Ejemplo n.º 1
 public function SaveThread($dataForm, $thread_userId)
     global $mySession;
     $db = new Db();
     $Datainsert['topic_id'] = $dataForm['topic_id'];
     $Datainsert['thread_id'] = $dataForm['thread_id'];
     $Datainsert['replyof'] = $dataForm['replyof'];
     $Datainsert['user_id'] = $dataForm['user_id'];
     $Datainsert['date_posted'] = $dataForm['date_added'];
     $Datainsert['post_text'] = $dataForm['post_text'];
     $db->save(FORUM_POSTS, $Datainsert);
     $threadcommentuser = $db->runQuery("select * from " . FORUM_POSTS . " AS TP  inner join " . USERS . " AS U \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tON TP.user_id=U.user_id where TP.user_id=" . $dataForm['user_id'] . "");
     $comment_user = $threadcommentuser[0]['first_name'] . $threadcommentuser[0]['last_name'];
     $userData = $db->runQuery("select * from " . FORUM_THREADS . " AS T  inner join " . USERS . " AS U \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tON T.user_id=U.user_id where T.thread_id=" . $dataForm['thread_id'] . "");
     $fullName = $userData[0]['first_name'] . $userData[0]['last_name'];
     $commentuser = $comment_user;
     $useremail = $userData[0]['email_address'];
     $threadtitle = $userData[0]['thread_text'];
     $templateData = $db->runQuery("select * from " . EMAIL_TEMPLATES . " where template_id='5'");
     $messageText = $templateData[0]['email_body'];
     $subject = $templateData[0]['email_subject'];
     $messageText = str_replace("[USERNAME]", $fullName, $messageText);
     $messageText = str_replace("[THREADTITLE]", $threadtitle, $messageText);
     $messageText = str_replace("[COMMENTUSERNAME]", $commentuser, $messageText);
     $messageText = str_replace("[SITENAME]", SITE_NAME, $messageText);
     SendEmail($useremail, $subject, $messageText);
     return 1;
function CustomScheduler()
    global $sugar_config, $db;
    $timeDate = new TimeDate();
    $timeDateNow = $timeDate->getNow(true)->asDb();
    $days_offset = 15;
    $GLOBALS['log']->fatal("Checking Opportunities...");
    $query = "select opportunities.id from opportunities\n\twhere opportunities.sales_stage != 'Closed Won'\n\tand DATEDIFF(opportunities.date_modified,'" . $timeDateNow . "') < " . $days_offset . "\n\tand !opportunities.deleted";
    $GLOBALS['log']->fatal("Query: " . $query);
    $res = $db->query($query, true, 'Error: ');
    while ($row = $db->fetchByAssoc($res)) {
        $opportunity = new Opportunity();
        if (!is_null($opportunity->retrieve($row['id']))) {
            $user = new User();
            if (!is_null($user->retrieve($opportunity->assigned_user_id))) {
                $emailsTo = array();
                $emailSubject = "Opportunity Alert";
                $emailBody = "The following Opportunity has " . $days_offset . " days without changes.<br /><br />\n\t\t\t\tName: " . $opportunity->name . "<br />\n\t\t\t\tAccount: " . $opportunity->account_name . "<br />\n\t\t\t\tAmount: " . $opportunity->amount . "<br />\n\t\t\t\tSales Stage: " . $opportunity->sales_stage . "<br />\n\t\t\t\tDate Close: " . $opportunity->date_closed . "<br /><br />\n\t\t\t\tYou can see the opportunity here:<br />\n\t\t\t\t<a href=\"" . $sugar_config['site_url'] . "/index.php?module=Opportunities&action=DetailView&record=" . $opportunity->id . "\">" . $opportunity->name . "</a>";
                $emailsTo[] = $user->email1;
                SendEmail($emailsTo, $emailSubject, $emailBody);
    $GLOBALS['log']->fatal("Opportunities checked");
    return true;
Ejemplo n.º 3
 public function hireuserAction()
     global $mySession;
     $db = new Db();
     $id = $this->getRequest()->getParam('user_id');
     $this->view->id = $id;
     //echo ("select * from ".USERS." inner join ".COUNTRIES." on ".COUNTRIES.".country_id=".USERS.".country_id  where user_id='".$id."' ");die;
     //echo ("select * from ".USERS." inner join ".COUNTRIES." on ".COUNTRIES.".country_id=".USERS.".country_id where user_id='".$id."' ");die;
     $sql = $db->runquery("select * from " . USERS . " where user_id='" . $id . "' ");
     $this->view->pageTitle = "Hire:" . $sql[0]['public_name'];
     $follow = $db->runquery("select *," . USERS . ".user_id as user_id from " . FOLLOW . " inner join " . USERS . " on (" . FOLLOW . ".following_id=" . USERS . ".user_id) where following_id='" . $id . "' ");
     $follower = $db->runquery("select *," . USERS . ".user_id as user_id from " . FOLLOW . " inner join " . USERS . " on (" . FOLLOW . ".follower_id=" . USERS . ".user_id) where follower_id='" . $id . "' ");
     $this->view->follower = $follower;
     $this->view->follow = $follow;
     $this->view->dataQry = $sql[0];
     $myform = new Form_Hire();
     $this->view->myform = $myform;
     $loggeduser = $db->runquery("select * from " . USERS . " where user_id='" . $mySession->TeeLoggedID . "' ");
     if ($this->getRequest()->isPost()) {
         $request = $this->getRequest();
         if ($myform->isValid($request->getPost())) {
             $dataForm = $myform->getValues();
             $templateData = $db->runQuery("select * from " . EMAIL_TEMPLATES . " where template_id='18'");
             $emailidcreator = $sql[0]['emailid'];
             $messageText = $templateData[0]['email_body'];
             $subject = $templateData[0]['email_subject'];
             $messageText = str_replace("[NAME]", $useremail[0]['public_name'], $messageText);
             $messageText = str_replace("[MESSAGE]", $dataForm['Message'], $messageText);
             $messageText = str_replace("[SENDEREMAIL]", $loggeduser[0]['emailid'], $messageText);
             $messageText = str_replace("[SITENAME]", SITE_NAME, $messageText);
             $result = SendEmail($emailidcreator, $subject, $messageText);
             if ($result) {
                 $mySession->errorMsg = "Mail  Sent Successfully !!!";
                 $this->_redirect('user/view/user_id/' . $id);
             } else {
                 $mySession->errorMsg = "Email Address is not correct!!!";
                 $this->_redirect('user/view/user_id/' . $id);
         } else {
             $mySession->errorMsg = "Please Fill All The Fields !!!";
             $this->view->myform = $myform;
             $this->view->id = $id;
             $this->view->follower = $follower;
             $this->view->follow = $follow;
             $this->view->dataQry = $sql[0];
             //echo "dfasdf";die;
Ejemplo n.º 4
 public function emailfriends($dataForm)
     $db = new Db();
     global $mySession;
     $friendsemailid = explode(",", $dataForm['friendsemailid']);
     for ($i = 0; $i < count($friendsemailid); $i++) {
         //$TeeLink='<a href="'.APPLICATION_URL.'launchcampaign/showcampaign/name/'.$teeurl.'">'.APPLICATION_URL.'launchcampaign/showcampaign/name/'.$teeurl.'</a>';
         //$templateData=$db->runQuery("select * from ".EMAIL_TEMPLATES." where template_id='9'");
         $messageText = $dataForm['content'];
         $subject = $dataForm['subject'];
         SendEmail($friendsemailid[$i], $subject, $messageText);
     return 1;
Ejemplo n.º 5
 public function sendnewsletterAction()
     global $mySession;
     $db = new Db();
     $r = $this->getRequest()->getParam('r');
     $exp = explode("|", $r);
     for ($i = 0; $i < count($exp) - 1; $i++) {
         $emailData = $db->runQuery("select * from " . USERS . " where user_id='" . $exp[$i] . "'");
         $templateData = $db->runQuery("select * from " . EMAIL_TEMPLATES . " where template_id='1'");
         $messageText = $templateData[0]['email_body'];
         $subject = $templateData[0]['email_subject'];
         $messageText = str_replace("[LOGINNAME]", $emailData[0]['email_address'], $messageText);
         $messageText = str_replace("[SITENAME]", SITE_NAME, $messageText);
         SendEmail($emailData[0]['email_address'], $subject, $messageText);
     $mySession->errorMsg = "Newsletter has been sent successfully.";
Ejemplo n.º 6
 public function SaveSub($dataForm)
     global $mySession;
     $db = new Db();
     $value = $_POST['plan'];
     $dataForm = SetupMagicQuotes($dataForm);
     $chkQry = $db->runQuery("select * from " . SUBSCRIPTION . " where email_address='" . $dataForm['email_address'] . "'");
     if ($chkQry != "" and count($chkQry) > 0) {
         return 0;
     } else {
         $dataInsert['first_name'] = $dataForm['first_name'];
         $dataInsert['last_name'] = $dataForm['last_name'];
         $dataInsert['email_address'] = $dataForm['email_address'];
         $dataInsert['username'] = $dataForm['username'];
         $dataInsert['password'] = md5($dataForm['password_o']);
         $dataInsert['address'] = $dataForm['address'];
         $dataInsert['country_id'] = $dataForm['country_id'];
         $dataInsert['zipcode'] = $dataForm['zipcode'];
         $dataInsert['phone_number'] = $dataForm['phone_number'];
         $dataInsert['mobile_number'] = $dataForm['mobile_number'];
         $dataInsert['id'] = $value;
         $dataInsert['date_joined'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
         $dataInsert['user_status'] = '1';
         $dataInsert['user_type'] = $dataForm['signup_type'];
         $db->save(USERS, $dataInsert);
         $UserId = $db->lastInsertId();
         //code to send registration email
         $fullName = $dataForm['first_name'] . ' ' . $dataForm['last_name'];
         $Url = '<a href="' . APPLICATION_URL . '">' . APPLICATION_URL . '</a>';
         $templateData = $db->runQuery("select * from " . EMAIL_TEMPLATES . " where template_id='2'");
         $messageText = $templateData[0]['email_body'];
         $subject = $templateData[0]['email_subject'];
         $messageText = str_replace("[NAME]", "<strong>" . $fullName . "</strong>", $messageText);
         $messageText = str_replace("[SITENAME]", "<strong>" . SITE_NAME . "</strong>", $messageText);
         $messageText = str_replace("[LOGINNAME]", "<strong>" . $dataForm['username'] . "</strong>", $messageText);
         $messageText = str_replace("[PASSWORD]", "<strong>" . $dataForm['password_o'] . "</strong>", $messageText);
         $messageText = str_replace("[SITEURL]", "<strong>" . $Url . "</strong>", $messageText);
         SendEmail($dataForm['email_address'], $subject, $messageText);
         //code to send registration email
         return $UserId;
Ejemplo n.º 7
function AddContacts()
    global $config, $txtName, $txtEmail, $txtType, $txtCompany, $txtTitle, $txtSubject, $txtMessage;
    $c = new ContactsDetails();
    $c->_contact_name = $txtName;
    $c->_contact_email = $txtEmail;
    $c->_contact_type = $txtType;
    $c->_contact_company = $txtCompany;
    $c->_contact_title = $txtTitle;
    $c->_contact_subject = $txtSubject;
    $c->_contact_message = nl2br($txtMessage);
    $c->_contact_date_submited = date("Y-m-d");
    if (ValidateContacts()) {
        $td = ContactsDetails::Insert($c);
        //send email
        return $td;
    return false;
Ejemplo n.º 8
 public function saveComment($dataForm)
     //echo 'hello'; exit();
     global $mySession;
     $db = new Db();
     //	prd($dataForm);
     $db->save(BLOG_COMMENTS, $dataForm);
     $commentuser = $db->runQuery("select * from  " . BLOG_COMMENTS . " AS BC \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tinner join " . USERS . " as U ON BC.post_by=U.user_id\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\twhere  BC.post_by=" . $dataForm['post_by'] . "");
     $comment_user = $commentuser[0]['first_name'] . $commentuser[0]['last_name'];
     $userData = $db->runQuery("select * from " . BLOG_POST . " AS BP  inner join " . BLOG_COMMENTS . " AS BC \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tON BP.blog_post_id=BC.blog_post_id \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tinner join " . USERS . " as U ON BP.user_id=U.user_id\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\twhere BP.status='1' and BP.activeBlog='1' and BP.blog_post_id=" . $dataForm['blog_post_id'] . "");
     $fullName = $userData[0]['first_name'] . $userData[0]['last_name'];
     $commentbyuser = $comment_user;
     $useremail = $userData[0]['email_address'];
     $threadtitle = $userData[0]['title'];
     $templateData = $db->runQuery("select * from " . EMAIL_TEMPLATES . " where template_id='6'");
     $messageText = $templateData[0]['email_body'];
     $subject = $templateData[0]['email_subject'];
     $messageText = str_replace("[USERNAME]", $fullName, $messageText);
     $messageText = str_replace("[BLOGTITLE]", $threadtitle, $messageText);
     $messageText = str_replace("[COMMENTUSERNAME]", $commentbyuser, $messageText);
     $messageText = str_replace("[SITENAME]", SITE_NAME, $messageText);
     SendEmail($useremail, $subject, $messageText);
     return 1;
Ejemplo n.º 9
 public function sendMessage($dataForm)
     global $mySession;
     $db = new Db();
     foreach ($dataForm['box2View'] as $val) {
         $dataMessage['receiver_id'] = $val;
         $dataMessage['sender_id'] = 0;
         $dataMessage['message_subject'] = $dataForm['message_subject'];
         $dataMessage['message_text'] = $dataForm['message_text'];
         $dataMessage['date_message_sent'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
         $db->save(MESSAGES, $dataMessage);
         $user = $db->runQuery("select * from  " . USERS . " where user_id=" . $dataMessage['receiver_id'] . "");
         $receiveuser = $user[0]['first_name'] . '&nbsp;' . $user[0]['last_name'];
         $useremail = $user[0]['email_address'];
         $templateData = $db->runQuery("select * from " . EMAIL_TEMPLATES . " where template_id='8'");
         $messageText = $templateData[0]['email_body'];
         $subject = $dataForm['message_subject'];
         $messageText = str_replace("[NAME]", $receiveuser, $messageText);
         $messageText = str_replace("[SITENAME]", SITE_NAME, $messageText);
         SendEmail($useremail, $subject, $messageText);
         return 1;
     return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 10
 public function CheckForgotpass($dataForm)
     global $mySession;
     $db = new Db();
     $chkQry = $db->runQuery("select * from " . USERS . " where emailid='" . mysql_escape_string($dataForm['emailid']) . "'");
     if ($chkQry != "" and count($chkQry) > 0) {
         $dataUpdate['pass_reset'] = md5($chkQry[0]['user_id']);
         $conditionUpdate = "user_id='" . $chkQry[0]['user_id'] . "'";
         $db->modify(USERS, $dataUpdate, $conditionUpdate);
         //code to send password reset email
         $emailid = $chkQry[0]['emailid'];
         $Urls = '<a href="' . APPLICATION_URL . 'login/reset/requestId/' . md5($chkQry[0]['user_id']) . '">' . APPLICATION_URL . 'login/reset/requestId/' . md5($chkQry[0]['user_id']) . '</a>';
         $templateData = $db->runQuery("select * from " . EMAIL_TEMPLATES . " where template_id='3'");
         $messageText = $templateData[0]['email_body'];
         $messageText = str_replace("[NAME]", $emailid, $messageText);
         $messageText = str_replace("[PASSWORDRESETURL]", $Urls, $messageText);
         $messageText = str_replace("[SITENAME]", SITE_NAME, $messageText);
         $subject = "forgotpassword mail";
         //echo $messageText; exit;
         SendEmail($dataForm['emailid'], $subject, $messageText);
         //code to send password reset email
         return $chkQry[0]['user_id'];
Ejemplo n.º 11
function saveSqlError($conn, $error, $sql, $params)
    // Guarda el error que generó un query en la tabla de errores web..
    global $servidorContingenciaActivo;
    try {
        $sql = str_replace("\t", " ", $sql);
        while (strpos($sql, "  ")) {
            $sql = str_replace("  ", " ", $sql);
        $url = $_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"] . $_SERVER["SCRIPT_NAME"];
        if (!$servidorContingenciaActivo) {
            $params = adminXSS($params, false);
            $sqlError = "INSERT INTO web.wew_erroreswebsql\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t(ew_error, ew_fechaalta, ew_files, ew_get, ew_id, ew_parametros, ew_post, ew_remotehost, ew_session, ew_sql, ew_url)\n\t\t\t\t\t\t VALUES (:error, SYSDATE, :files, :get, -1, :parametros, :post, :remotehost, :sesion, :sql, :url)";
            $stmtError = OCIParse($conn, $sqlError);
            oci_bind_by_name($stmtError, ":error", substr($error, 0, 512));
            oci_bind_by_name($stmtError, ":files", nullIsEmpty(substr(print_r($_FILES, true), 0, 1024)));
            oci_bind_by_name($stmtError, ":get", nullIsEmpty(substr(print_r($_GET, true), 0, 1024)));
            oci_bind_by_name($stmtError, ":parametros", nullIsEmpty(substr(print_r($params, true), 0, 4000)));
            oci_bind_by_name($stmtError, ":post", nullIsEmpty(substr(print_r($_POST, true), 0, 1024)));
            oci_bind_by_name($stmtError, ":remotehost", nullIsEmpty(substr(gethostbyaddr($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']), 0, 128)));
            oci_bind_by_name($stmtError, ":sesion", nullIsEmpty(substr(str_replace("    ", " ", isset($_SESSION) ? print_r($_SESSION, true) : ""), 0, 1024)));
            oci_bind_by_name($stmtError, ":sql", substr($sql, 0, 4000));
            oci_bind_by_name($stmtError, ":url", substr($url, 0, 512));
            EscribirLogTxt1("saveSqlError errors ", substr($error, 0, 512));
            EscribirLogTxt1("saveSqlError params", implode(",", $params));
            EscribirLogTxt1("saveSqlError sql", $sql);
            EscribirLogTxt1("saveSqlError url", substr($url, 0, 512));
            throw new Exception($error);
        $dbError = oci_error($stmtError);
        if (isset($dbError["offset"])) {
            $body = "<html><body>";
            $body .= "<div>El siguiente error hay ocurrido mientras se intentaba guardar un error de Oracle desde la web:<span style='color:red;'>" . $dbError["message"] . "</span></div>";
            $body .= "<div>Los datos que se intentaban guardar son:";
            $body .= "<p>URL: <b>" . $url . "</b></p>";
            $body .= "<p>ERROR: <b>" . $error . "</b></p>";
            $body .= "<p>SQL: <b>" . $sql . "</b></p>";
            $body .= "<p>PARÁMETROS: <b>" . print_r($params, true) . "</b></p>";
            $body .= "<p>REMOTE HOST: <b>" . substr(gethostbyaddr($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']), 0, 128) . "</b></p>";
            $body .= "<p>SESSION: <b>" . (isset($_SESSION) ? print_r($_SESSION, true) : "") . "</b></p>";
            $body .= "<p>POST: <b>" . print_r($_POST, true) . "</b></p>";
            $body .= "<p>GET: <b>" . print_r($_GET, true) . "</b></p>";
            $body .= "<p>FILES: <b>" . print_r($_FILES, true) . "</b></p>";
            $body .= "</div></body></html>";
            SendEmail($body, "Provincia ART Web", "Error al intentar guardar un error sql web", array("*****@*****.**"), array(), array(), "H");
    } catch (Exception $e) {
Ejemplo n.º 12
 public function csendmailAction()
     global $mySession;
     $db = new Db();
     $users = array();
     if (!empty($_REQUEST['allusers'])) {
         //process all users
         $sql = $db->runQuery("select * from " . BUYERS . "");
         for ($i = 0; $i < count($sql); $i++) {
             $temp = array();
             $user_id = $sql[$i]['user_id'];
             $temp['email'] = $sql[$i]['email'];
             $temp['name'] = $sql[$i]['name'];
             $users[] = $temp;
     } else {
         $mailArray = $_REQUEST['rightValues'];
         if (!empty($mailArray)) {
             for ($i = 0; $i < count($mailArray); $i++) {
                 $str = explode("::", $mailArray[$i]);
                 $temp = array();
                 $temp['email'] = $str[0];
                 $temp['name'] = $str[2];
                 $users[] = $temp;
     //send mails
     if (!empty($users)) {
         $templateData = $db->runQuery("select * from " . EMAIL_TEMPLATES . " where template_id='21'");
         $messageText = $templateData[0]['email_body'];
         $subject = $templateData[0]['email_subject'];
         $messageText = str_replace("[SITENAME]", SITE_NAME, $messageText);
         $messageText = str_replace("[SITEURL]", APPLICATION_URL, $messageText);
         foreach ($users as $user) {
             if (!empty($user['name'])) {
                 $message = str_replace("[NAME]", $user['name'], $messageText);
             } else {
                 $message = str_replace("[NAME]", $user['email'], $messageText);
             $to = $user['email'];
             SendEmail($to, $subject, $message);
         $mySession->errorMsg = "Mails has been sent successfully.";
Ejemplo n.º 13
    $note = addslashes($_POST['note']);
    if (!CheckName($name)) {
        $fail_msg_name = "U dient een geldige voor- en achternaam op te geven. Let op: de apostrof (') wordt niet geaccepteerd.";
    if (isset($fail_msg_name)) {
        $fail = TRUE;
    if (!isset($fail)) {
        $query = "INSERT INTO `schades` (Datum, Naam, Boot_ID, Oms_lang) VALUES ('{$today_db}', '{$name}', '{$boat_id}', '{$note}');";
        $result = mysql_query($query);
        if (!$result) {
            die("toevoegen klacht mislukt." . mysql_error());
        } else {
            // mail aan matcom
            $message = $name . " heeft zojuist een schade gemeld betreffende '" . $boat . "'.<br>";
            SendEmail("*****@*****.**", "Nieuwe schademelding", $message);
            // feedback op scherm
            echo "<p>Uw schademelding is doorgegeven aan de Materiaalcommissie.<br>";
            echo "Mocht u de melding nog nader willen toelichten of willen wijzigen, neemt u dan contact op via <a href='mailto:materiaal@hunze.nl'>e-mail</a>.<br>";
            echo "<br><br><a href='index_boten.php'>Terug naar het schadeoverzicht voor de boten</a></p>";
// Formulier
if (!isset($_POST['insert']) && !isset($_POST['delete']) && !isset($_POST['cancel']) || isset($fail) && $fail == true) {
    echo "<form name='form' action=\"" . (isset($REQUEST_URI) ? $REQUEST_URI : "") . "\" method=\"post\">";
    // naam
    echo "<div class='form-group'><label for='name'>Uw naam</label>";
    echo "<input type=\"text\" name=\"name\" id=\"name\" autofocus required value=\"" . (isset($name) ? $name : "") . "\" class=\"form-control\"></div>";
    if (isset($fail_msg_name)) {
        echo "<td><em>" . $fail_msg_name . "</em></td>";
Ejemplo n.º 14

$sql.= " WHERE se_id = :id";
$params[":id"] = $_REQUEST["Id"];
DBExecSql($conn, $sql, $params);
if ($dbError["offset"]) {
	alert('<?= $dbError["message"]?>');
else {
	if ($imgFotoPath != "") {
		SendEmail("Se ha cargado la foto del usuario ".$_REQUEST["UserName"].".", "Contacto Web", "Nueva foto cargada desde la intranet", array("*****@*****.**"), array(), array());
		echo "window.parent.document.getElementById('NombreFoto').value = '<?= $imgFotoPath?>';";
	function closeWindow() {

	setInterval("closeWindow()", 2000);
	medioancho = (screen.width - 320) / 2;
	medioalto = (screen.height - 200) / 2;
	divWin = window.parent.dhtmlwindow.open('divBox', 'div', 'msgOk', 'Aviso', 'width=320px,height=40px,left=' + medioancho + 'px,top=' + medioalto + 'px,resize=0,scrolling=0');

//	window.parent.document.getElementById('spanMensaje').style.display = 'block';
Ejemplo n.º 15
include_once "inc/header.php";
if (!empty($_POST['username'])) {
    $entryValue = $_POST['username'];
    //check to make sure email address is valid
    //PROBABLY SHOULD ADD A DNS CHECK HERE TOO.  SEE http://www.soaptray.com/blog/2008/04/validate-email-addresses-using-php/
    if (preg_match("/^.+@.+\\..+\$/", $entryValue)) {
        //if email is valid:
        include_once "inc/class.users.inc.php";
        $user = new SiteUser();
        $addNewUser_result = $user->addNewUser($entryValue);
        if ($addNewUser_result[0] == 2 or $addNewUser_result[0] == 4) {
            //Send Email to new user:
            include_once 'inc/send_mail.php';
            //include email file
            $verification_instruction = "<h4>A verification link has been sent to your email address.  Please click the link to verify your account</h4>";
            SendEmail($entryValue, "Welcome to " . BRAND_NAME, "Thank you for signing up.  \n                    Please click the following link to verify your account: " . $addNewUser_result[2] . "\n\n                    If clicking the link does not work, please copy and paste it into your browser.");
        echo "<div id='signup_page_message_div' style='padding-left:20px;'>";
        echo $addNewUser_result[1];
        echo $verification_instruction;
        echo "</div>";
        if ($addNewUser_result[0] == 2) {
            //if email was stored successfully, don't show the signup HTML
    } else {
        //if email is not valid:
        echo "<p style='color:red'>Please enter a valid email address</p>";
//if page loads and form is blank:
Ejemplo n.º 16
    return $output;
$currRow = 0;
$body = "";
$TransactionSummary = array();
try {
    $mysqlPDO = new PDO('mysql:host=' . DeltaONE_HOST . ';dbname=' . DeltaONE_DBNAME . '', DeltaONE_USERNAME, DeltaONE_PASSWORD, array(PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE => PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION));
    if (!$mysqlPDO) {
        $msgarray['error'] = 'Could not connect to specified database';
    } else {
        $sql = "select a.id, a.title,a.description, a.createddate, b.userfullname, b.unitname, b.department_name, b.jobtitlename from tbl_feedback a, vw_employee_summary b where a.createdby=b.user_id and a.createddate > DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL 24 HOUR);";
        foreach ($mysqlPDO->query($sql) as $row) {
            $TransactionSummary[$currRow] = array('ID' => $row["id"], 'Title' => $row["title"], 'Description' => $row["description"], 'CreatedDate' => $row["createddate"], 'User' => $row["userfullname"], 'BusinessUnit' => $row["unitname"], 'Department' => $row["department_name"], 'JobTitle' => $row["jobtitlename"]);
        if ($currRow <= 0) {
            $body = "<h1>No feedback exists...!</h1>";
        } else {
            $body = ConvertArrayToTable("", $TransactionSummary);
} catch (PDOException $e) {
    $body = $e->getMessage();
//Send Email
$subject = "DeltaONE:Application Feedback - " . date('d-m-Y H:i:s');
$toAddress = "sudatha@deltaintech.com;sdachepally@deltaintech.com;bramakrishna@deltaintech.com";
$toAddrs = explode(';', $toAddress);
foreach ($toAddrs as $toAddr) {
    $msgres = SendEmail($toAddr, $toAddress, $subject, $body);
Ejemplo n.º 17
 public function paythroughcreditAction()
     global $mySession;
     $db = new Db();
     $url = $this->getRequest()->getParam('url');
     if ($this->getRequest()->isPost()) {
         $userId = $mySession->TeeLoggedID;
         $request = $this->getRequest();
         $myform = new Form_Indexpayement();
         //$myform=new Form_Indexpayement($url);
         if ($myform->isValid($request->getPost())) {
             $dataForm = $myform->getValues();
             $Data = $db->runQuery("select * from " . LAUNCHCAMPAIGN . " WHERE url='" . $url . "'");
             require_once "paypal_pro.inc.php";
             $emai_id = $dataForm['emailid'];
             $firstName = urlencode($dataForm['fname']);
             $lastName = urlencode($dataForm['lname']);
             $creditCardType = urlencode($dataForm['creditcardtype']);
             $creditCardNumber = urlencode($dataForm['creditcardno']);
             $expDateMonth = urlencode($dataForm['exprymonth']);
             $padDateMonth = str_pad($expDateMonth, 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);
             $expDateYear = urlencode($dataForm['expryyear']);
             $cvv2Number = urlencode($dataForm['cvvno']);
             $address1 = urlencode($dataForm['address']);
             //$address2 = urlencode($_POST['address2']);
             $city = urlencode($dataForm['city']);
             $state = urlencode($dataForm['state']);
             $zip = urlencode($dataForm['zipcode']);
             $amount = $mySession->totalamt;
             $currencyCode = "USD";
             $paymentAction = urlencode("Sale");
             if ($_POST['recurring'] == 1) {
                 $profileStartDate = urlencode(date('Y-m-d h:i:s'));
                 $billingPeriod = urlencode($_POST['billingPeriod']);
                 // or "Day", "Week", "SemiMonth", "Year"
                 $billingFreq = urlencode($_POST['billingFreq']);
                 // combination of this and billingPeriod must be at most a year
                 $initAmt = $amount;
                 $failedInitAmtAction = urlencode("ContinueOnFailure");
                 $desc = urlencode("Recurring \$" . $amount);
                 $autoBillAmt = urlencode("AddToNextBilling");
                 $profileReference = urlencode("Anonymous");
                 $methodToCall = 'CreateRecurringPaymentsProfile';
                 $nvpRecurring = '&BILLINGPERIOD=' . $billingPeriod . '&BILLINGFREQUENCY=' . $billingFreq . '&PROFILESTARTDATE=' . $profileStartDate . '&INITAMT=' . $initAmt . '&FAILEDINITAMTACTION=' . $failedInitAmtAction . '&DESC=' . $desc . '&AUTOBILLAMT=' . $autoBillAmt . '&PROFILEREFERENCE=' . $profileReference;
             } else {
                 $nvpRecurring = '';
                 $methodToCall = 'doDirectPayment';
             $nvpstr = '&PAYMENTACTION=' . $paymentAction . '&AMT=' . $amount . '&CREDITCARDTYPE=' . $creditCardType . '&ACCT=' . $creditCardNumber . '&EXPDATE=' . $padDateMonth . $expDateYear . '&CVV2=' . $cvv2Number . '&FIRSTNAME=' . $firstName . '&LASTNAME=' . $lastName . '&STREET=' . $address1 . '&CITY=' . $city . '&STATE=' . $state . '&ZIP=' . $zip . '&COUNTRYCODE=US&CURRENCYCODE=' . $currencyCode . $nvpRecurring;
             /*$paypalPro = new paypal_pro('sdk-three_api1.sdk.com', 'QFZCWN5HZM8VBG7Q', 'A.d9eRKfd1yVkRrtmMfCFLTqa6M9AyodL0SJkhYztxUi8W9pCXF6.4NI', '', '', TRUE, FALSE );
             $paypalPro = new paypal_pro('8ndra_api1.seznam.cz', 'J3K2SD2RXGG3ZTUY', 'AFcWxV21C7fd0v3bYYYRCpSSRl31A1bWIW8aO685Dq4z21-5wttwtLoY', '', '', TRUE, FALSE);
             $resArray = $paypalPro->hash_call($methodToCall, $nvpstr);
             $ack = strtoupper($resArray["ACK"]);
             if ($ack != "SUCCESS") {
                 echo '<table border="0" cellspacing="4" cellpadding="4" align="center" style="padding-top:40px; padding-bottom:80px;">';
                 //echo "if";
                 echo '<tr>';
                 echo '<td colspan="2" style="font-weight:bold; font-size:20px; color:Green" align="center">Error! Please check that u will provide all information correctly :(</td>';
                 echo '</tr>';
                 echo '<tr>';
                 echo '<td align="left" style="font-size:18px;"> TIMESTAMP:</td>';
                 echo '<td style="font-size:18px; color:#006633;">' . $resArray["TIMESTAMP"] . '</td>';
                 echo '</tr>';
                 echo '<tr>';
                 echo '<td align="left" style="font-size:18px;"> Correlation ID:</td>';
                 echo '<td style="font-size:18px; color:#006633;">' . $resArray['CORRELATIONID'] . '</td>';
                 echo '</tr>';
                 echo '<tr>';
                 echo '<td align="left" style="font-size:18px;">ACK:</td>';
                 echo '<td style="font-size:18px; color:#006633;">' . $resArray['ACK'] . '</td>';
                 echo '</tr>';
                 echo '<td align="left" style="font-size:18px;"> VERSION:</td>';
                 echo '<td style="font-size:18px; color:#006633;">' . $resArray["VERSION"] . '</td>';
                 echo '</tr>';
                 echo '<tr>';
                 echo '<td align="left" style="font-size:18px;"> BUILD:</td>';
                 echo '<td style="font-size:18px; color:#006633;">' . $resArray["BUILD"] . '</td>';
                 echo '</tr>';
                 echo '<tr>';
                 echo '<td align="left" style="font-size:18px;"> L_ERRORCODE0:</td>';
                 echo '<td style="font-size:18px; color:#006633;">' . $resArray["L_ERRORCODE0"] . '</td>';
                 echo '</tr>';
                 echo '<td align="left" style="font-size:18px;"> L_SHORTMESSAGE0:</td>';
                 echo '<td style="font-size:18px; color:#006633;">' . $resArray["L_SHORTMESSAGE0"] . '</td>';
                 echo '</tr>';
                 echo '<td align="left" style="font-size:18px;"> L_LONGMESSAGE0:</td>';
                 echo '<td style="font-size:18px; color:#006633;">' . $resArray["L_LONGMESSAGE0"] . '</td>';
                 echo '</tr>';
                 echo '<td align="left" style="font-size:18px;"> L_SEVERITYCODE0:</td>';
                 echo '<td style="font-size:18px; color:#006633;">' . $resArray["L_SEVERITYCODE0"] . '</td>';
                 echo '</tr>';
                 echo '</tr>';
                 echo '<td align="left" style="font-size:18px;"> L_SEVERITYCODE0:</td>';
                 echo '<td style="font-size:18px; color:#006633;">' . $resArray["L_SEVERITYCODE0"] . '</td>';
                 echo '</tr>';
                 echo '<tr>';
                 echo '<td align="left" style="font-size:18px;"> AMT:</td>';
                 echo '<td style="font-size:18px; color:#006633;">' . $resArray["AMT"] . '</td>';
                 echo '</tr>';
                 echo '</table>';
             } else {
                 echo '<table border="0" cellspacing="4" cellpadding="4" align="center" style="padding-top:40px; padding-bottom:80px;">';
                 //echo "success";
                 echo '<tr>';
                 echo '<td colspan="2" style="font-weight:bold; font-size:20px; color:Green" align="center">Thank You For Your Payment :)</td>';
                 echo '</tr>';
                 echo '<tr>';
                 echo '<td align="left" style="font-size:18px;"> Transaction ID:</td>';
                 echo '<td style="font-size:18px; color:#006633;">' . $resArray["TRANSACTIONID"] . '</td>';
                 echo '</tr>';
                 echo '<tr>';
                 echo '<td align="left" style="font-size:18px;"> Amount:</td>';
                 echo '<td style="font-size:18px; color:#006633;">' . $currencyCode . $resArray['AMT'] . '</td>';
                 echo '</tr>';
                 echo '</table>';
                 $qty = $mySession->totalquantity;
                 $Data = $db->runQuery("select * from " . LAUNCHCAMPAIGN . " WHERE url='" . $url . "'");
                 //echo "select * from ".LAUNCHCAMPAIGN." WHERE url='".$url."'"; die;
                 $no_ofsold = $Data[0]['sold'];
                 $no_ofsold = $no_ofsold + $qty;
                 //echo "No. Of T sold :".$no_ofsold; die;
                 $data_update['sold'] = $no_ofsold;
                 $condition = "url='" . $url . "'";
                 $addrs = $dataForm['address'] . " , " . $dataForm['city'] . " , " . $dataForm['state'];
                 //echo "address: ".$addrs; die;
                 $db->modify(LAUNCHCAMPAIGN, $data_update, $condition);
                 $idqry = $db->runquery("select * from " . LAUNCHCAMPAIGN . " where url='" . $url . "'");
                 $userid = $idqry[0]['user_id'];
                 $useremail = $db->runquery("select * from " . USERS . " where user_id='" . $userid . "'");
                 $emailidcreator = $useremail[0]['emailid'];
                 //echo "after payment mail to : ".$emailidcreator; die;
                 $templateData = $db->runQuery("select * from " . EMAIL_TEMPLATES . " where template_id='14'");
                 $messageText = $templateData[0]['email_body'];
                 $subject = $templateData[0]['email_subject'];
                 $messageText = str_replace("[NAME]", $emailidcreator, $messageText);
                 $messageText = str_replace("[SITENAME]", SITE_NAME, $messageText);
                 //echo "msg text".$messageText;
                 SendEmail($emailidcreator, $subject, $messageText);
                 $dataInsert['name'] = $dataForm['fname'] . " " . $dataForm['lname'];
                 $dataInsert['total_quantity'] = $mySession->totalquantity;
                 $dataInsert['emailid'] = $dataForm['emailid'];
                 $dataInsert['teeurl'] = $url;
                 $dataInsert['size'] = $mySession->sizes;
                 $dataInsert['t_image'] = 'designtee.png';
                 $dataInsert['totalamt'] = $mySession->totalamt;
                 $dataInsert['amount'] = $mySession->amount;
                 $dataInsert['shipping_address'] = $addrs;
                 $dataInsert['order_date'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
                 //	prd($dataInsert);
                 $db->save(ORDER_RECORD, $dataInsert);
                 $id = $db->lastInsertId();
                 $orderno = '000D' . $id;
                 //echo "Your Order No. is: ".$orderno;
                 $myObj = new Myaccountdb();
                 $data = $myObj->emailorder($orderno, $dataForm['emailid']);
                 //$mySession->errorMsg="Your Order No. is: ".$orderno;
                 if ($data == 1) {
                     $mySession->errorMsg = "Order Placed. Order Number Mailed to you";
                 $mySession->sizes = "";
                 $mySession->totalquantity = "";
                 $mySession->amount = "";
                 $mySession->totalamt = "";
Ejemplo n.º 18
        if ($_SESSION["idUsuario"] == $_SESSION["idEvaluado"]) {
            // Si es el evaluado..
            $params = array(":id" => $_SESSION["idEvaluado"]);
            $sql = "SELECT dpl1.pl_empleado, dpl2.pl_mail\n\t\t\t\t\t FROM rrhh.dpl_login dpl1, rrhh.dpl_login dpl2\n\t\t\t\t\tWHERE dpl1.pl_jefe = dpl2.pl_id\n\t\t\t\t\t\tAND dpl1.pl_id = :id";
            $stmt = DBExecSql($conn, $sql, $params);
            $row = DBGetQuery($stmt);
            $body = "<html><body>El usuario " . $row["PL_EMPLEADO"] . " se ha dado por notificado sobre la descripción de su puesto, <a href='" . $link . LOCAL_PATH_DESCRIPCION_PUESTO . "'>haga click aquí</a> para consultar.<br><br>Si el link no funciona pegue esta dirección en su navegador: " . $link . LOCAL_PATH_DESCRIPCION_PUESTO . "</body></html>";
            SendEmail($body, "Sistema de Descripción de Puesto", "[SDP] Aviso de notificación efectuada", array($row["PL_MAIL"]), array(), array(), "H");
        } else {
            // Si es el jefe..
            $params = array(":id" => $_SESSION["idEvaluado"]);
            $sql = "SELECT dpl1.pl_empleado, dpl2.pl_mail\n\t\t\t\t\t FROM rrhh.dpl_login dpl1, rrhh.dpl_login dpl2\n\t\t\t\t\tWHERE dpl1.pl_rrhh = dpl2.pl_id\n\t\t\t\t\t\tAND dpl1.pl_id = :id";
            $stmt = DBExecSql($conn, $sql, $params);
            $row = DBGetQuery($stmt);
            $body = "<html><body>El jefe del empleado " . $row["PL_EMPLEADO"] . " se ha dado por notificado sobre la descripción de su puesto, <a href='" . $link . LOCAL_PATH_DESCRIPCION_PUESTO . "'>haga click aquí</a> para consultar.<br><br>Si el link no funciona pegue esta dirección en su navegador: " . $link . LOCAL_PATH_DESCRIPCION_PUESTO . "</body></html>";
            SendEmail($body, "Sistema de Descripción de Puesto", "[SDP] Aviso de notificación efectuada", array($row["PL_MAIL"]), array(), array(), "H");
} catch (Exception $e) {
    $dbError = $e->getMessage();
		<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />
		<title>..:: Sistema de Descripción de Puesto ::..</title>
		<link href="/styles/style.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
if ($dbError != "") {
Ejemplo n.º 19
            if ($telph) {
                $message .= "Telefoonnummer: " . $telph . "<br>";
            if ($email) {
                $message .= "E-mailadres: " . $email . "<br>";
            // Verstuur naar cursist zelf
            if ($email) {
                SendEmail($email, "Bevestiging cursusaanmelding", $intro . $message);
            // Verstuur naar organisatie
            if ($org_email != "*****@*****.**") {
                SendEmail($org_email, "Nieuwe cursusaanmelding", $message);
            SendEmail("*****@*****.**", "Nieuwe cursusaanmelding", $message);
            echo "<h1>Hartelijk dank voor uw aanmelding!</h1><p>Deze is doorgegeven aan het betreffende lid van de Instructiecommissie.<br>Als u zelf een e-mailadres had opgegeven, krijgt u een kopie van uw inschrijving via e-mail.<br>";
            echo "<a href='index.php' class='btn btn-primary'>Terug naar het cursusscherm/a></p>";
// Formulier
if (!$_POST['insert'] && !$_POST['cancel'] || $fail) {
    echo "<h1>Aanmeldformulier voor " . $type . " beginnend op " . strftime('%A %d-%m-%Y', $startdate_sh) . "&nbsp;" . $description . "</h1>";
    echo "<form name='form' action=\"{$REQUEST_URI}\" method=\"post\">";
    // naam
    echo "<div class='form-group'><label>Naam</label>";
    echo "<input type=\"text\" name=\"name\" value=\"{$name}\" class='form-control'>";
    if ($fail_msg_name) {
        echo "<div class='help-block'>{$fail_msg_name}</div>";
Ejemplo n.º 20
 public function UpdateTemplate($dataForm, $templateId)
     global $mySession;
     $db = new Db();
     $dataUpdate['email_subject'] = $dataForm['email_subject'];
     $dataUpdate['email_body'] = $dataForm['email_body'];
     $conditionUpdate = "template_id='" . $templateId . "'";
     $db->modify(EMAIL_TEMPLATES, $dataUpdate, $conditionUpdate);
     //Code to send newsletter email to subscribed members
     if (isset($_REQUEST['save_or_send']) && $_REQUEST['save_or_send'] == '2') {
         $newsuserData = $db->runQuery("select * from " . USERS . " where newsletter_subscribe='1'");
         if ($newsuserData != "" and count($newsuserData) > 0) {
             foreach ($newsuserData as $key => $valueUserData) {
                 SendEmail($valueUserData['email_address'], $dataForm['email_subject'], $dataForm['email_body']);
     //Code to send newsletter email to subscribed members
     return true;
Ejemplo n.º 21
 public function processbookAction()
     global $mySession;
     $db = new Db();
     $dataForm = array();
     $dataextraForm = array();
     $request = $this->getRequest();
     if ($this->getRequest()->isPost()) {
         $post = $request->getPost();
         $dateFrom = explode("/", $post['date_from']);
         $dateFrom = $dateFrom[1] . "/" . $dateFrom[0] . "/" . $dateFrom[2];
         $dateTo = explode("/", $post['departureDates']);
         $dateTo = $dateTo[1] . "/" . $dateTo[0] . "/" . $dateTo[2];
         $spclOffer = $post['spclOffrId'];
         $extras = implode(",", $post['extras']);
         $dataForm['property_id'] = $post['propertyId'];
         //$dataForm['property_id'] = $mySession->bookingUser['property_id'];
         $dataForm['user_id'] = $post['userId'];
         $dataForm['date_from'] = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($dateFrom));
         $dataForm['date_to'] = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($dateTo));
         $dataForm['offer_id'] = $spclOffer;
         $dataForm['min_rate'] = $post['totalAmount'];
         //$dataForm['extras_id'] = $extras;
         $dataForm['children'] = $post['Children'];
         $dataForm['adult'] = $post['Adults'];
         $dataForm['infants'] = $post['Infants'];
         //            $dataForm['total'] = $mySession->Infants;
         //            $dataForm['rental_amt'] = $post['finalAmount'];
         $dataForm['booking_date'] = date('Y-m-d');
         //TO DO
         $dataForm['booking_type'] = '0';
         //            if (!empty($dataForm['depositAmount'])) {
         $dataForm['paid_status'] = '2';
         $dataForm['payment_status'] = 'success';
         //            } else {
         //                $dataForm['paid_status'] = '0';
         //            }
         $dataForm['rental_amt'] = $post['totalAmount'];
         $dataForm['telephonic'] = '1';
         $db->save(BOOKING, $dataForm);
         $bookingId = $db->lastInsertId();
         $dataForm = array();
         //code to save in payment table
         $dataForm['user_id'] = $post['userId'];
         $dataForm['property_id'] = $post['propertyId'];
         $dataForm['amount_paid'] = $post['finalAmount'];
         $dataForm['booking_id'] = $bookingId;
         $dataForm['payment_date'] = date('Y-m-d');
         $dataForm['card_amount'] = $post['cardFees'];
         $db->save(PAYMENT, $dataForm);
         $Url = '<a href="' . APPLICATION_URL . '">' . APPLICATION_URL . '</a>';
         $templateData = $db->runQuery("select * from " . EMAIL_TEMPLATES . " where template_id='7'");
         $usernewData = $db->runQuery("select * from users where user_id=" . $post['userId']);
         $messageText = $templateData[0]['email_body'];
         $subject = $templateData[0]['email_subject'];
         $messageText = str_replace("[NAME]", $usernewData[0]['first_name'] . ' ' . $usernewData[0]['last_name'], $messageText);
         $messageText = str_replace("[SITENAME]", SITE_NAME, $messageText);
         $messageText = str_replace("[SITEURL]", APPLICATION_URL, $messageText);
         $messageText = str_replace("[PROPERTYNO]", $post['propertyCode'], $messageText);
         SendEmail($post['emailAddress'], $subject, $messageText);
         //code to save data in calendar table
                     $dataForm = array();
                      $dataForm['property_id'] = $mySession->pptyId;
                      $dataForm['date_from'] = date('Y-m-d',strtotime($mySession->arrivalDate));
                      $dataForm['date_to'] = date('Y-m-d',strtotime($mySession->arrivalDate." + ".$mySession->noOfNights." day"));
                      $dataForm['cal_status'] = '0';
         if ($post['finalupdatecalendar'] == 'yes') {
             $updatecalendar = array();
             $updatecalendar['property_id'] = $post['propertyId'];
             $updatecalendar['date_from'] = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($dateFrom));
             $updatecalendar['date_to'] = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($dateTo) - 86400);
             $updatecalendar['cal_status'] = '0';
             $db->save('cal_avail', $updatecalendar);
         //saving in the booking extra table
         foreach ($post['extras'] as $values) {
             if (!empty($values)) {
                 $extrasArr = $db->runQuery("select ename,eprice*exchange_rate as eprice,etype,stay_type from  " . EXTRAS . " \n\t\t\t                    inner join " . PROPERTY . " on " . PROPERTY . ".id = " . EXTRAS . ".property_id\n\t\t\t\t\t    inner join " . CURRENCY . " on " . CURRENCY . ".currency_code = " . PROPERTY . ".currency_code\n                                            where eid = '" . $values . "'\t ");
                 $dataForm = array();
                 $dataForm['booking_id'] = $bookingId;
                 $dataForm['option_name'] = $extrasArr[0]['ename'];
                 $dataForm['option_price'] = $extrasArr[0]['eprice'];
                 $dataForm['option_status'] = $extrasArr[0]['etype'];
                 $dataForm['stay_type'] = $extrasArr[0]['stay_type'];
                 $db->save(BOOKING_EXTRA, $dataForm);
         $extrasArr = $db->runQuery("select ename,eprice*exchange_rate as eprice,etype,stay_type from  " . EXTRAS . " \n                                        inner join " . PROPERTY . " on " . PROPERTY . ".id = " . EXTRAS . ".property_id\n   \t\t\t\t\tinner join " . CURRENCY . " on " . CURRENCY . ".currency_code = " . PROPERTY . ".currency_code\n\t\t\t\t\twhere property_id = '" . $post['propertyId'] . "' and etype = '1' ");
         //saving for the compulosry extras table
         foreach ($extrasArr as $values) {
             $dataForm = array();
             $dataForm['booking_id'] = $bookingId;
             $dataForm['option_name'] = $values['ename'];
             $dataForm['option_price'] = $values['eprice'];
             $dataForm['option_status'] = $values['etype'];
             $dataForm['stay_type'] = $values['stay_type'];
             $db->save(BOOKING_EXTRA, $dataForm);
         $mySession->sucessMsg = "Thank you.. Property has been Booked Successfully";
         $pptyno = $db->runQuery("select propertycode from  " . PROPERTY . " where id = '" . $post['propertyId'] . "' ");
         //            $fullName = $mySession->LoggedUserName;
         //            $Url = '<a href="' . APPLICATION_URL . '">' . APPLICATION_URL . '</a>';
         //            $templateData = $db->runQuery("select * from " . EMAIL_TEMPLATES . " where template_id='7'");
         //            $messageText = $templateData[0]['email_body'];
         //            $subject = $templateData[0]['email_subject'];
         //            $messageText = str_replace("[NAME]", $fullName, $messageText);
         //            $messageText = str_replace("[SITENAME]", SITE_NAME, $messageText);
         //            $messageText = str_replace("[SITEURL]", APPLICATION_URL, $messageText);
         //            $messageText = str_replace("[PROPERTYNO]", $pptyno[0]['propertycode'], $messageText);
         //            SendEmail($dataForm['email_address'], $subject, $messageText);
         //===== code for adding popular properties
         //two cases
         //1. when booked property is already in the list of slides property
         //2. when booked property is not in the list of slides property
         $identifyArr = $db->runQuery("select * from " . SLIDES_PROPERTY . " where lppty_property_id = '" . $post['propertyId'] . "' and lppty_type = '1' ");
         if ($identifyArr != "" and count($identifyArr) > 0) {
             $db->delete(SLIDES_PROPERTY, 'lppty_id= "' . $identifyArr[0]['lppty_id'] . '" ');
             $updateData = array();
             $updateData['lppty_order'] = new Zend_Db_Expr('lppty_order-1');
             $updateData['lppty_status'] = '1';
             $db->modify(SLIDES_PROPERTY, $updateData, "lppty_type='1' and lppty_order > '" . $identifyArr[0]['lppty_order'] . "' ");
         } else {
             $updateData = array();
             $updateData['lppty_order'] = new Zend_Db_Expr('lppty_order+1');
             $updateData['lppty_status'] = '1';
             $db->modify(SLIDES_PROPERTY, $updateData, "lppty_type='1'");
             $saveData = array();
             $saveData['lppty_property_id'] = $post['propertyId'];
             $saveData['lppty_type'] = '1';
             $saveData['lppty_order'] = '1';
             $db->save(SLIDES_PROPERTY, $saveData);
     } else {
Ejemplo n.º 22
                $referrer = intval($_COOKIE['ava_ref']);
            } else {
                $referrer = 0;
            $seo_url = seoname($username);
            // If email validation is off, instantly activate the account
            if ($setting['email_on'] == 0) {
                $sql = mysql_query("INSERT INTO ava_users (username, password, email, activate, joined, referrer, seo_url)\n        \t\tVALUES('{$username}', '{$passwordpro}', '{$email}', '1', '{$date}', {$referrer}, '{$seo_url}')") or die(mysql_error());
                $new_user = mysql_insert_id();
                // If user was referred, give the referrer points
                if (isset($_COOKIE['ava_ref'])) {
                    mysql_query("UPDATE ava_users SET points = points + {$setting['points_refer']} WHERE id= {$referrer}");
                    $date = date("F j Y, G:i");
                    $profile_url = ProfileUrl($new_user, seoname($username));
                    mysql_query("INSERT INTO ava_messages (user_id, sender_id, sender_name, title, message, date) \n\t\t\t\t\tVALUES ('{$referrer}', '{$new_user}', '{$username}', '{$username} " . REF_PM_TITLE . " {$setting['site_name']}', '{$username} " . REF_PM_MESSAGE . ": <a href=\"{$profile_url}\">{$profile_url}</a>', '{$date}')");
                echo VALIDATED;
            } else {
                $sql = mysql_query("INSERT INTO ava_users (username, password, email, joined, referrer, seo_url)\n       \t\t\tVALUES('{$username}', '{$passwordpro}', '{$email}', '{$date}', {$referrer}, '{$seo_url}')") or die(mysql_error());
                $userid = mysql_insert_id();
                $data = array('email_address' => $email, 'to_username' => $username, 'subject' => EMAIL_REGISTER_HEADER . ' ' . $username, 'send_email' => 1);
                $data['validate_url'] = $setting['site_url'] . '/index.php?task=validate&id=' . $userid . '&code=' . $passwordpro;
                SendEmail($data, 'validate_email');
                echo EMAIL4;
                // Email sent message
} else {
    include $register_form;
Ejemplo n.º 23
                $params = array(":mejora" => $_POST["CompromisoMejora" . $iLoop], ":usumodif" => $user, ":id" => $_POST["CompromisoMejoraId" . $iLoop]);
                DBExecSql($conn, $sql, $params);
            } else {
                $sql = "INSERT INTO rrhh.hcm_compromisomejora (cm_id_formularioevaluacion, cm_mejora, cm_usualta, cm_fechaalta)\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t  VALUES (:idformularioevaluacion, SUBSTR(:mejora, 1, 2000), UPPER(:usualta), SYSDATE)";
                $params = array(":idformularioevaluacion" => $_POST["FormularioId"], ":mejora" => $_POST["CompromisoMejora" . $iLoop], ":usualta" => $user);
                DBExecSql($conn, $sql, $params);
        if ($_POST["CerrarEvaluacion"] == "true") {
            $sql = "UPDATE rrhh.hue_usuarioevaluacion\n\t\t\t\t\t\tSET ue_evaluador_ok = 1\n\t\t\t\t  WHERE ue_evaluado = UPPER(:evaluado)\n\t\t\t\t\t\tAND ue_anoevaluacion = :ano";
            $params = array(":evaluado" => $_POST["Evaluado"], ":ano" => $_POST["Ano"]);
            DBExecSql($conn, $sql, $params);
            $sql = "SELECT ue_evaluador destinatarios\n  \t\t\t\t FROM rrhh.hue_usuarioevaluacion\n \t\t\t\t\tWHERE ue_evaluado = " . addQuotes($_POST["Evaluado"]) . "\n \t\t\t\t\t\tAND ue_anoevaluacion = " . $_POST["Ano"];
            $body = "<html><body>Su evaluación de desempeño ya está disponible, por favor <a href='http://" . $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"] . "/modules/encuestas/evaluacion_desempeno/'>ingrese haciendo click aquí</a> para notificarse.<br><br>Si el link no funciona pegue esta dirección en su navegador: http://" . $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"] . "/modules/encuestas/evaluacion_desempeno</body></html>";
            SendEmail($body, "Aviso Intranet", "Evaluación efectuada", GetEmail(explode(";", $_POST["Evaluado"])), array(), array(), "H");
    if ($user == $_POST["Supervisor"]) {
        // Si el que guarda es el supervisor..
        $sql = "UPDATE rrhh.hfe_formularioevaluacion2008\n\t\t\t\t\tSET fe_fechasupervisor = SYSDATE,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tfe_comentariosupervisor = SUBSTR(:comentariossupervisor, 1, 2000),\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tfe_usumodif = UPPER(:usumodif),\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tfe_fechamodif = SYSDATE\n\t\t\t  WHERE fe_id = :id";
        $params = array(":comentariossupervisor" => $_POST["ComentariosSupervisor"], ":usumodif" => $user, ":id" => $_POST["FormularioId"]);
        DBExecSql($conn, $sql, $params);
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo "<script>alert(unescape('" . rawurlencode($e->getMessage()) . "'));</script>";
	function closeWindow() {
Ejemplo n.º 24
                 while ($user = mysql_fetch_array($user_data)) {
                     if ($user['id'] == $friend) {
                         $to_data = array('email_address' => $user['email'], 'to_username' => $user['username'], 'send_email' => $user['email_friend_request']);
                     } else {
                         $from_data = array('from_username' => $user['username'], 'from_join_date' => $user['joined'], 'from_location' => $user['location']);
                         $from_data['from_avatar'] = AvatarUrl($user['avatar'], $user['facebook'], $user['facebook_id']);
                 $data = $to_data + $from_data;
                 $data['subject'] = EMAIL_FR_HEADING;
                 if ($setting['seo_on'] != 0) {
                     $data['accept_link'] = $setting['site_url'] . '/friends';
                 } else {
                     $data['accept_link'] = $setting['site_url'] . '/?task=friends';
                 SendEmail($data, 'friend_request');
 // Accept friend request
 if ($_POST['type'] == 'accept_request') {
     $valid_request = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM tbl_friend_requests WHERE (from_user = {$friend} AND to_user = {$xuserid}) OR (from_user = {$xuserid} AND to_user = {$friend})");
     //$valid_request = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM tbl_friend_requests WHERE from_user = $friend AND to_user = $xuserid");
     if (mysql_num_rows($valid_request)) {
         mysql_query("INSERT INTO tbl_friends SET user1 = {$xuserid}, user2 = {$friend}");
         mysql_query("INSERT INTO tbl_friends SET user1 = {$friend}, user2 = {$xuserid}");
         mysql_query("DELETE FROM tbl_friend_requests WHERE from_user = {$friend} AND to_user = {$xuserid}") or die(mysql_error());
         mysql_query("UPDATE tbl_users SET friend_requests = friend_requests - 1 WHERE id = {$xuserid}");
Ejemplo n.º 25
 public function InviteReceive($email, $pool_id, $inviter = NULL)
     //get Pool Invites values for given user (this is a string of pool ids that a user has been invited to)
     $query = "SELECT `Pool Invites` FROM  `User` WHERE  `Email Address` = '{$email}'";
     $result = mysqli_query($this->cxn, $query);
     $result_array = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result);
     if (!isset($result_array)) {
         //if the user is a new user:
         $add_new_user_result = $this->addNewUser($email);
         //store user in DB as an unverified user
         include 'send_mail.php';
         //include email file
         //send user email:
         SendEmail($email, "You have been invited to a pool on Poolski.com!", "You have been invited to a pool by " . $inviter . " on Poolski.com!  \n                \n\nClick here to create an account and join the pool: " . $add_new_user_result[2] . " \n                \nPlease copy and paste the entire URL into your browser if clicking on it doesn't work.\n                \n\nPoolski.com is a site that allows you to create betting pools with your friends online\n                \nUse Poolski to bet on anything from the Academy Awards or the outcome of your favorite TV show.");
         $append_value = $pool_id . ",";
         //this is the value we will be appending to the original Pool Invites value
         $append_query = "UPDATE `User` SET `Pool Invites` = '{$append_value}' WHERE `Email Address` = '{$email}';";
         $result2 = mysqli_query($this->cxn, $append_query);
         //append given pool id into user's Pool Invites field in DB
         return "\n\nInvite sent to " . $email . "!";
     } else {
         //if user is NOT a new user:
         $user_id = $this->GetUserIDFromEmail($email);
         //get given email's USER ID
         //check to see if given user is already a member of given pool:
         $check_pool_membership_query = "SELECT * FROM  `Pool Membership` WHERE `User ID` = '{$user_id}' AND `Pool ID` = '{$pool_id}'";
         $membership_check_result = mysqli_query($this->cxn, $check_pool_membership_query);
         $membership_check_array = mysqli_fetch_assoc($membership_check_result);
         if (!isset($membership_check_array)) {
             //if given user is NOT already a member of given pool:
             $existing_pool_invites = $result_array['Pool Invites'];
             //store original Pool Invites value
             //Check to make sure invitee does not already have an invite for this pool waiting:
             $existing_pool_invites_array = explode(',', $existing_pool_invites);
             if (in_array($pool_id, $existing_pool_invites_array)) {
                 //if user already has an invite pending for this pool:
                 return "\n\nInvite NOT sent to " . $email . " because they have already been invited to the pool.";
             //If invitee does NOT already have an invite pending for this pool:
             $append_value = $pool_id . ",";
             //this is the value we will be appending to the original Pool Invites value
             $append_query = "UPDATE `User` SET `Pool Invites` = concat('{$append_value}', '{$existing_pool_invites}') WHERE `Email Address` = '{$email}';";
             $result2 = mysqli_query($this->cxn, $append_query);
             //append given pool id into user's Pool Invites field in DB
             include 'send_mail.php';
             //include email file
             SendEmail($email, "You have been invited to a pool!", "You have been invited to a pool by " . $inviter . "!  Click here to see the invite: " . DOMAIN . "home.php");
             return "\n\nInvite sent to " . $email . "!";
         } else {
             //if the given user IS already a member of the given pool:
             return "\n\nInvite NOT sent to " . $email . " because they have already been invited to the pool.";
Ejemplo n.º 26
function BorrarBD()
    global $mysqliDB;
    global $ErrorSQL;
    global $ErrorSQLtxt;
    $query = "LOCK TABLES comppilots WRITE;";
    $ErrorSQL = 0;
    $ErrorSQLtxt = "";
    $resultado = $mysqliDB->query($query);
    if (!$resultado) {
        $ErrorSQLtxt = __LINE__ . " Error : (" . $mysqliDB->errorCode() . ") " . $mysqliDB->errorCode();
        $ErrorSQL = 1;
        return 1;
    $query = "DELETE FROM comppilots WHERE CompNo = " . $_REQUEST["CompNo"] . " AND PilotNo = " . $_REQUEST["PilotNo"] . ";";
    $resultado = $mysqliDB->query($query);
    if (!$resultado) {
        $ErrorSQLtxt = __LINE__ . " Error inserting row: (" . $mysqliDB->errorCode() . ") " . $query;
        $ErrorSQL = 1;
        return 1;
    $resultado = $mysqliDB->query("UNLOCK TABLES");
    if (!$resultado) {
        $ErrorSQLtxt = __LINE__ . " Error inserting row: (" . $mysqliDB->errorCode() . ") " . $query;
        $ErrorSQL = 1;
        return 1;
    $query = "SELECT FirstName, Email FROM pilots WHERE PilotNo = " . $_REQUEST["PilotNo"] . ";";
    $resultado = $mysqliDB->query($query);
    if (!$resultado) {
        $ErrorSQLtxt = __LINE__ . " Error inserting row: (" . $mysqliDB->errorCode() . ") " . $query;
        $ErrorSQL = 1;
        return 1;
    $pilot = $resultado->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
    $query = "SELECT CompName, DATE_FORMAT(CompDate, '%d/%m/%Y') as CompDate, CompVenue FROM comps WHERE CompNo = " . $_REQUEST["CompNo"] . ";";
    $resultado = $mysqliDB->query($query);
    if (!$resultado) {
        $ErrorSQLtxt = __LINE__ . " Error inserting row: (" . $mysqliDB->errorCode() . ") " . $query;
        $ErrorSQL = 1;
        return 1;
    $concurso = $resultado->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
    $message = "Estimado " . $pilot["FirstName"] . "<br><br>" . "Has quedado eliminado del concurso " . $concurso["CompName"] . " que tendrá lugar el " . $concurso["CompDate"] . " en " . $concurso["CompVenue"] . "<br><br>" . "Un saludo<br>Gliderlink";
    SendEmail($pilot["Email"], $message);
    return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 27
 public function ownercontactus($dataForm)
     global $mySession;
     $db = new Db();
     $adminArr = $db->runQuery("select * from " . ADMINISTRATOR . " ");
     //code to send password reset email
     $dataForm = SetupMagicQuotes($dataForm);
     $fullName = $dataForm['full_name'];
     $subject = "Dealatrip:" . $dataForm['subject'];
     $messageText = "Full Name : " . $dataForm['full_name'] . "<br>";
     $messageText .= "Email : " . $dataForm['email_address'] . "<br>";
     $messageText .= "Phone : " . $dataForm['phone'] . "<br>";
     if ($dataForm['property_no'] != "") {
         $messageText .= "Property Number : " . $dataForm['property_no'] . "<br>";
     $messageText .= "Message : " . $dataForm['question'];
     //$messageText .= "Enquiry : ".$dataForm['comment'];
     SendEmail($adminArr[0]['admin_email'], $subject, $messageText, $dataForm['email_address']);
     SendEmail("*****@*****.**", $subject, $messageText, $dataForm['email_address']);
     //return $chkQry[0]['user_id'];
Ejemplo n.º 28

if (!isset($_SESSION["idUsuario"])) {
	<script type="text/javascript">
		window.location.href = '/modules/admin_users_web/login.php';

$body =
	"Usuario: ".$_REQUEST["usuario"]."\n".
	"e-Mail: ".$_REQUEST["email"];
$subject = "Error en la carga de usuarios de Adecco";

SendEmail($body, "Web", $subject, array("*****@*****.**"), array(), array());
<script type="text/javascript">
	alert('Momentaneamente el sistema no puede guardar los datos, pero se envió un e-mail a Provincia ART \n para que los datos sean cargados manualmente. Los mismos estarán cargados dentro de la próxima hora.');
Ejemplo n.º 29
    $sMessage .= " using:\n";
    $sMessage .= "From Name = {$sFromName}\n";
    $sMessage .= "From Address = {$sFromEmailAddress}\n";
    $sSQL = "SELECT * FROM email_message_pending_emp " . "WHERE emp_usr_id='{$iUserID}'";
    //    $sMessage .= "Email sent to $emp_num_sent email addresses.\n"; // $emp_num_sent not a field in email_message_pending_emp
    $sMessage .= "Email job terminated at {$tTimeStamp}\n\n";
    $sMessage .= "Email job log:\n\n";
    $sSQL = "SELECT * FROM email_job_log_{$iUserID} ORDER BY ejl_id";
    $sHTMLLog = '<br><br><div align="center"><table>';
    $rsEJL = RunQuery($sSQL);
    while ($aRow = mysql_fetch_array($rsEJL)) {
        $sTime = date('i:s', intval($ejl_time)) . '.';
        $sTime .= substr($ejl_usec, 0, 3);
        $sMsg = $ejl_text;
        $sMessage .= $sTime . ' ' . $sMsg . "\n";
        $sHTMLLog .= "<tr><td>{$sTime}</td><td>{$sMsg}</td></tr>\n";
    $sHTMLLog .= '</table></div>';
    echo $sHTMLLog;
    $sMsg = "Attempting to email log to {$sFromEmailAddress}\n";
    echo $sMsg . '<br>';
    SendEmail($sSubject, $sMessage, "", 0, $sFromEmailAddress);
} else {
    // we're in an undefined state
    // exit this with an error
    $_SESSION['sEmailState'] = 'error';
    AddToEmailLog('Job in undefined state, attempt to save data and exit', $iUserID);
require 'Include/Footer.php';
Ejemplo n.º 30
else {
	$params = array(":id" => $_REQUEST["MotivoAusencia"]);
	$sql = 
		"SELECT ma_detalle
			 FROM rrhh.rma_motivosausencia
			WHERE ma_id = :id";
 	$motivo = ValorSql($sql, "", $params);

	// Envío un e-mail de aviso a RRHH..
	$body = "Se registró una nueva ausencia.\n".
					"El empleado ausente es: ".$empleado.".\n".
					"Reportado por: ".GetUserName().".\n".
					"Motivo: ".$motivo.".\n".
					"Enviar médico: ".(($_REQUEST["enviarMedico"] == "T")?"Sí":"No").".\n";
	if ($_REQUEST["enviarMedico"] == "F")
		$body.= "Justificación: ".$_REQUEST["justifique"].".";
	SendEmail($body, "Aviso Intranet", "Aviso de Ausencia", array("rrhh-provinciaart"), array(), array());

	echo "window.parent.document.getElementById('spanMensaje').style.display = 'block';";
	echo "window.parent.LimpiarForm(window.parent.document.getElementById('formAusentismo'))";