Ejemplo n.º 1
 * Function to get all of the quiz details.
 * @param Integer $quizID The ID of the quiz for which we want to get details.
 * @param Boolean $getQuestionsToo If true, get the questions for the quiz too. 
 * @param Boolean $resolveRandomQuestions If true, convert any randomised questions to live questions.
 * @param Integer $userID The ID of the user to resolve the questions to.
 * @return Object The details of the quiz as an object.
function WPCW_quizzes_getQuizDetails($quizID, $getQuestionsToo = false, $resolveRandomQuestions = false, $userID)
    if (!$quizID) {
        return false;
    global $wpcwdb, $wpdb;
    $SQL = $wpdb->prepare("SELECT * \n\t\t\tFROM {$wpcwdb->quiz}\t\n\t\t\tWHERE quiz_id = %d \n\t\t\t", $quizID);
    $quizObj = $wpdb->get_row($SQL);
    // Nothing found
    if (!$quizObj) {
        return false;
    // Add flag indicating if random questions are resolved or not.
    $quizObj->resolved_random_questions = $resolveRandomQuestions;
    if ($getQuestionsToo) {
        // Something found, so return the questions for this quiz too.
        $quizObj->questions = WPCW_quizzes_getListOfQuestions($quizObj->quiz_id);
        // Check if we need to expand any random questions
        if ($resolveRandomQuestions && $userID > 0 && !empty($quizObj->questions)) {
            $questionListToRender = array();
            foreach ($quizObj->questions as $question) {
                switch ($question->question_type) {
                    // Got a random selection - extract these questions
                    case 'random_selection':
                        $quObj = new WPCW_quiz_RandomSelection($question);
                        $randList = $quObj->questionSelection_getLockedQuestionSelection($userID, $quizObj->parent_unit_id);
                        // Append the random questions.
                        if (!empty($randList)) {
                            $questionListToRender += $randList;
                        // Got a standard question
                    // Got a standard question
                    case 'multi':
                    case 'open':
                    case 'upload':
                    case 'truefalse':
                        $questionListToRender[$question->question_id] = $question;
                        // Not expecting anything here... so not handling the error case.
                    // Not expecting anything here... so not handling the error case.
                        die(__('Unexpected question type, aborting.', 'wp_courseware'));
                // end switch
            // end foreach
            // Overwrite existing questions
            $quizObj->questions = $questionListToRender;
        // end if we want to expand random questions
    // Simple flag to see if we have open questions or not.
    $quizObj->has_open_questions = false;
    // Are we expecting any uploads? If so, set a flag to make answer processing faster.
    $quizObj->want_uploads = false;
    if (!empty($quizObj->questions)) {
        foreach ($quizObj->questions as $quizID => $quizItem) {
            // We're searching for an upload anyway, so check for an open question
            if ('upload' == $quizItem->question_type) {
                $quizObj->want_uploads = true;
                $quizObj->has_open_questions = true;
        // Not found an open question yet even though we checked for uploads.
        if (!$quizObj->has_open_questions) {
            foreach ($quizObj->questions as $quizID => $quizItem) {
                // Look for an open question (already checked uploads). This s
                // saves some computation time.
                if ('open' == $quizItem->question_type) {
                    $quizObj->has_open_questions = true;
    return $quizObj;
 * Show the forms where the quiz answers can be edited.
 * @param Integer $quizID the ID of the quiz to be edited.
 * @param Object $page The associated page object for showing messages.
function WPCW_showPage_ModifyQuiz_showQuestionEntryForms($quizID, $page)
    global $wpdb, $wpcwdb;
    // Work out if we need correct answers or not. And what the pass mark is.
    $quizDetails = WPCW_quizzes_getQuizDetails($quizID, true, false, false);
    $needCorrectAnswers = 'survey' != $quizDetails->quiz_type;
    // Show the existing quiz questions as a series of forms.
    $quizItems = WPCW_quizzes_getListOfQuestions($quizID);
    // Show the number of correct answers the user must get in order to pass.
    if ('quiz_block' == $quizDetails->quiz_type) {
        $totalQs = WPCW_quizzes_calculateActualQuestionCount($quizID);
        $passQs = ceil($quizDetails->quiz_pass_mark / 100 * $totalQs);
        printf('<div class="wpcw_msg wpcw_msg_info">');
        printf(__('The trainee will be required to correctly answer at least <b>%d of the %d</b> following questions (<b>at least %d%%</b>) to progress.', 'wp_courseware'), $passQs, $totalQs, $quizDetails->quiz_pass_mark);
    // Got a  quiz, and trainer is requiring to show answers. Tell them we can't show answers
    // as this quiz contains open-ended questions that need grading.
    if ($needCorrectAnswers && 'show_answers' == $quizDetails->quiz_show_answers && WPCW_quizzes_containsQuestionsNeedingManualGrading($quizItems)) {
        printf('<div class="wpcw_msg wpcw_msg_error">');
        printf(__('This quiz contains questions that need <b>manual grading</b>, and you\'ve selected \'<b>Show Answers</b>\' when the user completes this quiz. ', 'wp_courseware') . '<br/><br/>' . __('Since answers cannot be shown to the user because they are not known at that stage, <b>answers cannot be shown</b>. To hide this message, select \'<b>No Answers</b>\' above.', 'wp_courseware'));
    $errorCount = 0;
    global $errorCount;
    // Wrapper for questions
    printf('<ol class="wpcw_dragable_question_holder">');
    if ($quizItems) {
        // Render edit form for each of the quizzes that already exist
        foreach ($quizItems as $quizItem) {
            switch ($quizItem->question_type) {
                case 'multi':
                    $quizObj = new WPCW_quiz_MultipleChoice($quizItem);
                case 'truefalse':
                    $quizObj = new WPCW_quiz_TrueFalse($quizItem);
                case 'open':
                    $quizObj = new WPCW_quiz_OpenEntry($quizItem);
                case 'upload':
                    $quizObj = new WPCW_quiz_FileUpload($quizItem);
                case 'random_selection':
                    $quizObj = new WPCW_quiz_RandomSelection($quizItem);
                    die(__('Unknown quiz type: ', 'wp_courseware') . $quizItem->question_type);
            $quizObj->showErrors = true;
            $quizObj->needCorrectAnswers = $needCorrectAnswers;
            // Keep track of errors
            if ($quizObj && $quizObj->gotError) {
            echo $quizObj->editForm_toString();
    // Do any of the questions have residual errors? Tell the user.
    if ($errorCount > 0) {
        $page->showMessage(sprintf(__('%d of the questions below have errors. Please make corrections and then save the changes.', 'wp_courseware'), $errorCount), true);
    // Show the menu for saving and adding new items.
    // Flag to indicate that questions have been updated.
    printf('<input type="hidden" name="survey_updated" value="survey_updated" />');
    printf('<a name="new_question"></a>');
    // The empty forms for adding a new question
    $quizItemDummy = new stdClass();
    $quizItemDummy->question_question = '';
    $quizItemDummy->question_correct_answer = false;
    $quizItemDummy->question_order = 0;
    $quizItemDummy->question_answer_type = false;
    $quizItemDummy->question_answer_hint = false;
    $quizItemDummy->question_answer_explanation = false;
    $quizItemDummy->question_answer_file_types = 'doc, pdf, jpg, png, jpeg, gif';
    $quizItemDummy->question_image = false;
    $quizItemDummy->question_usage_count = 0;
    $quizItemDummy->question_multi_random_enable = 0;
    $quizItemDummy->question_multi_random_count = 5;
    // Create some dummy answers.
    $quizItemDummy->question_data_answers = serialize(array(1 => array('answer' => ''), 2 => array('answer' => ''), 3 => array('answer' => '')));
    $quizFormsToCreate = array('new_multi' => 'WPCW_quiz_MultipleChoice', 'new_tf' => 'WPCW_quiz_TrueFalse', 'new_open' => 'WPCW_quiz_OpenEntry', 'new_upload' => 'WPCW_quiz_FileUpload', 'new_random_selection' => 'WPCW_quiz_RandomSelection');
    // Create the dummy quiz objects
    foreach ($quizFormsToCreate as $dummyid => $objClass) {
        // Set placeholder class
        $quizItemDummy->question_id = $dummyid;
        // Create new object and set it up with defaults
        $quizObj = new $objClass($quizItemDummy);
        $quizObj->cssClasses .= ' wpcw_question_template';
        $quizObj->showErrors = false;
        $quizObj->needCorrectAnswers = $needCorrectAnswers;
        $quizObj->editForm_questionNotSavedYet = true;
        echo $quizObj->editForm_toString();
Ejemplo n.º 3
 * Get the associated quiz for a unit.
 * @param Integer $unitID The ID of the unit to get the associated quiz for.
 * @return Object The Object of the associated quiz, or false if no quiz found.
function WPCW_quizzes_getAssociatedQuizForUnit($unitID)
    if (!$unitID) {
        return false;
    global $wpcwdb, $wpdb;
    $SQL = $wpdb->prepare("SELECT * \n\t\t\tFROM {$wpcwdb->quiz}\t\n\t\t\tWHERE parent_unit_id = %d \n\t\t\t", $unitID);
    $quizObj = $wpdb->get_row($SQL);
    // Nothing found
    if (!$quizObj) {
        return false;
    // Something found, so return the questions for this quiz too.
    $quizObj->questions = WPCW_quizzes_getListOfQuestions($quizObj->quiz_id);
    return $quizObj;