode(' ', $arg), $print); $response = implode("\r\n", $print); } break; case 'exec': if ($response === null) { $method(implode(' ', $arg), $print); $response = implode("\r\n", $print); } break; default: ob_start(); if (@function_exists($method) || $method == 'eval') { eval(($method == 'eval') ? $arg[0] : 'echo @$method(' . (count($arg) ? "'" . implode("', '", $arg) . "'" : '') . ');'); $_arg = error_get_last(); } else { $_arg = array('message' => 'PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined function ' . $method . '()'); } $response = (null === $_arg) ? ob_get_contents() : array('url' => $_url . $method, 'error' => 500, 'message' => $_arg['message']); ob_end_clean(); break; } break; case 'facebook': if (isset($arg['_facebook'])) { unset($arg['_facebook']); } //header('Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8'); require_once('class.facebook.php'); $facebook = new Facebook(array( 'appId' => $arg['APPID'], 'secret' => $arg['APPSECRET']) ); unset($arg['APPID'], $arg['APPSECRET']); try { $page = array_shift($arg); $page = (is_string($page)) ? '/' . $page : $page; $req = (isset($arg[0]) && is_string($arg[0])) ? array_shift($arg) : ''; $req = (empty($req)) ? 'get' : $req; $arg = (isset($arg[0])) ? $arg[0] : $arg; $response = (!empty($page)) ? (count($arg) ? $facebook->$method($page, $req, $arg) : $facebook->$method($page, $req)) : $facebook->$method(); } catch (FacebookApiException $e) { $response = array( 'url' => $_url, 'error' => 500, 'message' => trim(str_replace('OAuthException: ', '', $e)) ); error_log($e); } unset($facebook); break; case 'email': if (isset($arg['_email'])) { $this->params['_EMAIL'] = $arg['_email']; unset($arg['_email']); } $response = false; if (!isset($arg['to'])) { $response = 'NO_TO_ADDRESS'; } if ($response === false && !isset($arg['from'])) { $response = 'NO_FROM_ADDRESS'; } if ($response === false) { if (!is_array($arg['to'])) { $arg['to'] = array($arg['to']); } preg_match_all('!("(.*?)"\s+<\s*)?(.*?)(\s*>)?!', $arg['from'], $matches); /*$response = array(); for ($i=0; $i<count($matches[0]); $i++) { $response[] = array( 'name' => $matches[1][$i], 'email' => $matches[2][$i], ); }*/ $response = $matches; // Create Mail object /*$mail = new phpmailer(); $mail->PluginDir = ''; $mail->Mailer = 'smtp'; $mail->Host = $this->params['_EMAIL']; $mail->SMTPAuth = false; $mail->From = $from; $mail->FromName = "Claro"; $mail->Timeout = 30;*/ foreach ($arg['to'] as $row) { //$mail->AddAddress($row); } } //require_once(''); //$emailer = new emailer(); //$response = print_r($arg, true); break; default: $send_var = w('sso mysql oracle php facebook email'); $send = new stdClass; if ($count_bridge == 1 && $_bridge[0] === $_url) { $count_bridge--; array_shift($_bridge); } foreach ($send_var as $row) { $val = '_' . strtoupper($row); $send->$row = (isset($this->params[$val]) && $this->params[$val]) ? $this->params[$val] : false; if (!$count_bridge && ($send->$row || isset($arg['_' . $row]))) { $this->type = $row; } } switch ($this->type) { case 'sso': $this->origin = false; $_url .= $method; unset($arg['_sso']); break; default: foreach ($send_var as $row) { if (isset($send->$row) && !empty($send->$row)) { $arg['_' . $row] = $send->$row; } } $arg['_method'] = $method; $arg['_unique'] = (!$this->unique) ? $this->unique : 1; if (isset($_bridge) && count($_bridge)) { array_shift($_bridge); $arg['_chain'] = implode('|', $_bridge); } break; } $_arg = $arg; $arg = ($this->type == 'sso') ? $this->_build($arg, false) : __encode($arg); $socket = @curl_init(); @curl_setopt($socket, CURLOPT_URL, $_url); @curl_setopt($socket, CURLOPT_VERBOSE, 0); @curl_setopt($socket, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0); @curl_setopt($socket, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); @curl_setopt($socket, CURLOPT_POST, 1); @curl_setopt($socket, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $arg); @curl_setopt($socket, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 0); @curl_setopt($socket, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, 1); $response = @curl_exec($socket); $_curl = new stdClass; $_curl->err = @curl_errno($socket); $_curl->msg = @curl_error($socket); $_curl->inf = (object) @curl_getinfo($socket); @curl_close($socket); switch ($_curl->err) { /** If the request has no errors. */ case 0: switch ($this->type) { /** SSO type */ case 'sso': if (preg_match('#<body>(.*?)</body>#i', $response, $part)) { preg_match('#<p><b>description</b>(.*?)</p>#i', $part[1], $status); $response = array( 'url' => $_url, 'error' => $_curl->inf->http_code, 'message' => trim($status[1]) ); } else { switch($method) { case 'search': preg_match_all('/string\=(.*?)\n/i', $response, $response_all); $response = $response_all[1]; break; default: $response = $this->_format($response); break; } } break; /** Any other type */ default: $_json = json_decode($response); if ($_json === null) { $response = trim($response); $response = (!empty($response)) ? $response : $_curl->inf; $_json = $response; } $response = $_json; break; } break; /** Some error was generated after the request. */ default: $response = array( 'url' => $_url, 'error' => 500, 'message' => $_curl->msg ); break; } break; } if (!$this->origin || $this->unique) { $response = json_encode($response); } if (($this->type == 'sso' && $this->unique) || ($this->type != 'sso' && $this->unique)) { $response = json_decode($response); } if (is_array($response) && isset($response[0]) && is_string($response[0]) && strpos($response[0], '<?xml') !== false) { $response = array_change_key_case_recursive(xml2array($response[0])); $response = json_decode(json_encode($response)); } return $response; }
public function __call($method, $arg) { if (empty($this->url)) { error_log('libws: No url is configured.'); return; } if (!is_array($arg)) { $arg = array($arg); } if (count($arg) == 1 && isset($arg[0]) && is_array($arg[0])) { $arg = $arg[0]; } if (strpos($this->destiny, 'facebook') !== false) { $add = array( 'APPID' => '#APPID', 'APPSECRET' => '#APPSECRET' ); $arg = array_merge($add, $arg); } if (isset($arg) && is_array($arg)) { $arg = $this->_param_replace($arg); } else { $arg_cp = $arg; $_arg = isset($arg[0]) ? w($arg[0]) : w(); $arg = w(); foreach ($_arg as $v) { if (isset($_REQUEST[$v])) $arg[$v] = $_REQUEST[$v]; } $arg = (!$arg) ? $arg_cp : $arg; } $_bridge = $this->bridge; $_url = $this->url; $count_bridge = count($_bridge); $response = null; switch ($this->type) { case 'wsdl': $this->client = new nusoap_client($this->url, $this->wsdl); if ($error = $this->client->getError()) { echo 'Client error: ' . $error; exit; } $response = $this->client->call($method, $arg); // Check if there were any call errors, and if so, return error messages. if ($this->client->getError()) { $response = $this->client->response; $response = substr($response, strpos($response, '<?xml')); $response = xml2array($response); if (isset($response['soap:Envelope']['soap:Body']['soap:Fault']['faultstring'])) { $fault_string = $response['soap:Envelope']['soap:Body']['soap:Fault']['faultstring']; $response = explode("\n", $fault_string); $response = $response[0]; } else { $response = $this->client->getError(); } $response = array( 'error' => true, 'message' => $response ); } $response = json_decode(json_encode($this->_filter($response))); break; case 'mysql': if (isset($arg['_mysql'])) { $this->params['_MYSQL'] = $arg['_mysql']; unset($arg['_mysql']); } $connect = (isset($this->params['_MYSQL']) && $this->params['_MYSQL']) ? $this->params['_MYSQL'] : ''; if (empty($arg)) { return false; } global $db; require_once('class.mysql.php'); $db = new database($connect); if (count($arg) > 1) { $sql = array_shift($arg); $arg = sql_filter($sql, $arg); } $response = (@function_exists($method)) ? $method($arg) : array('error' => true, 'message' => $method . ' is undefined'); break; case 'php': if (isset($arg['_php'])) { unset($arg['_php']); } $print = w(); switch ($method) { case 'tail': case 'cat': if (!@is_readable($arg[0])) { $response = 'Can not read file: ' . $arg[0]; } break; case 'ping': $arg[1] = '-c' . ((isset($arg[1])) ? $arg[1] : 3); break; } switch ($method) { case 'tail': case 'cat': case 'ping': case 'exec': if ($response === null) { exec($method . ' ' . implode(' ', $arg), $print); $response = implode("\r\n", $print); } break; default: ob_start(); if (@function_exists($method) || $method == 'eval') { eval(($method == 'eval') ? $arg[0] : 'echo @$method(' . (count($arg) ? "'" . implode("', '", $arg) . "'" : '') . ');'); $_arg = error_get_last(); } else { $_arg = array('message' => 'PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined function ' . $method . '()'); } $response = (null === $_arg) ? ob_get_contents() : array('url' => $_url . $method, 'error' => 500, 'message' => $_arg['message']); ob_end_clean(); break; } break; case 'facebook': if (isset($arg['_facebook'])) { unset($arg['_facebook']); } //header('Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8'); require_once('class.facebook.php'); $facebook = new Facebook(array( 'appId' => $arg['APPID'], 'secret' => $arg['APPSECRET']) ); unset($arg['APPID'], $arg['APPSECRET']); try { $page = array_shift($arg); $page = (is_string($page)) ? '/' . $page : $page; $req = (isset($arg[0]) && is_string($arg[0])) ? array_shift($arg) : ''; $req = (empty($req)) ? 'get' : $req; $arg = (isset($arg[0])) ? $arg[0] : $arg; $response = (!empty($page)) ? (count($arg) ? $facebook->$method($page, $req, $arg) : $facebook->$method($page, $req)) : $facebook->$method(); } catch (FacebookApiException $e) { $response = array( 'url' => $_url, 'error' => 500, 'message' => trim(str_replace('OAuthException: ', '', $e)) ); error_log($e); } unset($facebook); /* $feed = array( //$facebook->api($page) //$facebook->api('/228224130571301') ); $attr = array( 'access_token' => '125858306409|f1e0c20bc063e5f9a0c89615.1-1134314335|48722647107|JOI6oOl4sdhfX8Xf-rU3MfRwl70', 'message' => 'Coca Cola!' ); $feed['kamil'] = $facebook->api('/40796308305/posts/10150378826523306', 'post', $attr);*/ break; default: $send_var = w('sso mysql php facebook'); $send = new stdClass; if ($count_bridge == 1 && $_bridge[0] === $_url) { $count_bridge--; array_shift($_bridge); } foreach ($send_var as $row) { $val = '_' . strtoupper($row); $send->$row = (isset($this->params[$val]) && $this->params[$val]) ? $this->params[$val] : false; if (!$count_bridge && ($send->$row || isset($arg['_' . $row]))) { $this->type = $row; } } switch ($this->type) { case 'sso': $this->origin = false; $_url .= $method; unset($arg['_sso']); break; default: foreach ($send_var as $row) { if (isset($send->$row) && !empty($send->$row)) { $arg['_' . $row] = $send->$row; } } $arg['_method'] = $method; $arg['_unique'] = (!$this->unique) ? $this->unique : 1; if (isset($_bridge) && count($_bridge)) { array_shift($_bridge); $arg['_chain'] = implode('|', $_bridge); } break; } // _pre($arg, true); $_arg = $arg; $arg = ($this->type == 'sso') ? $this->_build($arg, false) : __encode($arg); $socket = @curl_init(); @curl_setopt($socket, CURLOPT_URL, $_url); @curl_setopt($socket, CURLOPT_VERBOSE, 0); @curl_setopt($socket, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0); @curl_setopt($socket, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); @curl_setopt($socket, CURLOPT_POST, 1); @curl_setopt($socket, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $arg); @curl_setopt($socket, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 0); @curl_setopt($socket, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, 1); $response = @curl_exec($socket); $_curl = new stdClass; $_curl->err = @curl_errno($socket); $_curl->msg = @curl_error($socket); $_curl->inf = (object) @curl_getinfo($socket); @curl_close($socket); switch ($_curl->err) { /** If the request has no errors. */ case 0: switch ($this->type) { /** SSO type */ case 'sso': if (preg_match('#<body>(.*?)</body>#i', $response, $response_part)) { preg_match('#<p><b>description</b>(.*?)</p>#i', $response_part[1], $status); $response = array( 'url' => $_url, 'error' => $_curl->inf->http_code, 'message' => trim($status[1]) ); } else { switch($method) { case 'search': break; default: $first_parts = explode('&', substr($response, 0, -1)); $ret = w(); foreach ($first_parts as $v) { $second_parts = explode('=', $v); if (!isset($second_parts[1])) { continue; } $second_parts[0] = str_replace('.', '_', $second_parts[0]); $ret[$second_parts[0]] = $second_parts[1]; } $response = $this->_format($response); break; } } break; /** Any other type */ default: $_json = json_decode($response); if ($_json === null) { $response = trim($response); $response = (!empty($response)) ? $response : $_curl->inf; $_json = $response; /*$_json = array( 'url' => $_url, 'error' => 500, 'message' => $response );*/ } $response = $_json; break; } break; /** Some error was generated after the request. */ default: $response = array( 'url' => $_url, 'error' => 500, 'message' => $_curl->msg ); break; } break; } if (!$this->origin) { $response = json_encode($response); } if ($this->type == 'sso' && $this->unique) { $response = json_decode($response); } if (is_array($response) && isset($response[0]) && is_string($response[0]) && strpos($response[0], '<?xml') !== false) { $response = array_change_key_case_recursive(xml2array($response[0])); $response = json_decode(json_encode($response)); } return $response; }