Ejemplo n.º 1
function WF_filter_math($text, $editor)
    global $TAGS;
    $output = '';
    $n0 = 0;
    // Search for '«math'. If it is not found, the
    // content is returned without any modification
    $n1 = strpos($text, $TAGS->in_mathopen);
    if ($n1 === FALSE) {
        return $text;
        // directly return the content
    // filtering
    while ($n1 !== FALSE) {
        $output .= substr($text, $n0, $n1 - $n0);
        $n0 = $n1;
        $n1 = strpos($text, $TAGS->in_mathclose, $n0);
        if (!$n1) {
        $n1 = $n1 + strlen($TAGS->in_mathclose);
        // Getting the substring «math ... «/math»
        $sub = substr($text, $n0, $n1 - $n0);
        // remove html entities (such as ")
        //Solves BUG 25670 of php 4.3, solved at version 5
        if (version_compare(phpversion(), "5.0.0", ">=")) {
            $sub = html_entity_decode($sub, ENT_COMPAT, $TAGS->ucharset);
            // needs php 4.3 to work, php 5.0 if charset is utf (bug 25670)
        } else {
            if (strtolower($TAGS->ucharset) == "utf-8") {
                $sub = html_entity_decode_utf8($sub);
            } else {
                $sub = html_entity_decode($sub, ENT_COMPAT, $TAGS->ucharset);
        // replacing '«' by '<'
        $sub = str_replace($TAGS->in_open, $TAGS->out_open, $sub);
        // replacing '»' by '>'
        $sub = str_replace($TAGS->in_close, $TAGS->out_close, $sub);
        // replacing '§' by '&amp;'
        $sub = str_replace($TAGS->in_entity, $TAGS->out_entity, $sub);
        // generate the image code
        $sub = WF_math_image($sub, $editor);
        // appending the modified substring
        $output .= $sub;
        $n0 = $n1;
        // searching next '«math'
        $n1 = strpos($text, $TAGS->in_mathopen, $n0);
    $output .= substr($text, $n0);
    return $output;

require_once '../../config.php';
require_once './math_filter.php';
global $TAGS;
global $CFG;
$var = $_POST["var"];
//We can not do urldecode because it will transform '+' simbols
//require_once($CFG->libdir . '/textlib.class.php');
//$convertor = textlib_get_instance();
//$var = $convertor->convert($var,'utf-8',$TAGS->lcharset);
//transforms the mathml to a html image
//$var = WF_filter_math($var,TRUE);
$var = WF_math_image($var, TRUE);
echo $var;