function writeTagsProposition($tagsCloud, $title) { static $id = 0; ++$id; echo <<<JS \$('.edit-tagclouds') .append( '<div class="collapsible" id="edit-tagcloud-{$id}">' + ' <h3>{$title}</h3>' + ' <p class="popularTags tags"></p>' + '</div>'); JS; $taglist = ''; foreach (array_keys($tagsCloud) as $key) { $row = $tagsCloud[$key]; $entries = T_ngettext('bookmark', 'bookmarks', $row['bCount']); $taglist .= '<span' . ' title="' . $row['bCount'] . ' ' . $entries . '"' . ' style="font-size:' . $row['size'] . '"' . ' onclick="addTag(this)">' . filter($row['tag']) . '</span> '; } echo '$(\'#edit-tagcloud-' . $id . ' p\').append(' . json_encode($taglist) . ");\n"; }
<?php print "<p>"; foreach ($supported_locales as $l) { print "[<a href=\"?lang={$l}\">{$l}</a>] "; } print "</p>\n"; if (!locale_emulation()) { print "<p>locale '{$locale}' is supported by your system, using native gettext implementation.</p>\n"; } else { print "<p>locale '{$locale}' is <strong>not</strong> supported on your system, using custom gettext implementation.</p>\n"; } ?> <hr /> <?php // using PHP-gettext print "<pre>"; print T_("This is how the story goes.\n\n"); for ($number = 6; $number >= 0; $number--) { print sprintf(T_ngettext("%d pig went to the market\n", "%d pigs went to the market\n", $number), $number); } print "</pre>\n"; ?> <hr /> <p>« <a href="./">back</a></p> </body> </html>
/** * Smarty block function, provides gettext support for smarty. * * The block content is the text that should be translated. * * Any parameter that is sent to the function will be represented as %n in the translation text, * where n is 1 for the first parameter. The following parameters are reserved: * - escape - sets escape mode: * - 'html' for HTML escaping, this is the default. * - 'js' for javascript escaping. * - 'url' for url escaping. * - 'no'/'off'/0 - turns off escaping * - plural - The plural version of the text (2nd parameter of ngettext()) * - count - The item count for plural mode (3rd parameter of ngettext()) */ function smarty_block_t($params, $text, $smarty) { // stop smarty from rendering on the opening tag if (!$text) { return; } $text = stripslashes($text); // set escape mode if ($params['escape'] !== null) { $escape = $params['escape']; unset($params['escape']); } // set plural version if ($params['plural'] !== null) { $plural = $params['plural']; unset($params['plural']); // set count if ($params['count'] !== null) { $count = $params['count']; unset($params['count']); } } // use plural if required parameters are set if ($count !== null and $plural !== null) { $text = T_ngettext($text, $plural, $count); // vain: prefixed "T_" for usage of php-gettext } else { // use normal $text = T_gettext($text); // vain: prefixed "T_" for usage of php-gettext } // run strarg if there are parameters if (count($params)) { $text = smarty_gettext_strarg($text, $params); } if (false === isset($escape) or $escape == 'html') { // html escape, default $text = nl2br(htmlspecialchars($text)); } elseif ($escape !== null) { switch ($escape) { case 'javascript': case 'js': // javascript escape $text = str_replace('\'', '\\\'', stripslashes($text)); break; case 'url': // url escape $text = urlencode($text); break; } } if ($text !== null) { return $text; } }
function translatePlural($msg, $plural, $count) { if (defined('_poMMo_gettext')) { return T_ngettext($msg, $plural, $count); } return ngettext($msg, $plural, $count); }
/** * Smarty block function, provides gettext support for smarty. * * The block content is the text that should be translated. * * Any parameter that is sent to the function will be represented as %n in the translation text, * where n is 1 for the first parameter. The following parameters are reserved: * - escape - sets escape mode: * - 'html' for HTML escaping, this is the default. * - 'js' for javascript escaping. * - 'url' for url escaping. * - 'no'/'off'/0 - turns off escaping * - plural - The plural version of the text (2nd parameter of ngettext()) * - count - The item count for plural mode (3rd parameter of ngettext()) */ function smarty_block_t($params, $text, &$smarty) { $text = stripslashes($text); // set escape mode if (isset($params['escape'])) { $escape = $params['escape']; unset($params['escape']); } // set plural version if (isset($params['plural'])) { $plural = $params['plural']; unset($params['plural']); // set count if (isset($params['count'])) { $count = $params['count']; unset($params['count']); } } // use plural if required parameters are set if (isset($count) && isset($plural)) { $text = T_ngettext($text, $plural, $count); } else { // use normal $text = T_gettext($text); } // run strarg if there are parameters if (count($params)) { $text = smarty_gettext_strarg($text, $params); } if (!isset($escape) || $escape == 'html') { // html escape, default $text = nl2br(htmlspecialchars($text)); } elseif (isset($escape)) { switch ($escape) { case 'javascript': case 'js': case 'json': // javascript escape {12-12-2007, mike: modified for JSON support in ZMG} $json =& zmgFactory::getJSON(); $text = $json->encode($text); break; case 'url': // url escape $text = urlencode($text); break; } } return $text; }
/** * Smarty block function, provides gettext support for smarty. * * The block content is the text that should be translated. * * Any parameter that is sent to the function will be represented as %n in the translation text, * where n is 1 for the first parameter. The following parameters are reserved: * - escape - sets escape mode: * - 'html' for HTML escaping, this is the default. * - 'js' for javascript escaping. * - 'url' for url escaping. * - 'no'/'off'/0 - turns off escaping * - plural - The plural version of the text (2nd parameter of ngettext()) * - count - The item count for plural mode (3rd parameter of ngettext()) */ function smarty_block_t($params, $text, &$smarty) { if (!$text) { return; } $text = stripslashes($text); // set escape mode if (isset($params['escape'])) { $escape = $params['escape']; unset($params['escape']); } // set plural version if (isset($params['plural'])) { $plural = $params['plural']; unset($params['plural']); // set count if (isset($params['count'])) { $count = $params['count']; unset($params['count']); } } // use plural if required parameters are set if (isset($count) && isset($plural)) { $text = T_ngettext($text, $plural, $count); } else { // use normal $text = T_gettext($text); } // run strarg if there are parameters if (count($params)) { $text = smarty_gettext_strarg($text, $params); } if (!isset($escape) || $escape == 'html') { // html escape, default $text = nl2br(htmlspecialchars($text)); } elseif (isset($escape)) { switch ($escape) { case 'javascript': case 'js': // javascript escape $text = str_replace('\'', '\\\'', stripslashes($text)); break; case 'url': // url escape $text = urlencode($text); break; } } return $text; }
function displayRelatedTagsList($output, $current_tags, $current_page = "tags.php?tag=") { $strResult = ""; if ($output != null) { $strResult = "<table class=\"related_tags\">"; foreach ($output as $current_row) { $resultsStr = T_ngettext('bookmark', 'bookmarks', $current_row['amount']); $strResult .= "<tr><td style=\"width: 1em; text-align: center;\"><a href=\"" . $current_page . $current_tags . "+" . $current_row['title'] . "\" title=\"" . T_("Add tag") . "\" alt=\"" . T_("Add tag") . "\">+</a></td><td style=\"margin-left: 0.5em;\"><a href=\"" . $current_page . $current_row['title'] . "\" title=\"" . $current_row['amount'] . " {$resultsStr}\">" . $current_row['title'] . "</a></td></tr>\n"; } $strResult .= "</table>"; } return $strResult; }
<?php print "<p>"; foreach ($supported_locales as $l) { print "[<a href=\"?lang={$l}\">{$l}</a>] "; } print "</p>\n"; if (!locale_emulation()) { print "<p>locale '{$locale}' is supported by your system, using native gettext implementation.</p>\n"; } else { print "<p>locale '{$locale}' is <strong>not</strong> supported on your system, using custom gettext implementation.</p>\n"; } ?> <hr /> <?php // using PHP-gettext print "<pre>"; print T_("This is how the story goes.\n\n"); for ($number = 6; $number >= 0; $number--) { print sprintf(gettext("Address Name")); print sprintf(T_ngettext("%d Address Name", "%d pigs went to the market\n", $number), $number); } print "</pre>\n"; ?> <hr /> <p>« <a href="./">back</a></p> </body> </html>
/** * importAddressCsv * * Imports a CSV file into the address book * * @param array $file The csv file * * @return void */ function importAddressCsv($file) { if (!in_array($file['type'], array('text/plain', 'text/x-csv', 'text/csv', 'application/', 'application/octet-stream'))) { echo ' <p class="error-alert">' . sprintf(T_('%s (%s) is not a CSV file.'), $file['name'], $file['type']) . '</p>'; return; } // Read in the file and parse the data to an array of arrays $addresses = array(); $handle = fopen($file['tmp_name'], "r"); $row = 0; while (($data = fgetcsv($handle, 4096, ",")) !== false) { if ($row == 0) { // Get Column headers $headers = $data; $row++; } else { $num = count($data); $row++; for ($i = 0; $i < $num; $i++) { if ($data[$i]) { $addresses[$row][$headers[$i]] = $data[$i]; } } } } // Loop through the multidimensional array and insert valid addresses into db $i = 0; foreach ($addresses as $address) { // First Name $fname = ''; if (isset($address['fname'])) { // FCMS $fname = $address['fname']; } elseif (isset($address['First Name'])) { // Outlook $fname = $address['First Name']; } elseif (isset($address['Given Name'])) { // Gmail $fname = $address['Given Name']; } // Last Name $lname = ''; if (isset($address['lname'])) { // FCMS $lname = $address['lname']; } elseif (isset($address['Last Name'])) { // Outlook $lname = $address['Last Name']; } elseif (isset($address['Family Name'])) { // Gmail $lname = $address['Family Name']; } // Email $email = ''; if (isset($address['email'])) { // FCMS $email = $address['email']; } elseif (isset($address['E-mail Address'])) { // Outlook $email = $address['E-mail Address']; } elseif (isset($address['E-mail 1 - Value'])) { // Gmail $email = $address['E-mail 1 - Value']; } // Street Address $street = ''; $city = ''; $state = ''; $zip = ''; if (isset($address['address'])) { // FCMS $street = $address['address']; } elseif (isset($address['Home Address'])) { // Outlook (all in one) // Try to parse the data into individual fields // This only works for US formatted addressess $endStreet = strpos($address['Home Address'], "\n"); if ($endStreet !== false) { $street = substr($address['Home Address'], 0, $endStreet - 1); $endCity = strpos($address['Home Address'], ",", $endStreet); if ($endCity !== false) { $city = substr($address['Home Address'], $endStreet + 1, $endCity - $endStreet - 1); $tmpZip = substr($address['Home Address'], -5); if (is_numeric($tmpZip)) { $endZip = strpos($address['Home Address'], $tmpZip, $endCity); if ($endZip !== false) { $state = substr($address['Home Address'], $endCity + 2); $state = substr($state, 0, -6); // 5 zip + space $zip = $tmpZip; } } else { $state = substr($address['Home Address'], $endCity); } } } else { $street = $address['Home Address']; } } elseif (isset($address['Home Street'])) { // Outlook $street = $address['Home Street']; } elseif (isset($address['Address 1 - Formatted'])) { // Gmail (all in one) // Try to parse the data into individual fields // This only works for US formatted addressess $endStreet = strpos($address['Address 1 - Formatted'], "\n"); if ($endStreet !== false) { $street = substr($address['Address 1 - Formatted'], 0, $endStreet - 1); $endCity = strpos($address['Address 1 - Formatted'], ",", $endStreet); if ($endCity !== false) { $city = substr($address['Address 1 - Formatted'], $endStreet + 1, $endCity - $endStreet - 1); $tmpZip = substr($address['Address 1 - Formatted'], -5); if (is_numeric($tmpZip)) { $endZip = strpos($address['Address 1 - Formatted'], $tmpZip, $endCity); if ($endZip !== false) { $state = substr($address['Address 1 - Formatted'], $endCity + 2); $state = substr($state, 0, -6); // 5 zip + space $zip = $tmpZip; } } else { $state = substr($address['Address 1 - Formatted'], $endCity); } } } else { $street = $address['Address 1 - Formatted']; } } elseif (isset($address['Address 1 - Street'])) { // Gmail $street = $address['Address 1 - Street']; } // City if (isset($address['city'])) { // FCMS $city = $address['city']; } elseif (isset($address['Home City'])) { // Outlook $city = $address['Home City']; } elseif (isset($address['Address 1 - City'])) { // Gmail $city = $address['Address 1 - City']; } // State if (isset($address['state'])) { // FCMS $state = $address['state']; } elseif (isset($address['Home State'])) { // Outlook $state = $address['Home State']; } elseif (isset($address['Address 1 - Region'])) { // Gmail $state = $address['Address 1 - Region']; } // Zip if (isset($address['zip'])) { // FCMS $zip = $address['zip']; } elseif (isset($address['Home Postal Code'])) { // Outlook $zip = $address['Home Postal Code']; } elseif (isset($address['Address 1 - Postal Code'])) { // Gmail $zip = $address['Address 1 - Postal Code']; } // Phone Numbers $home = ''; $work = ''; $cell = ''; // FCMS if (isset($address['home'])) { $home = $address['home']; } if (isset($address['work'])) { $work = $address['work']; } if (isset($address['cell'])) { $cell = $address['cell']; } // Outlook if (isset($address['Home Phone'])) { $home = $address['Home Phone']; } if (isset($address['Business Phone'])) { $work = $address['Business Phone']; } if (isset($address['Mobile Phone'])) { $cell = $address['Mobile Phone']; } // Gmail if (isset($address['Phone 1 - Type'])) { switch ($address['Phone 1 - Type']) { case 'Home': $home = $address['Phone 1 - Value']; break; case 'Work': $work = $address['Phone 1 - Value']; break; case 'Mobile': $cell = $address['Phone 1 - Value']; break; } } if (isset($address['Phone 2 - Type'])) { switch ($address['Phone 2 - Type']) { case 'Home': $home = $address['Phone 2 - Value']; break; case 'Work': $work = $address['Phone 2 - Value']; break; case 'Mobile': $cell = $address['Phone 2 - Value']; break; } } if (isset($address['Phone 3 - Type'])) { switch ($address['Phone 3 - Type']) { case 'Home': $home = $address['Phone 3 - Value']; break; case 'Work': $work = $address['Phone 3 - Value']; break; case 'Mobile': $cell = $address['Phone 3 - Value']; break; } } // Create non-member $uniq = uniqid(""); $pw = 'NONMEMBER'; if (isset($_POST['private'])) { $pw = 'PRIVATE'; } $sql = "INSERT INTO `fcms_users`\n (`access`, `joindate`, `fname`, `lname`, `email`, `username`, `phpass`)\n VALUES (3, NOW(), ?, ?, ?, 'NONMEMBER-{$uniq}', ?)"; $params = array($fname, $lname, $email, $pw); $id = $this->fcmsDatabase->insert($sql, $params); if ($id === false) { $this->fcmsError->displayError(); return; } // Create address for non-member $sql = "INSERT INTO `fcms_address`\n (`user`, `created_id`, `created`, `updated_id`, `updated`, `address`, `city`, `state`, `zip`, `home`, `work`, `cell`)\n VALUES\n (?, ?, NOW(), ?, NOW(), ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"; $params = array($id, $this->fcmsUser->id, $this->fcmsUser->id, $street, $city, $state, $zip, $home, $work, $cell); if ($this->fcmsDatabase->insert($sql, $params)) { $this->fcmsError->displayError(); return; } $i++; } echo ' <p class="ok-alert"> ' . sprintf(T_ngettext('%d Address Added Successfully', '%d Addresses Added Successfully', $i), $i) . ' </p>'; }
function get_formatted_timediff($then, $timeout = 24, $now = false) { $then = strtotime($then); define('INT_SECOND', 1); define('INT_MINUTE', 60); define('INT_HOUR', 3600); define('INT_DAY', 86400); define('INT_WEEK', 604800); $now = !$now ? time() : $now; $timediff = $now - $then; $weeks = (int) intval($timediff / INT_WEEK); $timediff = (int) intval($timediff - INT_WEEK * $weeks); $days = (int) intval($timediff / INT_DAY); $timediff = (int) intval($timediff - INT_DAY * $days); $hours = (int) intval($timediff / INT_HOUR); $timediff = (int) intval($timediff - INT_HOUR * $hours); $mins = (int) intval($timediff / INT_MINUTE); $timediff = (int) intval($timediff - INT_MINUTE * $mins); $sec = (int) intval($timediff / INT_SECOND); $timediff = (int) intval($timediff - $sec * INT_SECOND); if ($hours < $timeout && $days < 1 && $weeks < 1) { $str = ''; if ($weeks) { $str .= intval($weeks); $str .= ' ' . T_ngettext('week', 'weeks', $weeks); } if ($days) { $str .= $str ? ', ' : ''; $str .= intval($days); $str .= ' ' . T_ngettext('day', 'days', $days); } if ($hours) { $str .= $str ? ', ' : ''; $str .= intval($hours); $str .= ' ' . T_ngettext('hour', 'hours', $hours); } if ($mins) { $str .= $str ? ', ' : ''; $str .= intval($mins); $str .= ' ' . T_ngettext('minute', 'minutes', $mins); } if ($sec) { $str .= $str ? ', ' : ''; $str .= intval($sec); $str .= ' ' . T_ngettext('second', 'seconds', $sec); } if (!$weeks && !$days && !$hours && !$mins && !$sec) { $str .= T_('0 seconds ago'); } else { $str = sprintf(T_('%s ago'), $str); } } return $str; }
if (empty($results[$row['bid']])) { $results[$row['bid']] = 0; } $results[$row['bid']] += 2 * (100 - $total_rows / $total_bookmarks * 100) / $mod; } } } $number_of_results = count($results) + count($group_results); } include 'bheader.php'; if ($keywords != null) { echo "<br><b>" . T_("Search") . " -- " . T_("Results") . "</b>"; if ($number_of_results == 0) { $number_of_results = "" . T_("No") . ""; } $resultsStr = T_ngettext('result', 'results', $number_of_results); // Added all the entities stripslashes stuff to the search results. [LBS 20020211] echo "<p><b>{$number_of_results}</b> {$resultsStr} " . T_("for") . " \"<b>" . htmlentities(stripslashes($keywords)) . "</b>\""; } else { echo "<br><b>" . T_("Search in your own bookmarks") . "</b>"; } ?> <!-- Search Box --> <p> <form method="post"> <input type='hidden' name='action' value='search' /> <input name='keywords' value="" size="30" value="<?php echo htmlentities(stripslashes($keywords)); ?> " class="formtext" onfocus="" />
/** * displayMembersListPage * * @return void */ function displayMembersListPage() { $this->displayHeader(); $sql = "SELECT v.`id`, COUNT(*) AS 'count', v.`created_id` AS 'user_id', u.`fname`, u.`lname`, u.`avatar`, u.`gravatar`\n FROM `fcms_video` AS v\n LEFT JOIN `fcms_users` AS u ON v.`created_id` = u.`id`\n WHERE `active` = 1\n GROUP BY v.`created_id`\n ORDER BY v.`updated` DESC"; $rows = $this->fcmsDatabase->getRows($sql); if ($rows === false) { $this->fcmsError->displayError(); $this->displayFooter(); return; } echo ' <div id="sections_menu"> <ul> <li><a href="video.php">Latest Videos</a></li> </ul> </div> <ul id="large_video_users">'; foreach ($rows as $row) { $name = cleanOutput($row['fname']) . ' ' . cleanOutput($row['lname']); $avatarPath = getAvatarPath($row['avatar'], $row['gravatar']); echo ' <li> <a href="?u=' . $row['user_id'] . '"><img src="' . $avatarPath . '" alt="' . $name . '"/></a><br/> <a href="?u=' . $row['user_id'] . '">' . $name . '</a> <span>' . sprintf(T_ngettext('%d video', '%d videos', $row['count']), $row['count']) . '</span> </li>'; } echo ' </ul> </div>'; $this->displayFooter(); }
$unit = ngettext('month ago', 'months ago', $interval); } else { if ($interval < 631138519) { $interval = floor($interval / 31556926); $unit = ngettext('year ago', 'years ago', $interval); } else { $interval = floor($interval / 315569260); $unit = ngettext('decade ago', 'decades ago', $interval); } } } } } } } $time_string = sprintf('%d ' . T_ngettext($unit, $unit, $interval), $interval); } $song->format(); ?> <tr class="<?php echo UI::flip_class(); ?> "> <td class="cel_play"> <span class="cel_play_content"> </span> <div class="cel_play_hover"> <?php if (AmpConfig::get('directplay')) { ?> <?php echo Ajax::button('?page=stream&action=directplay&playtype=song&song_id=' . $song->id, 'play', T_('Play'), 'play_song_' . $nb . '_' . $song->id);
/** * getHumanTimeSince * * Returns a nice, human readable difference between two dates. * ex: "5 days", "24 minutes" * * to time will be set to time() if not supplied * * @param int $from * @param int $to * * @return void */ function getHumanTimeSince($from, $to = 0) { if ($to == 0) { $to = time(); } $diff = (int) abs($to - $from); // now if ($diff < 1) { $since = T_('right now'); } elseif ($diff < 60) { $since = sprintf(T_ngettext('%s second ago', '%s seconds ago', $diff), $diff); } elseif ($diff <= 3600) { $mins = round($diff / 60); if ($mins <= 1) { $mins = 1; } $since = sprintf(T_ngettext('%s minute ago', '%s minutes ago', $mins), $mins); } elseif ($diff <= 86400 && $diff > 3600) { $hours = round($diff / 3600); if ($hours <= 1) { $hours = 1; } $since = sprintf(T_ngettext('%s hour ago', '%s hours ago', $hours), $hours); } elseif ($diff >= 86400) { $days = round($diff / 86400); if ($days <= 1) { $days = 1; } $since = sprintf(T_ngettext('%s day ago', '%s days ago', $days), $days); } return $since; }
$logged_on_userid = $userservice->getCurrentUserId(); if ($logged_on_userid === false) { $logged_on_userid = NULL; } $popularTags =& $b2tservice->getPopularTags($userid, $popCount, $logged_on_userid); $popularTags =& $b2tservice->tagCloud($popularTags, 5, 90, 225, 'alphabet_asc'); if ($popularTags && count($popularTags) > 0) { ?> <h2><?php echo T_('Popular Tags'); ?> </h2> <div id="popular"> <p class="tags"> <?php $contents = ''; if (strlen($user) == 0) { $cat_url = createURL('tags', '%2$s'); } foreach ($popularTags as $row) { $entries = T_ngettext('bookmark', 'bookmarks', $row['bCount']); $contents .= '<a href="' . sprintf($cat_url, $user, filter($row['tag'], 'url')) . '" title="' . $row['bCount'] . ' ' . $entries . '" rel="tag" style="font-size:' . $row['size'] . '">' . filter($row['tag']) . '</a> '; } echo $contents . "\n"; ?> </p> </div> <?php }
/** * displayImportBlogPosts * * @return void */ function displayImportBlogPosts() { $this->displayHeader(); // setup familynew obj $newsObj = new FamilyNews($this->fcmsError, $this->fcmsDatabase, $this->fcmsUser); // get external ids $external_ids = $newsObj->getExternalPostIds(); // Get import blog settings $sql = "SELECT `user`, `blogger`, `tumblr`, `wordpress`, `posterous`\n FROM `fcms_user_settings`\n WHERE `user` = ?"; $r = $this->fcmsDatabase->getRow($sql, $this->fcmsUser->id); if ($r === false) { $this->fcmsError->displayError(); $this->displayFooter(); return; } if (empty($r)) { echo '<div class="error-alert">' . T_('Nothing to import.') . '</div>'; $this->fcmsSettings->displayFamilyNews(); $this->displayFooter(); return; } $count = 0; switch ($_GET['import']) { case 'blogger': $count = $newsObj->importBloggerPosts($r['blogger'], $this->fcmsUser->id, '', $external_ids); if ($count === false) { $this->fcmsSettings->displayFamilyNews(); $this->displayFooter(); return; } break; case 'tumblr': $count = $newsObj->importTumblrPosts($r['tumblr'], $this->fcmsUser->id, '', $external_ids); if ($count === false) { $this->fcmsSettings->displayFamilyNews(); $this->displayFooter(); return; } break; case 'wordpress': $count = $newsObj->importWordpressPosts($r['wordpress'], $this->fcmsUser->id, '', $external_ids); if ($count === false) { $this->fcmsSettings->displayFamilyNews(); $this->displayFooter(); return; } break; case 'posterous': $count = $newsObj->importPosterousPosts($r['posterous'], $this->fcmsUser->id, '', $external_ids); if ($count === false) { $this->fcmsSettings->displayFamilyNews(); $this->displayFooter(); return; } break; } displayOkMessage(sprintf(T_ngettext('%d post has been imported.', '%d posts have been imported.', $count), $count)); $this->fcmsSettings->displayFamilyNews(); $this->displayFooter(); return; }
/** * displayAward * * Displays details about the given award type. * Along with who the award was awarded to and any other awards they own. * * @param int $userid * @param int $type * * @return void */ function displayAward($userid, $type) { $userid = (int) $userid; $sql = "SELECT a.`id`, a.`user`, a.`award`, a.`month`, a.`date`, a.`item_id`, a.`count`, u.`fname`\n FROM `fcms_user_awards` AS a,\n `fcms_users` AS u\n WHERE a.`user` = '{$userid}'\n AND a.`award` = '{$type}'\n AND a.`user` = u.`id`"; $rows = $this->fcmsDatabase->getRows($sql, array($userid, $type)); if ($rows === false) { $this->fcmsError->displayError(); return; } if (count($rows) <= 0) { echo ' <p class="error-alert">' . T_('Invalid Member/Award.') . '</p>'; return; } $awardList = array(); foreach ($rows as $r) { $awardList[] = $r; $fname = $r['fname']; } $currentAward = array('id' => $awardList[0]['id'], 'award' => $awardList[0]['award'], 'month' => $awardList[0]['month'], 'date' => $awardList[0]['date'], 'item_id' => $awardList[0]['item_id'], 'count' => $awardList[0]['count']); $awardsInfo = $this->getAwardsInfoList(); $totalTimesAwarded = count($awardList); $string = T_ngettext('%s has been given this award %d time.', '%s has been given this award %d times.', $totalTimesAwarded); $awardedCount = sprintf($string, $fname, $totalTimesAwarded) . '</h5>'; if ($userid == $this->fcmsUser->id) { $string = T_ngettext('You have been given this award %d time.', 'You have been given this award %d times.', $totalTimesAwarded); $awardedCount = sprintf($string, $totalTimesAwarded) . '</h5>'; } echo ' <div id="current-award"> <div class="' . $currentAward['award'] . '"></div> <h1>' . $awardsInfo[$currentAward['award']]['name'] . '</h1> <h2>' . $awardsInfo[$currentAward['award']]['description'] . '</h2> </div> <h5 class="times-awarded">' . $awardedCount . '</h5>'; foreach ($awardList as $r) { $details = ''; $date = ''; if (strlen($r['month']) == 6) { $year = substr($r['month'], 0, 4); $month = substr($r['month'], 4, 2); $date = date('F, Y', strtotime("{$year}-{$month}-01")); } switch ($r['award']) { case 'board': $details = sprintf(T_pgettext('Ex: December, 2011 - 10 posts', '%s - %s posts'), $date, $r['count']); break; case 'gallery': $details = sprintf(T_pgettext('Ex: December, 2011 - 10 photos', '%s - %s photos'), $date, $r['count']); break; case 'recipes': $details = sprintf(T_pgettext('Ex: December, 2011 - 10 recipes', '%s - %s recipes'), $date, $r['count']); break; case 'news': $details = sprintf(T_pgettext('Ex: December, 2011 - 10 posts', '%s - %s posts'), $date, $r['count']); break; case 'docs': $details = sprintf(T_pgettext('Ex: December, 2011 - 10 documents', '%s - %s documents'), $date, $r['count']); break; case 'icebreaker': $thread = (int) $r['item_id']; $replies = sprintf(T_pgettext('Ex: 21 replies', '%d replies'), $r['count']); $details = $date . ' - <a href="messageboard.php?thread=' . $thread . '">' . $this->fcmsMessageBoard->getThreadSubject($thread) . '</a> - ' . $replies; break; case 'shutterbug': $id = (int) $r['item_id']; $photo = $this->fcmsPhotoGallery->getPhotoInfo($id); $views = sprintf(T_pgettext('Ex: 210 views', '%d views'), $r['count']); $photoSrc = $this->fcmsPhotoGallery->getPhotoSource($photo); $details = $date . ' - ' . $views . '<br/>'; $details .= '<a href="gallery/index.php?uid=' . $photo['user'] . '&cid=' . $photo['category'] . '&pid=' . $photo['id'] . '">'; $details .= '<img src="' . $photoSrc . '"/>'; $details .= '</a>'; break; case 'interesting': $id = (int) $r['item_id']; $views = sprintf(T_pgettext('Ex: 21 comments', '%d comments'), $r['count']); $sql = "SELECT `title`\n FROM `fcms_news`\n WHERE `id` = '{$id}'"; $news = $this->fcmsDatabase->getRow($sql, $id); if ($news === false) { $this->fcmsError->displayError(); return; } $title = cleanOutput($news['title']); $details = $date . ' - <a href="familynews.php?getnews=' . $r['user'] . '&newsid=' . $id . '">' . $title . '</a> - ' . $views; break; case 'secretive': $views = sprintf(T_pgettext('Ex: 210 private messages', '%d private messages'), $r['count']); $details = $date . ' - ' . $views . '<br/>'; break; case 'planner': $views = sprintf(T_pgettext('Ex: 53 events', '%d events'), $r['count']); $details = $date . ' - ' . $views . '<br/>'; break; case 'photogenic': $views = sprintf(T_pgettext('Ex: 53 photos', '%d photos'), $r['count']); $details = $date . ' - ' . $views . '<br/>'; break; } echo ' <p>' . $details . '</p>'; } }
<?php $userservice =& ServiceFactory::getServiceInstance('UserService'); if ($userservice->isLoggedOn()) { $currentUser = $userservice->getCurrentUser(); $currentUsername = $currentUser[$userservice->getFieldName('username')]; if ($currentUsername == $user) { $tags = explode('+', $currenttag); $renametext = T_ngettext('Rename Tag', 'Rename Tags', count($tags)); $renamelink = createURL('tagrename', $currenttag); $deletelink = createURL('tagdelete', $currenttag); ?> <h2><?php echo T_('Actions'); ?> </h2> <div id="tagactions"> <ul> <li><a href="<?php echo $renamelink; ?> "><?php echo $renametext; ?> </a></li> <?php if (count($tags) == 1) { ?> <li><a href="<?php echo $deletelink;
include 'conn.php'; echo "<div id=\"mainHr\"><hr></div>"; echo "<p style=\"text-align: center;\">"; $Query = "select count(name) as total from " . TABLE_PREFIX . "session where status!='disabled'"; //echo($Query . "<br>\n"); $dbResult = $dblink->query($Query); $count = 0; if ($row =& $dbResult->fetchRow(DB_FETCHMODE_ASSOC)) { $rec_total_users = "{$row["total"]}"; } $Query = "select count(*) as total from " . TABLE_PREFIX . "favourites"; //echo($Query . "<br>\n"); $dbResult = $dblink->query($Query); $count = 0; if ($row =& $dbResult->fetchRow(DB_FETCHMODE_ASSOC)) { $rec_total_bookmarks = "{$row["total"]}"; } $usersStr = T_ngettext('user', 'users', $rec_total_users); $thereStr = T_ngettext('There is', 'There are', $rec_total_users); echo "{$thereStr} <b>" . $rec_total_users . " {$usersStr}</b> " . sprintf(T_("registered on %s"), WEBSITE_NAME) . ".\n"; echo "<br>" . sprintf(T_("There are <b>%s bookmarks</b> stored on %s"), $rec_total_bookmarks, WEBSITE_NAME) . ".</p>\n"; if (IS_GETBOO) { // Paypal button $pAlign = "center"; include 'paypal.php'; } } ?> </div> </body> </html>
$donorLogo = " <img src=\"images/donor-mini.gif\" alt=\"" . T_("Donor") . "\" title=\"" . T_("Donor") . "\" />"; } else { $donorLogo = ""; } echo T_("by") . " <a href=\"userb.php?uname=" . $userName . "\">" . $userName . "{$donorLogo}</a> "; } echo "... "; if ($time_between) { echo T_("added") . " " . $time_between; } else { echo T_("on") . " " . $date_added; } /*if($username == $userName) echo(" / Delete");*/ echo "</div>\n"; //Comments $nbOfComments = getNbOfComments($rec_id); echo "<div class=\"tagfooter\"{$footerCSS}><a href=\"comment.php?bID=" . $rec_id . "\" "; if ($nbOfComments == 0) { echo "class=\"tagCommentSingle\">" . T_("submit comment"); } else { $resultsStr = T_ngettext('comment', 'comments', $nbOfComments); echo "class=\"tagCommentMultiple\">" . "{$resultsStr}(" . $nbOfComments . ")"; } echo "</a></div>\n"; if (USE_SCREENSHOT && SCREENSHOT_URL) { echo "</div>\n"; } echo "<br>\n"; } }