Ejemplo n.º 1
function CjNewsIn_all($classid, $checked, $uptime, $start, $userid, $username)
    global $class_r, $empire, $public_r, $dbtbpre, $fun_r, $emod_r;
    $checked = (int) $checked;
    $classid = (int) $classid;
    $start = (int) $start;
    if (empty($classid)) {
        printerror("ErrorUrl", "history.go(-1)");
    CheckLevel($userid, $username, $classid, "cj");
    $cr = $empire->fetch1("select * from {$dbtbpre}enewsinfoclass where classid='{$classid}'");
    $cra = $empire->fetch1("select * from {$dbtbpre}ecms_infoclass_" . $cr[tbname] . " where classid='{$classid}'");
    $cr = TogTwoArray($cr, $cra);
    if ($cr['mark'] || $cr['getfirstspic']) {
        @(include_once "gd.php");
    if (empty($cr[insertnum])) {
        $cr[insertnum] = 10;
    $mid = $class_r[$cr[newsclassid]][modid];
    $savetxtf = $emod_r[$mid]['savetxtf'];
    $stb = $emod_r[$mid]['deftb'];
    $record = "<!--record-->";
    $field = "<!--field--->";
    $mr = $empire->fetch1("select cj from {$dbtbpre}enewsmod where mid='" . $class_r[$cr[newsclassid]][modid] . "'");
    $cjr = explode($record, $mr[cj]);
    $ccount = count($cjr);
    $sql = $empire->query("select * from {$dbtbpre}ecms_infotmp_" . $cr[tbname] . " where classid='{$classid}' and checked=0 and id>{$start} order by id limit " . $cr[insertnum]);
    $todaytime = time();
    $filetime = $todaytime;
    $b = 0;
    while ($r = $empire->fetch($sql)) {
        $b = 1;
        $newstart = $r[id];
        $ivalue = '';
        $ifield = '';
        $dataivalue = '';
        $dataifield = '';
        $titlepicnoval = 0;
        for ($j = 0; $j < $ccount - 1; $j++) {
            $cjr1 = explode($field, $cjr[$j]);
            $dofield = $cjr1[1];
            $var = "zz_" . $dofield;
            $var1 = "z_" . $dofield;
            $var2 = "qz_" . $dofield;
            $var3 = "save_" . $dofield;
            $value = $r[$dofield];
            if ($dofield == "empireselfurl") {
                $value = $r['oldurl'];
            if ($dofield == "newstext") {
                if ($cr[copyimg] || $cr[copyflash]) {
                    $GLOBALS['cjnewsurl'] = $r[oldurl];
                    $value = addslashes(CopyImg(stripSlashes($value), $cr[copyimg], $cr[copyflash], $cr[newsclassid], $cr[imgurl], $username, 0, $r['id'], $cr['mark'], $public_r['filedeftb']));
                $value = DoReplaceKeyAndWord($value, 1, $cr[newsclassid]);
            if ($dofield == "smalltext") {
                if (empty($value)) {
                    $value = SubSmalltextVal($r[newstext], $cr[smalltextlen]);
                } else {
                    $value = DoClearSmalltextVal($value);
            if ($dofield == "morepic") {
                if ($cr[$var3] == " checked") {
                    $msavepic = 1;
                    $r['filepass'] = $r['id'];
                    $value = LoadInSaveMorepicFile($value, $msavepic, $cr[newsclassid], 0, $r, 0, $public_r['filedeftb']);
            if ($dofield == "newstime") {
            if ($dofield == "titlepic" && $cr[zz_titlepicl]) {
                $cr[$var] = $cr[zz_titlepicl];
                $cr[$var1] = $cr[z_titlepicl];
                $cr[$var2] = $cr[qz_titlepicl];
                $cr[$var3] = $cr[save_titlepicl];
            if ($dofield == "titlepic" && empty($value)) {
                $titlepicnoval = 1;
            if ($value && !$cr[$var1] && $cr[$var3] == " checked" && $dofield != "morepic") {
                $tranr = DoTranUrl($value, $cr[newsclassid]);
                if ($tranr[tran]) {
                    $tranr[filesize] = (int) $tranr[filesize];
                    $tranr[type] = (int) $tranr[type];
                    $r[id] = (int) $r[id];
                    eInsertFileTable($tranr[filename], $tranr[filesize], $tranr[filepath], $username, $cr[newsclassid], '[URL]' . $tranr[filename], $tranr[type], 0, $r[id], $public_r[fpath], 0, 0, $public_r['filedeftb']);
                    $value = $tranr[url];
            if ($savetxtf == $dofield) {
                $thetxtfile = GetFileMd5();
                $truevalue = MkDirTxtFile(date("Y/md"), $thetxtfile);
                EditTxtFieldText($truevalue, $value);
                $value = $truevalue;
            $value = addslashes($value);
            if (strstr($emod_r[$mid]['tbdataf'], ',' . $dofield . ',')) {
                $dataifield .= "," . $dofield;
                $dataivalue .= ",'" . $value . "'";
            } else {
                $ifield .= "," . $dofield;
                $ivalue .= ",'" . $value . "'";
        $r[keyboard] = addslashes($r[keyboard]);
        if ($uptime) {
            $r[newstime] = $todaytime;
            $r[truetime] = $todaytime;
        } else {
            if ($r[newstime] == "0000-00-00 00:00:00") {
                $r[newstime] = $todaytime;
            } else {
                $r[newstime] = to_time($r[newstime]);
        $newspath = FormatPath($cr[newsclassid], "", 0);
        if ($class_r[$cr[newsclassid]][wfid]) {
            $checked = 0;
            $isqf = 1;
        } else {
            $checked = $checked;
            $isqf = 0;
        $newstempid = 0;
        $ispic = $r[titlepic] ? 1 : 0;
        $keyid = GetKeyid($r[keyboard], $cr[newsclassid], 0, $class_r[$cr[newsclassid]][link_num]);
        $havehtml = 0;
        $indexsql = $empire->query("insert into {$dbtbpre}ecms_" . $class_r[$cr[newsclassid]][tbname] . "_index(classid,checked,newstime,truetime,lastdotime,havehtml) values('{$cr['newsclassid']}','{$checked}','{$r['newstime']}','{$r['truetime']}','{$r['truetime']}','{$havehtml}');");
        $id = $empire->lastid();
        $infotbr = ReturnInfoTbname($class_r[$cr[newsclassid]][tbname], $checked, $stb);
        $isurl = $r['titleurl'] ? 1 : 0;
        $isql = $empire->query("insert into " . $infotbr['tbname'] . "(id,classid,ttid,onclick,plnum,totaldown,newspath,filename,userid,username,firsttitle,isgood,ispic,istop,isqf,ismember,isurl,truetime,lastdotime,havehtml,groupid,userfen,titlefont,titleurl,stb,fstb,restb,keyboard,newstime" . $ifield . ") values('{$id}','{$cr['newsclassid']}',0,0,0,0,'{$newspath}','{$filename}','{$r['userid']}','{$r['username']}',0,0,'{$ispic}',0,'{$isqf}',0,'{$isurl}','{$r['truetime']}','{$r['truetime']}','{$havehtml}',0,0,'{$r['titlefont']}','{$r['titleurl']}','{$stb}','{$public_r['filedeftb']}','{$public_r['pldeftb']}','{$r['keyboard']}','{$r['newstime']}'" . $ivalue . ");");
        $fisql = $empire->query("insert into " . $infotbr['datatbname'] . "(id,classid,keyid,dokey,newstempid,closepl,haveaddfen,infotags" . $dataifield . ") values('{$id}','{$cr['newsclassid']}','{$keyid}',1,'{$newstempid}',0,0,''" . $dataivalue . ");");
        AddClassInfos($cr['newsclassid'], '+1', '+1', $checked);
        DoUpdateAddDataNum('info', $class_r[$cr['newsclassid']]['tid'], 1);
        if ($isqf == 1) {
            InfoInsertToWorkflow($id, $cr[newsclassid], $class_r[$cr[newsclassid]][wfid], $userid, $username);
        UpdateTheFile($id, $r['id'], $cr[newsclassid], $public_r['filedeftb']);
        $addtitlepic = "";
        if ($cr['getfirstpic'] && $titlepicnoval) {
            $firsttitlepic = GetFpicToTpic($cr[newsclassid], $id, $cr['getfirstpic'], $cr['getfirstspic'], $cr['getfirstspicw'], $cr['getfirstspich'], $public_r['filedeftb']);
            if ($firsttitlepic) {
                $addtitlepic = ",titlepic='" . addslashes($firsttitlepic) . "',ispic=1";
        $filename = ReturnInfoFilename($cr[newsclassid], $id, $r[filenameqz]);
        $updateinfourl = '';
        if (!$isurl) {
            $infourl = GotoGetTitleUrl($cr['newsclassid'], $id, $newspath, $filename, 0, $isurl, '');
            $updateinfourl = ",titleurl='{$infourl}'";
        $usql = $empire->query("update " . $infotbr['tbname'] . " set filename='{$filename}'" . $updateinfourl . $addtitlepic . " where id='{$id}'");
    $fm = ehtmlspecialchars($_GET['fm']);
    if (empty($b)) {
        for ($ci = 0; $ci < $ccount - 1; $ci++) {
            $cir = explode($field, $cjr[$ci]);
            $cifield = $cir[1];
            if ($cifield == "title") {
            $updatefield .= "," . $cifield . "=''";
        if ($cr['delloadinfo']) {
            $del = $empire->query("delete from {$dbtbpre}ecms_infotmp_" . $cr[tbname] . " where classid='{$classid}'");
        } else {
            $del = $empire->query("update {$dbtbpre}ecms_infotmp_" . $cr[tbname] . " set checked=1,keyboard=''" . $updatefield . " where classid='{$classid}'");
        if ($fm) {
            echo "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"../data/images/css.css\" type=\"text/css\"><body topmargin=0><font color=red>" . $cr[classname] . "  " . $fun_r['CjLoadInInfosSuccess'] . "</font>,  <input type=button name=button value='" . $fun_r['OnlickLoadInCj'] . "' onclick=\"window.open('CheckCj.php?classid={$classid}&from=" . ehtmlspecialchars($_GET[from]) . hReturnEcmsHashStrHref2(0) . "');\"></body>";
        } else {
            printerror("CjLoadDbSuccess", "CheckCj.php?classid={$classid}&from=" . ehtmlspecialchars($_GET[from]) . hReturnEcmsHashStrHref2(0));
    echo "<b>{$cr['classname']}</b>&nbsp;&nbsp;" . $fun_r['OneCjLoadDbSuccess'] . "(ID:<font color=red><b>" . $newstart . "</b></font>)<script>self.location.href='ecmscj.php?enews=CjNewsIn_all&checked={$checked}&uptime={$uptime}&classid={$classid}&start={$newstart}&fm={$fm}&from=" . ehtmlspecialchars($_GET[from]) . hReturnEcmsHashStrHref(0) . "';</script>";
Ejemplo n.º 2
function AddNews($add, $userid, $username)
    global $empire, $class_r, $class_zr, $bclassid, $public_r, $dbtbpre, $emod_r;
    $add[classid] = (int) $add[classid];
    $userid = (int) $userid;
    $ztid = $add[ztid];
    if (!$add[title] || !$add[classid]) {
        printerror("EmptyTitle", "history.go(-1)");
    $doselfinfo = CheckLevel($userid, $username, $add[classid], "news");
    if (!$doselfinfo['doaddinfo']) {
        printerror("NotAddInfoLevel", "history.go(-1)");
    $ccr = $empire->fetch1("select classid,modid,listdt,haddlist,sametitle,addreinfo,wburl,repreinfo from {$dbtbpre}enewsclass where classid='{$add['classid']}' and islast=1");
    if (!$ccr['classid'] || $ccr[wburl]) {
        printerror("ErrorUrl", "history.go(-1)");
    if ($ccr['sametitle']) {
        $num = $empire->gettotal("select count(*) as total from {$dbtbpre}ecms_" . $class_r[$add[classid]][tbname] . " where title='{$add['title']}' limit 1");
        if ($num) {
            printerror("ReInfoTitle", "history.go(-1)");
    $add = DoPostInfoVar($add);
    $ret_r = ReturnAddF($add, $class_r[$add[classid]][modid], $userid, $username, 0, 0, 1);
    $newspath = FormatPath($add[classid], $add[newspath], 1);
    $isqf = 0;
    if ($class_r[$add[classid]][wfid]) {
        $add[checked] = 0;
        $isqf = 1;
    $truetime = time();
    $lastdotime = $truetime;
    if ($add['info_diyotherlink']) {
        $keyid = DoPostDiyOtherlinkID($add['info_keyid']);
    } else {
        $keyid = GetKeyid($add[keyboard], $add[classid], 0, $class_r[$add[classid]][link_num]);
    $sql = $empire->query("insert into {$dbtbpre}ecms_" . $class_r[$add[classid]][tbname] . "(classid,onclick,newspath,keyboard,keyid,userid,username,ztid,checked,istop,truetime,ismember,dokey,isgood,titlefont,titleurl,filename,groupid,newstempid,plnum,firsttitle,isqf,userfen,totaldown,closepl,havehtml,lastdotime,haveaddfen,infopfen,infopfennum,votenum,stb,ttid,infotags,ispic" . $ret_r[fields] . ") values({$add['classid']},'{$add['onclick']}','{$newspath}','" . addslashes($add[keyboard]) . "','{$keyid}',{$userid},'" . addslashes($username) . "','{$add['my_ztid']}',{$add['checked']},'{$add['istop']}',{$truetime},0,{$add['dokey']},{$add['isgood']},'" . addslashes($add[my_titlefont]) . "','" . addslashes($add[titleurl]) . "','{$filename}',{$add['groupid']},{$add['newstempid']},0,{$add['firsttitle']},'{$isqf}',{$add['userfen']},'{$add['totaldown']}',{$add['closepl']},0,{$lastdotime},0,0,0,0,'" . $ret_r[tb] . "','{$add['ttid']}','" . addslashes($add[infotags]) . "','{$add['ispic']}'" . $ret_r[values] . ");");
    $id = $empire->lastid();
    $fsql = $empire->query("insert into {$dbtbpre}ecms_" . $class_r[$add[classid]][tbname] . "_data_" . $ret_r['tb'] . "(id,classid" . $ret_r[datafields] . ") values('{$id}','{$add['classid']}'" . $ret_r[datavalues] . ");");
    if ($isqf == 1) {
        InfoInsertToWorkflow($id, $add[classid], $class_r[$add[classid]][wfid], $userid, $username);
    UpdateTheFile($id, $add['filepass']);
    if ($add['getfirsttitlepic'] && empty($add['titlepic'])) {
        $firsttitlepic = GetFpicToTpic($add['classid'], $id, $add['getfirsttitlepic'], $add['getfirsttitlespic'], $add['getfirsttitlespicw'], $add['getfirsttitlespich']);
        if ($firsttitlepic) {
            $addtitlepic = ",titlepic='" . addslashes($firsttitlepic) . "',ispic=1";
    if ($add['filename']) {
        $filename = $add['filename'];
    } else {
        $filename = ReturnInfoFilename($add[classid], $id, '');
    $usql = $empire->query("update {$dbtbpre}ecms_" . $class_r[$add[classid]][tbname] . " set filename='{$filename}'" . $addtitlepic . " where id='{$id}'");
    if ($add['repimgnexturl']) {
        UpdateImgNexturl($add[classid], $id);
    AddInfoVote($add['classid'], $id, $add);
    if ($add[infotags] && $add[infotags] != $add[oldinfotags]) {
        $tagtime = empty($add[newstime]) ? time() : to_time($add[newstime]);
        eInsertTags($add[infotags], $add['classid'], $id, $tagtime);
    if ($ccr['addreinfo']) {
        $ar = $empire->fetch1("select * from {$dbtbpre}ecms_" . $class_r[$add[classid]][tbname] . " where id='{$id}'");
        GetHtml($ar, '');
    if ($ccr['repreinfo'] && $add[checked]) {
        $prer = $empire->fetch1("select * from {$dbtbpre}ecms_" . $class_r[$add[classid]][tbname] . " where id<{$id} and classid='{$add['classid']}' and checked=1 order by id desc limit 1");
        GetHtml($prer, '');
    if ($ccr[haddlist] && $add[checked]) {
        hAddListHtml($add[classid], $ccr['modid'], $ccr['haddlist'], $ccr['listdt']);
        for ($z = 0; $z < count($ztid); $z++) {
            ListHtml(intval($ztid[$z]), '', 1);
    $copyclassid = $add[copyclassid];
    $cpcount = count($copyclassid);
    if ($cpcount) {
        $copyids = AddInfoToCopyInfo($add[classid], $id, $copyclassid, $userid, $username);
        if ($copyids) {
            $empire->query("update {$dbtbpre}ecms_" . $class_r[$add[classid]][tbname] . " set copyids='{$copyids}' where id='{$id}'");
    if ($sql) {
        if ($add['ecmsfrom'] && (stristr($add['ecmsfrom'], 'ListNews.php') || stristr($add['ecmsfrom'], 'ListAllInfo.php'))) {
            $ecmsfrom = $add['ecmsfrom'];
        } else {
            $ecmsfrom = $add['ecmsnfrom'] == 1 ? "ListNews.php?bclassid={$add['bclassid']}&classid={$add['classid']}" : "ListAllInfo.php?tbname=" . $class_r[$add[classid]][tbname];
        $GLOBALS['ecmsadderrorurl'] = $ecmsfrom;
        insert_dolog("classid={$add['classid']}<br>id=" . $id . "<br>title=" . $add[title]);
        printerror("AddNewsSuccess", "AddNews.php?enews=AddNews&ecmsnfrom={$add['ecmsnfrom']}&bclassid={$add['bclassid']}&classid={$add['classid']}");
    } else {
        printerror("DbError", "");
Ejemplo n.º 3
function AddNews($add, $userid, $username)
    global $empire, $class_r, $class_zr, $bclassid, $public_r, $dbtbpre, $emod_r;
    $add[classid] = (int) $add[classid];
    $userid = (int) $userid;
    if (!$add[title] || !$add[classid]) {
        printerror("EmptyTitle", "history.go(-1)");
    $doselfinfo = CheckLevel($userid, $username, $add[classid], "news");
    if (!$doselfinfo['doaddinfo']) {
        printerror("NotAddInfoLevel", "history.go(-1)");
    $ccr = $empire->fetch1("select classid,modid,listdt,haddlist,sametitle,addreinfo,wburl,repreinfo from {$dbtbpre}enewsclass where classid='{$add['classid']}' and islast=1 limit 1");
    if (!$ccr['classid'] || $ccr['wburl']) {
        printerror("ErrorUrl", "history.go(-1)");
    if ($ccr['sametitle']) {
        if (ReturnCheckRetitle($add)) {
            printerror("ReInfoTitle", "history.go(-1)");
    $add = DoPostInfoVar($add);
    $ret_r = ReturnAddF($add, $class_r[$add[classid]][modid], $userid, $username, 0, 0, 1);
    $newspath = FormatPath($add[classid], $add[newspath], 1);
    if (!$doselfinfo['docheckinfo']) {
        $add['checked'] = $class_r[$add[classid]][checked];
    if ($doselfinfo['domustcheck']) {
        $add['checked'] = 0;
    if (!$doselfinfo['dogoodinfo']) {
        $add['isgood'] = 0;
        $add['firsttitle'] = 0;
        $add['istop'] = 0;
    $isqf = 0;
    if ($class_r[$add[classid]][wfid]) {
        $add[checked] = 0;
        $isqf = 1;
    $newstime = empty($add['newstime']) ? time() : to_time($add['newstime']);
    $truetime = time();
    $lastdotime = $truetime;
    $havehtml = 0;
    if ($add['checked'] == 1 && $ccr['addreinfo']) {
        $havehtml = 1;
    if ($add['info_diyotherlink']) {
        $keyid = DoPostDiyOtherlinkID($add['info_keyid']);
    } else {
        $keyid = GetKeyid($add[keyboard], $add[classid], 0, $class_r[$add[classid]][link_num]);
    $addecmscheck = empty($add['checked']) ? '&ecmscheck=1' : '';
    $sql = $empire->query("insert into {$dbtbpre}ecms_" . $class_r[$add[classid]][tbname] . "_index(classid,checked,newstime,truetime,lastdotime,havehtml) values('{$add['classid']}','{$add['checked']}','{$newstime}','{$truetime}','{$lastdotime}','{$havehtml}');");
    $id = $empire->lastid();
    $pubid = ReturnInfoPubid($add['classid'], $id);
    $infotbr = ReturnInfoTbname($class_r[$add[classid]][tbname], $add['checked'], $ret_r['tb']);
    $infosql = $empire->query("insert into " . $infotbr['tbname'] . "(id,classid,ttid,onclick,plnum,totaldown,newspath,filename,userid,username,firsttitle,isgood,ispic,istop,isqf,ismember,isurl,truetime,lastdotime,havehtml,groupid,userfen,titlefont,titleurl,stb,fstb,restb,keyboard" . $ret_r['fields'] . ") values('{$id}','{$add['classid']}','{$add['ttid']}','{$add['onclick']}',0,'{$add['totaldown']}','{$newspath}','{$filename}','{$userid}','" . addslashes($username) . "','{$add['firsttitle']}','{$add['isgood']}','{$add['ispic']}','{$add['istop']}','{$isqf}',0,'{$add['isurl']}','{$truetime}','{$lastdotime}','{$havehtml}','{$add['groupid']}','{$add['userfen']}','" . addslashes($add[my_titlefont]) . "','" . addslashes($add[titleurl]) . "','{$ret_r['tb']}','{$public_r['filedeftb']}','{$public_r['pldeftb']}','" . addslashes($add[keyboard]) . "'" . $ret_r['values'] . ");");
    $finfosql = $empire->query("insert into " . $infotbr['datatbname'] . "(id,classid,keyid,dokey,newstempid,closepl,haveaddfen,infotags" . $ret_r['datafields'] . ") values('{$id}','{$add['classid']}','{$keyid}','{$add['dokey']}','{$add['newstempid']}','{$add['closepl']}',0,'" . addslashes($add[infotags]) . "'" . $ret_r['datavalues'] . ");");
    AddClassInfos($add['classid'], '+1', '+1', $add['checked']);
    DoUpdateAddDataNum('info', $class_r[$add['classid']]['tid'], 1);
    if ($isqf == 1) {
        InfoInsertToWorkflow($id, $add[classid], $class_r[$add[classid]][wfid], $userid, $username);
    UpdateTheFile($id, $add['filepass'], $add['classid'], $public_r['filedeftb']);
    if ($add['getfirsttitlepic'] && empty($add['titlepic'])) {
        $firsttitlepic = GetFpicToTpic($add['classid'], $id, $add['getfirsttitlepic'], $add['getfirsttitlespic'], $add['getfirsttitlespicw'], $add['getfirsttitlespich'], $public_r['filedeftb']);
        if ($firsttitlepic) {
            $addtitlepic = ",titlepic='" . addslashes($firsttitlepic) . "',ispic=1";
    if ($add['filename']) {
        $filename = $add['filename'];
    } else {
        $filename = ReturnInfoFilename($add[classid], $id, '');
    $updateinfourl = '';
    if (!$add['isurl']) {
        $infourl = GotoGetTitleUrl($add['classid'], $id, $newspath, $filename, $add['groupid'], $add['isurl'], $add['titleurl']);
        $updateinfourl = ",titleurl='{$infourl}'";
    $usql = $empire->query("update " . $infotbr['tbname'] . " set filename='{$filename}'" . $updateinfourl . $addtitlepic . " where id='{$id}'");
    if ($add['repimgnexturl']) {
        UpdateImgNexturl($add[classid], $id, $add['checked']);
    AddInfoVote($add['classid'], $id, $add);
    InsertZtInfo($add['ztids'], $add['zcids'], $add['oldztids'], $add['oldzcids'], $add['classid'], $id, $newstime);
    if ($add[infotags] && $add[infotags] != $add[oldinfotags]) {
        eInsertTags($add[infotags], $add['classid'], $id, $newstime);
    if ($ccr['addreinfo'] && $add['checked']) {
        GetHtml($add['classid'], $id, '', 0);
    if ($ccr['repreinfo'] && $add['checked']) {
        $prer = $empire->fetch1("select * from {$dbtbpre}ecms_" . $class_r[$add[classid]][tbname] . " where id<{$id} and classid='{$add['classid']}' order by id desc limit 1");
        GetHtml($add['classid'], $prer['id'], $prer, 1);
    if ($ccr['haddlist'] && $add['checked']) {
        hAddListHtml($add['classid'], $ccr['modid'], $ccr['haddlist'], $ccr['listdt']);
        if ($add['ttid']) {
            ListHtml($add['ttid'], '', 5);
    $copyclassid = $add[copyclassid];
    $cpcount = count($copyclassid);
    if ($cpcount) {
        $copyids = AddInfoToCopyInfo($add[classid], $id, $copyclassid, $userid, $username, $doselfinfo);
        if ($copyids) {
            UpdateInfoCopyids($add['classid'], $id, $copyids);
    if ($sql) {
        if ($add['ecmsfrom'] && (stristr($add['ecmsfrom'], 'ListNews.php') || stristr($add['ecmsfrom'], 'ListAllInfo.php'))) {
            $ecmsfrom = $add['ecmsfrom'];
        } else {
            $ecmsfrom = $add['ecmsnfrom'] == 1 ? "ListNews.php?bclassid={$add['bclassid']}&classid={$add['classid']}" : "ListAllInfo.php?tbname=" . $class_r[$add[classid]][tbname];
            $ecmsfrom .= hReturnEcmsHashStrHref2(0);
        $GLOBALS['ecmsadderrorurl'] = $ecmsfrom . $addecmscheck;
        insert_dolog("classid={$add['classid']}<br>id=" . $id . "<br>title=" . $add[title], $pubid);
        printerror("AddNewsSuccess", "AddNews.php?enews=AddNews&ecmsnfrom={$add['ecmsnfrom']}&bclassid={$add['bclassid']}&classid={$add['classid']}" . $addecmscheck . hReturnEcmsHashStrHref2(0));
    } else {
        printerror("DbError", "");
Ejemplo n.º 4
function DodoInfo($add, $ecms = 0)
    global $empire, $public_r, $emod_r, $level_r, $class_r, $dbtbpre, $fun_r;
    if ($ecms == 0 || $ecms == 1) {
    if ($public_r['addnews_ok']) {
        printerror("CloseQAdd", "", 1);
    $classid = (int) $add['classid'];
    $mid = (int) $class_r[$classid]['modid'];
    if (!$mid || !$classid) {
        printerror("EmptyQinfoCid", "", 1);
    $tbname = $emod_r[$mid]['tbname'];
    $qenter = $emod_r[$mid]['qenter'];
    if (!$tbname || !$qenter || $qenter == ',') {
        printerror("ErrorUrl", "history.go(-1)", 1);
    $muserid = (int) getcvar('mluserid');
    $musername = RepPostVar(getcvar('mlusername'));
    $mrnd = RepPostVar(getcvar('mlrnd'));
    $isadd = 0;
    if ($ecms == 0) {
        $isadd = 1;
    $setuserday = '';
    $cr = DoQCheckAddLevel($classid, $muserid, $musername, $mrnd, $ecms, $isadd);
    $setuserday = $cr['checkaddnumquery'];
    $filepass = (int) $add['filepass'];
    $id = (int) $add['id'];
    $infor = array();
    $titlecolor = RepPostStr(RepPhpAspJspcodeText($add[titlecolor]));
    $titlefont = TitleFont($add[titlefont], $titlecolor);
    $titlecolor = "";
    $titlefont = "";
    $ttid = (int) $add['ttid'];
    $keyboard = addslashes(RepPostStr(trim(DoReplaceQjDh($add[keyboard]))));
    $keyid = '';
    if ($keyboard && strstr($qenter, ',special.field,')) {
        $keyboard = str_replace('[!--f--!]', 'ecms', $keyboard);
        $keyid = GetKeyid($keyboard, $classid, $id, $class_r[$classid][link_num]);
    $keyvname = 'checkinfokey';
    if (Moreport_ReturnMustDt()) {
        define('ECMS_SELFPATH', eReturnEcmsMainPortPath());
    if ($ecms == 0) {
        $lasttime = getcvar('lastaddinfotime');
        if ($lasttime) {
            if (time() - $lasttime < $public_r['readdinfotime']) {
                printerror("QAddInfoOutTime", "", 1);
        if ($cr['qaddshowkey']) {
            ecmsCheckShowKey($keyvname, $add['key'], 1);
        $check_ip = egetip();
        $check_checked = $cr['wfid'] ? 0 : $cr['checkqadd'];
        eCheckIpAddInfoNum($check_ip, $tbname, $mid, $check_checked);
        $ret_r = ReturnQAddinfoF($mid, $add, $infor, $classid, $filepass, $muserid, $musername, 0);
        $checked = $cr['checkqadd'];
        $havehtml = 0;
        $newspath = date($cr['newspath']);
        $truetime = time();
        $newstime = $truetime;
        $newstempid = $cr['newstempid'];
        $haveaddfen = 0;
        $isqf = 0;
        if ($cr['wfid']) {
            $checked = 0;
            $isqf = 1;
        if ($checked && $muserid) {
            AddInfoFen($cr['addinfofen'], $muserid);
            $haveaddfen = 1;
        if (empty($muserid)) {
            $musername = $fun_r['guest'];
        if ($setuserday) {
        if (!strstr($qenter, ',newstime,')) {
            $ret_r[0] = ",newstime" . $ret_r[0];
            $ret_r[1] = ",'{$newstime}'" . $ret_r[1];
        } else {
            if ($add['newstime']) {
                $newstime = to_time($add['newstime']);
                $newstime = intval($newstime);
        $addecmscheck = empty($checked) ? '&ecmscheck=1' : '';
        $indexsql = $empire->query("insert into {$dbtbpre}ecms_" . $tbname . "_index(classid,checked,newstime,truetime,lastdotime,havehtml) values('{$classid}','{$checked}','{$newstime}','{$truetime}','{$truetime}','{$havehtml}');");
        $id = $empire->lastid();
        $infotbr = ReturnInfoTbname($tbname, $checked, $ret_r[4]);
        $sql = $empire->query("insert into " . $infotbr['tbname'] . "(id,classid,ttid,onclick,plnum,totaldown,newspath,filename,userid,username,firsttitle,isgood,istop,isqf,ismember,isurl,truetime,lastdotime,havehtml,groupid,userfen,titlefont,titleurl,stb,fstb,restb,keyboard" . $ret_r[0] . ") values('{$id}','{$classid}','{$ttid}',0,0,0,'{$newspath}','','" . $muserid . "','" . addslashes($musername) . "',0,0,0,'{$isqf}',1,0,'{$truetime}','{$truetime}','{$havehtml}',0,0,'{$titlefont}','','{$ret_r['4']}','{$public_r['filedeftb']}','{$public_r['pldeftb']}','{$keyboard}'" . $ret_r[1] . ");");
        $fsql = $empire->query("insert into " . $infotbr['datatbname'] . "(id,classid,keyid,dokey,newstempid,closepl,haveaddfen,infotags" . $ret_r[2] . ") values('{$id}','{$classid}','{$keyid}',1,'{$newstempid}',0,'{$haveaddfen}',''" . $ret_r[3] . ");");
        if ($haveaddfen) {
            if ($cr['addinfofen'] < 0) {
                BakDown($classid, $id, 0, $muserid, $musername, RepPostStr($add[title]), abs($cr['addinfofen']), 3);
        if ($isqf == 1) {
            InfoInsertToWorkflow($id, $classid, $cr['wfid'], $muserid, addslashes($musername));
        $filename = ReturnInfoFilename($classid, $id, '');
        $infourl = GotoGetTitleUrl($classid, $id, $newspath, $filename, 0, 0, '');
        $usql = $empire->query("update " . $infotbr['tbname'] . " set filename='{$filename}',titleurl='{$infourl}' where id='{$id}'");
        UpdateTheIspic($classid, $id, $checked);
        if ($filepass) {
            UpdateTheFile($id, $filepass, $classid, $public_r['filedeftb']);
        AddClassInfos($classid, '+1', '+1', $checked);
        DoUpdateAddDataNum('info', $class_r[$classid]['tid'], 1);
        esetcookie("qeditinfo", "", 0);
        if ($checked && !$cr['showdt']) {
            $titleurl = qAddGetHtml($classid, $id);
        if ($checked) {
            qAddListHtml($classid, $mid, $cr['qaddlist'], $cr['listdt']);
            if ($cr['repreinfo']) {
                $prer = $empire->fetch1("select * from {$dbtbpre}ecms_" . $tbname . " where id<{$id} and classid='{$classid}' order by id desc limit 1");
                GetHtml($prer['classid'], $prer['id'], $prer, 1);
        if ($sql) {
            $reurl = DoingReturnUrl("AddInfo.php?classid={$classid}&mid={$mid}" . $addecmscheck, $add['ecmsfrom']);
            if ($add['gotoinfourl'] && $checked) {
                if ($cr['showdt'] == 1) {
                    $reurl = $public_r[newsurl] . "e/action/ShowInfo/?classid={$classid}&id={$id}";
                } elseif ($cr['showdt'] == 2) {
                    $rewriter = eReturnRewriteInfoUrl($classid, $id, 1);
                    $reurl = $rewriter['pageurl'];
                } else {
                    $reurl = $titleurl;
            esetcookie("lastaddinfotime", time(), time() + 3600 * 24);
            printerror("AddQinfoSuccess", $reurl, 1);
        } else {
            printerror("DbError", "history.go(-1)", 1);
    } elseif ($ecms == 1) {
        if (!$id) {
            printerror("ErrorUrl", "history.go(-1)", 1);
        $infor = CheckQdoinfo($classid, $id, $muserid, $tbname, $cr['adminqinfo'], 1);
        if ($public_r['qeditinfotime']) {
            if (time() - $infor['truetime'] > $public_r['qeditinfotime'] * 60) {
                printerror("QEditInfoOutTime", "history.go(-1)", 1);
        $iaddfield = '';
        $addfield = '';
        $faddfield = '';
        $ret_r = ReturnQAddinfoF($mid, $add, $infor, $classid, $filepass, $muserid, $musername, 1);
        if ($keyboard) {
            $addfield = ",keyboard='{$keyboard}'";
            $faddfield = ",keyid='{$keyid}'";
        if (strstr($qenter, ',newstime,')) {
            if ($add['newstime']) {
                $newstime = to_time($add['newstime']);
                $newstime = intval($newstime);
                $iaddfield .= ",newstime='{$newstime}'";
        $ychecked = $infor['checked'];
        if ($cr['qeditchecked']) {
            $infor['checked'] = 0;
            $iaddfield .= ",checked=0";
            $relist = 1;
            DelNewsFile($infor[filename], $infor[newspath], $infor[classid], $infor[newstext], $infor[groupid]);
        if ($setuserday) {
        $lastdotime = time();
        $addecmscheck = empty($infor['checked']) ? '&ecmscheck=1' : '';
        $indexsql = $empire->query("update {$dbtbpre}ecms_" . $tbname . "_index set lastdotime={$lastdotime},havehtml=0" . $iaddfield . " where id='{$id}'");
        $infotbr = ReturnInfoTbname($tbname, $ychecked, $infor['stb']);
        $sql = $empire->query("update " . $infotbr['tbname'] . " set lastdotime={$lastdotime},havehtml=0,ttid='{$ttid}'" . $addfield . $ret_r[0] . " where id={$id} and classid={$classid} and userid='{$muserid}' and ismember=1");
        $fsql = $empire->query("update " . $infotbr['datatbname'] . " set classid='{$classid}'" . $faddfield . $ret_r[3] . " where id='{$id}'");
        UpdateTheIspic($classid, $id, $ychecked);
        UpdateTheFileEdit($classid, $id, $infor['fstb']);
        if ($ychecked != $infor['checked']) {
            MoveCheckInfoData($tbname, $ychecked, $infor['stb'], "id='{$id}'");
            if ($infor['checked']) {
                AddClassInfos($classid, '', '+1');
            } else {
                AddClassInfos($classid, '', '-1');
        esetcookie("qeditinfo", "", 0);
        if ($infor['checked'] && !$cr['showdt']) {
            $titleurl = qAddGetHtml($classid, $id);
        if ($infor['checked'] || $relist == 1) {
            qAddListHtml($classid, $mid, $cr['qaddlist'], $cr['listdt']);
        if ($cr['repreinfo'] && $infor['checked']) {
            $prer = $empire->fetch1("select * from {$dbtbpre}ecms_" . $tbname . " where id<{$id} and classid='{$classid}' order by id desc limit 1");
            GetHtml($prer['classid'], $prer['id'], $prer, 1);
        if ($sql) {
            $reurl = DoingReturnUrl("ListInfo.php?mid={$mid}" . $addecmscheck, $add['ecmsfrom']);
            if ($add['editgotoinfourl'] && $infor['checked']) {
                if ($cr['showdt'] == 1) {
                    $reurl = $public_r[newsurl] . "e/action/ShowInfo/?classid={$classid}&id={$id}";
                } elseif ($cr['showdt'] == 2) {
                    $rewriter = eReturnRewriteInfoUrl($classid, $id, 1);
                    $reurl = $rewriter['pageurl'];
                } else {
                    $reurl = $titleurl;
            printerror("EditQinfoSuccess", $reurl, 1);
        } else {
            printerror("DbError", "history.go(-1)", 1);
    } elseif ($ecms == 2) {
        if (!$id) {
            printerror("ErrorUrl", "history.go(-1)", 1);
        $r = CheckQdoinfo($classid, $id, $muserid, $tbname, $cr['adminqinfo'], 2);
        $addecmscheck = empty($r['checked']) ? '&ecmscheck=1' : '';
        $infotbr = ReturnInfoTbname($tbname, $r['checked'], $r['stb']);
        $stf = $emod_r[$mid]['savetxtf'];
        $pf = $emod_r[$mid]['pagef'];
        if ($pf) {
            if (strstr($emod_r[$mid]['tbdataf'], ',' . $pf . ',')) {
                $finfor = $empire->fetch1("select " . $pf . " from " . $infotbr['datatbname'] . " where id='{$id}' limit 1");
                $r[$pf] = $finfor[$pf];
        if ($stf) {
            $newstextfile = $r[$stf];
            $r[$stf] = GetTxtFieldText($r[$stf]);
        DelNewsFile($r[filename], $r[newspath], $classid, $r[$pf], $r[groupid]);
        $indexsql = $empire->query("delete from {$dbtbpre}ecms_" . $tbname . "_index where id='{$id}'");
        $sql = $empire->query("delete from " . $infotbr['tbname'] . " where id={$id} and classid={$classid} and userid='{$muserid}' and ismember=1");
        $fsql = $empire->query("delete from " . $infotbr['datatbname'] . " where id={$id}");
        esetcookie("qdelinfo", "", 0);
        AddClassInfos($classid, '-1', '-1', $r['checked']);
        DelSingleInfoOtherData($classid, $id, $r, 0, 0);
        if ($r['checked']) {
            qAddListHtml($classid, $mid, $cr['qaddlist'], $cr['listdt']);
            if ($cr['repreinfo']) {
                $prer = $empire->fetch1("select * from {$dbtbpre}ecms_" . $tbname . " where id<{$id} and classid='{$classid}' order by id desc limit 1");
                GetHtml($prer['classid'], $prer['id'], $prer, 1);
                $nextr = $empire->fetch1("select * from {$dbtbpre}ecms_" . $tbname . " where id>{$id} and classid='{$classid}' order by id limit 1");
                if ($nextr['id']) {
                    GetHtml($nextr['classid'], $nextr['id'], $nextr, 1);
        if ($sql) {
            $reurl = DoingReturnUrl("ListInfo.php?mid={$mid}", $add['ecmsfrom']);
            printerror("DelQinfoSuccess", $reurl, 1);
        } else {
            printerror("DbError", "history.go(-1)", 1);
    } else {
        printerror("ErrorUrl", "", 1);