?> <span id="spanIgn2-<?php echo $drVehicle["id"]; ?> " onmousemove="ShowPopup(event, '<span class=\'text5\'><?php echo dic("Reports.TimeLastData"); ?> </span>')" onmouseout="HidePopup()"><?php echo $ign2; ?> </span> <?php echo "<br>"; $ignTotal = "/"; if ($firstIgnsOn != "/") { $ignTotal = Sec2Str(dlookup("select datediff('', '" . $firstIgnsOn . "', '" . $dtCurrPos . "')")); } ?> <?php echo dic_("Reports.Tot"); ?> <span id="spanIgnTotal-<?php echo $drVehicle["id"]; ?> " onmousemove="ShowPopup(event, '<span class=\'text5\'><?php echo dic("Reports.TotalTimeBetween"); ?> </span>')" onmouseout="HidePopup()"> <?php echo $ignTotal; ?> </span>
$cntH = dlookup("select count(*) from historylog where vehicleid=" . $drVehicle["id"] . " and datetime between '" . DateTimeFormat(now(), "Y-m-d 00:00:00") . "' and '" . DateTimeFormat(now(), "Y-m-d H:i:s") . "'"); $firstIgnsOn = "/"; if ($cntH > 0) { $firstIgnsOn = nnull(dlookup("select datetime from historylog where vehicleid=" . $drVehicle["id"] . " and datetime between '" . DateTimeFormat(now(), "Y-m-d 00:00:00") . "' and '" . DateTimeFormat(now(), "Y-m-d H:i:s") . "' order by datetime asc limit 1"), "/"); } if ($firstIgnsOn != "/") { echo DateTimeFormat($firstIgnsOn, $timeformat); } else { echo $firstIgnsOn; } echo " - "; $dtCurrPos = pg_fetch_result($dsCurrPos, 0, "\"DateTime\""); echo DateTimeFormat($dtCurrPos, $timeformat); echo "<br>"; if ($firstIgnsOn != "/") { echo "Вк. " . Sec2Str(dlookup("select datediff('', '" . $firstIgnsOn . "', '" . $dtCurrPos . "')")); } else { echo "Вк. /"; } ?> </div> </td> <td width=90px style="font-size:11px" align="center" class="corner5 text5 <?php echo $classTr; ?> "> <div> <?php $all_rastojanie = dlookup("select getdistancenew('" . DateTimeFormat(now(), "Y-m-d 00:00:00") . "', '" . DateTimeFormat(now(), "Y-m-d H:i:s") . "', " . $drVehicle["id"] . ")"); echo number_format(round($all_rastojanie * $metricvalue, 1)) . " " . $metric; ?>