function shame_medal_dynamite_deaths()
    global $currentconfignumber;
    global $t;
    //table names
    global $wp_dynamite;
    global $text;
    $fname = __FUNCTION__;
    $ch = new cache($fname, $currentconfignumber);
    if ($ch->cval == 0) {
        $qry = "SELECT {$t['b3_clients']}.name, {$t['players']}.id, ip, {$t['b3_clients']}.time_edit, {$t['players']}.fixed_name, rounds, (SUM({$t['weaponusage']}.deaths) / {$t['players']}.rounds) AS total_deaths\r\n        FROM {$t['weaponusage']}\r\n        JOIN {$t['players']} ON {$t['weaponusage']}.player_id = {$t['players']}.id\r\n        JOIN {$t['b3_clients']} ON {$t['players']}.client_id = {$t['b3_clients']}.id\r\n        WHERE ({$t['weaponusage']}.weapon_id IN {$wp_dynamite})";
        list($score, $playerid, $name, $players, $scores, $playerids, $flags) = CreateMedal($qry, "total_deaths", "total_deaths DESC", 2, "");
        ShowMedal($text["mmdynamite"], $text["dynamitedeth"], $score, $playerid, $name, "xlr_shame_nade.png", $text["mostdyndeth"], $players, $scores, $fname, $playerids, $flags, $ch);
Ejemplo n.º 2
function shame_medal_careless()
    $link = baselink();
    global $coddb;
    global $separatorline;
    global $t;
    //table names
    global $a_name;
    //award names
    global $a_desc;
    //award descriptions
    global $w;
    global $minkills;
    global $minrounds;
    global $maxdays;
    global $wp_accidents;
    global $text;
    global $exclude_ban;
    $current_time = gmdate("U");
    $query = " SELECT {$t['b3_clients']}.name, {$t['players']}.id, ip, {$t['b3_clients']}.time_edit, {$t['players']}.fixed_name, rounds, (SUM({$t['weaponusage']}.suicides) / {$t['players']}.rounds) AS total_suicides\n      FROM {$t['weaponusage']}\n      JOIN {$t['players']} ON {$t['weaponusage']}.player_id = {$t['players']}.id\n      JOIN {$t['b3_clients']} ON {$t['players']}.client_id = {$t['b3_clients']}.id\n      WHERE ({$t['weaponusage']}.weapon_id IN {$wp_accidents})\n      AND (({$t['players']}.kills > {$minkills})\n      OR ({$t['players']}.rounds > {$minrounds}))\n      AND ({$t['players']}.hide = 0)\n      AND ({$current_time} - {$t['b3_clients']}.time_edit  < {$maxdays}*60*60*24)";
    if ($exclude_ban) {
        $query .= " AND {$t['b3_clients']}.id NOT IN (\n      SELECT distinct(\n      FROM {$t['b3_penalties']} as penalties, {$t['b3_clients']} as target\n      WHERE (penalties.type = 'Ban' OR penalties.type = 'TempBan')\n      AND inactive = 0\n      AND penalties.client_id =\n      AND ( penalties.time_expire = -1 OR penalties.time_expire > UNIX_TIMESTAMP(NOW()) )\n    )";
    $query .= " GROUP BY {$t['players']}.id\n      ORDER BY total_suicides DESC\n      LIMIT 1 ";
    $result = $coddb->sql_query($query);
    $row = $coddb->sql_fetchrow($result);
    $name = $row['fixed_name'] ? $row['fixed_name'] : $row['name'];
    $score = sprintf("%.2f", $row['total_suicides']);
    $playerid = $row['id'];
    $query = str_replace("LIMIT 1", "LIMIT 0, 10", $query);
    $result = $coddb->sql_query($query);
    while ($row = $coddb->sql_fetchrow($result)) {
        $names = $row['fixed_name'] ? $row['fixed_name'] : $row['name'];
        $players[] = $names;
        $scores[] = sprintf("%.2f", $row['total_suicides']);
        $playerids[] = $row['id'];
        $flags[] = country_flag($row['ip']);
    if (!isset($playerids, $flags, $players, $scores)) {
        $playerids = "";
        $flags = "";
        $players = "";
        $scores = "";
    $fname = __FUNCTION__;
    ShowMedal($text["accidenthero"], $text["blindasbat"], $score, $playerid, $name, "xlr_shame_blind.png", $text["mostaccdeath"], $players, $scores, $fname, $playerids, $flags);