while ($array_userhours = mysql_fetch_array($result_userhours)) { if ($pdf->GetY() > 280) { $pdf->addPage(); } $user_id = $array_userhours['user_id']; $user_name_first = $array_userhours['user_name_first']; $user_name_second = $array_userhours['user_name_second']; $user_user_added = $array_userhours['user_user_added']; $user_user_rate = $array_userhours['user_user_rate']; $ts_hours = $array_userhours['SUM(ts_hours)']; if ($user_user_added > $settings_timesheetstart) { $timesheet_datum_user = $user_user_added; } else { $timesheet_datum_user = $settings_timesheetstart; } $percent_complete = TimeSheetHours($user_id, $display) / 100; // Calculate how much time has been spent on non-project hours $sql_nonproject = "SELECT SUM(ts_hours) FROM intranet_timesheet, intranet_projects WHERE ts_project = proj_id AND ts_user = {$user_id} AND proj_fee_track != 1 AND ts_entry >= {$timesheet_datum_user}"; $result_nonproject = mysql_query($sql_nonproject, $conn) or die(mysql_error()); $array_nonproject = mysql_fetch_array($result_nonproject); $hours_nonproject = $array_nonproject['SUM(ts_hours)']; $sql_total = "SELECT SUM(ts_hours) FROM intranet_timesheet, intranet_projects WHERE ts_project = proj_id AND ts_user = {$user_id} AND ts_entry >= {$timesheet_datum_user}"; $result_total = mysql_query($sql_total, $conn) or die(mysql_error()); $array_total = mysql_fetch_array($result_total); $hours_total = $array_total['SUM(ts_hours)']; $percent_nonproject = $hours_nonproject / $hours_total; if ($percent_nonproject > 1) { $percent_nonproject = 1; } if ($percent_complete > 1) { $percent_complete = 1;
include_once "secure/prefs.php"; //Check for hiding the alerts box if ($_POST[hidealerts]) { setcookie("timesheethide", $_POST[hidealerts]); $hidealerts = "yes"; } // Check for details of any projects $proj_details = ProjectTitle(); $proj_id = $proj_details[0]; if ($proj_id) { $proj_title = "<h1><a href=\"index2.php?page=project_view&proj_id={$proj_id}\">{$proj_details['1']} {$proj_details['2']}</a></h1>"; } else { unset($proj_title); } // Check for any outstanding timesheets $timesheetcomplete = TimeSheetHours($_COOKIE[user], ""); if ($_COOKIE[timesheetcomplete] < 75) { $timesheetaction = $timesheetaction . "<div class=\"warning\"><p><strong>Timesheets</strong></p><p>Your timesheets are only " . $timesheetcomplete . "% complete - <a href = \"popup_timesheet.php\">please fill them out</a>. If your timesheet drops below " . $settings_timesheetlimit . "% complete, you will not be able to access the intranet.</p></div>"; } //if ($timesheet_percentage_complete < $settings_timesheetlimit) { header("Location: popup_timesheet.php"); } // Check for any outstanding telephone messages if ($_COOKIE[phonemessageview] > 0 or $_COOKIE[phonemessageview] == NULL) { $sql2 = "SELECT * FROM intranet_phonemessage WHERE message_for_user = '******'user']}' AND message_viewed = 0"; $result2 = mysql_query($sql2, $conn) or die(mysql_error()); $messages_outstanding = mysql_num_rows($result2); if ($messages_outstanding > 0) { $phonemessageview = $_COOKIE[phonemessageview] + 1; setcookie("phonemessageview", $phonemessageview, time() + 3600); } } // Check for any invoices due to be issued today
<? // Include the cookie check information include "inc_files/inc_checkcookie.php"; // Perform any actions required if ($_GET[user_view] > 0) { $viewuser = $_GET[user_view]; } else { $viewuser = $_COOKIE[user]; } if ($_POST[action] != NULL) { $include_action = "inc_files/action_" . $_POST[action] .".php"; include_once($include_action); TimeSheetHours($viewuser,""); } $timesheetcomplete = TimeSheetHours($viewuser,"return"); // Include the header information include("inc_files/inc_header.php"); // Set the week beginning variable from either POST or GET if ($_POST[ts_weekbegin] != NULL) { $ts_weekbegin = $_POST[ts_weekbegin]; } elseif ($_GET[week] != NULL) { $ts_weekbegin = $_GET[week]; } else { $ts_weekbegin = BeginWeek(time()); } $TSFormat = "popup"; // Header